// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editing;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.AddOrRemoveAccessibilityModifiers;
internal static partial class AddOrRemoveAccessibilityModifiersHelpers
public static void UpdateDeclaration(
SyntaxEditor editor, ISymbol symbol, SyntaxNode declaration)
var preferredAccessibility = GetPreferredAccessibility(symbol);
// Check to see if we need to add or remove
// If there's a modifier, then we need to remove it, otherwise no modifier, add it.
(currentDeclaration, _) => UpdateAccessibility(currentDeclaration, preferredAccessibility));
SyntaxNode UpdateAccessibility(SyntaxNode declaration, Accessibility preferredAccessibility)
var generator = editor.Generator;
// If there was accessibility on the member, then remove it. If there was no accessibility, then add
// the preferred accessibility for this member.
return generator.GetAccessibility(declaration) == Accessibility.NotApplicable
? generator.WithAccessibility(declaration, preferredAccessibility)
: generator.WithAccessibility(declaration, Accessibility.NotApplicable);
private static Accessibility GetPreferredAccessibility(ISymbol symbol)
// If we have an overridden member, then if we're adding an accessibility modifier, use the
// accessibility of the member we're overriding as both should be consistent here.
if (symbol.GetOverriddenMember() is { DeclaredAccessibility: var accessibility })
return accessibility;
// Default abstract members to be protected, and virtual members to be public. They can't be private as
// that's not legal. And these are reasonable default values for them.
if (symbol is IMethodSymbol or IPropertySymbol or IEventSymbol)
if (symbol.ContainingType?.TypeKind == TypeKind.Interface)
return Accessibility.Public;
if (symbol.IsAbstract)
return Accessibility.Protected;
if (symbol.IsVirtual)
return Accessibility.Public;
// Otherwise, default to whatever accessibility no-accessibility means for this member;
return symbol.DeclaredAccessibility;