// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.IO.Hashing;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageServer.Logging;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageServer.Services;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Collections;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Composition;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageServer;
internal sealed class ExportProviderBuilder
// For testing purposes, track the last cache write task.
private static Task? _cacheWriteTask;
public static async Task<ExportProvider> CreateExportProviderAsync(
ExtensionAssemblyManager extensionManager,
IAssemblyLoader assemblyLoader,
string? devKitDependencyPath,
string cacheDirectory,
ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
// Clear any previous cache write task, so that it is easy to discern whether
// a cache write was attempted.
_cacheWriteTask = null;
var logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger<ExportProviderBuilder>();
var baseDirectory = AppContext.BaseDirectory;
// Load any Roslyn assemblies from the extension directory
var assemblyPaths = Directory.EnumerateFiles(baseDirectory, "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis*.dll");
assemblyPaths = assemblyPaths.Concat(Directory.EnumerateFiles(baseDirectory, "Microsoft.ServiceHub*.dll"));
// DevKit assemblies are not shipped in the main language server folder
// and not included in ExtensionAssemblyPaths (they get loaded into the default ALC).
// So manually add them to the MEF catalog here.
if (devKitDependencyPath != null)
assemblyPaths = assemblyPaths.Concat(devKitDependencyPath);
// Add the extension assemblies to the MEF catalog.
assemblyPaths = assemblyPaths.Concat(extensionManager.ExtensionAssemblyPaths);
// Get the cached MEF composition or create a new one.
var exportProviderFactory = await GetCompositionConfigurationAsync([.. assemblyPaths], assemblyLoader, cacheDirectory, logger);
// Create an export provider, which represents a unique container of values.
// You can create as many of these as you want, but typically an app needs just one.
var exportProvider = exportProviderFactory.CreateExportProvider();
// Immediately set the logger factory, so that way it'll be available for the rest of the composition
// Also add the ExtensionAssemblyManager so it will be available for the rest of the composition.
return exportProvider;
private static async Task<IExportProviderFactory> GetCompositionConfigurationAsync(
ImmutableArray<string> assemblyPaths,
IAssemblyLoader assemblyLoader,
string cacheDirectory,
ILogger logger)
// Create a MEF resolver that can resolve assemblies in the extension contexts.
var resolver = new Resolver(assemblyLoader);
var compositionCacheFile = GetCompositionCacheFilePath(cacheDirectory, assemblyPaths);
// Try to load a cached composition.
if (File.Exists(compositionCacheFile))
logger.LogTrace($"Loading cached MEF catalog: {compositionCacheFile}");
CachedComposition cachedComposition = new();
using FileStream cacheStream = new(compositionCacheFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read, bufferSize: 4096, useAsync: true);
var exportProviderFactory = await cachedComposition.LoadExportProviderFactoryAsync(cacheStream, resolver);
return exportProviderFactory;
catch (Exception ex)
// Log the error, and move on to recover by recreating the MEF composition.
logger.LogError($"Loading cached MEF composition failed: {ex}");
logger.LogTrace($"Composing MEF catalog using:{Environment.NewLine}{string.Join($" {Environment.NewLine}", assemblyPaths)}.");
var discovery = PartDiscovery.Combine(
new AttributedPartDiscovery(resolver, isNonPublicSupported: true), // "NuGet MEF" attributes (Microsoft.Composition)
new AttributedPartDiscoveryV1(resolver));
var catalog = ComposableCatalog.Create(resolver)
.AddParts(await discovery.CreatePartsAsync(assemblyPaths))
.WithCompositionService(); // Makes an ICompositionService export available to MEF parts to import
// Assemble the parts into a valid graph.
var config = CompositionConfiguration.Create(catalog);
// Verify we only have expected errors.
ThrowOnUnexpectedErrors(config, catalog, logger);
// Try to cache the composition.
