' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
' See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp
Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.UnitTests.Simplification
<Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.Simplification)>
Public Class CastSimplificationTests
Inherits AbstractSimplificationTests
#Region "CSharp tests"
Public Async Function TestCSharp_Remove_IntToInt() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class C
void M()
int x = {|Simplify:(int)0|};
Dim expected =
class C
void M()
int x = 0;
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
Public Async Function TestCSharp_Remove_ByteToInt() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class C
void M()
int x = {|Simplify:(byte)0|};
Dim expected =
class C
void M()
int x = 0;
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
Public Async Function TestCSharp_Remove_ByteToVar() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class C
void M()
var x = {|Simplify:(byte)0|};
Dim expected =
class C
void M()
var x = (byte)0;
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
Public Async Function TestCSharp_DoNotRemove_UncheckedByteToInt() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class C
void M()
int x = unchecked({|Simplify:(byte)257|});
Dim expected =
class C
void M()
int x = unchecked((byte)257);
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
Public Async Function TestCSharp_DoNotRemove_UncheckedByteToVar() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class C
void M()
var x = unchecked({|Simplify:(byte)257|});
Dim expected =
class C
void M()
var x = unchecked((byte)257);
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
Public Async Function TestCSharp_DoNotRemove_UncheckedByteToIntToVar() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class C
void M()
var x = int(unchecked({|Simplify:(byte)257|}));
Dim expected =
class C
void M()
var x = int(unchecked((byte)257));
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
Public Async Function TestCSharp_Remove_IntToObjectInInvocation() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class C
void Goo(object o) { }
void M()
int x = Goo({|Simplify:(object)1|});
Dim expected =
class C
void Goo(object o) { }
void M()
int x = Goo(1);
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
Public Async Function TestCSharp_DoNotRemove_IntToObject_Overloads1() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class C
void Goo(object o) { }
void Goo(int i) { }
void M()
int x = Goo({|Simplify:(object)1|});
Dim expected =
class C
void Goo(object o) { }
void Goo(int i) { }
void M()
int x = Goo((object)1);
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
Public Async Function TestCSharp_DoNotRemove_IntToObject_Overloads2() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class C
void Goo(object o) { }
void Goo(int i) { }
void M()
int x = Goo({|Simplify:(object)(1 + 2)|});
Dim expected =
class C
void Goo(object o) { }
void Goo(int i) { }
void M()
int x = Goo((object)(1 + 2));
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
Public Async Function TestCSharp_DoNotRemove_IntToDouble1() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class C
void M()
string s = ({|Simplify:(double)3|}).ToString();
Dim expected =
class C
void M()
string s = ((double)3).ToString();
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
Public Async Function TestCSharp_Remove_LambdaToDelegateType1() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class C
void M()
System.Action a = {|Simplify:(System.Action)(() => { })|};
Dim expected =
class C
void M()
System.Action a = () => { };
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
Public Async Function TestCSharp_Remove_LambdaToDelegateType2() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class C
void M()
System.Action a = null;
a = {|Simplify:(System.Action)(() => { })|};
Dim expected =
class C
void M()
System.Action a = null;
a = () => { };
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
Public Async Function TestCSharp_Remove_LambdaToDelegateTypeInInvocation1() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class C
void M()
Goo({|Simplify:(System.Func<string>)(() => "Goo")|});
void Goo<T>(System.Func<T> f) { }
Dim expected =
class C
void M()
Goo(() => "Goo");
void Goo<T>(System.Func<T> f) { }
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
Public Async Function TestCSharp_Remove_LambdaToDelegateTypeInInvocation2() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class C
void M()
Goo(f: {|Simplify:(System.Func<string>)(() => "Goo")|});
void Goo<T>(System.Func<T> f) { }
Dim expected =
class C
void M()
Goo(f: () => "Goo");
void Goo<T>(System.Func<T> f) { }
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
Public Async Function TestCSharp_DoNotRemove_LambdaToDelegateTypeWithVar_CSharp9() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class C
void M()
var a = {|Simplify:(System.Action)(() => { })|};
Dim expected =
class C
void M()
var a = (System.Action)(() => { });
Await TestAsync(input, expected, csharpParseOptions:=CSharpParseOptions.Default.WithLanguageVersion(LanguageVersion.CSharp9))
End Function
Public Async Function TestCSharp_DoNotRemove_LambdaToDelegateTypeWithVar_CSharp10() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class C
void M()
var a = {|Simplify:(System.Action)(() => { })|};
Dim expected =
class C
void M()
var a = () => { };
Await TestAsync(input, expected, csharpParseOptions:=CSharpParseOptions.Default.WithLanguageVersion(LanguageVersion.CSharp10))
