// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.ErrorReporting;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Threading;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Structure;
/// <summary>
/// Note: this type is for subclassing by the VB and C# provider only.
/// It presumes that the language supports Syntax Trees.
/// </summary>
internal abstract class AbstractBlockStructureProvider : BlockStructureProvider
private static readonly IComparer<BlockSpan> s_blockSpanComparer = Comparer<BlockSpan>.Create(static (x, y) => y.TextSpan.Start.CompareTo(x.TextSpan.Start));
private readonly ImmutableDictionary<Type, ImmutableArray<AbstractSyntaxStructureProvider>> _nodeProviderMap;
private readonly ImmutableDictionary<int, ImmutableArray<AbstractSyntaxStructureProvider>> _triviaProviderMap;
protected AbstractBlockStructureProvider(
ImmutableDictionary<Type, ImmutableArray<AbstractSyntaxStructureProvider>> defaultNodeOutlinerMap,
ImmutableDictionary<int, ImmutableArray<AbstractSyntaxStructureProvider>> defaultTriviaOutlinerMap)
_nodeProviderMap = defaultNodeOutlinerMap;
_triviaProviderMap = defaultTriviaOutlinerMap;
public override void ProvideBlockStructure(in BlockStructureContext context)
var syntaxRoot = context.SyntaxTree.GetRoot(context.CancellationToken);
var initialContextCount = context.Spans.Count;
syntaxRoot, context.Options, _nodeProviderMap, _triviaProviderMap, context.Spans, context.CancellationToken);
// Sort descending, and keep track of the "last added line".
// Then, ignore if we found a span on the same line.
// The effect for this is if we have something like:
// M1(M2(
// ...
// ...
// )
// We only collapse the "inner" span which has larger start.
context.Spans.Sort(initialContextCount, s_blockSpanComparer);
var text = context.SyntaxTree.GetText(context.CancellationToken);
BlockSpan? lastSpan = null;
context.Spans.RemoveWhere((span, index, _) =>
// do not remove items before the first item that we added
if (index < initialContextCount)
return false;
if (span.IsOverlappingBlockSpan(text.Lines, lastSpan))
return true;
lastSpan = span;
return false;
arg: default(VoidResult));
catch (Exception e) when (FatalError.ReportAndPropagateUnlessCanceled(e))
throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable();