File: Hover\HoverTests.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\LanguageServer\ProtocolUnitTests\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageServer.Protocol.UnitTests.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageServer.Protocol.UnitTests)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#nullable disable
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Roslyn.Test.Utilities;
using Roslyn.Text.Adornments;
using Xunit;
using Xunit.Abstractions;
using LSP = Roslyn.LanguageServer.Protocol;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageServer.UnitTests.Hover
    public class HoverTests(ITestOutputHelper testOutputHelper) : AbstractLanguageServerProtocolTests(testOutputHelper)
        [Theory, CombinatorialData]
        public async Task TestGetHoverAsync(bool mutatingLspWorkspace)
            var markup =
@"class A
    /// <summary>
    /// A great method
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name='i'>an int</param>
    /// <returns>a string</returns>
    private string {|caret:Method|}(int i)
            await using var testLspServer = await CreateTestLspServerAsync(markup, mutatingLspWorkspace, CapabilitiesWithVSExtensions);
            var expectedLocation = testLspServer.GetLocations("caret").Single();
            var results = await RunGetHoverAsync(testLspServer, expectedLocation).ConfigureAwait(false);
            VerifyVSContent(results, $"string A.Method(int i)|A great method|{FeaturesResources.Returns_colon}|  |a string");
        [Theory, CombinatorialData]
        public async Task TestGetHoverAsync_WithExceptions(bool mutatingLspWorkspace)
            var markup =
@"class A
    /// <summary>
    /// A great method
    /// </summary>
    /// <exception cref='System.NullReferenceException'>
    /// Oh no!
    /// </exception>
    private string {|caret:Method|}(int i)
            await using var testLspServer = await CreateTestLspServerAsync(markup, mutatingLspWorkspace, CapabilitiesWithVSExtensions);
            var expectedLocation = testLspServer.GetLocations("caret").Single();
            var results = await RunGetHoverAsync(testLspServer, expectedLocation).ConfigureAwait(false);
            VerifyVSContent(results, $"string A.Method(int i)|A great method|{FeaturesResources.Exceptions_colon}|  System.NullReferenceException");
        [Theory, CombinatorialData]
        public async Task TestGetHoverAsync_WithRemarks(bool mutatingLspWorkspace)
            var markup =
@"class A
    /// <summary>
    /// A great method
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Remarks are cool too.
    /// </remarks>
    private string {|caret:Method|}(int i)
            await using var testLspServer = await CreateTestLspServerAsync(markup, mutatingLspWorkspace, CapabilitiesWithVSExtensions);
            var expectedLocation = testLspServer.GetLocations("caret").Single();
            var results = await RunGetHoverAsync(testLspServer, expectedLocation).ConfigureAwait(false);
            VerifyVSContent(results, "string A.Method(int i)|A great method|Remarks are cool too.");
        [Theory, CombinatorialData]
        public async Task TestGetHoverAsync_WithList(bool mutatingLspWorkspace)
            var markup =
@"class A
    /// <summary>
    /// A great method
    /// <list type='bullet'>
    /// <item>
    /// <description>Item 1.</description>
    /// </item>
    /// <item>
    /// <description>Item 2.</description>
    /// </item>
    /// </list>
    /// </summary>
    private string {|caret:Method|}(int i)
            await using var testLspServer = await CreateTestLspServerAsync(markup, mutatingLspWorkspace, CapabilitiesWithVSExtensions);
            var expectedLocation = testLspServer.GetLocations("caret").Single();
            var results = await RunGetHoverAsync(testLspServer, expectedLocation).ConfigureAwait(false);
            VerifyVSContent(results, "string A.Method(int i)|A great method|• |Item 1.|• |Item 2.");
        [Theory, CombinatorialData]
        public async Task TestGetHoverAsync_InvalidLocation(bool mutatingLspWorkspace)
            var markup =
@"class A
    /// <summary>
    /// A great method
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name='i'>an int</param>
    /// <returns>a string</returns>
    private string Method(int i)
            await using var testLspServer = await CreateTestLspServerAsync(markup, mutatingLspWorkspace);
            var results = await RunGetHoverAsync(testLspServer, testLspServer.GetLocations("caret").Single()).ConfigureAwait(false);
        // Test that if we pass a project context along to hover, the right context is chosen. We are using hover
        // as a general proxy to test that our context tracking works in all cases, although there's nothing specific
        // about hover that needs to be different here compared to any other feature.
