File: Services\DiagnosticAnalyzer\DiagnosticComputer.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Workspaces\Remote\ServiceHub\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Remote.ServiceHub.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Remote.ServiceHub)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Diagnostics.Telemetry;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Host;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Telemetry;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Workspaces.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Threading;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
using static Microsoft.VisualStudio.Threading.ThreadingTools;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Remote.Diagnostics;
internal class DiagnosticComputer
    /// <summary>
    /// Cache of <see cref="CompilationWithAnalyzers"/> and a map from analyzer IDs to <see cref="DiagnosticAnalyzer"/>s
    /// for all analyzers for the last project to be analyzed.
    /// The <see cref="CompilationWithAnalyzers"/> instance is shared between all the following document analyses modes for the project:
    ///  1. Span-based analysis for active document (lightbulb)
    ///  2. Background analysis for active and open documents.
    /// NOTE: We do not re-use this cache for project analysis as it leads to significant memory increase in the OOP process.
    /// Additionally, we only store the cache entry for the last project to be analyzed instead of maintaining a CWT keyed off
    /// each project in the solution, as the CWT does not seem to drop entries until ForceGC happens, leading to significant memory
    /// pressure when there are large number of open documents across different projects to be analyzed by background analysis.
    /// </summary>
    private static CompilationWithAnalyzersCacheEntry? s_compilationWithAnalyzersCache = null;
    /// <summary>
    /// Set of high priority diagnostic computation tasks which are currently executing.
    /// Any new high priority diagnostic request is added to this set before the core diagnostics
    /// compute call is performed, and removed from this list after the computation finishes.
    /// Any new normal priority diagnostic request first waits for all the high priority tasks in this set
    /// to complete, and moves ahead only after this list becomes empty.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Read/write access to this field is guarded by <see cref="s_gate"/>.
    /// </remarks>
    private static ImmutableHashSet<Task> s_highPriorityComputeTasks = [];
    /// <summary>
    /// Set of cancellation token sources for normal priority diagnostic computation tasks which are currently executing.
    /// For any new normal priority diagnostic request, a new cancellation token source is created and added to this set
    /// before the core diagnostics compute call is performed, and removed from this set after the computation finishes.
    /// Any new high priority diagnostic request first fires cancellation on all the cancellation token sources in this set
    /// to avoid resource contention between normal and high priority requests.
    /// Canceled normal priority diagnostic requests are re-attempted from scratch after all the high priority requests complete.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Read/write access to this field is guarded by <see cref="s_gate"/>.
    /// </remarks>
    private static ImmutableHashSet<CancellationTokenSource> s_normalPriorityCancellationTokenSources = [];
    /// <summary>
    /// Static gate controlling access to following static fields:
    /// - <see cref="s_compilationWithAnalyzersCache"/>
    /// - <see cref="s_highPriorityComputeTasks"/>
    /// - <see cref="s_normalPriorityCancellationTokenSources"/>
    /// </summary>
    private static readonly object s_gate = new();
    /// <summary>
    /// Solution checksum for the diagnostic request.
    /// We use this checksum and the <see cref="ProjectId"/> of the diagnostic request as the key
    /// to the <see cref="s_compilationWithAnalyzersCache"/>.
