// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
// This is consumed as 'generated' code in a source package and therefore requires an explicit nullable enable
#nullable enable
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using StreamJsonRpc;
namespace Microsoft.CommonLanguageServerProtocol.Framework;
internal abstract class AbstractLanguageServer<TRequestContext>
private readonly JsonRpc _jsonRpc;
protected readonly ILspLogger Logger;
/// <summary>
/// These are lazy to allow implementations to define custom variables that are used by
/// <see cref="ConstructRequestExecutionQueue"/> or <see cref="ConstructLspServices"/>
/// </summary>
private readonly Lazy<IRequestExecutionQueue<TRequestContext>> _queue;
private readonly Lazy<ILspServices> _lspServices;
private readonly Lazy<AbstractHandlerProvider> _handlerProvider;
public bool IsInitialized { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Ensures that we only run shutdown and exit code once in order.
/// Guards access to <see cref="_shutdownRequestTask"/> and <see cref="_exitNotificationTask"/>
/// </summary>
private readonly object _lifeCycleLock = new();
/// <summary>
/// Task representing the work done on LSP server shutdown.
/// </summary>
private Task? _shutdownRequestTask;
/// <summary>
/// Task representing the work down on LSP exit.
/// </summary>
private Task? _exitNotificationTask;
/// <summary>
/// Task completion source that is started when the server starts and completes when the server exits.
/// Used when callers need to wait for the server to cleanup.
/// </summary>
private readonly TaskCompletionSource<object?> _serverExitedSource = new();
public AbstractTypeRefResolver TypeRefResolver { get; }
protected AbstractLanguageServer(
JsonRpc jsonRpc,
ILspLogger logger,
AbstractTypeRefResolver? typeRefResolver)
Logger = logger;
_jsonRpc = jsonRpc;
TypeRefResolver = typeRefResolver ?? TypeRef.DefaultResolver.Instance;
_jsonRpc.Disconnected += JsonRpc_Disconnected;
_lspServices = new Lazy<ILspServices>(() => ConstructLspServices());
_queue = new Lazy<IRequestExecutionQueue<TRequestContext>>(() => ConstructRequestExecutionQueue());
_handlerProvider = new Lazy<AbstractHandlerProvider>(() =>
var lspServices = _lspServices.Value;
var handlerProvider = new HandlerProvider(lspServices, TypeRefResolver);
return handlerProvider;
/// <summary>
/// Initializes the LanguageServer.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>Should be called at the bottom of the implementing constructor or immediately after construction.</remarks>
public void Initialize()
/// <summary>
/// Extension point to allow creation of <see cref="ILspServices"/> since that can't always be handled in the constructor.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>An <see cref="ILspServices"/> instance for this server.</returns>
/// <remarks>This should only be called once, and then cached.</remarks>
protected abstract ILspServices ConstructLspServices();
protected virtual AbstractHandlerProvider HandlerProvider
return _handlerProvider.Value;
public ILspServices GetLspServices() => _lspServices.Value;
protected virtual void SetupRequestDispatcher(AbstractHandlerProvider handlerProvider)
// Get unique set of methods from the handler provider for the default language.
foreach (var methodGroup in handlerProvider
.GroupBy(m => m.MethodName))
// Instead of concretely defining methods for each LSP method, we instead dynamically construct the
// generic method info from the exported handler types. This allows us to define multiple handlers for
// the same method but different type parameters. This is a key functionality to support LSP extensibility
// in cases like XAML, TS to allow them to use different LSP type definitions
// Verify that we are not mixing different numbers of request parameters and responses between different language handlers
// e.g. it is not allowed to have a method have both a parameterless and regular parameter handler.
var requestTypes = methodGroup.Select(m => m.RequestTypeRef);
var responseTypes = methodGroup.Select(m => m.ResponseTypeRef);
if (!AllTypesMatch(requestTypes))
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Language specific handlers for {methodGroup.Key} have mis-matched number of parameters:{Environment.NewLine}{string.Join(Environment.NewLine, methodGroup)}");
if (!AllTypesMatch(responseTypes))
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Language specific handlers for {methodGroup.Key} have mis-matched number of returns:{Environment.NewLine}{string.Join(Environment.NewLine, methodGroup)}");
var delegatingEntryPoint = CreateDelegatingEntryPoint(methodGroup.Key);
var methodAttribute = new JsonRpcMethodAttribute(methodGroup.Key)
UseSingleObjectParameterDeserialization = true,
// We verified above that parameters match, set flag if this request has parameters or is parameterless so we can set the entrypoint correctly.
