// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.Loader;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageServer.Services;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Composition;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageServer;
/// <summary>
/// Defines a MEF assembly loader that knows how to load assemblies from both the default assembly load context
/// and from the assembly load contexts for any of our extensions.
/// </summary>
internal class CustomExportAssemblyLoader(ExtensionAssemblyManager extensionAssemblyManager, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory) : IAssemblyLoader
private readonly ILogger _logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger("MEF Assembly Loader");
/// <summary>
/// Loads assemblies from either the host or from our extensions.
/// If an assembly exists in both the host and an extension, we will use the host assembly for the MEF catalog.
/// </summary>
public Assembly LoadAssembly(AssemblyName assemblyName)
// VS-MEF generally tries to populate AssemblyName.CodeBase with the path to the assembly being loaded.
// We need to read this in order to figure out which ALC we should load the assembly into.
#pragma warning disable SYSLIB0044 // Type or member is obsolete
var codeBasePath = assemblyName.CodeBase;
#pragma warning restore SYSLIB0044 // Type or member is obsolete
return LoadAssembly(assemblyName, codeBasePath);
public Assembly LoadAssembly(string assemblyFullName, string? codeBasePath)
var assemblyName = new AssemblyName(assemblyFullName);
return LoadAssembly(assemblyName, codeBasePath);
private Assembly LoadAssembly(AssemblyName assemblyName, string? codeBasePath)
_logger.LogTrace("Loading assembly {assemblyName}", assemblyName);
// First attempt to load the assembly from the default context.
Exception loadException;
return AssemblyLoadContext.Default.LoadFromAssemblyName(assemblyName);
catch (FileNotFoundException ex)
loadException = ex;
// continue checking the extension contexts.
if (codeBasePath is not null)
return LoadAssemblyFromCodeBase(assemblyName, codeBasePath);
// We don't have a code base path for this assembly. We'll look at our map of assembly name
// to extension to see if we can find the assembly in the right context.
var assembly = extensionAssemblyManager.TryLoadAssemblyInExtensionContext(assemblyName);
if (assembly is not null)
_logger.LogTrace("{assemblyName} found in extension context without code base", assemblyName);
return assembly;
_logger.LogCritical("{assemblyName} not found in any host or extension context", assemblyName);
throw loadException;
private Assembly LoadAssemblyFromCodeBase(AssemblyName assemblyName, string codeBaseUriStr)
// CodeBase is spec'd as being a URI string - however VS-MEF doesn't always give us a URI, nor do they always give us a valid URI representation of the code base (for compatibility with clr behavior).
// For example, when doing initial part discovery, we get a normal path as a string. But when loading the assembly to create the graph, VS-MEF will pass us
// a file URI with an unescaped path part.
// See https://github.com/microsoft/vs-mef/blob/21feb66e55cbef129801de3a6d572c087ee5b0b6/src/Microsoft.VisualStudio.Composition/Resolver.cs#L172
// This can cause issues during URI parsing, but we will handle that below. First we try to parse the code base as a normal URI, which handles all the cases where we get
// a non-URI string as well as the majority of the cases where we get a file URI string.
var codeBaseUri = ProtocolConversions.CreateAbsoluteUri(codeBaseUriStr);
if (!codeBaseUri.IsFile)
throw new ArgumentException($"Code base {codeBaseUriStr} for {assemblyName} is not a file URI.", nameof(codeBaseUriStr));
var codeBasePath = codeBaseUri.LocalPath;
if (TryLoadAssemblyFromCodeBasePath(assemblyName, codeBasePath, out var assembly))
return assembly;
// As described above, we can get a code base URI that contains the unescaped code base file path. This can cause issues when we parse it as a URI if the code base file path
// contains URI reserved characters (for example '#') which are left unescaped in the URI string. While it is a well formed URI, when System.Uri parses the code base URI
// the path component can get mangled and longer accurately represent the actual file system path.
// A concrete example - given code base URI 'file:///c:/Learn C#/file.dll', the path component from System.Uri will be 'c:/learn c' and '#/file.dll' is parsed as part of the fragment.
// Of course we do not find a dll at 'c:/learn c' and crash.
// Unfortunately, solving this can be difficult - there is an EscapedCodeBase property on AssemblyName, but it does not escape reserved characters. It uses
// the same implementation as Uri.EscapeUriString (which explicitly does not escape reserved characters as it cannot accurately do so).
// However - we do know that if we are given a file URI, the scheme and authority parts of the URI are correct (only the path can have unescaped reserved characters, which comes after both).
// We can attempt to reconstruct the real code base file path by combining all the URI parts following the authority (the path, query, and fragment).
// Note - System.URI returns the escaped versions of all these parts, so we unescape them first.
var possibleCodeBasePath = Uri.UnescapeDataString(codeBaseUri.PathAndQuery) + Uri.UnescapeDataString(codeBaseUri.Fragment);
if (TryLoadAssemblyFromCodeBasePath(assemblyName, possibleCodeBasePath, out assembly))
return assembly;
// We were given an explicit code base path, but no extension context had the assembly.
// This is unexpected, so we'll throw an exception.
throw new FileNotFoundException($"Could not find assembly {assemblyName} with code base {codeBasePath} in any extension context.");
private bool TryLoadAssemblyFromCodeBasePath(AssemblyName assemblyName, string codeBasePath, [NotNullWhen(true)] out Assembly? assembly)
assembly = null;
if (!File.Exists(codeBasePath))
_logger.LogTrace("Code base {codeBase} does not exist for {assemblyName}", codeBasePath, assemblyName);
return false;
assembly = extensionAssemblyManager.TryLoadAssemblyInExtensionContext(codeBasePath);
if (assembly is not null)
_logger.LogTrace("{assemblyName} with code base {codeBase} found in extension context.", assemblyName, codeBasePath);
return true;
_logger.LogTrace("Code base {codeBase} not found in any extension context for {assemblyName}", codeBasePath, assemblyName);
return false;