// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeCleanup;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Options;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.SolutionCrawler;
using Roslyn.LanguageServer.Protocol;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
using LSP = Roslyn.LanguageServer.Protocol;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageServer.Handler.Diagnostics;
/// <summary>
/// Root type for both document and workspace diagnostic pull requests.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TDiagnosticsParams">The LSP input param type</typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="TReport">The LSP type that is reported via IProgress</typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="TReturn">The LSP type that is returned on completion of the request.</typeparam>
internal abstract partial class AbstractPullDiagnosticHandler<TDiagnosticsParams, TReport, TReturn>(
IDiagnosticAnalyzerService diagnosticAnalyzerService,
IDiagnosticsRefresher diagnosticRefresher,
IGlobalOptionService globalOptions)
: ILspServiceRequestHandler<TDiagnosticsParams, TReturn?>
where TDiagnosticsParams : IPartialResultParams<TReport>
/// <summary>
/// Special value we use to designate workspace diagnostics vs document diagnostics. Document diagnostics
/// should always <see cref="VSInternalDiagnosticReport.Supersedes"/> a workspace diagnostic as the former are 'live'
/// while the latter are cached and may be stale.
/// </summary>
protected const int WorkspaceDiagnosticIdentifier = 1;
protected const int DocumentDiagnosticIdentifier = 2;
private readonly IDiagnosticsRefresher _diagnosticRefresher = diagnosticRefresher;
protected readonly IGlobalOptionService GlobalOptions = globalOptions;
protected readonly IDiagnosticAnalyzerService DiagnosticAnalyzerService = diagnosticAnalyzerService;
/// <summary>
/// Map of diagnostic category to the diagnostics cache for that category.
/// Each category has a separate cache as they have disjoint resultIds and diagnostics. For example, we may have
/// one cache for DocumentSyntax, another for DocumentSemantic, another for WorkspaceSemantic, etc etc.
/// </summary>
private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<string, DiagnosticsPullCache> _categoryToVersionedCache = [];
protected virtual bool PotentialDuplicate => false;
public bool MutatesSolutionState => false;
public bool RequiresLSPSolution => true;
/// <summary>
/// Retrieve the previous results we reported. Used so we can avoid resending data for unchanged files. Also
/// used so we can report which documents were removed and can have all their diagnostics cleared.
/// </summary>
protected abstract ImmutableArray<PreviousPullResult>? GetPreviousResults(TDiagnosticsParams diagnosticsParams);
/// <summary>
/// Returns all the documents that should be processed in the desired order to process them in.
/// </summary>
protected abstract ValueTask<ImmutableArray<IDiagnosticSource>> GetOrderedDiagnosticSourcesAsync(
TDiagnosticsParams diagnosticsParams, string? requestDiagnosticCategory, RequestContext context, CancellationToken cancellationToken);
/// <summary>
/// Creates the appropriate LSP type to report a new set of diagnostics and resultId.
/// </summary>
protected abstract TReport CreateReport(TextDocumentIdentifier identifier, LSP.Diagnostic[] diagnostics, string resultId);
/// <summary>
/// Creates the appropriate LSP type to report unchanged diagnostics. Can return <see langword="false"/> to
/// indicate nothing should be reported. This should be done for workspace requests to avoiding sending a huge
/// amount of "nothing changed" responses for most files.
/// </summary>
protected abstract bool TryCreateUnchangedReport(TextDocumentIdentifier identifier, string resultId, [NotNullWhen(true)] out TReport? report);
/// <summary>
/// Creates the appropriate LSP type to report a removed file.
/// </summary>
protected abstract TReport CreateRemovedReport(TextDocumentIdentifier identifier);
protected abstract TReturn? CreateReturn(BufferedProgress<TReport> progress);
protected abstract string? GetRequestDiagnosticCategory(TDiagnosticsParams diagnosticsParams);
/// <summary>
/// Used by public workspace pull diagnostics to allow it to keep the connection open until
/// changes occur to avoid the client spamming the server with requests.
