// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeFixes.Suppression;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeStyle;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Options;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeFixes.Configuration;
/// <summary>
/// Helper class to configure diagnostic severity or code style option value based on .editorconfig file
/// </summary>
internal sealed partial class ConfigurationUpdater
private enum ConfigurationKind
private const string DiagnosticOptionPrefix = "dotnet_diagnostic.";
private const string SeveritySuffix = ".severity";
private const string BulkConfigureAllAnalyzerDiagnosticsOptionKey = "dotnet_analyzer_diagnostic.severity";
private const string BulkConfigureAnalyzerDiagnosticsByCategoryOptionPrefix = "dotnet_analyzer_diagnostic.category-";
private const string AllAnalyzerDiagnosticsCategory = "";
// Regular expression for .editorconfig header.
// For example: "[*.cs] # Optional comment"
// "[*.{vb,cs}]"
// "[*] ; Optional comment"
// "[ConsoleApp/Program.cs]"
private static readonly Regex s_headerPattern = new(@"\[(\*|[^ #;\[\]]+\.({[^ #;{}\.\[\]]+}|[^ #;{}\.\[\]]+))\]\s*([#;].*)?");
// Regular expression for .editorconfig code style option entry.
// For example:
// 1. "dotnet_style_object_initializer = true # Optional comment"
// 2. "dotnet_style_object_initializer = true:suggestion ; Optional comment"
// 3. "dotnet_diagnostic.CA2000.severity = suggestion # Optional comment"
// 4. "dotnet_analyzer_diagnostic.category-Security.severity = suggestion # Optional comment"
// 5. "dotnet_analyzer_diagnostic.severity = suggestion # Optional comment"
// Regex groups:
// 1. Option key
// 2. Option value
// 3. Optional severity suffix in option value, i.e. ':severity' suffix
// 4. Optional comment suffix
private static readonly Regex s_optionEntryPattern = new($@"(.*)=([\w, ]*)(:[\w]+)?([ ]*[;#].*)?");
private readonly string? _optionNameOpt;
private readonly string? _newOptionValueOpt;
private readonly string _newSeverity;
private readonly ConfigurationKind _configurationKind;
private readonly Diagnostic? _diagnostic;
private readonly string? _categoryToBulkConfigure;
private readonly bool _isPerLanguage;
private readonly Project _project;
private readonly bool _addNewEntryIfNoExistingEntryFound;
private readonly string _language;
private ConfigurationUpdater(
string? optionNameOpt,
string? newOptionValueOpt,
string newSeverity,
ConfigurationKind configurationKind,
Diagnostic? diagnosticToConfigure,
string? categoryToBulkConfigure,
bool isPerLanguage,
Project project,
bool addNewEntryIfNoExistingEntryFound)
Debug.Assert(configurationKind != ConfigurationKind.OptionValue || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(newOptionValueOpt));
Debug.Assert(diagnosticToConfigure != null ^ categoryToBulkConfigure != null);
Debug.Assert((categoryToBulkConfigure != null) == (configurationKind == ConfigurationKind.BulkConfigure));
_optionNameOpt = optionNameOpt;
_newOptionValueOpt = newOptionValueOpt;
_newSeverity = newSeverity;
_configurationKind = configurationKind;
_diagnostic = diagnosticToConfigure;
_categoryToBulkConfigure = categoryToBulkConfigure;
_isPerLanguage = isPerLanguage;
_project = project;
_addNewEntryIfNoExistingEntryFound = addNewEntryIfNoExistingEntryFound;
_language = project.Language;
/// <summary>
/// Updates or adds an .editorconfig <see cref="AnalyzerConfigDocument"/> to the given <paramref name="project"/>
/// so that the severity of the given <paramref name="diagnostic"/> is configured to be the given
/// <paramref name="severity"/>.
/// </summary>
public static Task<Solution> ConfigureSeverityAsync(
ReportDiagnostic severity,
Diagnostic diagnostic,
Project project,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
if (severity == ReportDiagnostic.Default)
severity = diagnostic.DefaultSeverity.ToReportDiagnostic();
return ConfigureSeverityAsync(severity.ToEditorConfigString(), diagnostic, project, cancellationToken);
/// <summary>
/// Updates or adds an .editorconfig <see cref="AnalyzerConfigDocument"/> to the given <paramref name="project"/>
/// so that the severity of the given <paramref name="diagnostic"/> is configured to be the given
/// <paramref name="editorConfigSeverity"/>.