        [Theory, CombinatorialData]
        public async Task TestGetHoverWithProjectContexts(bool mutatingLspWorkspace)
            var source = @"
using System;
#if NET472
class WithConstant
    public const string Target = ""Target in net472"";
class WithConstant
    public const string Target = ""Target in netcoreapp3.1"";
class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
            var workspaceXml =
    <Project Language=""C#"" CommonReferences=""true"" AssemblyName=""Net472"" PreprocessorSymbols=""NET472"">
        <Document FilePath=""C:\C.cs""><![CDATA[${source}]]></Document>
    <Project Language=""C#"" CommonReferences=""true"" AssemblyName=""NetCoreApp3"" PreprocessorSymbols=""NETCOREAPP3.1"">
        <Document IsLinkFile=""true"" LinkFilePath=""C:\C.cs"" LinkAssemblyName=""Net472""></Document>
            await using var testLspServer = await CreateXmlTestLspServerAsync(workspaceXml, mutatingLspWorkspace, initializationOptions: new InitializationOptions { ClientCapabilities = CapabilitiesWithVSExtensions });
            var location = testLspServer.GetLocations("caret").Single();
            foreach (var project in testLspServer.GetCurrentSolution().Projects)
                var result = await RunGetHoverAsync(testLspServer, location, project.Id);
                var expectedConstant = project.Name == "Net472" ? "Target in net472" : "Target in netcoreapp3.1";
                VerifyVSContent(result, $"({FeaturesResources.constant}) string WithConstant.Target = \"{expectedConstant}\"");
        [Theory, CombinatorialData]
        public async Task TestGetHoverAsync_UsingMarkupContent(bool mutatingLspWorkspace)
            var markup =
@"class A
    /// <summary>
    /// A cref <see cref=""AMethod""/>
    /// <br/>
    /// <strong>strong text</strong>
    /// <br/>
    /// <em>italic text</em>
    /// <br/>
    /// <u>underline text</u>
    /// <para>
    /// <list type='bullet'>
    /// <item>
    /// <description>Item 1.</description>
    /// </item>
    /// <item>
    /// <description>Item 2.</description>
    /// </item>
    /// </list>
    /// <a href = """" > link text</a>
    /// </para>
    /// </summary>
    /// <exception cref='System.NullReferenceException'>
    /// Oh no!
    /// </exception>
    /// <param name='i'>an int</param>
    /// <returns>a string</returns>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Remarks are cool too.
    /// </remarks>
    void {|caret:AMethod|}(int i)
            var clientCapabilities = new LSP.ClientCapabilities
                TextDocument = new LSP.TextDocumentClientCapabilities { Hover = new LSP.HoverSetting { ContentFormat = [LSP.MarkupKind.Markdown] } }
            await using var testLspServer = await CreateTestLspServerAsync(markup, mutatingLspWorkspace, clientCapabilities);
            var expectedLocation = testLspServer.GetLocations("caret").Single();
            var expectedMarkdown = @$"```csharp
void A.AMethod(int i)
A cref&nbsp;A\.AMethod\(int\)  
**strong text**  
_italic text_  
<u>underline text</u>  
•&nbsp;Item 1\.  
•&nbsp;Item 2\.  
[link text](  
Remarks are cool too\.  
