// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeStyle;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageService;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.NewLines.MultipleBlankLines;
internal abstract class AbstractMultipleBlankLinesDiagnosticAnalyzer : AbstractBuiltInCodeStyleDiagnosticAnalyzer
private readonly ISyntaxFacts _syntaxFacts;
protected AbstractMultipleBlankLinesDiagnosticAnalyzer(ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts)
: base(IDEDiagnosticIds.MultipleBlankLinesDiagnosticId,
new LocalizableResourceString(
nameof(AnalyzersResources.Avoid_multiple_blank_lines), AnalyzersResources.ResourceManager, typeof(AnalyzersResources)))
_syntaxFacts = syntaxFacts;
public override DiagnosticAnalyzerCategory GetAnalyzerCategory()
=> DiagnosticAnalyzerCategory.SyntaxTreeWithoutSemanticsAnalysis;
protected override void InitializeWorker(AnalysisContext context)
=> context.RegisterCompilationStartAction(context =>
context.RegisterSyntaxTreeAction(treeContext => AnalyzeTree(treeContext, context.Compilation.Options)));
private void AnalyzeTree(SyntaxTreeAnalysisContext context, CompilationOptions compilationOptions)
var option = context.GetAnalyzerOptions().AllowMultipleBlankLines;
if (option.Value || ShouldSkipAnalysis(context, compilationOptions, option.Notification))
Recurse(context, option.Notification, context.GetAnalysisRoot(findInTrivia: false), context.CancellationToken);
private void Recurse(
SyntaxTreeAnalysisContext context,
NotificationOption2 notificationOption,
SyntaxNode node,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// Don't bother analyzing nodes that have syntax errors in them.
if (node.ContainsDiagnostics)
foreach (var child in node.ChildNodesAndTokens())
if (!context.ShouldAnalyzeSpan(child.FullSpan))
if (child.AsNode(out var childNode))
Recurse(context, notificationOption, childNode, cancellationToken);
else if (child.IsToken)
CheckToken(context, notificationOption, child.AsToken());
private void CheckToken(SyntaxTreeAnalysisContext context, NotificationOption2 notificationOption, SyntaxToken token)
if (token.ContainsDiagnostics)
if (!ContainsMultipleBlankLines(token, out var badTrivia))
Location.Create(badTrivia.SyntaxTree!, new TextSpan(badTrivia.SpanStart, 0)),
additionalLocations: [token.GetLocation()],
properties: null));
private bool ContainsMultipleBlankLines(SyntaxToken token, out SyntaxTrivia firstBadTrivia)
var leadingTrivia = token.LeadingTrivia;
for (var i = 0; i < leadingTrivia.Count; i++)
if (IsEndOfLine(leadingTrivia, i) &&
IsEndOfLine(leadingTrivia, i + 1))
// Three cases that end up with two blank lines.
// 1. the token starts with two newlines. This is definitely something to clean up.
// 2. we have two newlines after structured trivia (which itself ends with an newline).
// 3. we have three newlines (following non-structured trivia).
if (i == 0 ||
leadingTrivia[i - 1].HasStructure)
firstBadTrivia = leadingTrivia[i];
return true;
if (IsEndOfLine(leadingTrivia, i + 2))
// Report on the second newline. This is for cases like:
// // comment
// public
// The first newline follows the comment. But we want to report the issue on the start of the
// next line.
firstBadTrivia = leadingTrivia[i + 1];
return true;
firstBadTrivia = default;
return false;
private bool IsEndOfLine(SyntaxTriviaList triviaList, int index)
if (index >= triviaList.Count)
return false;
var trivia = triviaList[index];
return _syntaxFacts.IsEndOfLineTrivia(trivia);