/// </summary>
public static Task<Solution> ConfigureSeverityAsync(
string editorConfigSeverity,
Diagnostic diagnostic,
Project project,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// For option based code style diagnostic, try to find the .editorconfig key-value pair for the
// option setting.
var codeStyleOptionValues = GetCodeStyleOptionValuesForDiagnostic(diagnostic, project);
ConfigurationUpdater updater;
if (!codeStyleOptionValues.IsEmpty)
return ConfigureCodeStyleOptionsAsync(
codeStyleOptionValues.Select(t => (t.optionName, t.currentOptionValue, t.isPerLanguage)),
editorConfigSeverity, diagnostic, project, configurationKind: ConfigurationKind.Severity, cancellationToken);
updater = new ConfigurationUpdater(optionNameOpt: null, newOptionValueOpt: null, editorConfigSeverity,
configurationKind: ConfigurationKind.Severity, diagnostic, categoryToBulkConfigure: null,
isPerLanguage: false, project, addNewEntryIfNoExistingEntryFound: true);
return updater.ConfigureAsync(cancellationToken);
/// <summary>
/// Updates or adds an .editorconfig <see cref="AnalyzerConfigDocument"/> to the given <paramref name="project"/>
/// so that the default severity of the diagnostics with the given <paramref name="category"/> is configured to be the given
/// <paramref name="editorConfigSeverity"/>.
/// </summary>
public static Task<Solution> BulkConfigureSeverityAsync(
string editorConfigSeverity,
string category,
Project project,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
return BulkConfigureSeverityCoreAsync(editorConfigSeverity, category, project, cancellationToken);
/// <summary>
/// Updates or adds an .editorconfig <see cref="AnalyzerConfigDocument"/> to the given <paramref name="project"/>
/// so that the default severity of all diagnostics is configured to be the given
/// <paramref name="editorConfigSeverity"/>.
/// </summary>
public static Task<Solution> BulkConfigureSeverityAsync(
string editorConfigSeverity,
Project project,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
return BulkConfigureSeverityCoreAsync(editorConfigSeverity, category: AllAnalyzerDiagnosticsCategory, project, cancellationToken);
private static Task<Solution> BulkConfigureSeverityCoreAsync(
string editorConfigSeverity,
string category,
Project project,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var updater = new ConfigurationUpdater(optionNameOpt: null, newOptionValueOpt: null, editorConfigSeverity,
configurationKind: ConfigurationKind.BulkConfigure, diagnosticToConfigure: null, category,
isPerLanguage: false, project, addNewEntryIfNoExistingEntryFound: true);
return updater.ConfigureAsync(cancellationToken);
/// <summary>
/// Updates or adds an .editorconfig <see cref="AnalyzerConfigDocument"/> to the given <paramref name="project"/>
/// so that the given <paramref name="optionName"/> is configured to have the given <paramref name="optionValue"/>.
/// </summary>
public static Task<Solution> ConfigureCodeStyleOptionAsync(
string optionName,
string optionValue,
Diagnostic diagnostic,
bool isPerLanguage,
Project project,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
=> ConfigureCodeStyleOptionsAsync(
[(optionName, optionValue, isPerLanguage)],
diagnostic, project, configurationKind: ConfigurationKind.OptionValue, cancellationToken);
private static async Task<Solution> ConfigureCodeStyleOptionsAsync(
IEnumerable<(string optionName, string optionValue, bool isPerLanguage)> codeStyleOptionValues,
string editorConfigSeverity,
Diagnostic diagnostic,
Project project,
ConfigurationKind configurationKind,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// For severity configuration for IDE code style diagnostics, we want to ensure the following:
// 1. For code style option based entries, i.e. "%option_name% = %option_value%:%severity%,
// we only update existing entries, but do not add a new entry.
// 2. For "dotnet_diagnostic.<%DiagnosticId%>.severity = %severity%" entries, we update existing entries, and if none found
// we add a single new severity configuration entry for all code style options that share the same diagnostic ID.
// This behavior is required to ensure that we always add the up-to-date dotnet_diagnostic based severity entry
// so the IDE code style diagnostics can be enforced in build, as the compiler only understands dotnet_diagnostic entries.
