File: EmbeddedLanguages\AbstractLanguageDetector.cs
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Project: src\src\Features\Core\Portable\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Features.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Features)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.EmbeddedLanguages;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.EmbeddedLanguages.VirtualChars;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageService;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Features.EmbeddedLanguages;
internal abstract class AbstractLanguageDetector<TOptions>(
    EmbeddedLanguageInfo info,
    ImmutableArray<string> languageIdentifiers,
    EmbeddedLanguageCommentDetector commentDetector)
    where TOptions : struct, Enum
    protected readonly EmbeddedLanguageInfo Info = info;
    protected readonly EmbeddedLanguageDetector Detector = new(info, languageIdentifiers, commentDetector);
    /// <summary>
    /// Whether or not this is an argument to a well known api for this language (like Regex.Match or JToken.Parse).
    /// We light up support if we detect these, even if these APIs don't have the StringSyntaxAttribute attribute on
    /// them.  That way users can get a decent experience even on downlevel frameworks.
    /// </summary>
    protected abstract bool IsArgumentToWellKnownAPI(SyntaxToken token, SyntaxNode argumentNode, SemanticModel semanticModel, CancellationToken cancellationToken, out TOptions options);
    /// <summary>
    /// Giving a sibling argument expression to the string literal, attempts to determine if they correspond to
    /// options for that language.  For example with <c>new Regex("[a-z]", RegexOptions.CaseInsensitive)</c> the 
    /// second argument's expression defines options that control how the literal is parsed.
    /// </summary>
    protected abstract bool TryGetOptions(SemanticModel semanticModel, ITypeSymbol exprType, SyntaxNode expr, CancellationToken cancellationToken, out TOptions options);
    // Most embedded languages don't support being in an interpolated string text token.
    protected virtual bool IsEmbeddedLanguageInterpolatedStringTextToken(SyntaxToken token, SemanticModel semanticModel, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        => false;
    /// <summary>
    /// What options we should assume by default if we're matched up against a symbol that has a [StringSyntax]
    /// attribute on it.
    /// </summary>
    protected virtual TOptions GetStringSyntaxDefaultOptions()
        => default;
    public bool IsEmbeddedLanguageToken(
        SyntaxToken token,
        SemanticModel semanticModel,
        CancellationToken cancellationToken,
        out TOptions options)
        options = default;
        // First check for the standard pattern of either a `// lang=...` comment or an API annotated with the
        // [StringSyntax] attribute.
        if (Detector.IsEmbeddedLanguageToken(token, semanticModel, cancellationToken, out _, out var stringOptions))
            // If we got string-options back, then we were on a comment string (e.g. `// lang=regex,option1,option2`).
            // Attempt to convert the string options to actual options requested.
            if (stringOptions != null)
                return EmbeddedLanguageCommentOptions<TOptions>.TryGetOptions(stringOptions, out options);
            // If we weren't on a comment, then we were on an API with StringSyntaxAttribute on it.  Attempt to grab
            // API specific options for the client to use.
            var syntaxFacts = Info.SyntaxFacts;
            if (syntaxFacts.IsLiteralExpression(token.Parent) &&
                options = GetOptionsFromSiblingArgument(token.Parent.Parent, semanticModel, cancellationToken) ??
            return true;
            // We did not have a comment, and we didn't have a StringSyntax API.  See if this is an unannotated API
            // (e.g. Regex/Json prior to .net core).
