// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editing;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.FindSymbols;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageService;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Operations;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.InlineMethod;
internal abstract partial class AbstractInlineMethodRefactoringProvider<TMethodDeclarationSyntax, TStatementSyntax, TExpressionSyntax, TInvocationSyntax>
/// <summary>
/// Information about the callee method parameters to compute <see cref="InlineMethodContext"/>.
/// </summary>
private readonly struct MethodParametersInfo(
ImmutableArray<(IParameterSymbol parameterSymbol, string name)> parametersWithVariableDeclarationArgument,
ImmutableArray<(IParameterSymbol parameterSymbol, TExpressionSyntax initExpression)> parametersToGenerateFreshVariablesFor,
ImmutableDictionary<IParameterSymbol, TExpressionSyntax> parametersToReplace,
bool mergeInlineContentAndVariableDeclarationArgument)
/// <summary>
/// Parameters map to variable declaration argument's name.
/// This is only used for C# to support the 'out' variable declaration. For VB it should always be empty.
/// Before:
/// void Caller()
/// {
/// Callee(out var x);
/// }
/// void Callee(out int i) => i = 100;
/// After:
/// void Caller()
/// {
/// int x = 100;
/// }
/// void Callee(out int i) => i = 100;
/// </summary>
public ImmutableArray<(IParameterSymbol parameterSymbol, string name)> ParametersWithVariableDeclarationArgument { get; } = parametersWithVariableDeclarationArgument;
/// <summary>
/// Operations that represent Parameter has argument but the argument is not identifier or literal.
/// For these parameters they are considered to be put into a declaration statement after inlining.
/// Note: params array could maps to multiple/zero arguments.
/// Example:
/// Before:
/// void Caller(bool x)
/// {
/// Callee(Foo(), x ? Foo() : Bar())
/// }
/// void Callee(int a, int b)
/// {
/// DoSomething(a, b);
/// }
/// After:
/// void Caller(bool x)
/// {
/// int a = Foo();
/// int b = x ? Foo() : Bar();
/// DoSomething(a, b);
/// }
/// void Callee(int a, int b)
/// {
/// DoSomething(a, b);
/// }
/// </summary>
public ImmutableArray<(IParameterSymbol parameterSymbol, TExpressionSyntax initExpression)> ParametersToGenerateFreshVariablesFor { get; } = parametersToGenerateFreshVariablesFor;
/// <summary>
/// A dictionary that contains Parameter that should be directly replaced. Key is the parameter and Value is the replacement exprssion
/// It includes
/// 1. Parameter mapping to literal expression
/// 2. Parameter that has default value, and it has no argument. It should be replaced by the default value.
/// 3. Parameter mapping to identifier expression
/// Before:
/// void Caller(int i, int j, bool[] k)
/// {
/// Callee(i, j, k);
/// }
/// void Callee(int a, int b, params bool[] c)
/// {
/// DoSomething(a, b, c);
/// }
/// After:
/// void Caller(int i, int j, bool[] k)
/// {
/// DoSomething(i, j, k);
/// }
/// void Callee(int a, int b, params bool[] c)
/// {
/// DoSomething(a, b, c);
/// }
/// 4. A special case, the parameter is only read once in the callee method body
/// Before:
/// void Caller(bool x)
/// {
/// Callee(Foo(), Bar())
/// }
/// void Callee(int a, int b)
/// {
/// DoSomething(a, b);
/// }
/// After:
/// void Caller(bool x)
/// {
/// DoSomething(Foo(), Bar());
/// }
/// void Callee(int a, int b)
/// {
/// DoSomething(a, b);
/// }
/// In this case, parameters 'a' and 'b' should just be replaced by the argument expression.
/// Note: this might cause semantics changes. It is by design.
/// </summary>
public ImmutableDictionary<IParameterSymbol, TExpressionSyntax> ParametersToReplace { get; } = parametersToReplace;
/// <summary>
/// Indicate should inline expression and variable declaration be merged into one line.