// See https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/44201 for more details.
// First handle "%option_name% = %option_value%:%severity% entries.
// For option value configuration, we always want to add new entry if no existing value is found.
// For severity configuration, we only want to update existing value if found.
var currentProject = project;
var areAllOptionsPerLanguage = true;
var addNewEntryIfNoExistingEntryFound = configurationKind != ConfigurationKind.Severity;
foreach (var (optionName, optionValue, isPerLanguage) in codeStyleOptionValues)
Debug.Assert(optionValue != null);
var updater = new ConfigurationUpdater(optionName, optionValue, editorConfigSeverity, configurationKind,
diagnostic, categoryToBulkConfigure: null, isPerLanguage, currentProject,
var solution = await updater.ConfigureAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
currentProject = solution.GetProject(project.Id)!;
areAllOptionsPerLanguage = areAllOptionsPerLanguage && isPerLanguage;
// For severity configuration, handle "dotnet_diagnostic.<%DiagnosticId%>.severity = %severity%" entry.
// We want to update existing entry + add new entry if no existing value is found.
if (configurationKind == ConfigurationKind.Severity)
var updater = new ConfigurationUpdater(optionNameOpt: null, newOptionValueOpt: null, editorConfigSeverity,
configurationKind: ConfigurationKind.Severity, diagnostic, categoryToBulkConfigure: null,
isPerLanguage: areAllOptionsPerLanguage, currentProject, addNewEntryIfNoExistingEntryFound: true);
var solution = await updater.ConfigureAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
currentProject = solution.GetProject(project.Id)!;
return currentProject.Solution;
private async Task<Solution> ConfigureAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// Find existing .editorconfig or generate a new one if none exists.
var editorConfigDocument = FindOrGenerateEditorConfig();
if (editorConfigDocument == null)
return _project.Solution;
var solution = editorConfigDocument.Project.Solution;
var originalText = await editorConfigDocument.GetValueTextAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
// Compute the updated text for analyzer config document.
var newText = GetNewAnalyzerConfigDocumentText(originalText, editorConfigDocument);
if (newText == null || newText.Equals(originalText))
return solution;
return solution.WithAnalyzerConfigDocumentText(editorConfigDocument.Id, newText);
private AnalyzerConfigDocument? FindOrGenerateEditorConfig()
var analyzerConfigPath = _diagnostic != null
? _project.TryGetAnalyzerConfigPathForDiagnosticConfiguration(_diagnostic)
: _project.TryGetAnalyzerConfigPathForProjectConfiguration();
if (analyzerConfigPath == null)
return null;
if (_project.Solution?.FilePath == null)
// Project has no solution or solution without a file path.
// Add analyzer config to just the current project.
return GetOrCreateAnalyzerConfigDocument(_project, analyzerConfigPath);
// Otherwise, add analyzer config document to all applicable projects for the current project's solution.
AnalyzerConfigDocument? analyzerConfigDocument = null;
var analyzerConfigDirectory = PathUtilities.GetDirectoryName(analyzerConfigPath) ?? throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable();
var currentSolution = _project.Solution;
foreach (var projectId in _project.Solution.ProjectIds)
var project = currentSolution.GetProject(projectId);
if (project?.FilePath?.StartsWith(analyzerConfigDirectory) == true)
var addedAnalyzerConfigDocument = GetOrCreateAnalyzerConfigDocument(project, analyzerConfigPath);
if (addedAnalyzerConfigDocument != null)
analyzerConfigDocument ??= addedAnalyzerConfigDocument;
currentSolution = addedAnalyzerConfigDocument.Project.Solution;
return analyzerConfigDocument;
private static AnalyzerConfigDocument? GetOrCreateAnalyzerConfigDocument(Project project, string analyzerConfigPath)
var existingAnalyzerConfigDocument = project.TryGetExistingAnalyzerConfigDocumentAtPath(analyzerConfigPath);
if (existingAnalyzerConfigDocument != null)
return existingAnalyzerConfigDocument;
var id = DocumentId.CreateNewId(project.Id);
var documentInfo = DocumentInfo.Create(
name: ".editorconfig",
filePath: analyzerConfigPath);
var newSolution = project.Solution.AddAnalyzerConfigDocuments([documentInfo]);
return newSolution.GetProject(project.Id)?.GetAnalyzerConfigDocument(id);
private static ImmutableArray<(string optionName, string currentOptionValue, bool isPerLanguage)> GetCodeStyleOptionValuesForDiagnostic(
Diagnostic diagnostic,
Project project)
// For option based code style diagnostic, try to find the .editorconfig key-value pair for the
// option setting.
