// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.UnusedReferences;
internal static class UnusedReferencesRemover
// This is the order that we look for used references. We set this processing order because we
// want to favor transitive references when possible. For instance we process Projects before
// Packages, since a particular Package could be brought in transitively by a Project reference.
private static readonly ImmutableArray<ReferenceType> s_processingOrder = [ReferenceType.Project, ReferenceType.Package, ReferenceType.Assembly];
public static async Task<ImmutableArray<ReferenceInfo>> GetUnusedReferencesAsync(
Solution solution,
string projectFilePath,
ImmutableArray<ReferenceInfo> references,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var projects = solution.Projects
.Where(project => projectFilePath.Equals(project.FilePath, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
HashSet<string> usedAssemblyFilePaths = [];
HashSet<string> usedProjectFileNames = [];
foreach (var project in projects)
var compilation = await project.GetCompilationAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (compilation is null)
var usedAssemblyReferences = compilation.GetUsedAssemblyReferences(cancellationToken);
// Create a lookup of used assembly paths
.Select(reference => reference.FilePath)
// Compilation references do not contain the full path to the output assembly so we track them
// by file name.
.Select(reference => reference.Compilation.SourceModule.MetadataName)
return GetUnusedReferences(usedAssemblyFilePaths, usedProjectFileNames, references);
internal static ImmutableArray<ReferenceInfo> GetUnusedReferences(
HashSet<string> usedAssemblyFilePaths,
HashSet<string> usedProjectFileNames,
ImmutableArray<ReferenceInfo> references)
var unusedReferencesBuilder = ImmutableArray.CreateBuilder<ReferenceInfo>();
var referencesByType = references.GroupBy(reference => reference.ReferenceType)
.ToDictionary(group => group.Key, group => group.ToImmutableArray());
// In this method we will determine which references bring in used assemblies and which don't.
// Once we know a reference is "used", meaning brings in a used assembly, then we have answered
// the question of which reference is responsible for bringing in all those compilation assemblies
// (both directly and transitively). So, we will remove them from our lookup and proceed to determine
// the source of the remaining used assemblies. The remaining references will need to bring in a
// different used assembly into the compilation to be considered necessary.
// We will process the list of references twice. First we will look at the compilation assemblies
// brought in directly by the reference to see if any are used. Then, after all references direct
// compilation assemblies have been considered, we will expand our search and look at all compilation
// assemblies brought in transitively by each reference.
// Pass 1: Find all directly used references and remove them.
foreach (var referenceType in s_processingOrder)
if (!referencesByType.TryGetValue(referenceType, out var referencesForReferenceType))
var unusedReferences = RemoveDirectlyUsedReferences(
// Update with the references that are remaining.
if (unusedReferences.IsEmpty)
referencesByType[referenceType] = unusedReferences;
// Pass 2: Find all transitively used refrences and remove them.
foreach (var referenceType in s_processingOrder)
if (!referencesByType.TryGetValue(referenceType, out var referencesForReferenceType))
var unusedReferences = RemoveTransitivelyUsedReferences(
// If a references isn't directly or transitively used, then we will consider it unused.
return unusedReferencesBuilder.ToImmutableAndClear();
private static ImmutableArray<ReferenceInfo> RemoveDirectlyUsedReferences(
ImmutableArray<ReferenceInfo> references,
HashSet<string> usedAssemblyFilePaths,
HashSet<string> usedProjectFileNames)
// In this method we will check if a reference directly brings in a used compilation assembly.
// references: [ PackageReference(compilationAssembly: "/libs/Used.dll") ],
// usedAssemblyLookup: [ "/libs/Used.dll" ]
var unusedReferencesBuilder = ImmutableArray.CreateBuilder<ReferenceInfo>();
foreach (var reference in references)
if (reference.ReferenceType == ReferenceType.Project)
// Since we only know project references by their CompilationReference which
// does not include the full output path. We look only at the file name of the
// compilation assembly and compare it with our list of used project assembly names.
var projectAssemblyFileNames = reference.CompilationAssemblies
.SelectAsArray(assemblyPath => Path.GetFileName(assemblyPath));
// We will look at the project assemblies brought in directly by the
// references to see if they are used.
if (!projectAssemblyFileNames.Any(static (name, usedProjectFileNames) => usedProjectFileNames.Contains(name), usedProjectFileNames))
// None of the project assemblies brought into this compilation are in the
// used assemblies list, so we will consider the reference unused.
