1 write to RawValue
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.ExpressionEvaluator.ResultProvider.Utilities (1)
Debugger\Engine\DkmClrValue.cs (1)
49this.RawValue = value;
19 references to RawValue
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.ExpressionEvaluator.ResultProvider.Utilities (19)
Debugger\Engine\DkmClrValue.cs (19)
86if (RawValue == null) 96var intPtr = Environment.Is64BitProcess ? new IntPtr((long)RawValue) : new IntPtr((int)RawValue); 127return ((RawValue == null) && !lmrType.IsValueType) || (lmrType.IsPointer && (Convert.ToInt64(RawValue) == 0)); 230var rawValue = RawValue; 306var fieldValue = field.GetValue(RawValue); 320var propertyValue = property.GetValue(RawValue); 342var methodValue = method.Invoke(RawValue, []); 419var boolValue = RawValue != null; 436var valueType = runtime.GetType((TypeImpl)RawValue.GetType()); 438RawValue, 439RawValue, 475value = field.GetValue(RawValue); 502value = property.GetValue(RawValue, bindingFlags, null, null, null); 570var array = (System.Array)RawValue; 586var array = (Array)RawValue; 606var array = (Array)RawValue; 637var value = constructor.Invoke(bindingFlags, null, new[] { RawValue }, null);