End Function
Public Async Function TestCSharp_DoNotRemove_LambdaToDelegateTypeWhenInvoked() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class C
void M()
var x = ({|Simplify:(System.Func<int>)(() => 1)|})();
Dim expected =
class C
void M()
var x = ((System.Func<int>)(() => 1))();
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
Public Async Function TestCSharp_DoNotRemove_MethodGroupToDelegateTypeWhenInvoked() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class C
void M(object o)
Dim expected =
class C
void M(object o)
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
Public Async Function TestCSharp_DoNotRemove_AnonymousFunctionToDelegateTypeInNullCoalescingExpression() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class C
void M()
System.Action y = {|Simplify:(System.Action)delegate { }|} ?? null;
Dim expected =
class C
void M()
System.Action y = (System.Action)delegate { } ?? null;
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
Public Async Function TestCSharp_Remove_MethodGroupToDelegateTypeInDelegateCombineExpression1() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class C
void M()
System.Action<string> g = null;
var h = {|Simplify:(System.Action<string>)(Goo<string>)|} + g;
static void Goo<T>(T y) { }
Dim expected =
class C
void M()
System.Action<string> g = null;
var h = (Goo<string>) + g;
static void Goo<T>(T y) { }
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
Public Async Function TestCSharp_Remove_MethodGroupToDelegateTypeInDelegateCombineExpression2() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class C
void M()
System.Action<string> g = null;
var h = ({|Simplify:(System.Action<string>)Goo<string>|}) + g;
static void Goo<T>(T y) { }
Dim expected =
class C
void M()
System.Action<string> g = null;
var h = (Goo) + g;
static void Goo<T>(T y) { }
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
Public Async Function TestCSharp_DoNotRemove_NullLiteralToStringInInvocation() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
class C
void M()
Dim expected =
using System;
class C
void M()
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529816")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_DoNotRemove_QuerySelectMethodChanges() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
class A
int Select(Func<int, long> x) { return 1; }
int Select(Func<int, int> x) { return 2; }
static void Main()
Console.WriteLine(from y in new A() select {|Simplify:(long)0|});
Dim expected =
using System;
class A
int Select(Func<int, long> x) { return 1; }
int Select(Func<int, int> x) { return 2; }
static void Main()
Console.WriteLine(from y in new A() select (long)0);
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529816")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_DoNotRemove_QueryOrderingMethodChanges() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
using System.Linq;
public class A
IOrderedEnumerable<int> OrderByDescending(Func<int, long> keySelector) { Console.WriteLine("long"); return null; }
IOrderedEnumerable<int> OrderByDescending(Func<int, int> keySelector) { Console.WriteLine("int"); return null; }
IOrderedEnumerable<int> OrderByDescending(Func<int, object> keySelector) { Console.WriteLine("object"); return null; }
public static void Main()
var q1 =
from x in new A()
{|Simplify:(long)x descending|},
{|Simplify:(string)x.ToString() ascending|},
{|Simplify:(int)x descending|}
select x;
Dim expected =
using System;
using System.Linq;
public class A
IOrderedEnumerable<int> OrderByDescending(Func<int, long> keySelector) { Console.WriteLine("long"); return null; }
IOrderedEnumerable<int> OrderByDescending(Func<int, int> keySelector) { Console.WriteLine("int"); return null; }
IOrderedEnumerable<int> OrderByDescending(Func<int, object> keySelector) { Console.WriteLine("object"); return null; }
public static void Main()
var q1 =
from x in new A()
(long)x descending,
x.ToString() ascending,
x descending
select x;
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529816")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_DoNotRemove_QueryClauseChanges() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class A
A Select(Func<int, long> x) { return this; }
A Select(Func<int, int> x) { return this; }
static void Main()
var qie = from x3 in new int[] { 0 }
join x7 in (new int[] { 1 }) on 5 equals {|Simplify:(long)5|} into x8
select x8;
Dim expected =
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class A
A Select(Func<int, long> x) { return this; }
A Select(Func<int, int> x) { return this; }
static void Main()
var qie = from x3 in new int[] { 0 }
join x7 in (new int[] { 1 }) on 5 equals (long)5 into x8
select x8;
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529842")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_DoNotRemove_CastInTernary() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
class X
public static implicit operator string (X x)
return x.ToString();
static void Main()
bool b = true;
X x = new X();
Console.WriteLine(b ? {|Simplify:(string)null|} : x);
Dim expected =
using System;
class X
public static implicit operator string (X x)
return x.ToString();
static void Main()
bool b = true;
X x = new X();
Console.WriteLine(b ? (string)null : x);
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529855")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_Remove_CastInIsExpression() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System.Collections;
static class A