/// </summary>
protected virtual Task WaitForChangesAsync(string? category, RequestContext context, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
return Task.CompletedTask;
public async Task<TReturn?> HandleRequestAsync(
TDiagnosticsParams diagnosticsParams, RequestContext context, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// The progress object we will stream reports to.
using var progress = BufferedProgress.Create(diagnosticsParams.PartialResultToken);
// We only support this option to disable crawling in internal speedometer and ddrit perf runs to lower
// noise. It is not exposed to the user.
if (!this.GlobalOptions.GetOption(SolutionCrawlerRegistrationService.EnableSolutionCrawler))
context.TraceInformation($"{this.GetType()}. Skipping due to {nameof(SolutionCrawlerRegistrationService.EnableSolutionCrawler)}={false}");
var clientCapabilities = context.GetRequiredClientCapabilities();
var category = GetRequestDiagnosticCategory(diagnosticsParams);
var handlerName = $"{this.GetType().Name}(category: {category})";
context.TraceInformation($"{handlerName} started getting diagnostics");
var versionedCache = _categoryToVersionedCache.GetOrAdd(
handlerName, static (handlerName, globalOptions) => new(globalOptions, handlerName), GlobalOptions);
// Get the set of results the request said were previously reported. We can use this to determine both
// what to skip, and what files we have to tell the client have been removed.
var previousResults = GetPreviousResults(diagnosticsParams) ?? [];
// Create a mapping from documents to the previous results the client says it has for them. That way as we
// process documents we know if we should tell the client it should stay the same, or we can tell it what
// the updated diagnostics are.
using var _1 = PooledDictionary<ProjectOrDocumentId, PreviousPullResult>.GetInstance(out var documentIdToPreviousDiagnosticParams);
using var _2 = PooledHashSet<PreviousPullResult>.GetInstance(out var removedDocuments);
await ProcessPreviousResultsAsync(context.Solution, previousResults, documentIdToPreviousDiagnosticParams, removedDocuments, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
// First, let the client know if any workspace documents have gone away. That way it can remove those for
// the user from squiggles or error-list.
HandleRemovedDocuments(context, removedDocuments, progress);
// Next process each file in priority order. Determine if diagnostics are changed or unchanged since the
// last time we notified the client. Report back either to the client so they can update accordingly.
var orderedSources = await GetOrderedDiagnosticSourcesAsync(
diagnosticsParams, category, context, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
context.TraceInformation($"Processing {orderedSources.Length} documents");
// Keep track of what diagnostic sources we see this time around. For any we do not see this time
// around, we'll notify the client that the diagnostics for it have been removed.
using var _3 = PooledHashSet<ProjectOrDocumentId>.GetInstance(out var seenDiagnosticSourceIds);
foreach (var diagnosticSource in orderedSources)
var globalStateVersion = _diagnosticRefresher.GlobalStateVersion;
var project = diagnosticSource.GetProject();
var cacheState = new DiagnosticsRequestState(project, globalStateVersion, context, diagnosticSource);
var newResult = await versionedCache.GetOrComputeNewDataAsync(
if (newResult != null)
diagnosticSource, newResult.Value.Data, progress, newResult.Value.ResultId, clientCapabilities);
context.TraceInformation($"Diagnostics were unchanged for {diagnosticSource.ToDisplayString()}");
// Nothing changed between the last request and this one. Report a (null-diagnostics,
// same-result-id) response to the client as that means they should just preserve the current
// diagnostics they have for this file.
// Note: if this is a workspace request, we can do nothing, as that will be interpreted by the
// client as nothing having been changed for that document.
var previousParams = documentIdToPreviousDiagnosticParams[diagnosticSource.GetId()];
if (TryCreateUnchangedReport(previousParams.TextDocument, previousParams.PreviousResultId, out var report))
// Now, for any diagnostics reported from a prior source that we do not see this time around, report its
// diagnostics as being removed. This allows for different sets of diagnostic-sources to be computed
// each time around, while still producing accurate diagnostic reports.
