File: CodeActions\CodeActionResolveTests.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\LanguageServer\ProtocolUnitTests\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageServer.Protocol.UnitTests.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageServer.Protocol.UnitTests)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#nullable disable
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions;
using Roslyn.LanguageServer.Protocol;
using Roslyn.Test.Utilities;
using Xunit;
using Xunit.Abstractions;
using LSP = Roslyn.LanguageServer.Protocol;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageServer.UnitTests.CodeActions
    public class CodeActionResolveTests : AbstractLanguageServerProtocolTests
        public CodeActionResolveTests(ITestOutputHelper testOutputHelper) : base(testOutputHelper)
        [Theory, CombinatorialData]
        public async Task TestCodeActionResolveHandlerAsync(bool mutatingLspWorkspace)
            var initialMarkup =
@"class A
    void M()
        {|caret:|}int i = 1;
            await using var testLspServer = await CreateTestLspServerAsync(initialMarkup, mutatingLspWorkspace);
            var titlePath = new string[] { CSharpAnalyzersResources.Use_implicit_type };
            var unresolvedCodeAction = CodeActionsTests.CreateCodeAction(
                title: CSharpAnalyzersResources.Use_implicit_type,
                kind: CodeActionKind.Refactor,
                children: [],
                data: CreateCodeActionResolveData(CSharpAnalyzersResources.Use_implicit_type, testLspServer.GetLocations("caret").Single(), titlePath),
                priority: VSInternalPriorityLevel.Low,
                groupName: "Roslyn1",
                applicableRange: new LSP.Range { Start = new Position { Line = 4, Character = 8 }, End = new Position { Line = 4, Character = 11 } },
                diagnostics: null);
            // Expected text after edit:
            //     class A
            //     {
            //         void M()
            //         {
            //             var i = 1;
            //         }
            //     }
            var expectedTextEdits = new SumType<TextEdit, AnnotatedTextEdit>[]
                GenerateTextEdit("var", new LSP.Range { Start = new Position(4, 8), End = new Position(4, 11) })
            var expectedResolvedAction = CodeActionsTests.CreateCodeAction(
                title: CSharpAnalyzersResources.Use_implicit_type,
                kind: CodeActionKind.Refactor,
                children: [],
                data: CreateCodeActionResolveData(CSharpAnalyzersResources.Use_implicit_type, testLspServer.GetLocations("caret").Single(), titlePath),
                priority: VSInternalPriorityLevel.Low,
                groupName: "Roslyn1",
                diagnostics: null,
                applicableRange: new LSP.Range { Start = new Position { Line = 4, Character = 8 }, End = new Position { Line = 4, Character = 11 } },
                edit: GenerateWorkspaceEdit(testLspServer.GetLocations("caret"), expectedTextEdits));
            var actualResolvedAction = await RunGetCodeActionResolveAsync(testLspServer, unresolvedCodeAction);
            AssertJsonEquals(expectedResolvedAction, actualResolvedAction);
        [Theory, CombinatorialData]
        public async Task TestCodeActionResolveHandlerAsync_NestedAction(bool mutatingLspWorkspace)
            var initialMarkup =
@"class A
    void M()
        int {|caret:|}i = 1;
            await using var testLspServer = await CreateTestLspServerAsync(initialMarkup, mutatingLspWorkspace);
            var titlePath = new string[] { FeaturesResources.Introduce_constant, string.Format(FeaturesResources.Introduce_constant_for_0, "1") };
            var unresolvedCodeAction = CodeActionsTests.CreateCodeAction(
                title: string.Format(FeaturesResources.Introduce_constant_for_0, "1"),
                kind: CodeActionKind.Refactor,
                children: [],
                data: CreateCodeActionResolveData(
                    FeaturesResources.Introduce_constant + "|" + string.Format(FeaturesResources.Introduce_constant_for_0, "1"),
                    testLspServer.GetLocations("caret").Single(), titlePath),
                priority: VSInternalPriorityLevel.Normal,
                groupName: "Roslyn2",
                applicableRange: new LSP.Range { Start = new Position { Line = 4, Character = 8 }, End = new Position { Line = 4, Character = 11 } },
