// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Classification;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageServer.Handler.SemanticTokens;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
using Roslyn.LanguageServer.Protocol;
using Roslyn.Test.Utilities;
using Xunit;
using Xunit.Abstractions;
using LSP = Roslyn.LanguageServer.Protocol;
#pragma warning disable format // We want to force explicit column spacing within the collection literals in this file, so we disable formatting.
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageServer.UnitTests.SemanticTokens
public class SemanticTokensRangeTests : AbstractSemanticTokensTests
public SemanticTokensRangeTests(ITestOutputHelper testOutputHelper) : base(testOutputHelper)
[Theory, CombinatorialData]
public async Task TestGetSemanticTokensRange_FullDocAsync(bool mutatingLspWorkspace, bool isVS)
var markup =
@"{|caret:|}// Comment
static class C { }
await using var testLspServer = await CreateTestLspServerAsync(
markup, mutatingLspWorkspace, GetCapabilities(isVS));
var range = new LSP.Range { Start = new Position(0, 0), End = new Position(2, 0) };
var results = await RunGetSemanticTokensRangeAsync(testLspServer, testLspServer.GetLocations("caret").First(), range);
var expectedResults = new LSP.SemanticTokens();
var tokenTypeToIndex = GetTokenTypeToIndex(testLspServer);
if (isVS)
expectedResults.Data =
// Line | Char | Len | Token type | Modifier
0, 0, 10, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Comment], 0, // '// Comment'
1, 0, 6, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Keyword], 0, // 'static'
0, 7, 5, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Keyword], 0, // 'class'
0, 6, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.ClassName], (int)TokenModifiers.Static, // 'C'
0, 2, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.Punctuation], 0, // '{'
0, 2, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.Punctuation], 0, // '}'
expectedResults.Data =
// Line | Char | Len | Token type | Modifier
0, 0, 10, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Comment], 0, // '// Comment'
1, 0, 6, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Keyword], 0, // 'static'
0, 7, 5, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Keyword], 0, // 'class'
0, 6, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Class], (int)TokenModifiers.Static, // 'C'
0, 2, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.Punctuation], 0, // '{'
0, 2, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.Punctuation], 0, // '}'
await VerifyBasicInvariantsAndNoMultiLineTokens(testLspServer, results.Data).ConfigureAwait(false);
AssertEx.Equal(ConvertToReadableFormat(testLspServer.ClientCapabilities, expectedResults.Data), ConvertToReadableFormat(testLspServer.ClientCapabilities, results.Data));
[Theory, CombinatorialData]
public async Task TestGetSemanticTokensRanges_ComputesTokensWithMultipleRanges(bool mutatingLspWorkspace, bool isVS)
// Razor docs should be returning semantic + syntactic results.
var markup =
@"{|caret:|}// <auto-generated/>
#pragma warning disable 1591
namespace Razor
#line hidden
public class Template
#pragma warning disable 219
private void __RazorDirectiveTokenHelpers__() {
((global::System.Action)(() => {
#nullable restore
#line 1 ""test.cshtml""
var z = 1;
#line default
#line hidden
#nullable disable
#pragma warning restore 219
#pragma warning disable 0414
private static object __o = null;
#pragma warning restore 0414
#pragma warning disable 1998
public async override global::System.Threading.Tasks.Task ExecuteAsync()
#nullable restore
#line 2 ""test.cshtml""
var x =
#line default
#line hidden
#nullable disable
#pragma warning restore 1998
#pragma warning restore 1591
await using var testLspServer = await CreateTestLspServerAsync(
markup, mutatingLspWorkspace, GetCapabilities(isVS));
var document = testLspServer.GetCurrentSolution().Projects.First().Documents.First();
ImmutableArray<LinePositionSpan> spans = [
new LinePositionSpan(new LinePosition(12, 0), new LinePosition(13, 0)),
new LinePositionSpan(new LinePosition(29, 0), new LinePosition(30, 0)),
var options = ClassificationOptions.Default;
var results = await SemanticTokensHelpers.ComputeSemanticTokensDataAsync(