// For example, IDE diagnostics which are configurable with following code style option based .editorconfig entry:
// "%option_name% = %option_value%:%severity%
// we return '(option_name, new_option_value, new_severity)'
var codeStyleOptions = GetCodeStyleOptionsForDiagnostic(diagnostic, project);
if (!codeStyleOptions.IsEmpty)
var builder = new FixedSizeArrayBuilder<(string optionName, string currentOptionValue, bool isPerLanguage)>(codeStyleOptions.Length);
foreach (var option in codeStyleOptions)
var optionValue = option.Definition.Serializer.Serialize(option.DefaultValue);
builder.Add((option.Definition.ConfigName, optionValue, option.IsPerLanguage));
return builder.MoveToImmutable();
return [];
internal static bool TryGetEditorConfigStringParts(string editorConfigString, out (string optionName, string optionValue) parts)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(editorConfigString))
var match = s_optionEntryPattern.Match(editorConfigString);
if (match.Success)
parts = (optionName: match.Groups[1].Value.Trim(),
optionValue: match.Groups[2].Value.Trim());
return true;
parts = default;
return false;
internal static ImmutableArray<IOption2> GetCodeStyleOptionsForDiagnostic(Diagnostic diagnostic, Project project)
if (IDEDiagnosticIdToOptionMappingHelper.TryGetMappedOptions(diagnostic.Id, project.Language, out var options))
return [.. from option in options
where option.DefaultValue is ICodeStyleOption2
orderby option.Definition.ConfigName
select option];
return [];
private SourceText? GetNewAnalyzerConfigDocumentText(SourceText originalText, AnalyzerConfigDocument editorConfigDocument)
// Check if an entry to configure the rule severity already exists in the .editorconfig file.
// If it does, we update the existing entry with the new severity.
var (newText, lastValidHeaderSpanEnd, lastValidSpecificHeaderSpanEnd) = CheckIfRuleExistsAndReplaceInFile(originalText, editorConfigDocument);
if (newText != null)
return newText;
if (!_addNewEntryIfNoExistingEntryFound)
return originalText;
// We did not find any existing entry in the in the .editorconfig file to configure rule severity.
// So we add a new configuration entry to the .editorconfig file.
return AddMissingRule(originalText, lastValidHeaderSpanEnd, lastValidSpecificHeaderSpanEnd);
private (SourceText? newText, TextLine? lastValidHeaderSpanEnd, TextLine? lastValidSpecificHeaderSpanEnd) CheckIfRuleExistsAndReplaceInFile(
SourceText result,
AnalyzerConfigDocument editorConfigDocument)
// If there's an error finding the editorconfig directory, bail out.
var editorConfigDirectory = PathUtilities.GetDirectoryName(editorConfigDocument.FilePath);
if (editorConfigDirectory == null)
return (null, null, null);
var relativePath = string.Empty;
var diagnosticFilePath = string.Empty;
// If diagnostic SourceTree is null, it means either Location.None or Bulk configuration at root editorconfig, and thus no relative path.
var diagnosticSourceTree = _diagnostic?.Location.SourceTree;
if (diagnosticSourceTree != null)
// Finds the relative path between editorconfig directory and diagnostic filepath.