    /// </summary>
    private readonly Checksum _solutionChecksum;
    private readonly TextDocument? _document;
    private readonly Project _project;
    private readonly TextSpan? _span;
    private readonly AnalysisKind? _analysisKind;
    private readonly IPerformanceTrackerService? _performanceTracker;
    private readonly DiagnosticAnalyzerInfoCache _analyzerInfoCache;
    private readonly HostWorkspaceServices _hostWorkspaceServices;
    private DiagnosticComputer(
        TextDocument? document,
        Project project,
        Checksum solutionChecksum,
        TextSpan? span,
        AnalysisKind? analysisKind,
        DiagnosticAnalyzerInfoCache analyzerInfoCache,
        HostWorkspaceServices hostWorkspaceServices)
        _document = document;
        _project = project;
        _solutionChecksum = solutionChecksum;
        _span = span;
        _analysisKind = analysisKind;
        _analyzerInfoCache = analyzerInfoCache;
        _hostWorkspaceServices = hostWorkspaceServices;
        _performanceTracker = project.Solution.Services.GetService<IPerformanceTrackerService>();
    public static Task<SerializableDiagnosticAnalysisResults> GetDiagnosticsAsync(
        TextDocument? document,
        Project project,
        Checksum solutionChecksum,
        TextSpan? span,
        ImmutableArray<string> projectAnalyzerIds,
        ImmutableArray<string> hostAnalyzerIds,
        AnalysisKind? analysisKind,
        DiagnosticAnalyzerInfoCache analyzerInfoCache,
        HostWorkspaceServices hostWorkspaceServices,
        bool isExplicit,
        bool logPerformanceInfo,
        bool getTelemetryInfo,
        CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        // PERF: Due to the concept of InFlight solution snapshots in OOP process, we might have been
        //       handed a Project instance that does not match the Project instance corresponding to our
        //       cached CompilationWithAnalyzers instance, while the underlying Solution checksum matches
        //       for our cached entry and the incoming request.
        //       We detect this case upfront here and re-use the cached CompilationWithAnalyzers and Project
        //       instance for diagnostic computation, thus improving the performance of analyzer execution.
        //       This is an important performance optimization for lightbulb diagnostic computation.
        //       See for details.
        lock (s_gate)
            if (s_compilationWithAnalyzersCache?.SolutionChecksum == solutionChecksum &&
                s_compilationWithAnalyzersCache.Project.Id == project.Id &&
                s_compilationWithAnalyzersCache.Project != project)
                project = s_compilationWithAnalyzersCache.Project;
                if (document != null)
                    document = project.GetTextDocument(document.Id);
        // We execute explicit, user-invoked diagnostics requests with higher priority compared to implicit requests
        // from clients such as editor diagnostic tagger to show squiggles, background analysis to populate the error list, etc.
        var diagnosticsComputer = new DiagnosticComputer(document, project, solutionChecksum, span, analysisKind, analyzerInfoCache, hostWorkspaceServices);
        return isExplicit
            ? diagnosticsComputer.GetHighPriorityDiagnosticsAsync(projectAnalyzerIds, hostAnalyzerIds, logPerformanceInfo, getTelemetryInfo, cancellationToken)
            : diagnosticsComputer.GetNormalPriorityDiagnosticsAsync(projectAnalyzerIds, hostAnalyzerIds, logPerformanceInfo, getTelemetryInfo, cancellationToken);
    private async Task<SerializableDiagnosticAnalysisResults> GetHighPriorityDiagnosticsAsync(
        ImmutableArray<string> projectAnalyzerIds,
        ImmutableArray<string> hostAnalyzerIds,
        bool logPerformanceInfo,
        bool getTelemetryInfo,
        CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        // Step 1:
        //  - Create the core 'computeTask' for computing diagnostics.
        var computeTask = GetDiagnosticsAsync(projectAnalyzerIds, hostAnalyzerIds, logPerformanceInfo, getTelemetryInfo, cancellationToken);
        // Step 2:
        //  - Add this computeTask to the set of currently executing high priority tasks.
        //    This set of high priority tasks is used in 'GetNormalPriorityDiagnosticsAsync'
        //    method to ensure that any new or cancelled normal priority task waits for all
        //    the executing high priority tasks before starting its execution.
        //  - Note that it is critical to do this step prior to Step 3 below to ensure that
        //    any canceled normal priority tasks in Step 3 do not resume execution prior to
        //    completion of this high priority computeTask.
        lock (s_gate)
            s_highPriorityComputeTasks = s_highPriorityComputeTasks.Add(computeTask);
            // Step 3:
            //  - Force cancellation of all the executing normal priority tasks
            //    to minimize resource and CPU contention between normal priority tasks
            //    and the high priority computeTask in Step 4 below.