document, spans, isVS, options, CancellationToken.None);
var expectedResults = new LSP.SemanticTokens();
var tokenTypeToIndex = GetTokenTypeToIndex(testLspServer);
if (isVS)
expectedResults.Data =
// Line | Char | Len | Token type | Modifier
12, 0, 3, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.Keyword], 0, // 'var'
0, 4, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.LocalName], 0, // 'z'
0, 2, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Operator], 0, // '='
0, 2, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Number], 0, // '1'
0, 1, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.Punctuation], 0, // ';'
17, 3, 3, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.Keyword], 0, // 'var'
0, 4, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.LocalName], 0, // 'x'
0, 2, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Operator], 0, // '='
expectedResults.Data =
// Line | Char | Len | Token type | Modifier
12, 0, 3, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Keyword], 0, // 'var'
0, 4, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Variable], 0, // 'z'
0, 2, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Operator], 0, // '='
0, 2, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Number], 0, // '1'
0, 1, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.Punctuation], 0, // ';'
17, 3, 3, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Keyword], 0, // 'var'
0, 4, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Variable], 0, // 'x'
0, 2, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Operator], 0, // '='
await VerifyBasicInvariantsAndNoMultiLineTokens(testLspServer, results).ConfigureAwait(false);
AssertEx.Equal(ConvertToReadableFormat(testLspServer.ClientCapabilities, expectedResults.Data), ConvertToReadableFormat(testLspServer.ClientCapabilities, results));
[Theory, CombinatorialData]
public async Task TestGetSemanticTokensRange_PartialDocAsync(bool mutatingLspWorkspace, bool isVS)
// Razor docs should be returning semantic + syntactic results.
var markup =
@"{|caret:|}// Comment
static class C { }
await using var testLspServer = await CreateTestLspServerAsync(
markup, mutatingLspWorkspace, GetCapabilities(isVS));
var document = testLspServer.GetCurrentSolution().Projects.First().Documents.First();
ImmutableArray<LinePositionSpan> spans = [new LinePositionSpan(new LinePosition(1, 0), new LinePosition(2, 0))];
var options = ClassificationOptions.Default;
var results = await SemanticTokensHelpers.ComputeSemanticTokensDataAsync(
document, spans, isVS, options, CancellationToken.None);
var expectedResults = new LSP.SemanticTokens();
var tokenTypeToIndex = GetTokenTypeToIndex(testLspServer);
if (isVS)
expectedResults.Data =
// Line | Char | Len | Token type | Modifier
1, 0, 6, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Keyword], 0, // 'static'
0, 7, 5, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Keyword], 0, // 'class'
0, 6, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.ClassName], (int)TokenModifiers.Static, // 'C'
0, 2, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.Punctuation], 0, // '{'
0, 2, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.Punctuation], 0, // '}'
expectedResults.Data =
// Line | Char | Len | Token type | Modifier
1, 0, 6, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Keyword], 0, // 'static'
0, 7, 5, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Keyword], 0, // 'class'
0, 6, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Class], (int)TokenModifiers.Static, // 'C'
0, 2, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.Punctuation], 0, // '{'
0, 2, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.Punctuation], 0, // '}'
await VerifyBasicInvariantsAndNoMultiLineTokens(testLspServer, results).ConfigureAwait(false);
AssertEx.Equal(ConvertToReadableFormat(testLspServer.ClientCapabilities, expectedResults.Data), ConvertToReadableFormat(testLspServer.ClientCapabilities, results));
[Theory, CombinatorialData]
public async Task TestGetSemanticTokensRange_MultiLineComment_IncludeSyntacticClassificationsAsync(bool mutatingLspWorkspace, bool isVS)
// Testing as a Razor doc so we get both syntactic + semantic results; otherwise the results would be empty.