static void Goo(IEnumerable x)
if ({|Simplify:(object)x|} is string)
Dim expected =
using System.Collections;
static class A
static void Goo(IEnumerable x)
if (x is string)
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529855")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_Remove_CastInIsExpression2() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System.Collections;
static class A
static void Goo(IEnumerable x)
if ({|Simplify:(IEnumerable)x|} is string)
Dim expected =
using System.Collections;
static class A
static void Goo(IEnumerable x)
if (x is string)
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529855")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_Remove_CastInIsExpression3() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
static class A
static void Goo(List<int> x)
if ({|Simplify:(object)x|} is string)
Dim expected =
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
static class A
static void Goo(List<int> x)
if ((object)x is string)
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529843")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_Remove_CastToObjectTypeInReferenceComparison() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class Program
static void Goo<T, S>(T x, S y)
where T : class
where S : class
if (x == {|Simplify:(object)y|}) { }
Dim expected =
class Program
static void Goo<T, S>(T x, S y)
where T : class
where S : class
if (x == y) { }
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529914")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_Remove_TypeParameterToEffectiveBaseType() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
class Program
static void Goo<T, S>(T x, S y)
where T : Exception
where S : Exception
if (x == {|Simplify:(Exception)y|}) { }
Dim expected =
using System;
class Program
static void Goo<T, S>(T x, S y)
where T : Exception
where S : Exception
if (x == y) { }
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
Public Async Function TestCSharp_Remove_NullableTypeToInterfaceTypeInNullComparison() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
class Program
static void Main()
int? x = null;
var y = {|Simplify:(IComparable)x|} == null;
Dim expected =
using System;
class Program
static void Main()
int? x = null;
var y = x == null;
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/530745")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_DoNotRemove_RequiredExplicitNullableCast1() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
class Program
static void Main()
var x = {|Simplify:(long?){|Simplify:(int?)long.MaxValue|}|};
Dim expected =
using System;
class Program
static void Main()
var x = (long?)(int?)long.MaxValue;
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/531431")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_DoNotRemove_RequiredExplicitNullableCast2() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
class Program
static void Main()
Console.WriteLine((int){|Simplify:(float?)(int?)2147483647|}); // Prints -2147483648
Dim expected =
using System;
class Program
static void Main()
Console.WriteLine((int)(float?)(int?)2147483647); // Prints -2147483648
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/531431")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_Remove_UnnecessaryExplicitNullableCast() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
class Program
static void Main()
Console.WriteLine((int)(float?){|Simplify:(int?)2147483647|}); // Prints -2147483648
Dim expected =
using System;
class Program
static void Main()
Console.WriteLine((int)(float?)2147483647); // Prints -2147483648
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
Public Async Function TestCSharp_DoNotRemove_RequiredExplicitNullableCast_And_Remove_UnnecessaryExplicitNullableCast() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
class Program
static void Main()
Console.WriteLine({|Simplify:(int){|Simplify:(float?){|Simplify:(int?)2147483647|}|}|}); // Prints -2147483648
Dim expected =
using System;
class Program
static void Main()
Console.WriteLine((int)(float?)2147483647); // Prints -2147483648
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Theory, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/530248")>
<InlineData(CodeAnalysis.CSharp.LanguageVersion.CSharp8, "(Base)d2")>
<InlineData(CodeAnalysis.CSharp.LanguageVersion.CSharp9, "d2")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_CastInTernaryExpression(languageVersion As LanguageVersion, expectedFalseExpression As String) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" LanguageVersion=<%= languageVersion.ToDisplayString() %>>
class Base { }
class Derived1 : Base { }
class Derived2 : Base { }
class Test
public Base F(bool flag, Derived1 d1, Derived2 d2)
return flag ? d1 : {|Simplify:(Base)d2|};
Dim expected =
class Base { }
class Derived1 : Base { }
class Derived2 : Base { }
class Test
public Base F(bool flag, Derived1 d1, Derived2 d2)
return flag ? d1 : <%= expectedFalseExpression %>;
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Theory, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/530248")>
<InlineData(CodeAnalysis.CSharp.LanguageVersion.CSharp8, "(Base)d1")>
<InlineData(CodeAnalysis.CSharp.LanguageVersion.CSharp9, "d1")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_CastInTernaryExpression2(languageVersion As LanguageVersion, expectedTrueExpression As String) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" LanguageVersion=<%= languageVersion.ToDisplayString() %>>
class Base { }
