File: Services\DiagnosticAnalyzer\PerformanceQueue.cs
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Project: src\src\Workspaces\Remote\ServiceHub\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Remote.ServiceHub.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Remote.ServiceHub)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#nullable disable
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Diagnostics;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Remote.Diagnostics;
/// <summary>
/// This queue hold onto raw performance data. this type itself is not thread safe. the one who uses this type
/// should take care of that.
/// </summary>
/// <threadsafety static="false" instance="false"/>
internal class PerformanceQueue
    private readonly int _maxSampleSize, _minSampleSize;
    private readonly LinkedList<Snapshot> _snapshots;
    private int _snapshotsSinceLastReport;
    public PerformanceQueue(int minSampleSize)
        // We allow at most 3 times the number of samples in the queue and
        // use sliding window algorithm to choose the latest 'minSampleSize' samples.
        _maxSampleSize = minSampleSize * 3;
        _minSampleSize = minSampleSize;
        _snapshots = new LinkedList<Snapshot>();
        _snapshotsSinceLastReport = 0;
    public int Count => _snapshots.Count;
    public void Add(IEnumerable<(string analyzerId, TimeSpan timeSpan)> rawData, int unitCount)
        if (_snapshots.Count < _maxSampleSize)
            _snapshots.AddLast(new Snapshot(rawData, unitCount));
            // remove the first one
            var first = _snapshots.First;
            // update data to new data and put it back
            first.Value.Update(rawData, unitCount);
    public void GetPerformanceData(List<(string analyzerId, double average, double stddev)> aggregatedPerformanceDataPerAnalyzer)
        if (_snapshotsSinceLastReport < _minSampleSize)
            // we don't have enough data to report this
        _snapshotsSinceLastReport = 0;
        using var pooledMap = SharedPools.Default<Dictionary<int, string>>().GetPooledObject();
        using var pooledSet = SharedPools.Default<HashSet<int>>().GetPooledObject();
        using var pooledList = SharedPools.Default<List<double>>().GetPooledObject();
        var reverseMap = pooledMap.Object;
        var analyzerSet = pooledSet.Object;
        // get all analyzers
        foreach (var snapshot in _snapshots)
        var list = pooledList.Object;
        // calculate aggregated data per analyzer
        foreach (var assignedAnalyzerNumber in analyzerSet)
            foreach (var snapshot in _snapshots)
                var timeSpan = snapshot.GetTimeSpanInMillisecond(assignedAnalyzerNumber);
                if (timeSpan == null)
                    // not all snapshot contains all analyzers
            // data is only stable once we have more than certain set
            // of samples
            if (list.Count < _minSampleSize)
            // set performance data
            var analyzerId = reverseMap[assignedAnalyzerNumber];
            var (average, stddev) = GetAverageAndAdjustedStandardDeviation(list);
            aggregatedPerformanceDataPerAnalyzer.Add((analyzerId, average, stddev));
    private static (double average, double stddev) GetAverageAndAdjustedStandardDeviation(List<double> data)
        var average = data.Average();
        var stddev = Math.Sqrt(data.Select(ms => Math.Pow(ms - average, 2)).Average());
        var squareLength = Math.Sqrt(data.Count);
        return (average, stddev / squareLength);
    private class Snapshot
        /// <summary>
        /// Raw performance data. 
        /// Keyed by analyzer unique number got from AnalyzerNumberAssigner.
        /// Value is delta (TimeSpan - minSpan) among span in this snapshot
        /// </summary>
        private readonly Dictionary<int, double> _performanceMap;
        public Snapshot(IEnumerable<(string analyzerId, TimeSpan timeSpan)> snapshot, int unitCount)
            : this(Convert(snapshot), unitCount)
        public Snapshot(IEnumerable<(int assignedAnalyzerNumber, TimeSpan timeSpan)> rawData, int unitCount)
            _performanceMap = [];
            Reset(_performanceMap, rawData, unitCount);
        public void Update(IEnumerable<(string analyzerId, TimeSpan timeSpan)> rawData, int unitCount)
            => Reset(_performanceMap, Convert(rawData), unitCount);
        public void AppendAnalyzers(HashSet<int> analyzerSet)
            => analyzerSet.UnionWith(_performanceMap.Keys);
        public double? GetTimeSpanInMillisecond(int assignedAnalyzerNumber)
            if (!_performanceMap.TryGetValue(assignedAnalyzerNumber, out var value))
                return null;
            return value;
        private static void Reset(
            Dictionary<int, double> map, IEnumerable<(int assignedAnalyzerNumber, TimeSpan timeSpan)> rawData, int fileCount)
            // get smallest timespan in the snapshot
            var minSpan = rawData.Select(kv => kv.timeSpan).Min();
            // for now, we just clear the map, if reusing dictionary blindly became an issue due to
            // dictionary grew too big, then we need to do a bit more work to determine such case
            // and re-create new dictionary
            // map is normalized to current timespan - min timspan of the snapshot
            foreach (var (assignedAnalyzerNumber, timeSpan) in rawData)
                map[assignedAnalyzerNumber] = (timeSpan.TotalMilliseconds - minSpan.TotalMilliseconds) / fileCount;
        private static IEnumerable<(int assignedAnalyzerNumber, TimeSpan timeSpan)> Convert(IEnumerable<(string analyzerId, TimeSpan timeSpan)> rawData)
            => rawData.Select(kv => (AnalyzerNumberAssigner.Instance.GetUniqueNumber(kv.analyzerId), kv.timeSpan));
    /// <summary>
    /// Assign unique number to diagnostic analyzers
    /// </summary>
    private class AnalyzerNumberAssigner
        public static readonly AnalyzerNumberAssigner Instance = new AnalyzerNumberAssigner();
        private int _currentId;
        // use simple approach for now. we don't expect it to grow too much. so entry added
        // won't be removed until process goes away
        private readonly Dictionary<string, int> _idMap;
        private AnalyzerNumberAssigner()
            _currentId = 0;
            _idMap = [];
        public int GetUniqueNumber(DiagnosticAnalyzer analyzer)
            => GetUniqueNumber(analyzer.GetAnalyzerId());
        public int GetUniqueNumber(string analyzerName)
            // AnalyzerNumberAssigner.Instance can be accessed concurrently from different PerformanceQueue instances,
            // so we need to take a lock on '_idMap' for all read/write operations.
            lock (_idMap)
                if (!_idMap.TryGetValue(analyzerName, out var id))
                    id = _currentId++;
                    _idMap.Add(analyzerName, id);
                return id;
        public void GetReverseMap(Dictionary<int, string> reverseMap)
            // AnalyzerNumberAssigner.Instance can be accessed concurrently from different PerformanceQueue instances,
            // so we need to take a lock on '_idMap' for all read/write operations.
            lock (_idMap)
                foreach (var kv in _idMap)
                    reverseMap.Add(kv.Value, kv.Key);