var markup =
@"{|caret:|}class C { /* one
three */ }
await using var testLspServer = await CreateTestLspServerAsync(
markup, mutatingLspWorkspace, GetCapabilities(isVS));
var document = testLspServer.GetCurrentSolution().Projects.First().Documents.First();
ImmutableArray<LinePositionSpan> spans = [new LinePositionSpan(new LinePosition(0, 0), new LinePosition(4, 0))];
var options = ClassificationOptions.Default;
var results = await SemanticTokensHelpers.ComputeSemanticTokensDataAsync(
document, spans, isVS, options, CancellationToken.None);
var expectedResults = new LSP.SemanticTokens();
var tokenTypeToIndex = GetTokenTypeToIndex(testLspServer);
if (isVS)
expectedResults.Data =
// Line | Char | Len | Token type | Modifier
0, 0, 5, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Keyword], 0, // 'class'
0, 6, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.ClassName], 0, // 'C'
0, 2, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.Punctuation], 0, // '{'
0, 2, 6, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Comment], 0, // '/* one'
2, 0, 3, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Comment], 0, // 'two'
1, 0, 8, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Comment], 0, // 'three */'
0, 9, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.Punctuation], 0, // '}'
expectedResults.Data =
// Line | Char | Len | Token type | Modifier
0, 0, 5, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Keyword], 0, // 'class'
0, 6, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Class], 0, // 'C'
0, 2, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.Punctuation], 0, // '{'
0, 2, 6, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Comment], 0, // '/* one'
2, 0, 3, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Comment], 0, // 'two'
1, 0, 8, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Comment], 0, // 'three */'
0, 9, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.Punctuation], 0, // '}'
await VerifyBasicInvariantsAndNoMultiLineTokens(testLspServer, results).ConfigureAwait(false);
AssertEx.Equal(ConvertToReadableFormat(testLspServer.ClientCapabilities, expectedResults.Data), ConvertToReadableFormat(testLspServer.ClientCapabilities, results));
[Theory, CombinatorialData]
public async Task TestGetSemanticTokensRange_StringLiteral_IncludeSyntacticClassificationsAsync(bool mutatingLspWorkspace, bool isVS)
var markup =
@"{|caret:|}class C
void M()
var x = @""one
two """"
await using var testLspServer = await CreateTestLspServerAsync(
markup, mutatingLspWorkspace, GetCapabilities(isVS));
var document = testLspServer.GetCurrentSolution().Projects.First().Documents.First();
ImmutableArray<LinePositionSpan> spans = [new LinePositionSpan(new LinePosition(0, 0), new LinePosition(9, 0))];
var options = ClassificationOptions.Default;
var results = await SemanticTokensHelpers.ComputeSemanticTokensDataAsync(
document, spans, isVS, options, CancellationToken.None);
var expectedResults = new LSP.SemanticTokens();
var tokenTypeToIndex = GetTokenTypeToIndex(testLspServer);
if (isVS)
expectedResults.Data =
// Line | Char | Len | Token type | Modifier
0, 0, 5, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Keyword], 0, // 'class'
0, 6, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.ClassName], 0, // 'C'
1, 0, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.Punctuation], 0, // '{'
1, 4, 4, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Keyword], 0, // 'void'
0, 5, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.MethodName], 0, // 'M'
0, 1, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.Punctuation], 0, // '('
0, 1, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.Punctuation], 0, // ')'
1, 4, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.Punctuation], 0, // '{'
1, 8, 3, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.Keyword], 0, // 'var'
0, 4, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.LocalName], 0, // 'x'
0, 2, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Operator], 0, // '='
0, 2, 5, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.VerbatimStringLiteral], 0, // '@"one'
1, 0, 4, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.VerbatimStringLiteral], 0, // 'two '
0, 4, 2, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.StringEscapeCharacter], 0, // '""'
1, 0, 6, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.VerbatimStringLiteral], 0, // 'three"'
0, 6, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.Punctuation], 0, // ';'
1, 4, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.Punctuation], 0, // '}'
1, 0, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.Punctuation], 0, // '}'
expectedResults.Data =
// Line | Char | Len | Token type | Modifier
0, 0, 5, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Keyword], 0, // 'class'
0, 6, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Class], 0, // 'C'
1, 0, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[CustomLspSemanticTokenNames.Punctuation], 0, // '{'
1, 4, 4, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Keyword], 0, // 'void'
0, 5, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Method], 0, // 'M'
0, 1, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[CustomLspSemanticTokenNames.Punctuation], 0, // '('