diagnosticFilePath = diagnosticSourceTree.FilePath.ToLowerInvariant();
relativePath = PathUtilities.GetRelativePath(editorConfigDirectory.ToLowerInvariant(), diagnosticFilePath);
relativePath = PathUtilities.NormalizeWithForwardSlash(relativePath);
TextLine? mostRecentHeader = null;
TextLine? lastValidHeader = null;
TextLine? lastValidHeaderSpanEnd = null;
TextLine? lastValidSpecificHeader = null;
TextLine? lastValidSpecificHeaderSpanEnd = null;
var textChange = new TextChange();
var isGlobalConfig = false;
foreach (var curLine in result.Lines)
var curLineText = curLine.ToString();
if (s_optionEntryPattern.IsMatch(curLineText))
var groups = s_optionEntryPattern.Match(curLineText).Groups;
// Regex groups:
// 1. Option key
// 2. Option value
// 3. Optional severity suffix, i.e. ':severity' suffix
// 4. Optional comment suffix
var untrimmedKey = groups[1].Value.ToString();
var key = untrimmedKey.Trim();
var value = groups[2].Value.ToString();
var severitySuffixInValue = groups[3].Value.ToString();
var commentValue = groups[4].Value.ToString();
// Check for global config header: "is_global = true"
if (mostRecentHeader == null &&
lastValidHeader == null &&
key.Equals("is_global", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
value.Trim().Equals("true", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
severitySuffixInValue.Length == 0)
isGlobalConfig = true;
mostRecentHeader = curLine;
lastValidHeader = curLine;
lastValidHeaderSpanEnd = curLine;
// Verify the most recent header is a valid header
if (mostRecentHeader != null &&
lastValidHeader != null &&
// We found the rule in the file -- replace it with updated option value/severity.
if (key.Equals(_optionNameOpt))
// We found an option configuration entry of form:
// "%option_name% = %option_value%
// OR
// "%option_name% = %option_value%:%severity%
var newOptionValue = _configurationKind == ConfigurationKind.OptionValue
? $"{value.GetLeadingWhitespace()}{_newOptionValueOpt}{value.GetTrailingWhitespace()}"
: value;
var newSeverityValue = _configurationKind == ConfigurationKind.Severity && severitySuffixInValue.Length > 0 ? $":{_newSeverity}" : severitySuffixInValue;
textChange = new TextChange(curLine.Span, $"{untrimmedKey}={newOptionValue}{newSeverityValue}{commentValue}");
// We want to detect severity based entry only when we are configuring severity and have no option name specified.
if (_configurationKind != ConfigurationKind.OptionValue &&
_optionNameOpt == null &&
severitySuffixInValue.Length == 0 &&
// We found a rule configuration entry of severity based form:
// "dotnet_diagnostic.<%DiagnosticId%>.severity = %severity%
// OR
// "dotnet_analyzer_diagnostic.severity = %severity%
// OR
// "dotnet_analyzer_diagnostic.category-<%DiagnosticCategory%>.severity = %severity%
var foundMatch = false;
switch (_configurationKind)
case ConfigurationKind.Severity:
RoslynDebug.Assert(_diagnostic != null);
if (key.StartsWith(DiagnosticOptionPrefix, StringComparison.Ordinal))
var diagIdLength = key.Length - (DiagnosticOptionPrefix.Length + SeveritySuffix.Length);
if (diagIdLength > 0)
var diagId = key.Substring(DiagnosticOptionPrefix.Length, diagIdLength);
foundMatch = string.Equals(diagId, _diagnostic.Id, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
case ConfigurationKind.BulkConfigure:
RoslynDebug.Assert(_categoryToBulkConfigure != null);
if (_categoryToBulkConfigure == AllAnalyzerDiagnosticsCategory)
foundMatch = key == BulkConfigureAllAnalyzerDiagnosticsOptionKey;
if (key.StartsWith(BulkConfigureAnalyzerDiagnosticsByCategoryOptionPrefix, StringComparison.Ordinal))
var categoryLength = key.Length - (BulkConfigureAnalyzerDiagnosticsByCategoryOptionPrefix.Length + SeveritySuffix.Length);
var category = key.Substring(BulkConfigureAnalyzerDiagnosticsByCategoryOptionPrefix.Length, categoryLength);
foundMatch = string.Equals(category, _categoryToBulkConfigure, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
if (foundMatch)
var newSeverityValue = $"{value.GetLeadingWhitespace()}{_newSeverity}{value.GetTrailingWhitespace()}";
textChange = new TextChange(curLine.Span, $"{untrimmedKey}={newSeverityValue}{commentValue}");
else if (!isGlobalConfig && s_headerPattern.IsMatch(curLineText.Trim()))
// We found a header entry such as '[*.cs]', '[*.vb]', etc.