            // Step 4:
            //  - Execute the core 'computeTask' for diagnostic computation.
            return await computeTask.ConfigureAwait(false);
            // Step 5:
            //  - Remove the 'computeTask' from the set of current executing high priority tasks.
            lock (s_gate)
                s_highPriorityComputeTasks = s_highPriorityComputeTasks.Remove(computeTask);
        static void CancelNormalPriorityTasks()
            ImmutableHashSet<CancellationTokenSource> cancellationTokenSources;
            lock (s_gate)
                cancellationTokenSources = s_normalPriorityCancellationTokenSources;
            foreach (var cancellationTokenSource in cancellationTokenSources)
                catch (ObjectDisposedException)
                    // CancellationTokenSource might get disposed if the normal priority
                    // task completes while we were executing this foreach loop.
                    // Gracefully handle this case and ignore this exception.
    private async Task<SerializableDiagnosticAnalysisResults> GetNormalPriorityDiagnosticsAsync(
        ImmutableArray<string> projectAnalyzerIds,
        ImmutableArray<string> hostAnalyzerIds,
        bool logPerformanceInfo,
        bool getTelemetryInfo,
        CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        while (true)
            // Step 1:
            //  - Normal priority task must wait for all the executing high priority tasks to complete
            //    before beginning execution.
            await WaitForHighPriorityTasksAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
            // Step 2:
            //  - Create a custom 'cancellationTokenSource' associated with the current normal priority
            //    request and add it to the tracked set of normal priority cancellation token sources.
            //    This token source allows normal priority computeTasks to be cancelled when
            //    a subsequent high priority diagnostic request is received.
            using var cancellationTokenSource = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(cancellationToken);
            lock (s_gate)
                s_normalPriorityCancellationTokenSources = s_normalPriorityCancellationTokenSources.Add(cancellationTokenSource);
                // Step 3:
                //  - Execute the core compute task for diagnostic computation.
                return await GetDiagnosticsAsync(projectAnalyzerIds, hostAnalyzerIds, logPerformanceInfo, getTelemetryInfo,
            catch (OperationCanceledException ex) when (ex.CancellationToken == cancellationTokenSource.Token)
                // Step 4:
                //  - Attempt to re-execute this cancelled normal priority task by running the loop again.
                // Step 5:
                //  - Remove the 'cancellationTokenSource' for completed or cancelled task.
                //    For the case where the computeTask was cancelled, we will create a new
                //    'cancellationTokenSource' for the retry.
                lock (s_gate)
                    s_normalPriorityCancellationTokenSources = s_normalPriorityCancellationTokenSources.Remove(cancellationTokenSource);
        static async Task WaitForHighPriorityTasksAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // We loop continuously until we have an empty high priority task queue.
            while (true)
                ImmutableHashSet<Task> highPriorityTasksToAwait;
                lock (s_gate)
                    highPriorityTasksToAwait = s_highPriorityComputeTasks;
                if (highPriorityTasksToAwait.IsEmpty)
                // Wait for all the high priority tasks, ignoring all exceptions from it. Loop directly to avoid
                // expensive allocations in Task.WhenAll.
                foreach (var task in highPriorityTasksToAwait)
                    if (task.IsCompleted)
                        // Make sure to yield so continuations of 'task' can make progress.