            if (Info.IsAnyStringLiteral(token.RawKind))
                return IsEmbeddedLanguageStringLiteralToken(token, semanticModel, cancellationToken, out options);
            if (token.RawKind == Info.SyntaxKinds.InterpolatedStringTextToken)
                options = default;
                return IsEmbeddedLanguageInterpolatedStringTextToken(token, semanticModel, cancellationToken);
            return false;
    private bool IsEmbeddedLanguageStringLiteralToken(SyntaxToken token, SemanticModel semanticModel, CancellationToken cancellationToken, out TOptions options)
        options = default;
        var syntaxFacts = Info.SyntaxFacts;
        return syntaxFacts.IsLiteralExpression(token.Parent) &&
               syntaxFacts.IsArgument(token.Parent.Parent) &&
               IsArgumentToWellKnownAPI(token, token.Parent.Parent, semanticModel, cancellationToken, out options);
    protected TOptions? GetOptionsFromSiblingArgument(
        SyntaxNode argument,
        SemanticModel semanticModel,
        CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        var syntaxFacts = Info.SyntaxFacts;
        var argumentList = argument.GetRequiredParent();
        var arguments = syntaxFacts.IsArgument(argument)
            ? syntaxFacts.GetArgumentsOfArgumentList(argumentList)
            : syntaxFacts.GetArgumentsOfAttributeArgumentList(argumentList);
        foreach (var siblingArg in arguments)
            if (siblingArg != argument)
                var expr = syntaxFacts.IsArgument(argument)
                    ? syntaxFacts.GetExpressionOfArgument(siblingArg)
                    : syntaxFacts.GetExpressionOfAttributeArgument(siblingArg);
                if (expr != null)
                    var exprType = semanticModel.GetTypeInfo(expr, cancellationToken);
                    if (exprType.Type != null &&
                        TryGetOptions(semanticModel, exprType.Type, expr, cancellationToken, out var options))
                        return options;
        return null;
    protected static string? GetNameOfType(SyntaxNode? typeNode, ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts)
        if (syntaxFacts.IsQualifiedName(typeNode))
            return GetNameOfType(syntaxFacts.GetRightSideOfDot(typeNode), syntaxFacts);
        else if (syntaxFacts.IsIdentifierName(typeNode))
            return syntaxFacts.GetIdentifierOfSimpleName(typeNode).ValueText;
        return null;
    protected string? GetNameOfInvokedExpression(SyntaxNode invokedExpression)
        var syntaxFacts = Info.SyntaxFacts;
        if (syntaxFacts.IsSimpleMemberAccessExpression(invokedExpression))
            return syntaxFacts.GetIdentifierOfSimpleName(syntaxFacts.GetNameOfMemberAccessExpression(invokedExpression)).ValueText;
        else if (syntaxFacts.IsIdentifierName(invokedExpression))
            return syntaxFacts.GetIdentifierOfSimpleName(invokedExpression).ValueText;
        return null;
internal interface ILanguageDetectorInfo<TDetector>
    ImmutableArray<string> LanguageIdentifiers { get; }
    TDetector Create(Compilation compilation, EmbeddedLanguageInfo info);
internal abstract class AbstractLanguageDetector<TOptions, TTree, TDetector, TDetectorInfo> :
    where TOptions : struct, Enum
    where TTree : class
    where TDetector : AbstractLanguageDetector<TOptions, TTree, TDetector, TDetectorInfo>
    where TDetectorInfo : struct, ILanguageDetectorInfo<TDetector>
    public static readonly ImmutableArray<string> LanguageIdentifiers = default(TDetectorInfo).LanguageIdentifiers;
    public static readonly EmbeddedLanguageCommentDetector CommentDetector = new(LanguageIdentifiers);
    /// <summary>
    /// Cache so that we can reuse the same TDetector when analyzing a particular compilation model. This saves the
    /// time from having to recreate this for every string literal that features examine for a particular
    /// compilation.
    /// </summary>
    private static readonly ConditionalWeakTable<Compilation, TDetector> s_compilationToDetector = new();
    protected AbstractLanguageDetector(
        EmbeddedLanguageInfo info,
        ImmutableArray<string> languageIdentifiers,
        EmbeddedLanguageCommentDetector commentDetector)
        : base(info, languageIdentifiers, commentDetector)
    public static TDetector GetOrCreate(
        Compilation compilation, EmbeddedLanguageInfo info)
        // Do a quick non-allocating check first.  If not already created, go the path that will have to allocate
        // the lambda closure.
        return s_compilationToDetector.TryGetValue(compilation, out var detector)
            ? detector
            : Create(compilation, info);
        static TDetector Create(Compilation compilation, EmbeddedLanguageInfo info)
            => s_compilationToDetector.GetValue(compilation, _ => default(TDetectorInfo).Create(compilation, info));
    /// <summary>
    /// Tries to parse out an appropriate language tree given the characters in this string literal.
    /// </summary>
    protected abstract TTree? TryParse(VirtualCharSequence chars, TOptions options);
    /// <summary>
    /// Attempts to parse the string-literal-like <paramref name="token"/> into an embedded language tree.  The
    /// token must either be in a location semantically known to accept this language, or it must have an
    /// appropriate comment on it stating that it should be interpreted as this language.
    /// </summary>
    public TTree? TryParseString(SyntaxToken token, SemanticModel semanticModel, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        if (!this.IsEmbeddedLanguageToken(token, semanticModel, cancellationToken, out var options))
            return null;
        var chars = Info.VirtualCharService.TryConvertToVirtualChars(token);
        return TryParse(chars, options);