// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.IO;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Features.Workspaces;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageServer
internal class LanguageInfoProvider : ILanguageInfoProvider
// Constant so that Razor can use it (exposed via EA) otherwise their endpoints won't get hit
public const string RazorLanguageName = "Razor";
private static readonly LanguageInformation s_csharpLanguageInformation = new(LanguageNames.CSharp, ".csx");
private static readonly LanguageInformation s_fsharpLanguageInformation = new(LanguageNames.FSharp, ".fsx");
private static readonly LanguageInformation s_vbLanguageInformation = new(LanguageNames.VisualBasic, ".vbx");
private static readonly LanguageInformation s_typeScriptLanguageInformation = new LanguageInformation(InternalLanguageNames.TypeScript, string.Empty);
private static readonly LanguageInformation s_razorLanguageInformation = new(RazorLanguageName, string.Empty);
private static readonly LanguageInformation s_xamlLanguageInformation = new("XAML", string.Empty);
private static readonly Dictionary<string, LanguageInformation> s_extensionToLanguageInformation = new()
{ ".cs", s_csharpLanguageInformation },
{ ".csx", s_csharpLanguageInformation },
{ ".fs", s_fsharpLanguageInformation },
{ ".fsx", s_fsharpLanguageInformation },
{ ".vb", s_vbLanguageInformation },
{ ".vbx", s_vbLanguageInformation },
{ ".cshtml", s_razorLanguageInformation },
{ ".razor", s_razorLanguageInformation },
{ ".xaml", s_xamlLanguageInformation },
{ ".ts", s_typeScriptLanguageInformation },
{ ".d.ts", s_typeScriptLanguageInformation },
{ ".tsx", s_typeScriptLanguageInformation },
{ ".js", s_typeScriptLanguageInformation },
{ ".jsx", s_typeScriptLanguageInformation },
{ ".cjs", s_typeScriptLanguageInformation },
{ ".mjs", s_typeScriptLanguageInformation },
{ ".cts", s_typeScriptLanguageInformation },
{ ".mts", s_typeScriptLanguageInformation },
public bool TryGetLanguageInformation(Uri uri, string? lspLanguageId, [NotNullWhen(true)] out LanguageInformation? languageInformation)
// First try to get language information from the URI path.
// We can do this for File uris and absolute uris. We use local path to get the value without any query parameters.
if (uri.IsFile || uri.IsAbsoluteUri)
var localPath = uri.LocalPath;
var extension = Path.GetExtension(localPath);
if (s_extensionToLanguageInformation.TryGetValue(extension, out languageInformation))
return true;
// If the URI file path mapping failed, use the languageId from the LSP client (if any).
languageInformation = lspLanguageId switch
"csharp" => s_csharpLanguageInformation,
"fsharp" => s_fsharpLanguageInformation,
"vb" => s_vbLanguageInformation,
"razor" => s_razorLanguageInformation,
"xaml" => s_xamlLanguageInformation,
"typescript" => s_typeScriptLanguageInformation,
"javascript" => s_typeScriptLanguageInformation,
_ => null,
return languageInformation != null;