                        await TaskScheduler.Default.SwitchTo(alwaysYield: true);
                        await task.WithCancellation(cancellationToken).NoThrowAwaitable(false);
    private async Task<SerializableDiagnosticAnalysisResults> GetDiagnosticsAsync(
        ImmutableArray<string> projectAnalyzerIds,
        ImmutableArray<string> hostAnalyzerIds,
        bool logPerformanceInfo,
        bool getTelemetryInfo,
        CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        var (compilationWithAnalyzers, analyzerToIdMap) = await GetOrCreateCompilationWithAnalyzersAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
        if (compilationWithAnalyzers == null)
            return SerializableDiagnosticAnalysisResults.Empty;
        var (projectAnalyzers, hostAnalyzers) = GetAnalyzers(analyzerToIdMap, projectAnalyzerIds, hostAnalyzerIds);
        if (projectAnalyzers.IsEmpty && hostAnalyzers.IsEmpty)
            return SerializableDiagnosticAnalysisResults.Empty;
        if (_document == null)
            if (projectAnalyzers.Length < compilationWithAnalyzers.ProjectAnalyzers.Length)
                Contract.ThrowIfFalse(projectAnalyzers.Length > 0 || compilationWithAnalyzers.HostCompilationWithAnalyzers is not null);
                // PERF: Generate a new CompilationWithAnalyzers with trimmed analyzers for non-document analysis case.
                compilationWithAnalyzers = new CompilationWithAnalyzersPair(
                    projectAnalyzers.Any() ? compilationWithAnalyzers.ProjectCompilation!.WithAnalyzers(projectAnalyzers, compilationWithAnalyzers.ProjectCompilationWithAnalyzers!.AnalysisOptions) : null,
            if (hostAnalyzers.Length < compilationWithAnalyzers.HostAnalyzers.Length)
                Contract.ThrowIfFalse(hostAnalyzers.Length > 0 || compilationWithAnalyzers.ProjectCompilationWithAnalyzers is not null);
                // PERF: Generate a new CompilationWithAnalyzers with trimmed analyzers for non-document analysis case.
                compilationWithAnalyzers = new CompilationWithAnalyzersPair(
                    hostAnalyzers.Any() ? compilationWithAnalyzers.HostCompilation!.WithAnalyzers(hostAnalyzers, compilationWithAnalyzers.HostCompilationWithAnalyzers!.AnalysisOptions) : null);
        var skippedAnalyzersInfo = _project.Solution.SolutionState.Analyzers.GetSkippedAnalyzersInfo(
            _project.State, _analyzerInfoCache);
        return await AnalyzeAsync(compilationWithAnalyzers, analyzerToIdMap, projectAnalyzers, hostAnalyzers, skippedAnalyzersInfo,
            logPerformanceInfo, getTelemetryInfo, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
    private async Task<SerializableDiagnosticAnalysisResults> AnalyzeAsync(
        CompilationWithAnalyzersPair compilationWithAnalyzers,
        BidirectionalMap<string, DiagnosticAnalyzer> analyzerToIdMap,
        ImmutableArray<DiagnosticAnalyzer> projectAnalyzers,
        ImmutableArray<DiagnosticAnalyzer> hostAnalyzers,
        SkippedHostAnalyzersInfo skippedAnalyzersInfo,
        bool logPerformanceInfo,
        bool getTelemetryInfo,
        CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        var documentAnalysisScope = _document != null
            ? new DocumentAnalysisScope(_document, _span, projectAnalyzers, hostAnalyzers, _analysisKind!.Value)
            : null;
        var (analysisResult, additionalPragmaSuppressionDiagnostics) = await compilationWithAnalyzers.GetAnalysisResultAsync(
            documentAnalysisScope, _project, _analyzerInfoCache, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
        if (logPerformanceInfo && _performanceTracker != null)
            // Only log telemetry snapshot is we have an active telemetry session,
            // i.e. user has not opted out of reporting telemetry.