class Derived1 : Base { }
class Derived2 : Base { }
class Test
public Base F(bool flag, Derived1 d1, Derived2 d2)
return flag ? {|Simplify:(Base)d1|} : d2;
Dim expected =
class Base { }
class Derived1 : Base { }
class Derived2 : Base { }
class Test
public Base F(bool flag, Derived1 d1, Derived2 d2)
return flag ? <%= expectedTrueExpression %> : d2;
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Theory, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/530085")>
<InlineData(CodeAnalysis.CSharp.LanguageVersion.CSharp8, "(long?)value")>
<InlineData(CodeAnalysis.CSharp.LanguageVersion.CSharp9, "value")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_CastInTernaryExpression3(languageVersion As LanguageVersion, expectedTrueExpression As String) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" LanguageVersion=<%= languageVersion.ToDisplayString() %>>
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
bool b = true;
long value = 0;
long? a = b ? {|Simplify:(long?)value|} : null;
Dim expected =
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
bool b = true;
long value = 0;
long? a = b ? <%= expectedTrueExpression %> : null;
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529985")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_DoNotRemove_NecessaryCastInMemberAccessExpression() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
class C
static void Main()
C c = null;
public static implicit operator Attribute(C x)
return new ObsoleteAttribute();
Dim expected =
using System;
class C
static void Main()
C c = null;
public static implicit operator Attribute(C x)
return new ObsoleteAttribute();
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529956")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_DoNotRemove_NecessaryCastInForEachExpression() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
using System.Collections;
class C
static void Main()
foreach (C x in {|Simplify:(IEnumerable) new string[] { null }|})
Console.WriteLine(x == null);
public static implicit operator C(string s)
return new C();
Dim expected =
using System;
using System.Collections;
class C
static void Main()
foreach (C x in (IEnumerable) new string[] { null })
Console.WriteLine(x == null);
public static implicit operator C(string s)
return new C();
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
Public Async Function TestCSharp_DoRemove_UnnecessaryCastInForEachExpression() As Task
' Currently not working, but would make sense to support in the future.
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class C
static void Main()
foreach (C x in {|Simplify:(IEnumerable<string>) new string[] { null }|})
Console.WriteLine(x == null);
public static implicit operator C(string s)
return new C();
Dim expected =
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class C
static void Main()
foreach (C x in new string[] { null })
Console.WriteLine(x == null);
public static implicit operator C(string s)
return new C();
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529956")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_DoNotRemove_NecessaryCastInForEachExpressionInsideLambda() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
using System.Collections;
class C
static void Main()
Action a = () =>
foreach (C x in {|Simplify:(IEnumerable)new string[] { null }|})
Console.WriteLine(x == null);
public static implicit operator C(string s)
return new C();
Dim expected =
using System;
using System.Collections;
class C
static void Main()
Action a = () =>
foreach (C x in (IEnumerable)new string[] { null })
Console.WriteLine(x == null);
public static implicit operator C(string s)
return new C();
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529844")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_DoRemove_UnnecessaryFPCastFromInteger() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
class Program
static void Main()
int x = int.MaxValue;
double y = x;
double z = {|Simplify:(float)x|};
Console.WriteLine(y == z);
Dim expected =
using System;
class Program
static void Main()
int x = int.MaxValue;
double y = x;
double z = x;
Console.WriteLine(y == z);
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/662196")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_DoNotRemove_NecessaryCastInDynamicInvocation() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class C
void Goo(string x) { }
void Goo(string[] x) { }
static void Main()
dynamic c = new C();
Dim expected =
class C
void Goo(string x) { }
void Goo(string[] x) { }
static void Main()
dynamic c = new C();
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
Public Async Function TestCSharp_Remove_UnnecessaryCastInIsExpression() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
using System.Collections;
class C
static void Main()
string[] x = { };
Console.WriteLine({|Simplify:(IEnumerable)x|} is object[]);
Dim expected =
using System;
using System.Collections;
class C
static void Main()
string[] x = { };
Console.WriteLine(x is object[]);
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
Public Async Function TestCSharp_Remove_UnnecessaryCastInAsExpression() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
using System.Collections;
class C
static void Main()
string[] x = { };
Console.WriteLine({|Simplify:(IEnumerable)x|} as object[]);
Dim expected =
using System;
using System.Collections;
class C
static void Main()
string[] x = { };
Console.WriteLine(x as object[]);
