File: src\ExpressionEvaluator\Core\Source\ResultProvider\Helpers\EvalResultDataItem.cs
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Project: src\src\ExpressionEvaluator\Core\Source\ResultProvider\Portable\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.ResultProvider.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.ExpressionEvaluator.ResultProvider)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
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#nullable disable
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Evaluation;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Evaluation.ClrCompilation;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.ExpressionEvaluator
    /// <summary>
    /// A pair of DkmClrValue and Expansion, used to store
    /// state on a DkmEvaluationResult.  Also computes the
    /// full name of the DkmClrValue.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// The DkmClrValue is included here rather than directly
    /// on the Expansion so that the DkmClrValue is not kept
    /// alive by the Expansion.
    /// </remarks>
    internal sealed class EvalResultDataItem : DkmDataItem
        public readonly string Name;
        public readonly TypeAndCustomInfo DeclaredTypeAndInfo;
        public readonly DkmClrValue Value;
        public readonly Expansion Expansion;
        public readonly bool ChildShouldParenthesize;
        public readonly string FullNameWithoutFormatSpecifiers;
        public readonly ReadOnlyCollection<string> FormatSpecifiers;
        public readonly string ChildFullNamePrefix;
        public EvalResultDataItem(
            string name,
            TypeAndCustomInfo declaredTypeAndInfo,
            DkmClrValue value,
            Expansion expansion,
            bool childShouldParenthesize,
            string fullNameWithoutFormatSpecifiers,
            string childFullNamePrefixOpt,
            ReadOnlyCollection<string> formatSpecifiers)
            this.Name = name;
            this.DeclaredTypeAndInfo = declaredTypeAndInfo;
            this.Value = value;
            this.ChildShouldParenthesize = childShouldParenthesize;
            this.FullNameWithoutFormatSpecifiers = fullNameWithoutFormatSpecifiers;
            this.ChildFullNamePrefix = childFullNamePrefixOpt;
            this.FormatSpecifiers = formatSpecifiers;
            this.Expansion = expansion;
        protected override void OnClose()
            // If we have an expansion, there's a danger that more than one data item is 
            // referring to the same DkmClrValue (e.g. if it's an AggregateExpansion).
            // To be safe, we'll only call Close when there's no expansion.  Since this
            // is only an optimization (the debugger will eventually close the value
            // anyway), a conservative approach is acceptable.
            if (this.Expansion == null)
    internal enum ExpansionKind
        Explicit, // All interesting fields set explicitly including DisplayName, DisplayValue, DisplayType.
    internal sealed class EvalResult
        // The flags we were constructed with before adding our additional flags
        private readonly DkmEvaluationResultFlags m_rawFlags;
        public readonly ExpansionKind Kind;
        public readonly string Name;
        public readonly TypeAndCustomInfo TypeDeclaringMemberAndInfo;
        public readonly TypeAndCustomInfo DeclaredTypeAndInfo;
        public readonly bool UseDebuggerDisplay;
        public readonly DkmClrValue Value;
        public readonly string DisplayName;
        public readonly string DisplayValue; // overrides the "Value" text displayed for certain kinds of DataItems (errors, invalid pointer dereferences, etc)...not to be confused with DebuggerDisplayAttribute Value...