            var telemetryService = _hostWorkspaceServices.GetRequiredService<IWorkspaceTelemetryService>();
            if (telemetryService.HasActiveSession)
                // +1 to include project itself
                var unitCount = 1;
                if (documentAnalysisScope == null)
                    unitCount += _project.DocumentIds.Count;
                var performanceInfo = analysisResult?.MergedAnalyzerTelemetryInfo.ToAnalyzerPerformanceInfo(_analyzerInfoCache) ?? [];
                _performanceTracker.AddSnapshot(performanceInfo, unitCount, forSpanAnalysis: _span.HasValue);
        var builderMap = ImmutableDictionary<DiagnosticAnalyzer, DiagnosticAnalysisResultBuilder>.Empty;
        if (analysisResult is not null)
            builderMap = builderMap.AddRange(await analysisResult.ToResultBuilderMapAsync(
                additionalPragmaSuppressionDiagnostics, documentAnalysisScope,
                _project, projectAnalyzers, hostAnalyzers, skippedAnalyzersInfo, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false));
        var telemetry = getTelemetryInfo
            ? GetTelemetryInfo(analysisResult, projectAnalyzers, hostAnalyzers, analyzerToIdMap)
            : [];
        return new SerializableDiagnosticAnalysisResults(Dehydrate(builderMap, analyzerToIdMap), telemetry);
    private static ImmutableArray<(string analyzerId, SerializableDiagnosticMap diagnosticMap)> Dehydrate(
        ImmutableDictionary<DiagnosticAnalyzer, DiagnosticAnalysisResultBuilder> builderMap,
        BidirectionalMap<string, DiagnosticAnalyzer> analyzerToIdMap)
        var diagnostics = new FixedSizeArrayBuilder<(string analyzerId, SerializableDiagnosticMap diagnosticMap)>(builderMap.Count);
        foreach (var (analyzer, analyzerResults) in builderMap)
            var analyzerId = GetAnalyzerId(analyzerToIdMap, analyzer);
                new SerializableDiagnosticMap(
                    analyzerResults.SyntaxLocals.SelectAsArray(entry => (entry.Key, entry.Value)),
                    analyzerResults.SemanticLocals.SelectAsArray(entry => (entry.Key, entry.Value)),
                    analyzerResults.NonLocals.SelectAsArray(entry => (entry.Key, entry.Value)),
        return diagnostics.MoveToImmutable();
    private static ImmutableArray<(string analyzerId, AnalyzerTelemetryInfo)> GetTelemetryInfo(
        AnalysisResultPair? analysisResult,
        ImmutableArray<DiagnosticAnalyzer> projectAnalyzers,
        ImmutableArray<DiagnosticAnalyzer> hostAnalyzers,
        BidirectionalMap<string, DiagnosticAnalyzer> analyzerToIdMap)
        Func<DiagnosticAnalyzer, bool> shouldInclude;
        if (projectAnalyzers.Length < (analysisResult?.ProjectAnalysisResult?.AnalyzerTelemetryInfo.Count ?? 0)
            || hostAnalyzers.Length < (analysisResult?.HostAnalysisResult?.AnalyzerTelemetryInfo.Count ?? 0))
            // Filter the telemetry info to the executed analyzers.
            using var _1 = PooledHashSet<DiagnosticAnalyzer>.GetInstance(out var analyzersSet);
            shouldInclude = analyzer => analyzersSet.Contains(analyzer);
            shouldInclude = _ => true;
        using var _2 = ArrayBuilder<(string analyzerId, AnalyzerTelemetryInfo)>.GetInstance(out var telemetryBuilder);
        if (analysisResult is not null)
            foreach (var (analyzer, analyzerTelemetry) in analysisResult.MergedAnalyzerTelemetryInfo)
                if (shouldInclude(analyzer))
                    var analyzerId = GetAnalyzerId(analyzerToIdMap, analyzer);
                    telemetryBuilder.Add((analyzerId, analyzerTelemetry));
        return telemetryBuilder.ToImmutableAndClear();
    private static string GetAnalyzerId(BidirectionalMap<string, DiagnosticAnalyzer> analyzerMap, DiagnosticAnalyzer analyzer)
        var analyzerId = analyzerMap.GetKeyOrDefault(analyzer);
        return analyzerId;
    private static (ImmutableArray<DiagnosticAnalyzer> projectAnalyzers, ImmutableArray<DiagnosticAnalyzer> hostAnalyzers) GetAnalyzers(BidirectionalMap<string, DiagnosticAnalyzer> analyzerMap, ImmutableArray<string> projectAnalyzerIds, ImmutableArray<string> hostAnalyzerIds)
        // TODO: this probably need to be cached as well in analyzer service?