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529973")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_DoNotRemove_NecessaryCastToDelegateInIsExpression() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
class Program
static void Main()
var x = checked({|Simplify:(Action)delegate { }|}) is object;
Dim expected =
using System;
class Program
static void Main()
var x = checked((Action)delegate { }) is object;
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529973")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_DoNotRemove_NecessaryCastToDelegateInAsExpression() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
class Program
static void Main()
var x = checked({|Simplify:(Action)delegate { }|}) as object;
Dim expected =
using System;
class Program
static void Main()
var x = checked((Action)delegate { }) as object;
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529968")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_DoNotRemove_NecessaryCastForParamsArgument() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
class A
static void Main()
Goo({|Simplify:(object) new A()|});
static void Goo(params object[] x)
Console.WriteLine(x == null);
public static implicit operator object[](A a)
return null;
Dim expected =
using System;
class A
static void Main()
Goo((object) new A());
static void Goo(params object[] x)
Console.WriteLine(x == null);
public static implicit operator object[](A a)
return null;
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529968")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_Remove_UnnecessaryCastsForParamsArguments() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
class A
static void Main()
Goo({|Simplify:(object)new A()|}, {|Simplify:(object)new A()|});
static void Goo(params object[] x)
Console.WriteLine(x == null);
public static implicit operator object[](A a)
return null;
Dim expected =
using System;
class A
static void Main()
Goo(new A(), new A());
static void Goo(params object[] x)
Console.WriteLine(x == null);
public static implicit operator object[](A a)
return null;
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/530083")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_DoNotRemove_InsideThrowStatement() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
class C
public static void Main()
object ex = new Exception();
throw {|Simplify:(Exception)ex|};
Dim expected =
using System;
class C
public static void Main()
object ex = new Exception();
throw (Exception)ex;
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/530083")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_Remove_InsideThrowStatement() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
class C
public static void Main()
var ex = new ArgumentException();
throw {|Simplify:(Exception)ex|};
Dim expected =
using System;
class C
public static void Main()
var ex = new ArgumentException();
throw ex;
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/530083")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_Remove_InsideThrowStatement2() As Task
' We can't remove cast from base to derived, as we cannot be sure that the cast will succeed at runtime.
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
class C
public static void Main()
Exception ex = new ArgumentException();
throw {|Simplify:(ArgumentException)ex|};
Dim expected =
using System;
class C
public static void Main()
Exception ex = new ArgumentException();
throw (ArgumentException)ex;
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529919")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_Remove_DelegateVarianceConversions1() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
class Program
static void Main()
Action<object> a = Console.WriteLine;
Action<string> b = {|Simplify:(Action<string>)a|};
Dim expected =
using System;
class Program
static void Main()
Action<object> a = Console.WriteLine;
Action<string> b = a;
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529919")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_Remove_DelegateVarianceConversions2() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
class Program
static void Main()
Func<object, string> a = null;
Func<string, string> b = {|Simplify:(Func<string, string>)a|};
({|Simplify:(Func<string, string>)a|})("A");
({|Simplify:(Func<string, string>)a|}).Invoke("A");
Dim expected =
using System;
class Program
static void Main()
Func<object, string> a = null;
Func<string, string> b = a;
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529919")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_DoNotRemove_DelegateVarianceConversions1() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
class Program
static void Main()
Func<object, string> a = null;
Func<string, object> b = {|Simplify:(Func<string, object>)a|};
var v1 = ({|Simplify:(Func<string, object>)a|})("A");
var v2 = ({|Simplify:(Func<string, object>)a|}).Invoke("A");
Dim expected =
using System;
class Program
static void Main()
Func<object, string> a = null;
Func<string, object> b = a;
var v1 = ((Func<string, object>)a)("A");
var v2 = ((Func<string, object>)a).Invoke("A");
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<WorkItem(1043494, "DevDiv")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_DoNotRemove_ParamDefaultValueNegativeZero() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
interface I
void Goo(double x = +0.0);
sealed class C : I
public void Goo(double x = -0.0)
Console.WriteLine(1 / x > 0);
static void Main()
({|Simplify:(I)new C()|}).Goo();
Dim expected =
using System;
interface I
void Goo(double x = +0.0);