        public readonly string DisplayType;
        public readonly Expansion Expansion;
        public readonly bool ChildShouldParenthesize;
        public readonly string FullNameWithoutFormatSpecifiers;
        public readonly ReadOnlyCollection<string> FormatSpecifiers;
        public readonly string ChildFullNamePrefix;
        public readonly DkmEvaluationResultCategory Category;
        public readonly DkmEvaluationResultFlags Flags;
        public readonly string EditableValue;
        public readonly DkmInspectionContext InspectionContext;
        public readonly bool CanFavorite;
        public readonly bool IsFavorite;
        public string FullName
                var name = this.FullNameWithoutFormatSpecifiers;
                if (name != null)
                    foreach (var formatSpecifier in this.FormatSpecifiers)
                        name += ", " + formatSpecifier;
                return name;
        public EvalResult(string name, string errorMessage, DkmInspectionContext inspectionContext)
            : this(
                name: name,
                typeDeclaringMemberAndInfo: default(TypeAndCustomInfo),
                declaredTypeAndInfo: default(TypeAndCustomInfo),
                useDebuggerDisplay: false,
                value: null,
                displayValue: errorMessage,
                expansion: null,
                childShouldParenthesize: false,
                fullName: null,
                childFullNamePrefixOpt: null,
                formatSpecifiers: Formatter.NoFormatSpecifiers,
                category: DkmEvaluationResultCategory.Other,
                flags: DkmEvaluationResultFlags.None,
                editableValue: null,
                inspectionContext: inspectionContext)
        public EvalResult(
            ExpansionKind kind,
            string name,
            TypeAndCustomInfo typeDeclaringMemberAndInfo,
            TypeAndCustomInfo declaredTypeAndInfo,
            bool useDebuggerDisplay,
            DkmClrValue value,
            string displayValue,
            Expansion expansion,
            bool childShouldParenthesize,
            string fullName,
            string childFullNamePrefixOpt,
            ReadOnlyCollection<string> formatSpecifiers,
            DkmEvaluationResultCategory category,
            DkmEvaluationResultFlags flags,
            string editableValue,
            DkmInspectionContext inspectionContext,
            string displayName = null,
            string displayType = null,
            bool canFavorite = false,
            bool isFavorite = false)
            Debug.Assert(name != null);
            Debug.Assert(formatSpecifiers != null);
            Debug.Assert((flags & DkmEvaluationResultFlags.Expandable) == 0);
            m_rawFlags = flags;
            this.Kind = kind;
            this.Name = name;
            this.TypeDeclaringMemberAndInfo = typeDeclaringMemberAndInfo;
            this.DeclaredTypeAndInfo = declaredTypeAndInfo;
            this.UseDebuggerDisplay = useDebuggerDisplay;
            this.Value = value;
            this.DisplayValue = displayValue;
            this.ChildShouldParenthesize = childShouldParenthesize;
            this.FullNameWithoutFormatSpecifiers = fullName;
            this.ChildFullNamePrefix = childFullNamePrefixOpt;
            this.FormatSpecifiers = formatSpecifiers;
            this.Category = category;
            this.EditableValue = editableValue;
            this.Flags = flags | GetFlags(value, inspectionContext, expansion, canFavorite, isFavorite);
            this.Expansion = expansion;
            this.InspectionContext = inspectionContext;
            this.DisplayName = displayName;
            this.DisplayType = displayType;
            this.CanFavorite = canFavorite;
            this.IsFavorite = isFavorite;
        internal EvalResultDataItem ToDataItem()
            return new EvalResultDataItem(
        internal EvalResult WithDisableCanAddFavorite()
            return new EvalResult(
                kind: Kind,
                name: Name,
                typeDeclaringMemberAndInfo: TypeDeclaringMemberAndInfo,
                declaredTypeAndInfo: DeclaredTypeAndInfo,
                useDebuggerDisplay: UseDebuggerDisplay,
                value: Value,
                displayValue: DisplayValue,
                expansion: Expansion,
                childShouldParenthesize: ChildShouldParenthesize,
                fullName: FullName,
                childFullNamePrefixOpt: ChildFullNamePrefix,
                formatSpecifiers: FormatSpecifiers,
                category: Category,
                flags: m_rawFlags,
                editableValue: EditableValue,
                inspectionContext: InspectionContext,
                displayName: DisplayName,
                displayType: DisplayType,
                canFavorite: false,
                isFavorite: IsFavorite);
        private static DkmEvaluationResultFlags GetFlags(DkmClrValue value, DkmInspectionContext inspectionContext, Expansion expansion, bool canFavorite, bool isFavorite)
            if (value == null)
                return DkmEvaluationResultFlags.None;
            var resultFlags = value.EvalFlags;
            var type = value.Type.GetLmrType();
            if (type.IsBoolean())
                resultFlags |= DkmEvaluationResultFlags.Boolean;
                if (true.Equals(value.HostObjectValue))
                    resultFlags |= DkmEvaluationResultFlags.BooleanTrue;
            if (!value.IsError() && value.HasUnderlyingString(inspectionContext))
                resultFlags |= DkmEvaluationResultFlags.RawString;
            // As in the old EE, we won't allow editing members of a DynamicView expansion.
            if (type.IsDynamicProperty())
                resultFlags |= DkmEvaluationResultFlags.ReadOnly;
            if (expansion != null)
                resultFlags |= DkmEvaluationResultFlags.Expandable;
                if (expansion.ContainsFavorites)
                    resultFlags |= DkmEvaluationResultFlags.HasFavorites;
            if (canFavorite)
                resultFlags |= DkmEvaluationResultFlags.CanFavorite;
            if (isFavorite)
                resultFlags |= DkmEvaluationResultFlags.IsFavorite;
            return resultFlags;