/// Example:
/// Before:
/// void Caller()
/// {
/// Callee(out var x);
/// }
/// void Callee(out int i) => i = 100;
/// After:
/// (Correct version)
/// void Caller()
/// {
/// int x = 100;
/// }
/// void Callee(out int i) => i = 100;
/// (Wrong version)
/// void Caller()
/// {
/// int x;
/// x = 100;
/// }
/// void Callee(out int i) => i = 100;
/// </summary>
public bool MergeInlineContentAndVariableDeclarationArgument { get; } = mergeInlineContentAndVariableDeclarationArgument;
private async Task<MethodParametersInfo> GetMethodParametersInfoAsync(
Document document,
TInvocationSyntax calleeInvocationNode,
TMethodDeclarationSyntax calleeMethodNode,
TStatementSyntax? statementContainingInvocation,
TExpressionSyntax rawInlineExpression,
IInvocationOperation invocationOperation,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var callerSemanticModel = await document.GetRequiredSemanticModelAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
var allArgumentOperations = invocationOperation.Arguments;
var calleeDocument = document.Project.Solution.GetRequiredDocument(calleeMethodNode.SyntaxTree);
var syntaxGenerator = SyntaxGenerator.GetGenerator(document);
if (statementContainingInvocation != null)
// 1. Find all the parameter maps to an identifier from caller. After inlining, this identifier would be used to replace the parameter in callee body.
// For params array, it should be included here if it is accept an array identifier as argument.
// Note: this might change the order of evaluation if the identifiers are property, this is by design because strictly
// follow the semantics will cause strange code and this is a refactoring.
// Example:
// Before:
// void Caller(int i, int j, bool[] k)
// {
// Callee(i, j, k);
// }
// void Callee(int a, int b, params bool[] c)
// {
// DoSomething(a, b, c);
// }
// After:
// void Caller(int i, int j, bool[] k)
// {
// DoSomething(i, j, k);
// }
// void Callee(int a, int b, params bool[] c)
// {
// DoSomething(a, b, c);
// }
var operationsWithIdentifierArgument = allArgumentOperations
.WhereAsArray(argument =>
_syntaxFacts.IsIdentifierName(argument.Value.Syntax) && argument.ArgumentKind == ArgumentKind.Explicit);
// 2. Find all the declaration arguments (e.g. out var declaration in C#).
// After inlining, an declaration needs to be put before the invocation. And also use the declared identifier to replace the mapping parameter in callee.
// Example:
// Before:
// void Caller()
// {
// Callee(out var x);
// }
// void Callee(out int i) => i = 100;
// After:
// void Caller()
// {
// int x;
// x = 100;
// }
// void Callee(out int i) => i = 100;
var operationsWithVariableDeclarationArgument = allArgumentOperations
.WhereAsArray(argument =>
_syntaxFacts.IsDeclarationExpression(argument.Value.Syntax) && argument.ArgumentKind == ArgumentKind.Explicit);
// 3. Find the literal arguments, and the mapping parameter will be replaced by that literal expression
// Example:
// Before:
// void Caller(int k)
// {
// Callee(1, k);
// }
// void Callee(int i, int j)
// {
// DoSomething(i, k);
// }
// After:
// void Caller(int k)
// {
// DoSomething(1, k);
// }
// void Callee(int i, int j)
// {
// DoSomething(i, j);
// }
var operationsWithLiteralArgument = allArgumentOperations
.WhereAsArray(argument =>
_syntaxFacts.IsLiteralExpression(argument.Value.Syntax) && argument.ArgumentKind == ArgumentKind.Explicit);
// 4. Find the default value parameters. Similarly to 3, they should be replaced by the default value.
// Example:
// Before:
// void Caller(int k)
// {
// Callee();
// }
// void Callee(int i = 1, int j = 2)
// {
// DoSomething(i, k);
// }
// After:
// void Caller(int k)
// {
// DoSomething(1, 2);
// }
// void Callee(int i = 1, int j = 2)
// {
// DoSomething(i, j);
// }
var operationsWithDefaultValue = allArgumentOperations
.WhereAsArray(argument => argument.ArgumentKind == ArgumentKind.DefaultValue);
// 5. All the remaining arguments, which might includes method call and a lot of other expressions.
// Generate a declaration in the caller.