&nbsp;&nbsp;a string  
            var results = await RunGetHoverAsync(
            Assert.Equal(expectedMarkdown, results.Contents.Fourth.Value);
        [Theory, CombinatorialData]
        public async Task TestGetHoverAsync_WithoutMarkdownClientSupport(bool mutatingLspWorkspace)
            var markup =
@"class A
    /// <summary>
    /// A cref <see cref=""AMethod""/>
    /// <br/>
    /// <strong>strong text</strong>
    /// <br/>
    /// <em>italic text</em>
    /// <br/>
    /// <u>underline text</u>
    /// <para>
    /// <list type='bullet'>
    /// <item>
    /// <description>Item 1.</description>
    /// </item>
    /// <item>
    /// <description>Item 2.</description>
    /// </item>
    /// </list>
    /// <a href = """" > link text</a>
    /// </para>
    /// </summary>
    /// <exception cref='System.NullReferenceException'>
    /// Oh no!
    /// </exception>
    /// <param name='i'>an int</param>
    /// <returns>a string</returns>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Remarks are cool too.
    /// </remarks>
    void {|caret:AMethod|}(int i)
            await using var testLspServer = await CreateTestLspServerAsync(markup, mutatingLspWorkspace);
            var expectedLocation = testLspServer.GetLocations("caret").Single();
            var expectedText = @$"void A.AMethod(int i)
A cref A.AMethod(int)
strong text
italic text
underline text
• Item 1.
• Item 2.
link text
Remarks are cool too.
  a string
            var results = await RunGetHoverAsync(
            Assert.Equal(expectedText, results.Contents.Fourth.Value);
        [Theory, CombinatorialData]
        public async Task TestGetHoverAsync_UsingMarkupContentProperlyEscapes(bool mutatingLspWorkspace)
            var markup =
@"class A
    /// <summary>
    /// Some {curly} [braces] and (parens)
    /// <br/>
    /// #Hashtag
    /// <br/>
    /// 1 + 1 - 1
    /// <br/>
    /// Period.
    /// <br/>
    /// Exclaim!
    /// <br/>
    /// <strong>strong\** text</strong>
    /// <br/>
    /// <em>italic_ **text**</em>
    /// <br/>
    /// <a href = """"> closing] link</a>
    /// </summary>
    void {|caret:AMethod|}(int i)
            var clientCapabilities = new LSP.ClientCapabilities
                TextDocument = new LSP.TextDocumentClientCapabilities { Hover = new LSP.HoverSetting { ContentFormat = [LSP.MarkupKind.Markdown] } }
            await using var testLspServer = await CreateTestLspServerAsync(markup, mutatingLspWorkspace, clientCapabilities);
            var expectedLocation = testLspServer.GetLocations("caret").Single();
            var expectedMarkdown = @"```csharp
void A.AMethod(int i)
Some \{curly\} \[braces\] and \(parens\)  
1 \+ 1 \- 1  
**strong\\\*\* text**  
_italic\_ \*\*text\*\*_  
[closing\] link](  
            var results = await RunGetHoverAsync(
            Assert.Equal(expectedMarkdown, results.Contents.Fourth.Value);
        [Theory, CombinatorialData]
        public async Task TestGetHoverAsync_UsingMarkupContentDoesNotEscapeCode(bool mutatingLspWorkspace)
            var markup =
@"class A
    /// <summary>
    /// <c>
    /// if (true) {
    ///     Console.WriteLine(""hello"");
    /// }
    /// </c>
    /// </summary>
    void {|caret:AMethod|}(int i)
            var clientCapabilities = new LSP.ClientCapabilities
                TextDocument = new LSP.TextDocumentClientCapabilities { Hover = new LSP.HoverSetting { ContentFormat = [LSP.MarkupKind.Markdown] } }
            await using var testLspServer = await CreateTestLspServerAsync(markup, mutatingLspWorkspace, clientCapabilities);
            var expectedLocation = testLspServer.GetLocations("caret").Single();
            var expectedMarkdown = @"```csharp
void A.AMethod(int i)