0, 1, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[CustomLspSemanticTokenNames.Punctuation], 0, // ')'
1, 4, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[CustomLspSemanticTokenNames.Punctuation], 0, // '{'
1, 8, 3, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Keyword], 0, // 'var'
0, 4, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Variable], 0, // 'x'
0, 2, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Operator], 0, // '='
0, 2, 5, tokenTypeToIndex[CustomLspSemanticTokenNames.StringVerbatim], 0, // '@"one'
1, 0, 4, tokenTypeToIndex[CustomLspSemanticTokenNames.StringVerbatim], 0, // 'two '
0, 4, 2, tokenTypeToIndex[CustomLspSemanticTokenNames.StringEscapeCharacter], 0, // '""'
1, 0, 6, tokenTypeToIndex[CustomLspSemanticTokenNames.StringVerbatim], 0, // 'three"'
0, 6, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.Punctuation], 0, // ';'
1, 4, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.Punctuation], 0, // '}'
1, 0, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.Punctuation], 0, // '}'
await VerifyBasicInvariantsAndNoMultiLineTokens(testLspServer, results).ConfigureAwait(false);
AssertEx.Equal(ConvertToReadableFormat(testLspServer.ClientCapabilities, expectedResults.Data), ConvertToReadableFormat(testLspServer.ClientCapabilities, results));
[Theory, CombinatorialData]
public async Task TestGetSemanticTokensRange_Regex_IncludeSyntacticClassificationsAsync(bool mutatingLspWorkspace, bool isVS)
var markup =
@"{|caret:|}using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
class C
void M()
var x = new Regex(""(abc)*"");
await using var testLspServer = await CreateTestLspServerAsync(
markup, mutatingLspWorkspace, GetCapabilities(isVS));
var document = testLspServer.GetCurrentSolution().Projects.First().Documents.First();
ImmutableArray<LinePositionSpan> spans = [new LinePositionSpan(new LinePosition(0, 0), new LinePosition(9, 0))];
var options = ClassificationOptions.Default;
var results = await SemanticTokensHelpers.ComputeSemanticTokensDataAsync(
document, spans, isVS, options, CancellationToken.None);
var expectedResults = new LSP.SemanticTokens();
var tokenTypeToIndex = GetTokenTypeToIndex(testLspServer);
if (isVS)
expectedResults.Data =
// Line | Char | Len | Token type | Modifier
0, 0, 5, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Keyword], 0, // 'using'
0, 6, 6, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.NamespaceName], 0, // 'System'
0, 6, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Operator], 0, // '.'
0, 1, 4, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.NamespaceName], 0, // 'Text'
0, 4, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Operator], 0, // '.'
0, 1, 18, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.NamespaceName], 0, // 'RegularExpressions'
0, 18, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.Punctuation], 0, // ';'
2, 0, 5, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Keyword], 0, // 'class'
0, 6, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.ClassName], 0, // 'C'
1, 0, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.Punctuation], 0, // '{'
1, 1, 4, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Keyword], 0, // 'void'
0, 5, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.MethodName], 0, // 'M'
0, 1, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.Punctuation], 0, // '('
0, 1, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.Punctuation], 0, // ')'
1, 1, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.Punctuation], 0, // '{'
1, 2, 3, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.Keyword], 0, // 'var'
0, 4, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.LocalName], 0, // 'x'
0, 2, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Operator], 0, // '='
0, 2, 3, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Keyword], 0, // 'new'
0, 4, 5, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.ClassName], 0, // 'Regex'
0, 5, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.Punctuation], 0, // '('
0, 1, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.String], 0, // '"'
0, 1, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.RegexGrouping], 0, // '('
0, 1, 3, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.RegexText], 0, // 'abc'
0, 3, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.RegexGrouping], 0, // ')'
0, 1, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.RegexQuantifier], 0, // '*'
0, 1, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.String], 0, // '"'
0, 1, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.Punctuation], 0, // ')'
0, 1, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.Punctuation], 0, // ';'
1, 4, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.Punctuation], 0, // }
1, 0, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.Punctuation], 0, // }
expectedResults.Data =
// Line | Char | Len | Token type | Modifier
0, 0, 5, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Keyword], 0, // 'using'
0, 6, 6, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Namespace], 0, // 'System'
0, 6, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Operator], 0, // '.'
0, 1, 4, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Namespace], 0, // 'Text'
0, 4, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Operator], 0, // '.'