        var projectBuilder = ImmutableArray.CreateBuilder<DiagnosticAnalyzer>();
        var hostBuilder = ImmutableArray.CreateBuilder<DiagnosticAnalyzer>();
        foreach (var analyzerId in projectAnalyzerIds)
            if (analyzerMap.TryGetValue(analyzerId, out var analyzer))
        foreach (var analyzerId in hostAnalyzerIds)
            if (analyzerMap.TryGetValue(analyzerId, out var analyzer))
        var projectAnalyzers = projectBuilder.ToImmutableAndClear();
        if (hostAnalyzerIds.Any())
            // If any host analyzers are active, make sure to also include any project diagnostic suppressors
            hostBuilder.AddRange(projectAnalyzers.WhereAsArray(static a => a is DiagnosticSuppressor));
        return (projectAnalyzers, hostBuilder.ToImmutableAndClear());
    private async Task<(CompilationWithAnalyzersPair? compilationWithAnalyzers, BidirectionalMap<string, DiagnosticAnalyzer> analyzerToIdMap)> GetOrCreateCompilationWithAnalyzersAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        var cacheEntry = await GetOrCreateCacheEntryAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
        return (cacheEntry.CompilationWithAnalyzers, cacheEntry.AnalyzerToIdMap);
        async Task<CompilationWithAnalyzersCacheEntry> GetOrCreateCacheEntryAsync()
            if (_document == null)
                // Only use cache for document analysis.
                return await CreateCompilationWithAnalyzersCacheEntryAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
            lock (s_gate)
                if (s_compilationWithAnalyzersCache?.SolutionChecksum == _solutionChecksum &&
                    s_compilationWithAnalyzersCache.Project == _project)
                    return s_compilationWithAnalyzersCache;
            var entry = await CreateCompilationWithAnalyzersCacheEntryAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
            lock (s_gate)
                s_compilationWithAnalyzersCache = entry;
            return entry;
    private async Task<CompilationWithAnalyzersCacheEntry> CreateCompilationWithAnalyzersCacheEntryAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        // We could consider creating a service so that we don't do this repeatedly if this shows up as perf cost
        using var pooledObject = SharedPools.Default<HashSet<object>>().GetPooledObject();
        using var pooledMap = SharedPools.Default<Dictionary<string, DiagnosticAnalyzer>>().GetPooledObject();
        var referenceSet = pooledObject.Object;
        var analyzerMapBuilder = pooledMap.Object;
        // This follows what we do in DiagnosticAnalyzerInfoCache.CheckAnalyzerReferenceIdentity
        using var _1 = ArrayBuilder<DiagnosticAnalyzer>.GetInstance(out var projectAnalyzerBuilder);
        using var _2 = ArrayBuilder<DiagnosticAnalyzer>.GetInstance(out var hostAnalyzerBuilder);
        foreach (var reference in _project.Solution.AnalyzerReferences)
            if (!referenceSet.Add(reference.Id))
            var analyzers = reference.GetAnalyzers(_project.Language);
            // At times some Host analyzers should be treated as project analyzers and
            // not be given access to the Host fallback options. In particular when we
            // replace SDK CodeStyle analyzers with the Features analyzers.
            if (ShouldRedirectAnalyzers(_project, reference))
        // Evaluate project analyzers after host analyzers to ensure duplicates in analyzerMapBuilder are
        // overwritten with project analyzers if/when applicable.
