File: EmbeddedLanguages\Json\JsonParser.JsonNetSyntaxChecks.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Features\Core\Portable\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Features.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Features)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.EmbeddedLanguages.Common;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.EmbeddedLanguages.VirtualChars;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Features.EmbeddedLanguages.Json;
using static EmbeddedSyntaxHelpers;
using JsonToken = EmbeddedSyntaxToken<JsonKind>;
internal partial struct JsonParser
    private static class JsonNetSyntaxChecker
        public static EmbeddedDiagnostic? CheckSyntax(JsonNode node)
            var diagnostic = node.Kind switch
                JsonKind.Array => CheckArray((JsonArrayNode)node),
                JsonKind.Object => CheckObject((JsonObjectNode)node),
                JsonKind.Constructor => CheckConstructor((JsonConstructorNode)node),
                JsonKind.Property => CheckProperty((JsonPropertyNode)node),
                JsonKind.Literal => CheckLiteral((JsonLiteralNode)node),
                JsonKind.NegativeLiteral => CheckNegativeLiteral((JsonNegativeLiteralNode)node),
                _ => null,
            return Earliest(diagnostic, CheckChildren(node));
            static EmbeddedDiagnostic? CheckChildren(JsonNode node)
                foreach (var child in node)
                    if (child.IsNode)
                        var diagnostic = CheckSyntax(child.Node);
                        if (diagnostic != null)
                            return diagnostic;
                return null;
        private static EmbeddedDiagnostic? CheckLiteral(JsonLiteralNode node)
            => node.LiteralToken.Kind == JsonKind.NumberToken
                ? CheckNumber(node.LiteralToken)
                : null;
        private static EmbeddedDiagnostic? CheckNegativeLiteral(JsonNegativeLiteralNode node)
            => node.LiteralToken.Kind == JsonKind.NumberToken
                ? CheckNumber(node.LiteralToken)
                : null;
        private static EmbeddedDiagnostic? CheckNumber(JsonToken numberToken)
            // This code was effectively copied from:
            // So as to match Newtonsoft.Json's behavior around number parsing.
            var chars = numberToken.VirtualChars;
            var firstChar = chars[0];
            var singleDigit = firstChar.IsDigit && chars.Length == 1;
            if (singleDigit)
                return null;
            var nonBase10 =
                firstChar == '0' && chars.Length > 1 &&
                chars[1] != '.' && chars[1] != 'e' && chars[1] != 'E';
            if (nonBase10)
                Debug.Assert(chars.Length > 1);
                // uses Convert.ToInt64 when checking if numbers are legal (see
                // However, this is quite expensive when it fails as it throws exceptions (see
                if (chars[1].Value is 'x' or 'X')
                    // Base 16.  Fortunately, we have helpers for this common case.
                    if (!long.TryParse(chars.Skip("0x".Length).CreateString(), NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out _))
                        return new EmbeddedDiagnostic(FeaturesResources.Invalid_number, GetSpan(chars));
                    // Base 8.  No .net helper for this.  So we just write our own.
                    if (!TryParseOctalString(chars))
                        return new EmbeddedDiagnostic(FeaturesResources.Invalid_number, GetSpan(chars));
            else if (!double.TryParse(chars.CreateString(), NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out _))
                return new EmbeddedDiagnostic(FeaturesResources.Invalid_number, GetSpan(chars));
            return null;
        private static bool TryParseOctalString(VirtualCharSequence chars)
            Debug.Assert(chars.Length > 1 && chars[0] == '0');
            // Copied and trimmed from:
            const ulong Base = 8;
            const ulong MaxValue = 0xffffffffffffffff / Base;
            ulong currentValue = 0;
            foreach (var c in chars)
                if (c.Value is not (>= '0' and <= '7'))
                    return false;
                var charValue = c.Value - '0';
                if (currentValue > MaxValue)
                    return false;
                var temp = currentValue * Base + (ulong)charValue;
                if (temp < currentValue)
                    return false;
                currentValue = temp;
            return true;
        private static EmbeddedDiagnostic? CheckArray(JsonArrayNode node)
            => CheckCommasBetweenSequenceElements(node.Sequence);
        private static EmbeddedDiagnostic? CheckConstructor(JsonConstructorNode node)
            => !IsValidConstructorName(node.NameToken)
                ? new EmbeddedDiagnostic(FeaturesResources.Invalid_constructor_name, node.NameToken.GetSpan())
                : CheckCommasBetweenSequenceElements(node.Sequence);
        private static bool IsValidConstructorName(JsonToken nameToken)
            foreach (var vc in nameToken.VirtualChars)
                if (!vc.IsLetterOrDigit)
                    return false;
            return true;
        private static EmbeddedDiagnostic? CheckCommasBetweenSequenceElements(ImmutableArray<JsonValueNode> sequence)
            // allows sequences of commas.  But after every non-comma value, you need
            // a comma.
            for (int i = 0, n = sequence.Length - 1; i < n; i++)
                var child = sequence[i];
                var nextChild = sequence[i + 1];
                if (child.Kind != JsonKind.CommaValue && nextChild.Kind != JsonKind.CommaValue)
                    return new EmbeddedDiagnostic(string.Format(FeaturesResources._0_expected, ','), GetFirstToken(nextChild).GetSpan());
            return null;
        private static EmbeddedDiagnostic? CheckObject(JsonObjectNode node)
            foreach (var child in node.Sequence)
                if (child.Kind != JsonKind.Property)
                    return new EmbeddedDiagnostic(FeaturesResources.Only_properties_allowed_in_an_object, GetFirstToken(child).GetSpan());
            return null;
        private static EmbeddedDiagnostic? CheckProperty(JsonPropertyNode node)
            => node.NameToken.Kind != JsonKind.StringToken && !IsLegalPropertyNameText(node.NameToken)
                ? new EmbeddedDiagnostic(FeaturesResources.Invalid_property_name, node.NameToken.GetSpan())
                : null;
        private static bool IsLegalPropertyNameText(JsonToken textToken)
            foreach (var ch in textToken.VirtualChars)
                if (!IsLegalPropertyNameChar(ch))
                    return false;
            return true;
        private static bool IsLegalPropertyNameChar(VirtualChar ch)
            => ch.IsLetterOrDigit || ch == '_' || ch == '$';