                diagnostics: null);
            // Expected text after edits:
            //     class A
            //     {
            //         private const int V = 1;
            //         void M()
            //         {
            //             int i = V;
            //         }
            //     }
            var expectedTextEdits = new SumType<TextEdit, AnnotatedTextEdit>[]
                GenerateTextEdit(@"private const int V = 1;
", new LSP.Range { Start = new Position(2, 4), End = new Position(2, 4) }),
                GenerateTextEdit("V", new LSP.Range { Start = new Position(4, 16), End = new Position(4, 17) })
            var expectedResolvedAction = CodeActionsTests.CreateCodeAction(
                title: string.Format(FeaturesResources.Introduce_constant_for_0, "1"),
                kind: CodeActionKind.Refactor,
                children: [],
                data: CreateCodeActionResolveData(
                    FeaturesResources.Introduce_constant + "|" + string.Format(FeaturesResources.Introduce_constant_for_0, "1"),
                    testLspServer.GetLocations("caret").Single(), titlePath),
                priority: VSInternalPriorityLevel.Normal,
                groupName: "Roslyn2",
                applicableRange: new LSP.Range { Start = new Position { Line = 4, Character = 8 }, End = new Position { Line = 4, Character = 11 } },
                diagnostics: null,
                edit: GenerateWorkspaceEdit(
                    testLspServer.GetLocations("caret"), expectedTextEdits));
            var actualResolvedAction = await RunGetCodeActionResolveAsync(testLspServer, unresolvedCodeAction);
            AssertJsonEquals(expectedResolvedAction, actualResolvedAction);
        [Theory, CombinatorialData]
        public async Task TestRename(bool mutatingLspWorkspace)
            var markUp = @"
class {|caret:ABC|}
            await using var testLspServer = await CreateTestLspServerAsync(markUp, mutatingLspWorkspace, new InitializationOptions
                ClientCapabilities = new ClientCapabilities()
                    Workspace = new WorkspaceClientCapabilities
                        WorkspaceEdit = new WorkspaceEditSetting
                            ResourceOperations = [ResourceOperationKind.Rename]
            var titlePath = new string[] { string.Format(FeaturesResources.Rename_file_to_0, "ABC.cs") };
            var unresolvedCodeAction = CodeActionsTests.CreateCodeAction(
                title: string.Format(FeaturesResources.Rename_file_to_0, "ABC.cs"),
                kind: CodeActionKind.Refactor,
                children: [],
                data: CreateCodeActionResolveData(
                    string.Format(FeaturesResources.Rename_file_to_0, "ABC.cs"),
                    testLspServer.GetLocations("caret").Single(), titlePath),
                priority: VSInternalPriorityLevel.Normal,
                groupName: "Roslyn2",
                applicableRange: new LSP.Range { Start = new Position { Line = 0, Character = 6 }, End = new Position { Line = 0, Character = 9 } },
                diagnostics: null);
            var testWorkspace = testLspServer.TestWorkspace;
            var documentBefore = testWorkspace.CurrentSolution.GetDocument(testWorkspace.Documents.Single().Id);
            var documentUriBefore = documentBefore.GetUriForRenamedDocument();
            var actualResolvedAction = await RunGetCodeActionResolveAsync(testLspServer, unresolvedCodeAction);
            var documentAfter = testWorkspace.CurrentSolution.GetDocument(testWorkspace.Documents.Single().Id);
            var documentUriAfter = documentBefore.WithName("ABC.cs").GetUriForRenamedDocument();
            var expectedCodeAction = CodeActionsTests.CreateCodeAction(
                title: string.Format(FeaturesResources.Rename_file_to_0, "ABC.cs"),
                kind: CodeActionKind.Refactor,
                children: [],
                data: CreateCodeActionResolveData(
                    string.Format(FeaturesResources.Rename_file_to_0, "ABC.cs"),
                    testLspServer.GetLocations("caret").Single(), titlePath),
                priority: VSInternalPriorityLevel.Normal,
                groupName: "Roslyn2",
                applicableRange: new LSP.Range { Start = new Position { Line = 0, Character = 6 }, End = new Position { Line = 0, Character = 9 } },