        foreach (var reference in _project.AnalyzerReferences)
            if (!referenceSet.Add(reference.Id))
            var analyzers = reference.GetAnalyzers(_project.Language);
            hostAnalyzerBuilder.AddRange(analyzers.WhereAsArray(static a => a is DiagnosticSuppressor));
        var compilationWithAnalyzers = projectAnalyzerBuilder.Count > 0 || hostAnalyzerBuilder.Count > 0
            ? await CreateCompilationWithAnalyzerAsync(projectAnalyzerBuilder.ToImmutable(), hostAnalyzerBuilder.ToImmutable(), cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false)
            : null;
        var analyzerToIdMap = new BidirectionalMap<string, DiagnosticAnalyzer>(analyzerMapBuilder);
        return new CompilationWithAnalyzersCacheEntry(_solutionChecksum, _project, compilationWithAnalyzers, analyzerToIdMap);
        static bool ShouldRedirectAnalyzers(Project project, AnalyzerReference reference)
            // When replacing SDK CodeStyle analyzers we should redirect Features analyzers
            // so they are treated as project analyzers.
            return project.State.HasSdkCodeStyleAnalyzers && reference.IsFeaturesAnalyzer();
    private async Task<CompilationWithAnalyzersPair> CreateCompilationWithAnalyzerAsync(ImmutableArray<DiagnosticAnalyzer> projectAnalyzers, ImmutableArray<DiagnosticAnalyzer> hostAnalyzers, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        Contract.ThrowIfFalse(!projectAnalyzers.IsEmpty || !hostAnalyzers.IsEmpty);
        // Always run analyzers concurrently in OOP
        const bool concurrentAnalysis = true;
        // Get original compilation
        var compilation = await _project.GetRequiredCompilationAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
        // Fork compilation with concurrent build. this is okay since WithAnalyzers will fork compilation
        // anyway to attach event queue. This should make compiling compilation concurrent and make things
        // faster
        compilation = compilation.WithOptions(compilation.Options.WithConcurrentBuild(concurrentAnalysis));
        // Run analyzers concurrently, with performance logging and reporting suppressed diagnostics.
        // This allows all client requests with or without performance data and/or suppressed diagnostics to be satisfied.
        // TODO: can we support analyzerExceptionFilter in remote host?
        //       right now, host doesn't support watson, we might try to use new NonFatal watson API?
        var projectAnalyzerOptions = new CompilationWithAnalyzersOptions(
            options: _project.AnalyzerOptions,
            onAnalyzerException: null,
            analyzerExceptionFilter: null,
            concurrentAnalysis: concurrentAnalysis,
            logAnalyzerExecutionTime: true,
            reportSuppressedDiagnostics: true);
        var hostAnalyzerOptions = new CompilationWithAnalyzersOptions(
            options: _project.HostAnalyzerOptions,
            onAnalyzerException: null,
            analyzerExceptionFilter: null,
            concurrentAnalysis: concurrentAnalysis,
            logAnalyzerExecutionTime: true,
            reportSuppressedDiagnostics: true);
        return new CompilationWithAnalyzersPair(
            projectAnalyzers.Any() ? compilation.WithAnalyzers(projectAnalyzers, projectAnalyzerOptions) : null,
            hostAnalyzers.Any() ? compilation.WithAnalyzers(hostAnalyzers, hostAnalyzerOptions) : null);
    private sealed class CompilationWithAnalyzersCacheEntry
        public Checksum SolutionChecksum { get; }
        public Project Project { get; }
        public CompilationWithAnalyzersPair? CompilationWithAnalyzers { get; }
        public BidirectionalMap<string, DiagnosticAnalyzer> AnalyzerToIdMap { get; }
        public CompilationWithAnalyzersCacheEntry(Checksum solutionChecksum, Project project, CompilationWithAnalyzersPair? compilationWithAnalyzers, BidirectionalMap<string, DiagnosticAnalyzer> analyzerToIdMap)
            SolutionChecksum = solutionChecksum;
            Project = project;
            CompilationWithAnalyzers = compilationWithAnalyzers;
            AnalyzerToIdMap = analyzerToIdMap;