0, 1, 18, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Namespace], 0, // 'RegularExpressions'
0, 18, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[CustomLspSemanticTokenNames.Punctuation], 0, // ';'
2, 0, 5, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Keyword], 0, // 'class'
0, 6, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Class], 0, // 'C'
1, 0, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[CustomLspSemanticTokenNames.Punctuation], 0, // '{'
1, 1, 4, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Keyword], 0, // 'void'
0, 5, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Method], 0, // 'M'
0, 1, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[CustomLspSemanticTokenNames.Punctuation], 0, // '('
0, 1, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[CustomLspSemanticTokenNames.Punctuation], 0, // ')'
1, 1, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[CustomLspSemanticTokenNames.Punctuation], 0, // '{'
1, 2, 3, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Keyword], 0, // 'var'
0, 4, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Variable], 0, // 'x'
0, 2, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Operator], 0, // '='
0, 2, 3, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Keyword], 0, // 'new'
0, 4, 5, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Class], 0, // 'Regex'
0, 5, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[CustomLspSemanticTokenNames.Punctuation], 0, // '('
0, 1, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.String], 0, // '"'
0, 1, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[CustomLspSemanticTokenNames.RegexGrouping], 0, // '('
0, 1, 3, tokenTypeToIndex[CustomLspSemanticTokenNames.RegexText], 0, // 'abc'
0, 3, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[CustomLspSemanticTokenNames.RegexGrouping], 0, // ')'
0, 1, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[CustomLspSemanticTokenNames.RegexQuantifier], 0, // '*'
0, 1, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.String], 0, // '"'
0, 1, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[CustomLspSemanticTokenNames.Punctuation], 0, // ')'
0, 1, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[CustomLspSemanticTokenNames.Punctuation], 0, // ';'
1, 4, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[CustomLspSemanticTokenNames.Punctuation], 0, // }
1, 0, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[CustomLspSemanticTokenNames.Punctuation], 0, // }
await VerifyBasicInvariantsAndNoMultiLineTokens(testLspServer, results).ConfigureAwait(false);
AssertEx.Equal(ConvertToReadableFormat(testLspServer.ClientCapabilities, expectedResults.Data), ConvertToReadableFormat(testLspServer.ClientCapabilities, results));
[Theory, CombinatorialData]
public async Task TestGetSemanticTokensRange_RegexWithComment_IncludeSyntacticClassificationsAsync(bool mutatingLspWorkspace, bool isVS)
var markup =
@"{|caret:|}using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
class C
void M()
var x = new Regex(@""(abc)* #comment
"", RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace);
await using var testLspServer = await CreateTestLspServerAsync(
markup, mutatingLspWorkspace, GetCapabilities(isVS));
var document = testLspServer.GetCurrentSolution().Projects.First().Documents.First();
var options = ClassificationOptions.Default;
var results = await SemanticTokensHelpers.ComputeSemanticTokensDataAsync(
document, spans: [], isVS, options: options, cancellationToken: CancellationToken.None);
var expectedResults = new LSP.SemanticTokens();
var tokenTypeToIndex = GetTokenTypeToIndex(testLspServer);
if (isVS)
expectedResults.Data =
// Line | Char | Len | Token type | Modifier
0, 0, 5, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Keyword], 0, // 'using'
0, 6, 6, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.NamespaceName], 0, // 'System'
0, 6, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Operator], 0, // '.'
0, 1, 4, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.NamespaceName], 0, // 'Text'
0, 4, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Operator], 0, // '.'
0, 1, 18, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.NamespaceName], 0, // 'RegularExpressions'
0, 18, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.Punctuation], 0, // ';'
2, 0, 5, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Keyword], 0, // 'class'
0, 6, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.ClassName], 0, // 'C'
1, 0, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.Punctuation], 0, // '{'
1, 1, 4, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Keyword], 0, // 'void'
0, 5, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.MethodName], 0, // 'M'
0, 1, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.Punctuation], 0, // '('
0, 1, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.Punctuation], 0, // ')'
1, 1, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.Punctuation], 0, // '{'
1, 2, 3, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.Keyword], 0, // 'var'
0, 4, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.LocalName], 0, // 'x'
0, 2, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Operator], 0, // '='
0, 2, 3, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Keyword], 0, // 'new'
0, 4, 5, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.ClassName], 0, // 'Regex'
0, 5, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.Punctuation], 0, // '('
0, 1, 2, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.VerbatimStringLiteral], 0, // '@"'
0, 2, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.RegexGrouping], 0, // '('
0, 1, 3, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.RegexText], 0, // 'abc'
0, 3, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.RegexGrouping], 0, // ')'
0, 1, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.RegexQuantifier], 0, // '*'
0, 1, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.VerbatimStringLiteral], 0, // ' '
0, 1, 9, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.RegexComment], 0, // '#comment'
1, 0, 27, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.VerbatimStringLiteral], 0, // '"'
0, 27, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.Punctuation], 0, // ','
0, 2, 12, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.EnumName], 0, // 'RegexOptions'
0, 12, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Operator], 0, // '.'