                diagnostics: null,
                edit: GenerateRenameFileEdit(new List<(Uri, Uri)> { (documentUriBefore, documentUriAfter) }));
            AssertJsonEquals(expectedCodeAction, actualResolvedAction);
        [Theory, CombinatorialData]
        public async Task TestLinkedDocuments(bool mutatingLspWorkspace)
            var originalMarkup = """
                class C
                    public static readonly int {|caret:_value|} = 10;
            var xmlWorkspace = $"""
                    <Project Language='C#' CommonReferences='true' AssemblyName='LinkedProj' Name='CSProj.1'>
                        <Document FilePath='C:\C.cs'>{originalMarkup}</Document>
                    <Project Language='C#' CommonReferences='true' AssemblyName='LinkedProj' Name='CSProj.2'>
                        <Document IsLinkFile='true' LinkProjectName='CSProj.1' LinkFilePath='C:\C.cs'/>
            var expectedText = """
                class C
                    private static readonly int value = 10;
                    public static int Value => value;
            await using var testLspServer = await CreateXmlTestLspServerAsync(xmlWorkspace, mutatingLspWorkspace);
            var titlePath = new string[] { string.Format(FeaturesResources.Encapsulate_field_colon_0_and_use_property, "_value") };
            var unresolvedCodeAction = CodeActionsTests.CreateCodeAction(
                title: string.Format(FeaturesResources.Encapsulate_field_colon_0_and_use_property, "_value"),
                kind: CodeActionKind.Refactor,
                children: [],
                data: CreateCodeActionResolveData(
                    string.Format(FeaturesResources.Encapsulate_field_colon_0_and_use_property, "_value"),
                    testLspServer.GetLocations("caret").Single(), titlePath),
                priority: VSInternalPriorityLevel.Normal,
                groupName: "Roslyn2",
                applicableRange: new LSP.Range { Start = new Position { Line = 2, Character = 33 }, End = new Position { Line = 39, Character = 2 } },
                diagnostics: null);
            var actualResolvedAction = await RunGetCodeActionResolveAsync(testLspServer, unresolvedCodeAction);
            var textDocumentEdit = (LSP.TextDocumentEdit[])actualResolvedAction.Edit.DocumentChanges.Value;
            var originalText = await testLspServer.GetDocumentTextAsync(textDocumentEdit[0].TextDocument.Uri);
            var edits = textDocumentEdit[0].Edits.Select(e => (LSP.TextEdit)e.Value).ToArray();
            var updatedText = ApplyTextEdits(edits, originalText);
            Assert.Equal(expectedText, updatedText);
        [Theory, CombinatorialData]
        public async Task TestMoveTypeToDifferentFile(bool mutatingLspWorkspace)
            var markUp = @"
class {|caret:ABC|}
class BCD 
            await using var testLspServer = await CreateTestLspServerAsync(markUp, mutatingLspWorkspace, new InitializationOptions
                ClientCapabilities = new ClientCapabilities()
                    Workspace = new WorkspaceClientCapabilities
                        WorkspaceEdit = new WorkspaceEditSetting
                            ResourceOperations = [ResourceOperationKind.Create]
            var titlePath = new string[] { string.Format(FeaturesResources.Move_type_to_0, "ABC.cs") };
            var unresolvedCodeAction = CodeActionsTests.CreateCodeAction(
                title: string.Format(FeaturesResources.Move_type_to_0, "ABC.cs"),
                kind: CodeActionKind.Refactor,
                children: [],
                data: CreateCodeActionResolveData(
                    string.Format(FeaturesResources.Move_type_to_0, "ABC.cs"),
                    testLspServer.GetLocations("caret").Single(), titlePath),
                priority: VSInternalPriorityLevel.Normal,
                groupName: "Roslyn2",
                applicableRange: new LSP.Range { Start = new Position { Line = 0, Character = 6 }, End = new Position { Line = 0, Character = 9 } },
                diagnostics: null);
            var testWorkspace = testLspServer.TestWorkspace;
            var actualResolvedAction = await RunGetCodeActionResolveAsync(testLspServer, unresolvedCodeAction);
            var project = testWorkspace.CurrentSolution.Projects.Single();
            var newDocumentUri = ProtocolConversions.CreateAbsoluteUri(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(project.FilePath), "ABC.cs"));
