// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageServer.Features.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageServer.Handler.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Options;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Roslyn.LanguageServer.Protocol;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
using LSP = Roslyn.LanguageServer.Protocol;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageServer;
internal static partial class ProtocolConversions
/// <summary>
/// Converts from <see cref="DiagnosticData"/> to <see cref="LSP.Diagnostic"/>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="diagnosticData">The diagnostic to convert</param>
/// <param name="supportsVisualStudioExtensions">Whether the client is Visual Studio</param>
/// <param name="project">The project the diagnostic is relevant to</param>
/// <param name="isLiveSource">Whether the diagnostic is considered "live" and should supersede others</param>
/// <param name="potentialDuplicate">Whether the diagnostic is potentially a duplicate to a build diagnostic</param>
/// <param name="globalOptionService">The global options service</param>
public static ImmutableArray<LSP.Diagnostic> ConvertDiagnostic(DiagnosticData diagnosticData, bool supportsVisualStudioExtensions, Project project, bool isLiveSource, bool potentialDuplicate, IGlobalOptionService globalOptionService)
if (!ShouldIncludeHiddenDiagnostic(diagnosticData, supportsVisualStudioExtensions))
return [];
var diagnostic = CreateLspDiagnostic(diagnosticData, project, isLiveSource, potentialDuplicate, supportsVisualStudioExtensions);
// Check if we need to handle the unnecessary tag (fading).
if (!diagnosticData.CustomTags.Contains(WellKnownDiagnosticTags.Unnecessary))
return [diagnostic];
// DiagnosticId supports fading, check if the corresponding VS option is turned on.
if (!SupportsFadingOption(diagnosticData, globalOptionService))
return [diagnostic];
// Check to see if there are specific locations marked to fade.
if (!diagnosticData.TryGetUnnecessaryDataLocations(out var unnecessaryLocations))
// There are no specific fading locations, just mark the whole diagnostic span as unnecessary.
// We should always have at least one tag (build or intellisense error).
Contract.ThrowIfNull(diagnostic.Tags, $"diagnostic {diagnostic.Identifier} was missing tags");
diagnostic.Tags = diagnostic.Tags.Append(DiagnosticTag.Unnecessary);
return [diagnostic];
if (supportsVisualStudioExtensions)
// Roslyn produces unnecessary diagnostics by using additional locations, however LSP doesn't support tagging
// additional locations separately. Instead we just create multiple hidden diagnostics for unnecessary squiggling.
using var _ = ArrayBuilder<LSP.Diagnostic>.GetInstance(out var diagnosticsBuilder);
foreach (var location in unnecessaryLocations)
var additionalDiagnostic = CreateLspDiagnostic(diagnosticData, project, isLiveSource, potentialDuplicate, supportsVisualStudioExtensions);
additionalDiagnostic.Severity = LSP.DiagnosticSeverity.Hint;
additionalDiagnostic.Range = GetRange(location);
additionalDiagnostic.Tags = [DiagnosticTag.Unnecessary, VSDiagnosticTags.HiddenInEditor, VSDiagnosticTags.HiddenInErrorList, VSDiagnosticTags.SuppressEditorToolTip];
return diagnosticsBuilder.ToImmutableArray();
diagnostic.Tags = diagnostic.Tags != null ? diagnostic.Tags.Append(DiagnosticTag.Unnecessary) : [DiagnosticTag.Unnecessary];
var diagnosticRelatedInformation = unnecessaryLocations.Value.Select(l => new DiagnosticRelatedInformation
Location = new LSP.Location
Range = GetRange(l),
Uri = ProtocolConversions.CreateAbsoluteUri(l.UnmappedFileSpan.Path)
Message = diagnostic.Message
diagnostic.RelatedInformation = diagnosticRelatedInformation;
return [diagnostic];
private static LSP.VSDiagnostic CreateLspDiagnostic(
DiagnosticData diagnosticData,
Project project,
bool isLiveSource,
bool potentialDuplicate,
bool supportsVisualStudioExtensions)
Contract.ThrowIfNull(diagnosticData.Message, $"Got a document diagnostic that did not have a {nameof(diagnosticData.Message)}");
// We can just use VSDiagnostic as it doesn't have any default properties set that
// would get automatically serialized.
var diagnostic = new LSP.VSDiagnostic
Code = diagnosticData.Id,
CodeDescription = ProtocolConversions.HelpLinkToCodeDescription(diagnosticData.GetValidHelpLinkUri()),
Message = diagnosticData.Message,
Severity = ConvertDiagnosticSeverity(diagnosticData.Severity),
Tags = ConvertTags(diagnosticData, isLiveSource, potentialDuplicate),
DiagnosticRank = ConvertRank(diagnosticData),
Range = GetRange(diagnosticData.DataLocation)
if (supportsVisualStudioExtensions)
var expandedMessage = string.IsNullOrEmpty(diagnosticData.Description) ? null : diagnosticData.Description;
var informationService = project.Solution.Services.GetRequiredService<IDiagnosticProjectInformationService>();
diagnostic.DiagnosticType = diagnosticData.Category;
diagnostic.ExpandedMessage = expandedMessage;
diagnostic.Projects = [informationService.GetDiagnosticProjectInformation(project)];
// Defines an identifier used by the client for merging diagnostics across projects. We want diagnostics
// to be merged from separate projects if they have the same code, filepath, range, and message.