// Example:
// Before:
// void Caller(bool x)
// {
// Callee(Foo(), x ? Foo() : Bar())
// }
// void Callee(int a, int b)
// {
// DoSomething(a, b);
// }
// After:
// void Caller(bool x)
// {
// int a = Foo();
// int b = x ? Foo() : Bar();
// DoSomething(a, b);
// }
// void Callee(int a, int b)
// {
// DoSomething(a, b);
// }
var operationsToGenerateFreshVariablesFor = allArgumentOperations
.WhereAsArray(argument => argument.Value.Syntax is TExpressionSyntax);
// There is a special case that should be treated differently. If the parameter is only read once in the method body.
// Then use the argument expression to directly replace it.
// void Caller(bool x)
// {
// Callee(Foo(), Bar())
// }
// void Callee(int a, int b)
// {
// DoSomething(a, b);
// }
// After:
// void Caller(bool x)
// {
// DoSomething(Foo(), Bar());
// }
// void Callee(int a, int b)
// {
// DoSomething(a, b);
// }
// Note: this change might change the order of evaluation. Strictly keep the semantics will make the
// code becomes strange so it is by design.
var operationsReadOnlyOnce =
await GetArgumentsReadOnlyOnceAsync(
operationsToGenerateFreshVariablesFor = operationsToGenerateFreshVariablesFor.RemoveRange(operationsReadOnlyOnce);
var parametersToGenerateFreshVariablesFor = operationsToGenerateFreshVariablesFor
// We excluded arglist callees, so Parameter will always be non null
.SelectAsArray(argument => (argument.Parameter!, GenerateArgumentExpression(syntaxGenerator, argument)));
var parameterToReplaceMap =
// We excluded arglist callees, so Parameter will always be non null
keySelector: argument => argument.Parameter!,
elementSelector: argument => GenerateArgumentExpression(syntaxGenerator, argument));
// Use array instead of dictionary because using dictionary will make the parameter becomes unordered.
// Example:
// Before:
// void Caller()
// {
// Callee(out var x, out var y);
// }
// void Callee(out int i, out int j) => DoSomething(out i, out j);
// After:
// void Caller()
// {
// int y;
// int x;
// DoSomething(out x, out y);
// }
// void Callee(out int i, out int j) => DoSomething(out i, out j);
// 'y' might becomes the first declaration if using dictionary instead of array.
var parametersWithVariableDeclarationArgument = operationsWithVariableDeclarationArgument
.Select(argument => (
callerSemanticModel.GetSymbolInfo(argument.Value.Syntax, cancellationToken).GetAnySymbol()?.Name))
.Where(parameterAndArgumentName => parameterAndArgumentName.Name != null)
var mergeInlineContentAndVariableDeclarationArgument = await ShouldMergeInlineContentAndVariableDeclarationArgumentAsync(
return new MethodParametersInfo(
// If the caller is this is invoked in an arrow function, we can't generate declaration
// because there is nowhere to insert that.
// This such case, just use the argument expression to parameter.
// Note: this might also cause semantics changes but is acceptable for a refactoring
var parameterToReplaceMap = allArgumentOperations
.Where(argument => argument.Value.Syntax is TExpressionSyntax
&& !_syntaxFacts.IsDeclarationExpression(argument.Value.Syntax))
// We excluded arglist callees, so Parameter will always be non null
keySelector: argument => argument.Parameter!,
elementSelector: argument => GenerateArgumentExpression(syntaxGenerator, argument));
return new MethodParametersInfo(
/// <summary>
/// Check if the parameter is referenced only once, and it is referenced as 'read'.
/// Determine a special case for a parameter that should be replaced by the argument instead of generating a declaration
/// for it.
/// Example:
/// Before:
/// void Caller(bool x)
/// {
/// Callee(Foo(), Bar())
/// }
/// void Callee(int a, int b)
/// {
/// DoSomething(a, b);
/// }
/// After:
/// void Caller(bool x)
/// {
/// DoSomething(Foo(), Bar());
/// }
/// void Callee(int a, int b)
/// {
/// DoSomething(a, b);
/// }
/// Parameters 'a' and 'b' are used only once in the Callee, and their value are read not write.
/// For this case just use the argument to replace the parameter.