            var existingDocumentUri = testWorkspace.CurrentSolution.GetRequiredDocument(testWorkspace.Documents.Single().Id).GetURI();
            var workspaceEdit = new WorkspaceEdit()
                DocumentChanges = new SumType<TextDocumentEdit, CreateFile, RenameFile, DeleteFile>[]
                    // Create file
                    new CreateFile() { Uri = newDocumentUri },
                    // Add content to file
                    new TextDocumentEdit()
                        TextDocument = new OptionalVersionedTextDocumentIdentifier { Uri = newDocumentUri },
                        Edits =
                            new TextEdit()
                                Range = new LSP.Range
                                    Start = new Position()
                                        Line = 0,
                                        Character = 0,
                                    End = new Position()
                                        Line = 0,
                                        Character = 0
                                NewText = @"class ABC
                    // Remove the declaration from existing file
                    new TextDocumentEdit()
                        TextDocument = new OptionalVersionedTextDocumentIdentifier() { Uri = existingDocumentUri },
                        Edits =
                            new TextEdit()
                                Range = new LSP.Range
                                    Start = new Position()
                                        Line = 0,
                                        Character = 0,
                                    End = new Position()
                                        Line = 4,
                                        Character = 0
                                NewText = ""
            var expectedCodeAction = CodeActionsTests.CreateCodeAction(
                title: string.Format(FeaturesResources.Move_type_to_0, "ABC.cs"),
                kind: CodeActionKind.Refactor,
                children: [],
                data: CreateCodeActionResolveData(
                    string.Format(FeaturesResources.Move_type_to_0, "ABC.cs"),
                    testLspServer.GetLocations("caret").Single(), titlePath),
                priority: VSInternalPriorityLevel.Normal,
                groupName: "Roslyn2",
                applicableRange: new LSP.Range { Start = new Position { Line = 0, Character = 6 }, End = new Position { Line = 0, Character = 9 } },
                diagnostics: null,
                edit: workspaceEdit);
            AssertJsonEquals(expectedCodeAction, actualResolvedAction);
        [Theory, CombinatorialData]
        public async Task TestMoveTypeToDifferentFileInDirectory(bool mutatingLspWorkspace)
            var markup =
@"class ABC
class {|caret:BCD|} 
            await using var testLspServer = await CreateTestLspServerAsync(markup, mutatingLspWorkspace, new InitializationOptions
                ClientCapabilities = new ClientCapabilities()
                    Workspace = new WorkspaceClientCapabilities
                        WorkspaceEdit = new WorkspaceEditSetting
                            ResourceOperations = [ResourceOperationKind.Create]
                DocumentFileContainingFolders = [Path.Combine("dir1", "dir2", "dir3")],
            var titlePath = new string[] { string.Format(FeaturesResources.Move_type_to_0, "BCD.cs") };
            var unresolvedCodeAction = CodeActionsTests.CreateCodeAction(
                title: string.Format(FeaturesResources.Move_type_to_0, "BCD.cs"),
                kind: CodeActionKind.Refactor,
                children: [],
                data: CreateCodeActionResolveData(
                    string.Format(FeaturesResources.Move_type_to_0, "BCD.cs"),
                    testLspServer.GetLocations("caret").Single(), titlePath),
                priority: VSInternalPriorityLevel.Normal,
                groupName: "Roslyn2",
                applicableRange: new LSP.Range { Start = new Position { Line = 3, Character = 6 }, End = new Position { Line = 3, Character = 9 } },
                diagnostics: null);
            var testWorkspace = testLspServer.TestWorkspace;
            var actualResolvedAction = await RunGetCodeActionResolveAsync(testLspServer, unresolvedCodeAction);