// Note: LSP pull diagnostics only operates on unmapped locations.
diagnostic.Identifier = (diagnostic.Code, diagnosticData.DataLocation.UnmappedFileSpan.Path, diagnostic.Range, diagnostic.Message)
return diagnostic;
private static LSP.Range GetRange(DiagnosticDataLocation dataLocation)
// We currently do not map diagnostics spans as
// 1. Razor handles span mapping for razor files on their side.
// 2. LSP does not allow us to report document pull diagnostics for a different file path.
// 3. The VS LSP client does not support document pull diagnostics for files outside our content type.
// 4. This matches classic behavior where we only squiggle the original location anyway.
// We also do not adjust the diagnostic locations to ensure they are in bounds because we've
// explicitly requested up to date diagnostics as of the snapshot we were passed in.
return new LSP.Range
Start = new Position
Character = dataLocation.UnmappedFileSpan.StartLinePosition.Character,
Line = dataLocation.UnmappedFileSpan.StartLinePosition.Line,
End = new Position
Character = dataLocation.UnmappedFileSpan.EndLinePosition.Character,
Line = dataLocation.UnmappedFileSpan.EndLinePosition.Line,
private static bool ShouldIncludeHiddenDiagnostic(DiagnosticData diagnosticData, bool supportsVisualStudioExtensions)
// VS can handle us reporting any kind of diagnostic using VS custom tags.
if (supportsVisualStudioExtensions == true)
return true;
// Diagnostic isn't hidden - we should report this diagnostic in all scenarios.
if (diagnosticData.Severity != DiagnosticSeverity.Hidden)
return true;
// Roslyn creates these for example in remove unnecessary imports, see RemoveUnnecessaryImportsConstants.DiagnosticFixableId.
// These aren't meant to be visible in anyway, so we can safely exclude them.
// TODO - We should probably not be creating these as separate diagnostics or have a 'really really' hidden tag.
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(diagnosticData.Message))
return false;
// Hidden diagnostics that are unnecessary are visible to the user in the form of fading.
// We can report these diagnostics.
if (diagnosticData.CustomTags.Contains(WellKnownDiagnosticTags.Unnecessary))
return true;
// We have a hidden diagnostic that has no fading. This diagnostic can't be visible so don't send it to the client.
return false;
private static VSDiagnosticRank? ConvertRank(DiagnosticData diagnosticData)
if (diagnosticData.Properties.TryGetValue(PullDiagnosticConstants.Priority, out var priority))
return priority switch
PullDiagnosticConstants.Low => VSDiagnosticRank.Low,
PullDiagnosticConstants.Medium => VSDiagnosticRank.Default,
PullDiagnosticConstants.High => VSDiagnosticRank.High,
_ => null,
return null;
private static LSP.DiagnosticSeverity ConvertDiagnosticSeverity(DiagnosticSeverity severity)
=> severity switch
// Hidden is translated in ConvertTags to pass along appropriate _ms tags
// that will hide the item in a client that knows about those tags.
DiagnosticSeverity.Hidden => LSP.DiagnosticSeverity.Hint,
DiagnosticSeverity.Info => LSP.DiagnosticSeverity.Information,
DiagnosticSeverity.Warning => LSP.DiagnosticSeverity.Warning,
DiagnosticSeverity.Error => LSP.DiagnosticSeverity.Error,
_ => throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(severity),
/// <summary>
/// If you make change in this method, please also update the corresponding file in
/// src\VisualStudio\Xaml\Impl\Implementation\LanguageServer\Handler\Diagnostics\AbstractPullDiagnosticHandler.cs
/// </summary>
private static DiagnosticTag[] ConvertTags(DiagnosticData diagnosticData, bool isLiveSource, bool potentialDuplicate)
using var _ = ArrayBuilder<DiagnosticTag>.GetInstance(out var result);
if (diagnosticData.Severity == DiagnosticSeverity.Hidden)
if (diagnosticData.CustomTags.Contains(PullDiagnosticConstants.TaskItemCustomTag))
// Let the host know that these errors represent potentially stale information from the past that should
// be superseded by fresher info.
if (potentialDuplicate)
// Mark this also as a build error. That way an explicitly kicked off build from a source like CPS can
// override it.
if (!isLiveSource)
? VSDiagnosticTags.BuildError
: VSDiagnosticTags.IntellisenseError);
if (diagnosticData.CustomTags.Contains(WellKnownDiagnosticTags.EditAndContinue))
return result.ToArray();
private static bool SupportsFadingOption(DiagnosticData diagnosticData, IGlobalOptionService globalOptionService)
if (IDEDiagnosticIdToOptionMappingHelper.TryGetMappedFadingOption(diagnosticData.Id, out var fadingOption))
Contract.ThrowIfNull(diagnosticData.Language, $"diagnostic {diagnosticData.Id} is missing a language");
return globalOptionService.GetOption(fadingOption, diagnosticData.Language);
return true;