var hasParameters = methodGroup.First().RequestTypeRef != null;
var entryPoint = delegatingEntryPoint.GetEntryPoint(hasParameters);
_jsonRpc.AddLocalRpcMethod(entryPoint, delegatingEntryPoint, methodAttribute);
static bool AllTypesMatch(IEnumerable<TypeRef?> typeRefs)
if (typeRefs.All(r => r is null) || typeRefs.All(r => r is not null))
return true;
return false;
public Task HandleShutdownRequestAsync(CancellationToken _) => ShutdownAsync();
public Task HandleExitNotificationAsync(CancellationToken _) => ExitAsync();
public virtual void OnInitialized()
IsInitialized = true;
protected virtual IRequestExecutionQueue<TRequestContext> ConstructRequestExecutionQueue()
var handlerProvider = HandlerProvider;
var queue = new RequestExecutionQueue<TRequestContext>(this, Logger, handlerProvider);
return queue;
protected IRequestExecutionQueue<TRequestContext> GetRequestExecutionQueue()
return _queue.Value;
public virtual bool TryGetLanguageForRequest(string methodName, object? serializedRequest, [NotNullWhen(true)] out string? language)
Logger.LogInformation($"Using default language handler for {methodName}");
language = LanguageServerConstants.DefaultLanguageName;
return true;
protected abstract DelegatingEntryPoint CreateDelegatingEntryPoint(string method);
public abstract TRequest DeserializeRequest<TRequest>(object? serializedRequest, RequestHandlerMetadata metadata);
protected abstract class DelegatingEntryPoint
protected readonly string _method;
public DelegatingEntryPoint(string method)
_method = method;
public abstract MethodInfo GetEntryPoint(bool hasParameter);
protected async Task<object?> InvokeAsync(
IRequestExecutionQueue<TRequestContext> queue,
object? requestObject,
ILspServices lspServices,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var result = await queue.ExecuteAsync(requestObject, _method, lspServices, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (result == NoValue.Instance)
return null;
return result;
public Task WaitForExitAsync()
lock (_lifeCycleLock)
// Ensure we've actually been asked to shutdown before waiting.
if (_shutdownRequestTask == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("The language server has not yet been asked to shutdown.");
// Note - we return the _serverExitedSource task here instead of the _exitNotification task as we may not have
// finished processing the exit notification before a client calls into us asking to restart.
// This is because unlike shutdown, exit is a notification where clients do not need to wait for a response.
return _serverExitedSource.Task;
/// <summary>
/// Tells the LSP server to stop handling any more incoming messages (other than exit).
/// Typically called from an LSP shutdown request.
/// </summary>
public Task ShutdownAsync(string message = "Shutting down")
Task shutdownTask;
lock (_lifeCycleLock)
// Run shutdown or return the already running shutdown request.
_shutdownRequestTask ??= Shutdown_NoLockAsync(message);
shutdownTask = _shutdownRequestTask;
return shutdownTask;
// Runs the actual shutdown outside of the lock - guaranteed to be only called once by the above code.
async Task Shutdown_NoLockAsync(string message)
// Immediately yield so that this does not run under the lock.
await Task.Yield();
// Allow implementations to do any additional cleanup on shutdown.
var lifeCycleManager = GetLspServices().GetRequiredService<ILifeCycleManager>();
await lifeCycleManager.ShutdownAsync(message).ConfigureAwait(false);
await ShutdownRequestExecutionQueueAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
/// <summary>
/// Tells the LSP server to exit. Requires that <see cref="ShutdownAsync(string)"/> was called first.
/// Typically called from an LSP exit notification.
/// </summary>
public Task ExitAsync()
Task exitTask;
lock (_lifeCycleLock)
if (_shutdownRequestTask?.IsCompleted != true)
throw new InvalidOperationException("The language server has not yet been asked to shutdown or has not finished shutting down.");
// Run exit or return the already running exit request.
_exitNotificationTask ??= Exit_NoLockAsync();
exitTask = _exitNotificationTask;
return exitTask;
// Runs the actual exit outside of the lock - guaranteed to be only called once by the above code.
async Task Exit_NoLockAsync()
// Immediately yield so that this does not run under the lock.
await Task.Yield();
var lspServices = GetLspServices();
// Allow implementations to do any additional cleanup on exit.
var lifeCycleManager = lspServices.GetRequiredService<ILifeCycleManager>();
await lifeCycleManager.ExitAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
await ShutdownRequestExecutionQueueAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
_jsonRpc.Disconnected -= JsonRpc_Disconnected;
catch (Exception)
// Swallow exceptions thrown by disposing our JsonRpc object. Disconnected events can potentially throw their own exceptions so
// we purposefully ignore all of those exceptions in an effort to shutdown gracefully.
Logger.LogInformation("Exiting server");
private ValueTask ShutdownRequestExecutionQueueAsync()
var queue = GetRequestExecutionQueue();
return queue.DisposeAsync();
#pragma warning disable VSTHRD100
/// <summary>
/// Cleanup the server if we encounter a json rpc disconnect so that we can be restarted later.
/// </summary>
private async void JsonRpc_Disconnected(object? sender, JsonRpcDisconnectedEventArgs e)
// It is possible this gets called during normal shutdown and exit.
// ShutdownAsync and ExitAsync will no-op if shutdown was already triggered by something else.
await ShutdownAsync(message: "Shutdown triggered by JsonRpc disconnect").ConfigureAwait(false);
await ExitAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
#pragma warning disable VSTHRD100
internal TestAccessor GetTestAccessor()
return new(this);
internal readonly struct TestAccessor
private readonly AbstractLanguageServer<TRequestContext> _server;
internal TestAccessor(AbstractLanguageServer<TRequestContext> server)
_server = server;
public T GetRequiredLspService<T>() where T : class => _server.GetLspServices().GetRequiredService<T>();
internal RequestExecutionQueue<TRequestContext>.TestAccessor? GetQueueAccessor()
if (_server._queue.Value is RequestExecutionQueue<TRequestContext> requestExecution)
return requestExecution.GetTestAccessor();
return null;
internal JsonRpc GetServerRpc() => _server._jsonRpc;
internal bool HasShutdownStarted()
return GetShutdownTaskAsync() != null;
internal Task? GetShutdownTaskAsync()
lock (_server._lifeCycleLock)
return _server._shutdownRequestTask;