// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeActions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.ErrorReporting;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Internal.Log;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Telemetry;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Diagnostics;
internal partial class DiagnosticAnalyzerService
private partial class DiagnosticIncrementalAnalyzer
private static async Task<ImmutableDictionary<DiagnosticAnalyzer, ImmutableArray<DiagnosticData>>> ComputeDocumentDiagnosticsCoreAsync(
DocumentAnalysisExecutor executor,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
using var _ = PooledDictionary<DiagnosticAnalyzer, ImmutableArray<DiagnosticData>>.GetInstance(out var builder);
foreach (var analyzer in executor.AnalysisScope.ProjectAnalyzers.ConcatFast(executor.AnalysisScope.HostAnalyzers))
var diagnostics = await ComputeDocumentDiagnosticsForAnalyzerCoreAsync(analyzer, executor, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
builder.Add(analyzer, diagnostics);
return builder.ToImmutableDictionary();
private static async Task<ImmutableArray<DiagnosticData>> ComputeDocumentDiagnosticsForAnalyzerCoreAsync(
DiagnosticAnalyzer analyzer,
DocumentAnalysisExecutor executor,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var diagnostics = await executor.ComputeDiagnosticsAsync(analyzer, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
return diagnostics?.ToImmutableArrayOrEmpty() ?? [];
public async Task<ImmutableArray<DiagnosticData>> GetDiagnosticsForSpanAsync(
TextDocument document,
TextSpan? range,
Func<string, bool>? shouldIncludeDiagnostic,
ICodeActionRequestPriorityProvider priorityProvider,
DiagnosticKind diagnosticKind,
bool isExplicit,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var text = await document.GetValueTextAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
var project = document.Project;
var solutionState = project.Solution.SolutionState;
var unfilteredAnalyzers = await _stateManager
.GetOrCreateAnalyzersAsync(solutionState, project.State, cancellationToken)
var analyzers = unfilteredAnalyzers
.WhereAsArray(a => DocumentAnalysisExecutor.IsAnalyzerEnabledForProject(a, document.Project, GlobalOptions));
var hostAnalyzerInfo = await _stateManager.GetOrCreateHostAnalyzerInfoAsync(solutionState, project.State, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
// Note that some callers, such as diagnostic tagger, might pass in a range equal to the entire document span.
// We clear out range for such cases as we are computing full document diagnostics.
if (range == new TextSpan(0, text.Length))
range = null;
// We log performance info when we are computing diagnostics for a span
var logPerformanceInfo = range.HasValue;
var compilationWithAnalyzers = await GetOrCreateCompilationWithAnalyzersAsync(
document.Project, analyzers, hostAnalyzerInfo, AnalyzerService.CrashOnAnalyzerException, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
// If we are computing full document diagnostics, we will attempt to perform incremental
// member edit analysis. This analysis is currently only enabled with LSP pull diagnostics.
var incrementalAnalysis = !range.HasValue
&& document is Document { SupportsSyntaxTree: true };
using var _ = ArrayBuilder<DiagnosticData>.GetInstance(out var list);
await GetAsync(list).ConfigureAwait(false);
return list.ToImmutableAndClear();
async Task GetAsync(ArrayBuilder<DiagnosticData> list)
using var _1 = ArrayBuilder<DiagnosticAnalyzer>.GetInstance(out var syntaxAnalyzers);
// If we are performing incremental member edit analysis to compute diagnostics incrementally,
// we divide the analyzers into those that support span-based incremental analysis and
// those that do not support incremental analysis and must be executed for the entire document.
// Otherwise, if we are not performing incremental analysis, all semantic analyzers are added
// to the span-based analyzer set as we want to compute diagnostics only for the given span.
using var _2 = ArrayBuilder<DiagnosticAnalyzer>.GetInstance(out var semanticSpanBasedAnalyzers);
using var _3 = ArrayBuilder<DiagnosticAnalyzer>.GetInstance(out var semanticDocumentBasedAnalyzers);
using var _4 = TelemetryLogging.LogBlockTimeAggregatedHistogram(FunctionId.RequestDiagnostics_Summary, $"Pri{priorityProvider.Priority.GetPriorityInt()}");
foreach (var analyzer in analyzers)
if (!ShouldIncludeAnalyzer(analyzer, shouldIncludeDiagnostic, priorityProvider, this))
bool includeSyntax = true, includeSemantic = true;
if (diagnosticKind != DiagnosticKind.All)
var isCompilerAnalyzer = analyzer.IsCompilerAnalyzer();
includeSyntax = isCompilerAnalyzer
? diagnosticKind == DiagnosticKind.CompilerSyntax
: diagnosticKind == DiagnosticKind.AnalyzerSyntax;
includeSemantic = isCompilerAnalyzer
? diagnosticKind == DiagnosticKind.CompilerSemantic
: diagnosticKind == DiagnosticKind.AnalyzerSemantic;
includeSyntax = includeSyntax && analyzer.SupportAnalysisKind(AnalysisKind.Syntax);
includeSemantic = includeSemantic && analyzer.SupportAnalysisKind(AnalysisKind.Semantic) && document is Document;
if (includeSyntax || includeSemantic)
if (includeSyntax)
if (includeSemantic)
if (!incrementalAnalysis)
// For non-incremental analysis, we always attempt to compute all
// analyzer diagnostics for the requested span.
