File: QuickInfo\Presentation\TaggedTextExtensions.cs
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Project: src\src\Features\Core\Portable\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Features.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Features)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Classification;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Collections;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.QuickInfo.Presentation;
internal static class TaggedTextExtensions
    internal static ImmutableArray<QuickInfoElement> ToInteractiveTextElements(
        this ImmutableArray<TaggedText> taggedTexts,
        INavigationActionFactory? navigationActionFactory)
        using var builder = TextElementBuilder.Empty;
        var span = taggedTexts.AsSpan();
        BuildInteractiveTextElements(ref span, ref TextElementBuilder.AsRef(in builder), navigationActionFactory);
        return builder.ToImmutableAndClear();
    private static void BuildInteractiveTextElements(
        ref ReadOnlySpan<TaggedText> taggedTexts,
        ref TextElementBuilder builder,
        INavigationActionFactory? navigationActionFactory)
        var done = false;
        while (!done && taggedTexts is [var part, .. var remaining])
            taggedTexts = remaining;
            switch (part.Tag)
                case TextTags.CodeBlockStart or TextTags.CodeBlockEnd:
                    // These tags can be ignored - they are for markdown formatting only.
                case TextTags.ContainerStart:
                    // This is the start of a set of inline elements.
                        using var nestedBuilder = TextElementBuilder.Empty;
                            ref taggedTexts,
                            ref TextElementBuilder.AsRef(in nestedBuilder),
                        var nestedElements = nestedBuilder.ToImmutableAndClear();
                        builder.AddContainer(nestedElements, part.Text);
                case TextTags.ContainerEnd:
                    // We're finished processing inline elements. Break out and let the caller continue
                    done = true;
                case TextTags.LineBreak:
                default: // This is tagged text getting added to the current line we are building.
                    // If the tagged text has navigation target AND a NavigationActionFactory
                    // is available, we'll create the classified run with a navigation action.
                    var run = part.NavigationTarget is not null && navigationActionFactory is not null
                        ? CreateRunWithNavigationAction(part, navigationActionFactory)
                        : CreateRun(part);
        static QuickInfoClassifiedTextRun CreateRun(TaggedText part)
            return new(
        static QuickInfoClassifiedTextRun CreateRunWithNavigationAction(TaggedText part, INavigationActionFactory navigationActionFactory)
            return new(
                tooltip: part.NavigationHint,
    private struct TextElementBuilder : IDisposable
        public static TextElementBuilder Empty => default;
        // This builder will produce zero or more paragraphs.
        private TemporaryArray<QuickInfoElement> _paragraphs;
        // Each paragraph is constructed from one or more lines
        private TemporaryArray<QuickInfoElement> _lines;
        // Each line is constructed from one or more runs
        private TemporaryArray<QuickInfoClassifiedTextRun> _runs;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a mutable reference to a <see cref="TextElementBuilder"/> stored in a <c>using</c> variable.
        /// </summary>
        public static ref TextElementBuilder AsRef(ref readonly TextElementBuilder builder)
#pragma warning disable RS0042 // Do not copy value
            => ref Unsafe.AsRef(in builder);
#pragma warning restore RS0042 // Do not copy value
        public void Dispose()
            Contract.ThrowIfFalse(_paragraphs.Count == 0);
            Contract.ThrowIfFalse(_lines.Count == 0);
            Contract.ThrowIfFalse(_runs.Count == 0);
        public void Add(QuickInfoClassifiedTextRun run)
        public void LineBreak()
            if (_runs.Count > 0)
                // This line break means the end of a line within a paragraph.
                // This line break means the end of a paragraph. Empty paragraphs are ignored, but could appear
                // in the input to this method:
                // * Empty <para> elements
                // * Explicit line breaks at the start of a comment
                // * Multiple line breaks between paragraphs
                if (_lines.Count > 0)
                    // The current paragraph is empty, so we simply ignore it.
        public void AddContainer(ImmutableArray<QuickInfoElement> nestedElements, string text)
            if (_runs.Count > 0)
                // When a container is encountered, complete the current line.
            using var newElements = TemporaryArray<QuickInfoElement>.Empty;
            switch (nestedElements)
                case [] or [_]:
                case [var item, .. var rest]:
                            StackedContainer(includeVerticalPadding: true, rest)));
        public ImmutableArray<QuickInfoElement> ToImmutableAndClear()
            if (_runs.Count > 0)
            if (_lines.Count > 0)
            return _paragraphs.ToImmutableAndClear();
        private void AddLinesAndClear()
            Contract.ThrowIfTrue(_lines.Count == 0);
            if (_lines.Count == 1)
                // The paragraph contains only one line, so it doesn't need to be added to a container. Avoiding the
                // wrapping container here also avoids a wrapping element in the WPF elements used for rendering,
                // improving efficiency.
                // The lines of a multi-line paragraph are stacked to produce the full paragraph.
                var container = StackedContainer(_lines.ToImmutableAndClear());
        private static QuickInfoClassifiedTextRun PlainText(string text)
            => new(ClassificationTypeNames.Text, text);
        private static QuickInfoClassifiedTextElement ClassifiedText(params ImmutableArray<QuickInfoClassifiedTextRun> runs)
            => new(runs);
        private static QuickInfoContainerElement StackedContainer(params ImmutableArray<QuickInfoElement> elements)
            => StackedContainer(includeVerticalPadding: false, elements);
        private static QuickInfoContainerElement StackedContainer(bool includeVerticalPadding, params ImmutableArray<QuickInfoElement> elements)
            var style = QuickInfoContainerStyle.Stacked;
            if (includeVerticalPadding)
                style |= QuickInfoContainerStyle.VerticalPadding;
            return new(style, elements);
        private static QuickInfoContainerElement WrappedContainer(params ImmutableArray<QuickInfoElement> elements)
            => new(QuickInfoContainerStyle.Wrapped, elements);
    public static QuickInfoClassifiedTextStyle ToClassifiedTextRunStyle(this TaggedTextStyle style)
        var result = QuickInfoClassifiedTextStyle.Plain;
        if ((style & TaggedTextStyle.Emphasis) == TaggedTextStyle.Emphasis)
            result |= QuickInfoClassifiedTextStyle.Italic;
        if ((style & TaggedTextStyle.Strong) == TaggedTextStyle.Strong)
            result |= QuickInfoClassifiedTextStyle.Bold;
        if ((style & TaggedTextStyle.Underline) == TaggedTextStyle.Underline)
            result |= QuickInfoClassifiedTextStyle.Underline;
        if ((style & TaggedTextStyle.Code) == TaggedTextStyle.Code)
            result |= QuickInfoClassifiedTextStyle.UseClassificationFont;
        return result;