sealed class C : I
public void Goo(double x = -0.0)
Console.WriteLine(1 / x > 0);
static void Main()
((I)new C()).Goo();
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<WorkItem(1043494, "DevDiv")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_DoNotRemove_ParamDefaultValueNegativeZero2() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
interface I
void Goo(double x = -(-0.0));
sealed class C : I
public void Goo(double x = -0.0)
Console.WriteLine(1 / x > 0);
static void Main()
({|Simplify:(I)new C()|}).Goo();
Dim expected =
using System;
interface I
void Goo(double x = -(-0.0));
sealed class C : I
public void Goo(double x = -0.0)
Console.WriteLine(1 / x > 0);
static void Main()
((I)new C()).Goo();
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529884")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_Remove_ParamDefaultValueZero() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
interface I
void Goo(double x = +0.0);
sealed class C : I
public void Goo(double x = -(-0.0))
Console.WriteLine(1 / x > 0);
static void Main()
({|Simplify:(I)new C()|}).Goo();
Dim expected =
using System;
interface I
void Goo(double x = +0.0);
sealed class C : I
public void Goo(double x = -(-0.0))
Console.WriteLine(1 / x > 0);
static void Main()
(new C()).Goo();
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529791")>
Public Async Function TestCsharp_Remove_UnnecessaryImplicitNullableCast() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class X
static void Goo()
object x = {|Simplify:(string)null|};
object y = {|Simplify:(int?)null|};
Dim expected =
class X
static void Goo()
object x = null;
object y = null;
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/530744")>
Public Async Function TestCsharp_Remove_UnnecessaryImplicitEnumerationCast() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
class Program
static void Main()
DayOfWeek? x = {|Simplify:(DayOfWeek)0|};
Dim expected =
using System;
class Program
static void Main()
DayOfWeek? x = 0;
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529831")>
Public Async Function TestCsharp_Remove_UnnecessaryInterfaceCast() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
interface IIncrementable
int Value { get; }
void Increment();
struct S : IIncrementable
public int Value { get; private set; }
public void Increment() { Value++; }
class C : IIncrementable
public int Value { get; private set; }
public void Increment() { Value++; }
static class Program
static void Main()
Goo(new S(), new C(), new C(), new C());
static void Goo<TAny, TClass, TClass2, TClass3>(TAny x, TClass y, TClass2 z, TClass3 t)
where TAny : IIncrementable // Can be a value type
where TClass : class, IIncrementable, new() // Always a reference type because of explicit 'class' constraint
where TClass2 : IIncrementable // Always a reference type because used as a constraint for TClass3
where TClass3 : TClass, TClass2 // Always a reference type because its constraint TClass cannot be an interface (because of the new() constraint), object, System.ValueType or System.Enum (because of the IIncrementable constraint)
({|Simplify:(IIncrementable)x|}).Increment(); // Necessary cast
({|Simplify:(IIncrementable)y|}).Increment(); // Unnecessary Cast - OK
({|Simplify:(IIncrementable)z|}).Increment(); // Necessary cast
({|Simplify:(IIncrementable)t|}).Increment(); // Necessary cast
Dim expected =
using System;
interface IIncrementable
int Value { get; }
void Increment();
struct S : IIncrementable
public int Value { get; private set; }
public void Increment() { Value++; }
class C : IIncrementable
public int Value { get; private set; }
public void Increment() { Value++; }
static class Program
static void Main()
Goo(new S(), new C(), new C(), new C());
static void Goo<TAny, TClass, TClass2, TClass3>(TAny x, TClass y, TClass2 z, TClass3 t)
where TAny : IIncrementable // Can be a value type
where TClass : class, IIncrementable, new() // Always a reference type because of explicit 'class' constraint
where TClass2 : IIncrementable // Always a reference type because used as a constraint for TClass3
where TClass3 : TClass, TClass2 // Always a reference type because its constraint TClass cannot be an interface (because of the new() constraint), object, System.ValueType or System.Enum (because of the IIncrementable constraint)
((IIncrementable)x).Increment(); // Necessary cast
(y).Increment(); // Unnecessary Cast - OK
((IIncrementable)z).Increment(); // Necessary cast
((IIncrementable)t).Increment(); // Necessary cast
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529877")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_Remove_UnnecessarySealedClassToInterfaceCast() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
class C : IDisposable
public void Dispose() { }
sealed class D : C
static void Main()
D s = new D();
Dim expected =
using System;
class C : IDisposable
public void Dispose() { }
sealed class D : C
static void Main()
D s = new D();
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529887")>
Public Async Function TestCsharp_Remove_UnnecessaryReadOnlyValueTypeToInterfaceCast() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
interface IIncrementable
int Value { get; }
void Increment();
struct S : IIncrementable
public int Value { get; private set; }
public void Increment() { Value++; }
static readonly S s = new S();
static void Main()
// Note: readonly modifier guarantees that a copy of a value type is always made before modification, so a boxing is not observable.