/// Note: This might cause a semantic change. In the previous example, if it is
/// void Caller(bool x)
/// {
/// Callee(Foo(), Bar())
/// }
/// void Callee(int a, int b)
/// {
/// DoSomething(b, a);
/// }
/// Then this operation will change the order of evaluation but is acceptable for a refactoring
/// </summary>
private static async Task<ImmutableArray<IArgumentOperation>> GetArgumentsReadOnlyOnceAsync(
Document document,
ImmutableArray<IArgumentOperation> arguments,
TMethodDeclarationSyntax calleeMethodNode,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
using var _ = ArrayBuilder<IArgumentOperation>.GetInstance(out var builder);
foreach (var argument in arguments)
var parameterSymbol = argument.Parameter;
Contract.ThrowIfNull(parameterSymbol, "We filtered out varags methods earlier.");
var allReferences = await SymbolFinder
.FindReferencesAsync(parameterSymbol, document.Project.Solution, ImmutableHashSet<Document>.Empty.Add(document), cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
// Need to check if the node is in CalleeMethodNode, because for this case
// void Caller() { Callee(i: 10); }
// void Callee(int i) { DoSomething(); }
// the 'i' in the caller will be considered as the referenced location
var allReferencedLocations = allReferences
.SelectMany(@ref => @ref.Locations)
.Where(location => !location.IsImplicit && calleeMethodNode.Contains(location.Location.FindNode(getInnermostNodeForTie: true, cancellationToken)))
if (allReferencedLocations.Length == 1
&& allReferencedLocations[0].SymbolUsageInfo.IsReadFrom())
return builder.ToImmutableAndClear();
/// <summary>
/// Check if there is only one variable declaration argument and it is used for assignment
/// in the method body. In this case, the method body and argument will be merged into one statement.
/// For example:
/// Before:
/// void Caller()
/// {
/// Callee(out var x);
/// }
/// void Callee(out int i) => i = 100;
/// After:
/// void Caller()
/// {
/// int x = 100;
/// }
/// void Callee(out int i) => i = 100;
/// </summary>
private async Task<bool> ShouldMergeInlineContentAndVariableDeclarationArgumentAsync(
Document calleeDocument,
TInvocationSyntax calleInvocationNode,
ImmutableArray<(IParameterSymbol parameterSymbol, string name)> parametersWithVariableDeclarationArgument,
TExpressionSyntax inlineExpressionNode,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var semanticModel = await calleeDocument.GetRequiredSemanticModelAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
return parametersWithVariableDeclarationArgument.Length == 1
&& _syntaxFacts.IsExpressionStatement(calleInvocationNode.Parent)
&& semanticModel.GetOperation(inlineExpressionNode, cancellationToken) is ISimpleAssignmentOperation simpleAssignmentOperation
&& simpleAssignmentOperation.Target is IParameterReferenceOperation parameterOperation
&& parameterOperation.Parameter.Equals(parametersWithVariableDeclarationArgument[0].parameterSymbol);
private TExpressionSyntax GenerateArgumentExpression(
SyntaxGenerator syntaxGenerator,
IArgumentOperation argumentOperation)
var parameterSymbol = argumentOperation.Parameter;
Debug.Assert(parameterSymbol is not null);
var argumentExpressionOperation = argumentOperation.Value;
if (argumentOperation.ArgumentKind == ArgumentKind.ParamArray
&& parameterSymbol.Type is IArrayTypeSymbol paramArrayParameter
&& argumentExpressionOperation is IArrayCreationOperation { Initializer: { } initializer }
&& argumentOperation.IsImplicit)
// if this argument is a param array & the array creation operation is implicitly generated,
// it means it is in this format:
// void caller() { Callee(1, 2, 3); }
// void Callee(params int[] x) { }
// Collect each of these arguments and generate a new array for it.
// Note: it could be empty.
return (TExpressionSyntax)syntaxGenerator.AddParentheses(
GenerateTypeSyntax(paramArrayParameter.ElementType, allowVar: false),
initializer.ElementValues.SelectAsArray(op => op.Syntax)));
// In all the other cases, one parameter should only maps to one argument.
if (argumentOperation.ArgumentKind == ArgumentKind.DefaultValue
&& parameterSymbol.HasExplicitDefaultValue)
return GenerateLiteralExpression(parameterSymbol.Type, parameterSymbol.ExplicitDefaultValue);
return (TExpressionSyntax)syntaxGenerator.AddParentheses(argumentExpressionOperation.Syntax);