// Verify that header is valid.
mostRecentHeader = curLine;
var groups = s_headerPattern.Match(curLineText.Trim()).Groups;
var mostRecentHeaderText = groups[1].Value.ToString().ToLowerInvariant();
if (mostRecentHeaderText.Equals("*"))
lastValidHeader = mostRecentHeader;
// We splice on the last occurrence of '.' to account for filenames containing periods.
var nameExtensionSplitIndex = mostRecentHeaderText.LastIndexOf('.');
var fileName = mostRecentHeaderText[..nameExtensionSplitIndex];
var splicedFileExtensions = mostRecentHeaderText[(nameExtensionSplitIndex + 1)..].Split(',', ' ', '{', '}');
// Replacing characters in the header with the regex equivalent.
fileName = fileName.Replace(".", @"\.");
fileName = fileName.Replace("*", ".*");
fileName = fileName.Replace("/", @"\/");
// Creating the header regex string, ex. [*.{cs,vb}] => ((\.cs)|(\.vb))
var headerRegexStr = fileName + @"((\." + splicedFileExtensions[0] + ")";
for (var i = 1; i < splicedFileExtensions.Length; i++)
headerRegexStr += @"|(\." + splicedFileExtensions[i] + ")";
headerRegexStr += ")";
var headerRegex = new Regex(headerRegexStr);
// We check that the relative path of the .editorconfig file to the diagnostic file
// matches the header regex pattern.
if (headerRegex.IsMatch(relativePath))
var match = headerRegex.Match(relativePath).Value;
var matchWithoutExtension = match[..match.LastIndexOf('.')];
// Edge case: The below statement checks that we correctly handle cases such as a header of [m.cs] and
// a file name of Program.cs.
if (matchWithoutExtension.Contains(PathUtilities.GetFileName(diagnosticFilePath, false)))
// If the diagnostic's isPerLanguage = true, the rule is valid for both C# and VB.
// For the purpose of adding missing rules later, we want to keep track of whether there is a
// valid header that contains both [*.cs] and [*.vb].
// If isPerLanguage = false or a compiler diagnostic, the rule is only valid for one of the languages.
// Thus, we want to keep track of whether there is an existing header that only contains [*.cs] or only
// [*.vb], depending on the language.
// We also keep track of the last valid header for the language.
var isLanguageAgnosticEntry = (_diagnostic == null || !SuppressionHelpers.IsCompilerDiagnostic(_diagnostic)) && _isPerLanguage;
if (isLanguageAgnosticEntry)
if ((_language.Equals(LanguageNames.CSharp) || _language.Equals(LanguageNames.VisualBasic)) &&
splicedFileExtensions.Contains("cs") && splicedFileExtensions.Contains("vb"))
lastValidSpecificHeader = mostRecentHeader;
else if (splicedFileExtensions.Length == 1)
if (_language.Equals(LanguageNames.CSharp) && splicedFileExtensions.Contains("cs"))
lastValidSpecificHeader = mostRecentHeader;
else if (_language.Equals(LanguageNames.VisualBasic) && splicedFileExtensions.Contains("vb"))
lastValidSpecificHeader = mostRecentHeader;
lastValidHeader = mostRecentHeader;
// Location.None special case.
else if (relativePath.IsEmpty() && new Regex(fileName).IsMatch(relativePath))
if ((_language.Equals(LanguageNames.CSharp) && splicedFileExtensions.Contains("cs")) ||
(_language.Equals(LanguageNames.VisualBasic) && splicedFileExtensions.Contains("vb")))
lastValidHeader = mostRecentHeader;
// We want to keep track of how far this (valid) section spans.
if (mostRecentHeader != null &&
lastValidHeader != null &&
lastValidHeaderSpanEnd = curLine;
if (lastValidSpecificHeader != null && mostRecentHeader.Equals(lastValidSpecificHeader))
lastValidSpecificHeaderSpanEnd = curLine;
// We return only the last text change in case of duplicate entries for the same rule.
if (textChange != default)
return (result.WithChanges(textChange), lastValidHeaderSpanEnd, lastValidSpecificHeaderSpanEnd);
// Rule not found.
return (null, lastValidHeaderSpanEnd, lastValidSpecificHeaderSpanEnd);
private SourceText? AddMissingRule(
SourceText result,
TextLine? lastValidHeaderSpanEnd,
TextLine? lastValidSpecificHeaderSpanEnd)
// Create a new rule configuration entry for the given diagnostic ID or bulk configuration category.