Dim expected =
using System;
interface IIncrementable
int Value { get; }
void Increment();
struct S : IIncrementable
public int Value { get; private set; }
public void Increment() { Value++; }
static readonly S s = new S();
static void Main()
// Note: readonly modifier guarantees that a copy of a value type is always made before modification, so a boxing is not observable.
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529888")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_Remove_UnnecessaryObjectCreationToInterfaceCast() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
struct Y : IDisposable
public void Dispose() { }
class X : IDisposable
static void Main()
({|Simplify:(IDisposable)new X()|}).Dispose();
({|Simplify:(IDisposable)new Y()|}).Dispose();
public void Dispose() { }
Dim expected =
using System;
struct Y : IDisposable
public void Dispose() { }
class X : IDisposable
static void Main()
(new X()).Dispose();
(new Y()).Dispose();
public void Dispose() { }
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529912")>
Public Async Function TestCsharp_Remove_UnnecessaryEffectivelySealedClassToInterfaceCast() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
class C : IDisposable
private C() { }
public void Dispose() { }
static void Main()
var x = new C();
Dim expected =
using System;
class C : IDisposable
private C() { }
public void Dispose() { }
static void Main()
var x = new C();
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529912")>
Public Async Function TestCsharp_Remove_UnnecessaryEffectivelySealedClassToInterfaceCast2() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
class C : IDisposable
private C() { }
public void Dispose() { }
static void Main()
var x = new C();
struct D : IDisposable
public void Dispose() { }
class E: C, IDisposable
public void Dispose() { }
Dim expected =
using System;
class C : IDisposable
private C() { }
public void Dispose() { }
static void Main()
var x = new C();
struct D : IDisposable
public void Dispose() { }
class E: C, IDisposable
public void Dispose() { }
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529912")>
Public Async Function TestCsharp_Remove_UnnecessaryEffectivelySealedClassToInterfaceCast3() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
class C : IDisposable
private C() { }
public void Dispose() { }
static void Main()
var x = new C();
interface I { }
struct D : IDisposable
public void Dispose() { }
class E: C, IDisposable
public void Dispose() { }
Dim expected =
using System;
class C : IDisposable
private C() { }
public void Dispose() { }
static void Main()
var x = new C();
interface I { }
struct D : IDisposable
public void Dispose() { }
class E: C, IDisposable
public void Dispose() { }
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529913")>
Public Async Function TestCsharp_Remove_UnnecessaryEffectivelySealedClassToInterface4() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
class A
class C : IDisposable
public void Dispose() { }
static void Main()
var x = new C();
Dim expected =
using System;
class A
class C : IDisposable
public void Dispose() { }
static void Main()
var x = new C();
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529913")>
Public Async Function TestCsharp_Remove_UnnecessaryEffectivelySealedClassToInterfaceCast5() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
class A
class C : IDisposable
public void Dispose() { }
static void Main()
var x = new C();
struct D : IDisposable
public void Dispose() { }
class E: C, IDisposable
public void Dispose() { }
Dim expected =
using System;
class A
class C : IDisposable
public void Dispose() { }
static void Main()
var x = new C();
struct D : IDisposable
public void Dispose() { }
class E: C, IDisposable
public void Dispose() { }
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529912")>
Public Async Function TestCsharp_DoNotRemove_NecessaryClassToInterfaceCast() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
class C : IDisposable
private C() { }
public void Dispose() { }
static void Main()
var x = new C();
class E: C, IDisposable
public void Dispose() { }
struct D : IDisposable
public void Dispose() { }
Dim expected =
using System;
class C : IDisposable
private C() { }
public void Dispose() { }
static void Main()
var x = new C();
class E: C, IDisposable
public void Dispose() { }
struct D : IDisposable
public void Dispose() { }
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529913")>
Public Async Function TestCsharp_DoNotRemove_NecessaryClassToInterfaceCast2() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
class A
class C : IDisposable
public void Dispose() { }
static void Main()
var x = new C();
class E: C, IDisposable
public void Dispose() { }
struct D : IDisposable
public void Dispose() { }
Dim expected =
using System;
class A
class C : IDisposable
public void Dispose() { }
static void Main()
var x = new C();
class E: C, IDisposable
public void Dispose() { }
struct D : IDisposable
public void Dispose() { }
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529889")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_Remove_UnnecessaryCastFromImmutableValueTypeToInterface() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
class Program
static void Main()
int x = 1;
var y = ({|Simplify:(IComparable<int>)x|}).CompareTo(0);
Dim expected =
using System;
class Program
static void Main()
int x = 1;
var y = (x).CompareTo(0);
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529889")>
Public Async Function TestCsharp_Keep_NecessaryCastFromImmutableValueTypeToInterfaceWhenParameterNameIsDifferent() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
class Program
static void Main()
int x = 1;
var y = ({|Simplify:(IComparable<int>)x|}).CompareTo(other:=0);
Dim expected =
using System;
class Program
static void Main()
int x = 1;
var y = ((IComparable<int>)x).CompareTo(other:=0);
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529988")>
Public Async Function TestCsharp_DoNotRemove_NecessaryCastInDelegateCreationExpression() As Task
' Note: Removing the cast changes the lambda parameter type and invocation method symbol.