else if (analyzer.SupportsSpanBasedSemanticDiagnosticAnalysis())
// We can perform incremental analysis only for analyzers that support
// span-based semantic diagnostic analysis.
await ComputeDocumentDiagnosticsAsync(syntaxAnalyzers.ToImmutable(), AnalysisKind.Syntax, range, list, incrementalAnalysis: false, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
await ComputeDocumentDiagnosticsAsync(semanticSpanBasedAnalyzers.ToImmutable(), AnalysisKind.Semantic, range, list, incrementalAnalysis, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
await ComputeDocumentDiagnosticsAsync(semanticDocumentBasedAnalyzers.ToImmutable(), AnalysisKind.Semantic, span: null, list, incrementalAnalysis: false, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
catch (Exception e) when (FatalError.ReportAndPropagateUnlessCanceled(e, cancellationToken))
throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable();
// Local functions
static bool ShouldIncludeAnalyzer(
DiagnosticAnalyzer analyzer,
Func<string, bool>? shouldIncludeDiagnostic,
ICodeActionRequestPriorityProvider priorityProvider,
DiagnosticIncrementalAnalyzer owner)
// Skip executing analyzer if its priority does not match the request priority.
if (!priorityProvider.MatchesPriority(analyzer))
return false;
// Special case DocumentDiagnosticAnalyzer to never skip these document analyzers
// based on 'shouldIncludeDiagnostic' predicate. More specifically, TS has special document
// analyzer which report 0 supported diagnostics, but we always want to execute it.
if (analyzer is DocumentDiagnosticAnalyzer)
return true;
// Special case GeneratorDiagnosticsPlaceholderAnalyzer to never skip it based on
// 'shouldIncludeDiagnostic' predicate. More specifically, this is a placeholder analyzer
// for threading through all source generator reported diagnostics, but this special analyzer
// reports 0 supported diagnostics, and we always want to execute it.
if (analyzer is GeneratorDiagnosticsPlaceholderAnalyzer)
return true;
// Skip analyzer if none of its reported diagnostics should be included.
if (shouldIncludeDiagnostic != null &&
!owner.DiagnosticAnalyzerInfoCache.GetDiagnosticDescriptors(analyzer).Any(static (a, shouldIncludeDiagnostic) => shouldIncludeDiagnostic(a.Id), shouldIncludeDiagnostic))
return false;
return true;
async Task ComputeDocumentDiagnosticsAsync(
ImmutableArray<DiagnosticAnalyzer> analyzers,
AnalysisKind kind,
TextSpan? span,
ArrayBuilder<DiagnosticData> builder,
bool incrementalAnalysis,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
Debug.Assert(!incrementalAnalysis || kind == AnalysisKind.Semantic);
Debug.Assert(!incrementalAnalysis || analyzers.All(analyzer => analyzer.SupportsSpanBasedSemanticDiagnosticAnalysis()));
using var _ = ArrayBuilder<DiagnosticAnalyzer>.GetInstance(analyzers.Length, out var filteredAnalyzers);
foreach (var analyzer in analyzers)
// Check if this is an expensive analyzer that needs to be de-prioritized to a lower priority bucket.
// If so, we skip this analyzer from execution in the current priority bucket.
// We will subsequently execute this analyzer in the lower priority bucket.