0, 1, 23, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.EnumMemberName], 0, // 'IgnorePatternWhitespace'
0, 23, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.Punctuation], 0, // ')'
0, 1, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.Punctuation], 0, // ';'
1, 4, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.Punctuation], 0, // }
1, 0, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[ClassificationTypeNames.Punctuation], 0, // }
expectedResults.Data =
// Line | Char | Len | Token type | Modifier
0, 0, 5, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Keyword], 0, // 'using'
0, 6, 6, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Namespace], 0, // 'System'
0, 6, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Operator], 0, // '.'
0, 1, 4, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Namespace], 0, // 'Text'
0, 4, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Operator], 0, // '.'
0, 1, 18, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Namespace], 0, // 'RegularExpressions'
0, 18, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[CustomLspSemanticTokenNames.Punctuation], 0, // ';'
2, 0, 5, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Keyword], 0, // 'class'
0, 6, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Class], 0, // 'C'
1, 0, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[CustomLspSemanticTokenNames.Punctuation], 0, // '{'
1, 1, 4, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Keyword], 0, // 'void'
0, 5, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Method], 0, // 'M'
0, 1, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[CustomLspSemanticTokenNames.Punctuation], 0, // '('
0, 1, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[CustomLspSemanticTokenNames.Punctuation], 0, // ')'
1, 1, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[CustomLspSemanticTokenNames.Punctuation], 0, // '{'
1, 2, 3, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Keyword], 0, // 'var'
0, 4, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Variable], 0, // 'x'
0, 2, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Operator], 0, // '='
0, 2, 3, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Keyword], 0, // 'new'
0, 4, 5, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Class], 0, // 'Regex'
0, 5, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[CustomLspSemanticTokenNames.Punctuation], 0, // '('
0, 1, 2, tokenTypeToIndex[CustomLspSemanticTokenNames.StringVerbatim], 0, // '@"'
0, 2, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[CustomLspSemanticTokenNames.RegexGrouping], 0, // '('
0, 1, 3, tokenTypeToIndex[CustomLspSemanticTokenNames.RegexText], 0, // 'abc'
0, 3, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[CustomLspSemanticTokenNames.RegexGrouping], 0, // ')'
0, 1, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[CustomLspSemanticTokenNames.RegexQuantifier], 0, // '*'
0, 1, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[CustomLspSemanticTokenNames.StringVerbatim], 0, // ' '
0, 1, 9, tokenTypeToIndex[CustomLspSemanticTokenNames.RegexComment], 0, // '#comment'
1, 0, 27, tokenTypeToIndex[CustomLspSemanticTokenNames.StringVerbatim], 0, // '"'
0, 27, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[CustomLspSemanticTokenNames.Punctuation], 0, // ','
0, 2, 12, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Enum], 0, // 'RegexOptions'
0, 12, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.Operator], 0, // '.'
0, 1, 23, tokenTypeToIndex[SemanticTokenTypes.EnumMember], 0, // 'IgnorePatternWhitespace'
0, 23, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[CustomLspSemanticTokenNames.Punctuation], 0, // ')'
0, 1, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[CustomLspSemanticTokenNames.Punctuation], 0, // ';'
1, 4, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[CustomLspSemanticTokenNames.Punctuation], 0, // }
1, 0, 1, tokenTypeToIndex[CustomLspSemanticTokenNames.Punctuation], 0, // }
await VerifyBasicInvariantsAndNoMultiLineTokens(testLspServer, results).ConfigureAwait(false);
AssertEx.Equal(ConvertToReadableFormat(testLspServer.ClientCapabilities, expectedResults.Data), ConvertToReadableFormat(testLspServer.ClientCapabilities, results));
[Theory, CombinatorialData]
public void TestGetSemanticTokensRange_AssertCustomTokenTypes(bool isVS)
var capabilities = GetCapabilities(isVS);
var schema = SemanticTokensSchema.GetSchema(capabilities.HasVisualStudioLspCapability());
var expectedNames = ClassificationTypeNames.AllTypeNames.Where(s => !ClassificationTypeNames.AdditiveTypeNames.Contains(s));
foreach (var expectedClassificationName in expectedNames)
// Assert that the classification type name exists and is mapped to a semantic token name.
Assert.True(schema.TokenTypeMap.ContainsKey(expectedClassificationName), $"Missing token type for {expectedClassificationName}.");
var tokenName = schema.TokenTypeMap[expectedClassificationName];