            var existingDocument = testWorkspace.CurrentSolution.GetRequiredDocument(testWorkspace.Documents.Single().Id);
            var existingDocumentUri = existingDocument.GetURI();
            Assert.Contains(Path.Combine("dir1", "dir2", "dir3"), existingDocument.FilePath);
            var newDocumentUri = ProtocolConversions.CreateAbsoluteUri(
                Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(existingDocument.FilePath), "BCD.cs"));
            var workspaceEdit = new WorkspaceEdit()
                DocumentChanges = new SumType<TextDocumentEdit, CreateFile, RenameFile, DeleteFile>[]
                    // Create file
                    new CreateFile() { Uri = newDocumentUri },
                    // Add content to file
                    new TextDocumentEdit()
                        TextDocument = new OptionalVersionedTextDocumentIdentifier { Uri = newDocumentUri },
                        Edits =
                            new TextEdit()
                                Range = new LSP.Range
                                    Start = new Position()
                                        Line = 0,
                                        Character = 0,
                                    End = new Position()
                                        Line = 0,
                                        Character = 0
                                NewText = @"class BCD
                    // Remove the declaration from existing file
                    new TextDocumentEdit()
                        TextDocument = new OptionalVersionedTextDocumentIdentifier() { Uri = existingDocumentUri },
                        Edits =
                            new TextEdit()
                                Range = new LSP.Range
                                    Start = new Position()
                                        Line = 3,
                                        Character = 0,
                                    End = new Position()
                                        Line = 5,
                                        Character = 1
                                NewText = ""
            var expectedCodeAction = CodeActionsTests.CreateCodeAction(
                title: string.Format(FeaturesResources.Move_type_to_0, "BCD.cs"),
                kind: CodeActionKind.Refactor,
                children: [],
                data: CreateCodeActionResolveData(
                    string.Format(FeaturesResources.Move_type_to_0, "BCD.cs"),
                    testLspServer.GetLocations("caret").Single(), titlePath),
                priority: VSInternalPriorityLevel.Normal,
                groupName: "Roslyn2",
                applicableRange: new LSP.Range { Start = new Position { Line = 3, Character = 6 }, End = new Position { Line = 3, Character = 9 } },
                diagnostics: null,
                edit: workspaceEdit);
            AssertJsonEquals(expectedCodeAction, actualResolvedAction);
        private static async Task<LSP.VSInternalCodeAction> RunGetCodeActionResolveAsync(
            TestLspServer testLspServer,
            VSInternalCodeAction unresolvedCodeAction)
            var result = (VSInternalCodeAction)await testLspServer.ExecuteRequestAsync<LSP.CodeAction, LSP.CodeAction>(
                LSP.Methods.CodeActionResolveName, unresolvedCodeAction, CancellationToken.None);
            return result;
        private static LSP.TextEdit GenerateTextEdit(string newText, LSP.Range range)
            => new LSP.TextEdit
                NewText = newText,
                Range = range
        private static WorkspaceEdit GenerateWorkspaceEdit(
            IList<LSP.Location> locations,
            SumType<TextEdit, AnnotatedTextEdit>[] edits)
            => new LSP.WorkspaceEdit
                DocumentChanges = new TextDocumentEdit[]
                    new TextDocumentEdit
                        TextDocument = new OptionalVersionedTextDocumentIdentifier
                            Uri = locations.Single().Uri
                        Edits = edits,
        private static WorkspaceEdit GenerateRenameFileEdit(IList<(Uri oldUri, Uri newUri)> renameLocations)
            => new()
                DocumentChanges = renameLocations.Select(
                    locations => new SumType<TextDocumentEdit, CreateFile, RenameFile, DeleteFile>(new RenameFile() { OldUri = locations.oldUri, NewUri = locations.newUri })).ToArray()