if (await TryDeprioritizeAnalyzerAsync(analyzer, kind, span).ConfigureAwait(false))
if (filteredAnalyzers.Count == 0)
analyzers = filteredAnalyzers.ToImmutable();
var hostAnalyzerInfo = await _stateManager.GetOrCreateHostAnalyzerInfoAsync(solutionState, project.State, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
var projectAnalyzers = analyzers.WhereAsArray(static (a, info) => !info.IsHostAnalyzer(a), hostAnalyzerInfo);
var hostAnalyzers = analyzers.WhereAsArray(static (a, info) => info.IsHostAnalyzer(a), hostAnalyzerInfo);
var analysisScope = new DocumentAnalysisScope(document, span, projectAnalyzers, hostAnalyzers, kind);
var executor = new DocumentAnalysisExecutor(analysisScope, compilationWithAnalyzers, _diagnosticAnalyzerRunner, isExplicit, logPerformanceInfo);
var version = await GetDiagnosticVersionAsync(document.Project, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
ImmutableDictionary<DiagnosticAnalyzer, ImmutableArray<DiagnosticData>> diagnosticsMap;
if (incrementalAnalysis)
using var _2 = TelemetryLogging.LogBlockTimeAggregatedHistogram(FunctionId.RequestDiagnostics_Summary, $"Pri{priorityProvider.Priority.GetPriorityInt()}.Incremental");
diagnosticsMap = await _incrementalMemberEditAnalyzer.ComputeDiagnosticsAsync(
using var _2 = TelemetryLogging.LogBlockTimeAggregatedHistogram(FunctionId.RequestDiagnostics_Summary, $"Pri{priorityProvider.Priority.GetPriorityInt()}.Document");
diagnosticsMap = await ComputeDocumentDiagnosticsCoreAsync(executor, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
foreach (var analyzer in analyzers)
var diagnostics = diagnosticsMap[analyzer];
if (incrementalAnalysis)
async Task<bool> TryDeprioritizeAnalyzerAsync(
DiagnosticAnalyzer analyzer, AnalysisKind kind, TextSpan? span)
// PERF: In order to improve lightbulb performance, we perform de-prioritization optimization for certain analyzers
// that moves the analyzer to a lower priority bucket. However, to ensure that de-prioritization happens for very rare cases,
// we only perform this optimizations when following conditions are met:
// 1. We are performing semantic span-based analysis.
// 2. We are processing 'CodeActionRequestPriority.Normal' priority request.
// 3. Analyzer registers certain actions that are known to lead to high performance impact due to its broad analysis scope,
// such as SymbolStart/End actions and SemanticModel actions.
// 4. Analyzer did not report a diagnostic on the same line in prior document snapshot.
// Conditions 1. and 2.
if (kind != AnalysisKind.Semantic ||
!span.HasValue ||
priorityProvider.Priority != CodeActionRequestPriority.Default)
return false;
Debug.Assert(span.Value.Length < text.Length);
// Condition 3.
// Check if this is a candidate analyzer that can be de-prioritized into a lower priority bucket based on registered actions.
if (!await IsCandidateForDeprioritizationBasedOnRegisteredActionsAsync(analyzer).ConfigureAwait(false))
return false;
// 'LightbulbSkipExecutingDeprioritizedAnalyzers' option determines if we want to execute this analyzer
// in low priority bucket or skip it completely. If the option is not set, track the de-prioritized
// analyzer to be executed in low priority bucket.
// Note that 'AddDeprioritizedAnalyzerWithLowPriority' call below mutates the state in the provider to
// track this analyzer. This ensures that when the owner of this provider calls us back to execute
// the low priority bucket, we can still get back to this analyzer and execute it that time.
if (!this.GlobalOptions.GetOption(DiagnosticOptionsStorage.LightbulbSkipExecutingDeprioritizedAnalyzers))
return true;
// Returns true if this is an analyzer that is a candidate to be de-prioritized to
// 'CodeActionRequestPriority.Low' priority for improvement in analyzer
// execution performance for priority buckets above 'Low' priority.
// Based on performance measurements, currently only analyzers which register SymbolStart/End actions
// or SemanticModel actions are considered candidates to be de-prioritized. However, these semantics
// could be changed in future based on performance measurements.
async Task<bool> IsCandidateForDeprioritizationBasedOnRegisteredActionsAsync(DiagnosticAnalyzer analyzer)
// We deprioritize SymbolStart/End and SemanticModel analyzers from 'Normal' to 'Low' priority bucket,
// as these are computationally more expensive.
// Note that we never de-prioritize compiler analyzer, even though it registers a SemanticModel action.
if (compilationWithAnalyzers == null ||
analyzer.IsWorkspaceDiagnosticAnalyzer() ||
return false;
var telemetryInfo = await compilationWithAnalyzers.GetAnalyzerTelemetryInfoAsync(analyzer, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (telemetryInfo == null)
return false;
return telemetryInfo.SymbolStartActionsCount > 0 || telemetryInfo.SemanticModelActionsCount > 0;
bool ShouldInclude(DiagnosticData diagnostic)
return diagnostic.DocumentId == document.Id &&
(range == null || range.Value.IntersectsWith(diagnostic.DataLocation.UnmappedFileSpan.GetClampedTextSpan(text)))
&& (shouldIncludeDiagnostic == null || shouldIncludeDiagnostic(diagnostic.Id));