`if (true) { Console.WriteLine(""hello""); }`  
            var results = await RunGetHoverAsync(
            Assert.Equal(expectedMarkdown, results.Contents.Fourth.Value);
        [Theory, CombinatorialData, WorkItem("")]
        public async Task TestGetHoverAsync_UsingMarkupContentDoesNotEscapeCodeBlock(bool mutatingLspWorkspace)
            var markup =
@"class A
    /// <summary>
    /// <code>
    /// if (true) {
    ///     Console.WriteLine(""hello"");
    /// }
    /// </code>
    /// </summary>
    void {|caret:AMethod|}(int i)
            var clientCapabilities = new LSP.ClientCapabilities
                TextDocument = new LSP.TextDocumentClientCapabilities { Hover = new LSP.HoverSetting { ContentFormat = [LSP.MarkupKind.Markdown] } }
            await using var testLspServer = await CreateTestLspServerAsync(markup, mutatingLspWorkspace, clientCapabilities);
            var expectedLocation = testLspServer.GetLocations("caret").Single();
            var expectedMarkdown = @"```csharp
void A.AMethod(int i)
if (true) {
            var results = await RunGetHoverAsync(
            Assert.Equal(expectedMarkdown, results.Contents.Fourth.Value);
        [Theory, CombinatorialData, WorkItem("")]
        public async Task TestGetHoverAsync_UsesInlineCodeFencesInAwaitReturn(bool mutatingLspWorkspace)
            var markup =
@"using System.Threading.Tasks;
class C
    public async Task<string> DoAsync()
        return {|caret:await|} DoAsync();
            var clientCapabilities = new LSP.ClientCapabilities
                TextDocument = new LSP.TextDocumentClientCapabilities { Hover = new LSP.HoverSetting { ContentFormat = [LSP.MarkupKind.Markdown] } }
            await using var testLspServer = await CreateTestLspServerAsync(markup, mutatingLspWorkspace, clientCapabilities);
            var expectedLocation = testLspServer.GetLocations("caret").Single();
            var expectedMarkdown = $@"{string.Format(FeaturesResources.Awaited_task_returns_0, "`class System.String`")}  
            var results = await RunGetHoverAsync(
            Assert.Equal(expectedMarkdown, results.Contents.Fourth.Value);
        private static async Task<LSP.Hover> RunGetHoverAsync(
            TestLspServer testLspServer,
            LSP.Location caret,
            ProjectId projectContext = null)
            return await testLspServer.ExecuteRequestAsync<LSP.TextDocumentPositionParams, LSP.Hover>(LSP.Methods.TextDocumentHoverName,
                CreateTextDocumentPositionParams(caret, projectContext), CancellationToken.None);
        private static void VerifyVSContent(LSP.Hover hover, string expectedContent)
            var vsHover = Assert.IsType<LSP.VSInternalHover>(hover);
            var containerElement = (ContainerElement)vsHover.RawContent;
            using var _ = ArrayBuilder<ClassifiedTextElement>.GetInstance(out var classifiedTextElements);
            GetClassifiedTextElements(containerElement, classifiedTextElements);
            Assert.False(classifiedTextElements.SelectMany(classifiedTextElements => classifiedTextElements.Runs).Any(run => run.NavigationAction != null));
            var content = string.Join("|", classifiedTextElements.Select(cte => string.Join(string.Empty, cte.Runs.Select(ctr => ctr.Text))));
            Assert.Equal(expectedContent, content);
        private static void GetClassifiedTextElements(ContainerElement container, ArrayBuilder<ClassifiedTextElement> classifiedTextElements)
            foreach (var element in container.Elements)
                if (element is ClassifiedTextElement classifiedTextElement)
                else if (element is ContainerElement containerElement)
                    GetClassifiedTextElements(containerElement, classifiedTextElements);