// Only do this if we haven't already created a removal report for that prior result above.
// Note: we are intentionally notifying the client that this is not a remove (vs an empty set of
// results). As far as we and the client are concerned, this document no longer exists at this point
// for the purposes of diagnostics.
foreach (var (projectOrDocumentId, previousDiagnosticParams) in documentIdToPreviousDiagnosticParams)
if (!seenDiagnosticSourceIds.Contains(projectOrDocumentId) &&
// Clear out the solution context to avoid retaining memory
// https://devdiv.visualstudio.com/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/1809058
// Some implementations of the spec will re-open requests as soon as we close them, spamming the server.
// In those cases, we wait for the implementation to indicate that changes have occurred, then we close the connection
// so that the client asks us again.
await WaitForChangesAsync(category, context, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
// If we had a progress object, then we will have been reporting to that. Otherwise, take what we've been
// collecting and return that.
context.TraceInformation($"{this.GetType()} finished getting diagnostics");
return CreateReturn(progress);
static async Task ProcessPreviousResultsAsync(
Solution solution,
ImmutableArray<PreviousPullResult> previousResults,
Dictionary<ProjectOrDocumentId, PreviousPullResult> idToPreviousDiagnosticParams,
HashSet<PreviousPullResult> removedResults,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
foreach (var diagnosticParams in previousResults)
if (diagnosticParams.TextDocument != null)
var id = await GetIdForPreviousResultAsync(diagnosticParams.TextDocument, solution, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (id != null)
idToPreviousDiagnosticParams[id.Value] = diagnosticParams;
// The client previously had a result from us for this document, but we no longer have it in our solution.
// Record it so we can report to the client that it has been removed.
static async Task<ProjectOrDocumentId?> GetIdForPreviousResultAsync(TextDocumentIdentifier textDocumentIdentifier, Solution solution, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var document = await solution.GetTextDocumentAsync(textDocumentIdentifier, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (document != null)
return new ProjectOrDocumentId(document.Id);
var project = solution.GetProject(textDocumentIdentifier);
if (project != null)
return new ProjectOrDocumentId(project.Id);
var additionalDocument = solution.GetAdditionalDocument(textDocumentIdentifier);
if (additionalDocument != null)
return new ProjectOrDocumentId(additionalDocument.Id);
return null;
private void ReportCurrentDiagnostics(
IDiagnosticSource diagnosticSource,
ImmutableArray<DiagnosticData> diagnostics,
BufferedProgress<TReport> progress,
string newResultId,
ClientCapabilities clientCapabilities)
using var _ = ArrayBuilder<LSP.Diagnostic>.GetInstance(out var result);
// If we can't get a text document identifier we can't report diagnostics for this source.
// This can happen for 'fake' projects (e.g. used for TS script blocks).
var documentIdentifier = diagnosticSource.GetDocumentIdentifier();
if (documentIdentifier == null)
// We are not expecting to get any diagnostics for sources that don't have a path.
foreach (var diagnostic in diagnostics)
result.AddRange(ConvertDiagnostic(diagnosticSource, diagnostic, clientCapabilities));
var report = CreateReport(documentIdentifier, result.ToArray(), newResultId);
private void HandleRemovedDocuments(RequestContext context, HashSet<PreviousPullResult> removedPreviousResults, BufferedProgress<TReport> progress)
foreach (var removedResult in removedPreviousResults)
context.TraceInformation($"Clearing diagnostics for removed document: {removedResult.TextDocument.Uri}");
// Client is asking server about a document that no longer exists (i.e. was removed/deleted from
// the workspace). Report a (null-diagnostics, null-result-id) response to the client as that
// means they should just consider the file deleted and should remove all diagnostics
// information they've cached for it.
private ImmutableArray<LSP.Diagnostic> ConvertDiagnostic(IDiagnosticSource diagnosticSource, DiagnosticData diagnosticData, ClientCapabilities capabilities)
return ProtocolConversions.ConvertDiagnostic(