// Remove the project file name now that we've identified it.
// We will look at the compilation assemblies brought in directly by the
// references to see if they are used.
if (!reference.CompilationAssemblies.Any(static (name, usedAssemblyFilePaths) => usedAssemblyFilePaths.Contains(name), usedAssemblyFilePaths))
// None of the assemblies brought into this compilation are in the
// used assemblies list, so we will consider the reference unused.
// Remove all assemblies that are brought into this compilation by this reference.
RemoveAllCompilationAssemblies(reference, usedAssemblyFilePaths);
return unusedReferencesBuilder.ToImmutableAndClear();
private static ImmutableArray<ReferenceInfo> RemoveTransitivelyUsedReferences(
ImmutableArray<ReferenceInfo> references,
HashSet<string> usedAssemblyFilePaths)
// In this method we will check if a reference transitively brings in a used compilation assembly.
// references: [
// ProjectReference(
// compilationAssembly: "/libs/Unused.dll",
// dependencies: [ PackageReference(compilationAssembly: "/libs/Used.dll") ]
// ) ]
// usedAssemblyLookup: [ "/libs/Used.dll" ]
var unusedReferencesBuilder = ImmutableArray.CreateBuilder<ReferenceInfo>();
foreach (var reference in references)
// Get all compilation assemblies brought in by this reference so we
// can determine if any of them are used.
if (!HasAnyCompilationAssembly(reference))
// We will consider References that do not contribute any assemblies to the
// compilation, such as Analyzer packages, as used.
if (!ContainsAnyCompilationAssembly(reference, usedAssemblyFilePaths))
// None of the assemblies brought into this compilation are in the
// used assemblies list, so we will consider the reference unused.
// Remove all assemblies that are brought into this compilation by this reference.
RemoveAllCompilationAssemblies(reference, usedAssemblyFilePaths);
return unusedReferencesBuilder.ToImmutableAndClear();
internal static bool HasAnyCompilationAssembly(ReferenceInfo reference)
if (reference.CompilationAssemblies.Length > 0)
return true;
return reference.Dependencies.Any(HasAnyCompilationAssembly);
internal static bool ContainsAnyCompilationAssembly(ReferenceInfo reference, HashSet<string> usedAssemblyFilePaths)
if (reference.CompilationAssemblies.Any(static (name, usedAssemblyFilePaths) => usedAssemblyFilePaths.Contains(name), usedAssemblyFilePaths))
return true;
return reference.Dependencies.Any(static (dependency, usedAssemblyFilePaths) => ContainsAnyCompilationAssembly(dependency, usedAssemblyFilePaths), usedAssemblyFilePaths);
internal static void RemoveAllCompilationAssemblies(ReferenceInfo reference, HashSet<string> usedAssemblyFilePaths)
foreach (var dependency in reference.Dependencies)
RemoveAllCompilationAssemblies(dependency, usedAssemblyFilePaths);
internal static ImmutableArray<string> GetAllCompilationAssemblies(ReferenceInfo reference)
var transitiveCompilationAssemblies = reference.Dependencies
.SelectMany(dependency => GetAllCompilationAssemblies(dependency));
return [.. reference.CompilationAssemblies, .. transitiveCompilationAssemblies];
public static async Task UpdateReferencesAsync(
Solution solution,
string projectFilePath,
ImmutableArray<ReferenceUpdate> referenceUpdates,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var referenceCleanupService = solution.Services.GetRequiredService<IReferenceCleanupService>();
await ApplyReferenceUpdatesAsync(referenceCleanupService, projectFilePath, referenceUpdates, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(true);
internal static async Task ApplyReferenceUpdatesAsync(
IReferenceCleanupService referenceCleanupService,
string projectFilePath,
ImmutableArray<ReferenceUpdate> referenceUpdates,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
foreach (var referenceUpdate in referenceUpdates)
// If the update action would not change the reference, then
// continue to the next update.
if (referenceUpdate.Action == UpdateAction.TreatAsUnused &&
else if (referenceUpdate.Action == UpdateAction.TreatAsUsed &&
else if (referenceUpdate.Action == UpdateAction.None)
await referenceCleanupService.TryUpdateReferenceAsync(