// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#nullable disable
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeActions;
using static Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeActions.CodeAction;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Wrapping;
/// <summary>
/// Code action for actually wrapping items. Provided as a special subclass because it will
/// also update the wrapping most-recently-used list when the code action is actually
/// invoked.
/// </summary>
internal sealed class WrapItemsAction(string title, string parentTitle, Func<IProgress<CodeAnalysisProgress>, CancellationToken, Task<Document>> createChangedDocument)
: DocumentChangeAction(title, createChangedDocument, GetSortTitle(parentTitle, title), CodeActionPriority.Low)
private static string GetSortTitle(string title, string parentTitle)
=> $"{parentTitle}_{title}";
// Keeps track of the invoked code actions. That way we can prioritize those code actions
// in the future since they're more likely the ones the user wants. This is important as
// we have 9 different code actions offered (3 major groups, with 3 actions per group).
// It's likely the user will just pick from a few of these. So we'd like the ones they
// choose to be prioritized accordingly.
private static ImmutableArray<string> s_mruTitles = [];
public string ParentTitle { get; } = parentTitle;
public string SortTitle { get; } = GetSortTitle(parentTitle, title);
protected override async Task<IEnumerable<CodeActionOperation>> ComputePreviewOperationsAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// For preview, we don't want to compute the normal operations. Specifically, we don't
// want to compute the stateful operation that tracks which code action was triggered.
return await base.ComputeOperationsAsync(CodeAnalysisProgress.None, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
protected override async Task<ImmutableArray<CodeActionOperation>> ComputeOperationsAsync(IProgress<CodeAnalysisProgress> progress, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var operations = await base.ComputeOperationsAsync(progress, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
return operations.Add(new RecordCodeActionOperation(SortTitle, ParentTitle));
public static ImmutableArray<CodeAction> SortActionsByMostRecentlyUsed(ImmutableArray<CodeAction> codeActions)
=> SortByMostRecentlyUsed(codeActions, s_mruTitles, GetSortTitle);
public static ImmutableArray<T> SortByMostRecentlyUsed<T>(
ImmutableArray<T> items, ImmutableArray<string> mostRecentlyUsedKeys, Func<T, string> getKey)
return items.Sort((d1, d2) =>
var mruIndex1 = mostRecentlyUsedKeys.IndexOf(getKey(d1));
var mruIndex2 = mostRecentlyUsedKeys.IndexOf(getKey(d2));
// If both are in the mru, prefer the one earlier on.
if (mruIndex1 >= 0 && mruIndex2 >= 0)
return mruIndex1 - mruIndex2;
// if either is in the mru, and the other is not, then the mru item is preferred.
if (mruIndex1 >= 0)
return -1;
if (mruIndex2 >= 0)
return 1;
// Neither are in the mru. Sort them based on their original locations.
var index1 = items.IndexOf(d1);
var index2 = items.IndexOf(d2);
// Note: we don't return 0 here as ImmutableArray.Sort is not stable.
return index1 - index2;
private static string GetSortTitle(CodeAction codeAction)
=> (codeAction as WrapItemsAction)?.SortTitle ?? codeAction.Title;
private sealed class RecordCodeActionOperation(string sortTitle, string parentTitle) : CodeActionOperation
private readonly string _sortTitle = sortTitle;
private readonly string _parentTitle = parentTitle;
internal override bool ApplyDuringTests => false;
public override void Apply(Workspace workspace, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// Record both the sortTitle of the nested action and the tile of the parent
// action. This way we any invocation of a code action helps prioritize both
// the parent lists and the nested lists.
s_mruTitles = s_mruTitles.Remove(_sortTitle).Remove(_parentTitle)
.Insert(0, _sortTitle).Insert(0, _parentTitle);