_cacheWriteTask = WriteCompositionCacheAsync(compositionCacheFile, config, logger).ReportNonFatalErrorAsync();
// Prepare an ExportProvider factory based on this graph.
return config.CreateExportProviderFactory();
private static string GetCompositionCacheFilePath(string cacheDirectory, ImmutableArray<string> assemblyPaths)
// This should vary based on .NET runtime major version so that as some of our processes switch between our target
// .NET version and the user's selected SDK runtime version (which may be newer), the MEF cache is kept isolated.
// This can be important when the MEF catalog records full assembly names such as "System.Runtime," yet
// we might be running on .NET 7 or .NET 8, depending on the particular session and user settings.
var cacheSubdirectory = $".NET {Environment.Version.Major}";
return Path.Combine(cacheDirectory, cacheSubdirectory, $"c#-languageserver.{ComputeAssemblyHash(assemblyPaths)}.mef-composition");
static string ComputeAssemblyHash(ImmutableArray<string> assemblyPaths)
// Ensure AssemblyPaths are always in the same order.
assemblyPaths = assemblyPaths.Sort();
var assemblies = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var assemblyPath in assemblyPaths)
// Include assembly path in the hash so that changes to the set of included
// assemblies cause the composition to be rebuilt.
// Include the last write time in the hash so that newer assemblies written
// to the same location cause the composition to be rebuilt.
var hash = XxHash128.Hash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(assemblies.ToString()));
// Convert to filename safe base64 string.
return Convert.ToBase64String(hash).Replace('+', '-').Replace('/', '_').TrimEnd('=');
private static async Task WriteCompositionCacheAsync(string compositionCacheFile, CompositionConfiguration config, ILogger logger)
await Task.Yield();
if (Path.GetDirectoryName(compositionCacheFile) is string directory)
CachedComposition cachedComposition = new();
var tempFilePath = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Path.GetTempFileName());
using (FileStream cacheStream = new(tempFilePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None, bufferSize: 4096, useAsync: true))
await cachedComposition.SaveAsync(config, cacheStream);
File.Move(tempFilePath, compositionCacheFile, overwrite: true);
catch (Exception ex)
logger.LogError($"Failed to save MEF cache: {ex}");
private static void ThrowOnUnexpectedErrors(CompositionConfiguration configuration, ComposableCatalog catalog, ILogger logger)
// Verify that we have exactly the MEF errors that we expect. If we have less or more this needs to be updated to assert the expected behavior.
// Currently we are expecting the following:
// "----- CompositionError level 1 ------
// Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.ExternalAccess.Pythia.PythiaSignatureHelpProvider.ctor(implementation): expected exactly 1 export matching constraints:
// Contract name: Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.ExternalAccess.Pythia.Api.IPythiaSignatureHelpProviderImplementation
// TypeIdentityName: Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.ExternalAccess.Pythia.Api.IPythiaSignatureHelpProviderImplementation
// but found 0.
// part definition Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.ExternalAccess.Pythia.PythiaSignatureHelpProvider
var erroredParts = configuration.CompositionErrors.FirstOrDefault()?.SelectMany(error => error.Parts).Select(part => part.Definition.Type.Name) ?? [];
var expectedErroredParts = new string[] { "PythiaSignatureHelpProvider" };
var hasUnexpectedErroredParts = erroredParts.Any(part => !expectedErroredParts.Contains(part));
if (hasUnexpectedErroredParts || !catalog.DiscoveredParts.DiscoveryErrors.IsEmpty)
catch (CompositionFailedException ex)
// The ToString for the composition failed exception doesn't output a nice set of errors by default, so log it separately
logger.LogError($"Encountered errors in the MEF composition:{Environment.NewLine}{ex.ErrorsAsString}");
internal static class TestAccessor
#pragma warning disable VSTHRD200 // Use "Async" suffix for async methods
public static Task? GetCacheWriteTask() => _cacheWriteTask;
#pragma warning restore VSTHRD200 // Use "Async" suffix for async methods