// If optionNameOpt and optionValueOpt are non-null, it indicates an option based diagnostic ID
// which can be configured by a new entry such as: "%option_name% = %option_value%:%severity%
// Otherwise, if diagnostic is non-null, it indicates a non-option diagnostic ID,
// which can be configured by a new entry such as: "dotnet_diagnostic.<%DiagnosticId%>.severity = %severity%
// Otherwise, it indicates a bulk configuration entry for default severity of a specific diagnostic category or all analyzer diagnostics,
// which can be configured by a new entry such as:
// 1. All analyzer diagnostics: "dotnet_analyzer_diagnostic.severity = %severity%
// 2. Category configuration: "dotnet_analyzer_diagnostic.category-<%DiagnosticCategory%>.severity = %severity%
var newEntry = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(_optionNameOpt) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(_newOptionValueOpt)
? $"{_optionNameOpt} = {_newOptionValueOpt}"
: _diagnostic != null
? $"{DiagnosticOptionPrefix}{_diagnostic.Id}{SeveritySuffix} = {_newSeverity}"
: _categoryToBulkConfigure == AllAnalyzerDiagnosticsCategory
? $"{BulkConfigureAllAnalyzerDiagnosticsOptionKey} = {_newSeverity}"
: $"{BulkConfigureAnalyzerDiagnosticsByCategoryOptionPrefix}{_categoryToBulkConfigure}{SeveritySuffix} = {_newSeverity}";
// Insert a new line and comment text above the new entry
var commentPrefix = _diagnostic != null
? $"{_diagnostic.Id}: {_diagnostic.Descriptor.Title}"
: _categoryToBulkConfigure == AllAnalyzerDiagnosticsCategory
? "Default severity for all analyzer diagnostics"
: $"Default severity for analyzer diagnostics with category '{_categoryToBulkConfigure}'";
newEntry = $"\r\n# {commentPrefix}\r\n{newEntry}\r\n";
// Check if have a correct existing header for the new entry.
// - If the diagnostic's isPerLanguage = true, it means the rule is valid for both C# and VB.
// Thus, if there is a valid existing header containing both [*.cs] and [*.vb], then we prioritize it.
// - If isPerLanguage = false, it means the rule is only valid for one of the languages. Thus, we
// prioritize headers that contain only the file extension for the given language.
// - If neither of the above hold true, we choose the last existing valid header.
// - If no valid existing headers, we generate a new header.
if (lastValidSpecificHeaderSpanEnd.HasValue)
if (lastValidSpecificHeaderSpanEnd.Value.ToString().Trim().Length != 0)
newEntry = "\r\n" + newEntry;
var textChange = new TextChange(new TextSpan(lastValidSpecificHeaderSpanEnd.Value.Span.End, 0), newEntry);
return result.WithChanges(textChange);
else if (lastValidHeaderSpanEnd.HasValue)
if (lastValidHeaderSpanEnd.Value.ToString().Trim().Length != 0)
newEntry = "\r\n" + newEntry;
var textChange = new TextChange(new TextSpan(lastValidHeaderSpanEnd.Value.Span.End, 0), newEntry);
return result.WithChanges(textChange);
// We need to generate a new header such as '[*.cs]' or '[*.vb]':
// - For compiler diagnostic entries and code style entries which have per-language option = false, generate only [*.cs] or [*.vb].
// - For the remainder, generate [*.{cs,vb}]
if (_language is LanguageNames.CSharp or LanguageNames.VisualBasic)
// Insert a newline if not already present
var lines = result.Lines;
var lastLine = lines.Count > 0 ? lines[^1] : default;
var prefix = string.Empty;
if (lastLine.ToString().Trim().Length != 0)
prefix = "\r\n";
// Insert newline if file is not empty
if (lines.Count > 1 && lastLine.ToString().Trim().Length == 0)
prefix += "\r\n";
var compilerDiagOrNotPerLang = (_diagnostic != null && SuppressionHelpers.IsCompilerDiagnostic(_diagnostic)) || !_isPerLanguage;
if (_language.Equals(LanguageNames.CSharp) && compilerDiagOrNotPerLang)
prefix += "[*.cs]\r\n";
else if (_language.Equals(LanguageNames.VisualBasic) && compilerDiagOrNotPerLang)
prefix += "[*.vb]\r\n";
prefix += "[*.{cs,vb}]\r\n";
var textChange = new TextChange(new TextSpan(result.Length, 0), prefix + newEntry);
return result.WithChanges(textChange);
return null;