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
static class Program
static void Main()
new Action<string>({|Simplify:(Action<object>)(y => y.Goo())|})(null);
static void Goo(this object x) { Console.WriteLine(1); }
static void Goo(this string x) { Console.WriteLine(2); }
Dim expected =
using System;
static class Program
static void Main()
new Action<string>((Action<object>)(y => y.Goo()))(null);
static void Goo(this object x) { Console.WriteLine(1); }
static void Goo(this string x) { Console.WriteLine(2); }
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529988")>
Public Async Function TestCsharp_DoNotRemove_NecessaryCastInDelegateCreationExpression2() As Task
' Note: Removing the cast changes the lambda parameter type and invocation method symbol.
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
static class Program
static void Main()
new Action<string>({|Simplify:(Action<object>)((y) => { y.Goo(); })|})(null);
static void Goo(this object x) { Console.WriteLine(1); }
static void Goo(this string x) { Console.WriteLine(2); }
Dim expected =
using System;
static class Program
static void Main()
new Action<string>((Action<object>)((y) => { y.Goo(); }))(null);
static void Goo(this object x) { Console.WriteLine(1); }
static void Goo(this string x) { Console.WriteLine(2); }
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
Public Async Function TestCSharp_Remove_UnnecessaryCastInDelegateCreationExpression3() As Task
' Note: Removing the cast changes the lambda parameter type, but doesn't change the semantics of the lambda body.
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
static class Program
static void Main()
new Action<string>({|Simplify:(Action<object>)(y => Goo(1))|})(null);
static void Goo(this object x) { Console.WriteLine(1); }
static void Goo(this string x) { Console.WriteLine(2); }
Dim expected =
using System;
static class Program
static void Main()
new Action<string>(y => Goo(1))(null);
static void Goo(this object x) { Console.WriteLine(1); }
static void Goo(this string x) { Console.WriteLine(2); }
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529988")>
Public Async Function TestCsharp_Remove_UnnecessaryCastInDelegateCreationExpression4() As Task
' Note: this cast is not legal (it causes a semantic binding error in the lambda). So do not remove it.
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
static class Program
static void Main()
new Action<string>({|Simplify:(Action<object>)((y) => { string x = y; x.Goo(); })|})(null);
static void Goo(this object x) { Console.WriteLine(1); }
static void Goo(this string x) { Console.WriteLine(2); }
Dim expected =
using System;
static class Program
static void Main()
new Action<string>((Action<object>)((y) => { string x = y; x.Goo(); }))(null);
static void Goo(this object x) { Console.WriteLine(1); }
static void Goo(this string x) { Console.WriteLine(2); }
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529988")>
Public Async Function TestCsharp_DoNotRemove_NecessaryCastInDelegateCreationExpression5() As Task
' Note: Removing the cast changes the lambda parameter type and hence changes the inferred type of lambda local "x".
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
static class Program
static void Main()
new Action<string>({|Simplify:(Action<object>)((y) => { var x = y; x.Goo(); })|})(null);
static void Goo(this object x) { Console.WriteLine(1); }
static void Goo(this string x) { Console.WriteLine(2); }
Dim expected =
using System;
static class Program
static void Main()
new Action<string>((Action<object>)((y) => { var x = y; x.Goo(); }))(null);
static void Goo(this object x) { Console.WriteLine(1); }
static void Goo(this string x) { Console.WriteLine(2); }
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529988")>
Public Async Function TestCsharp_DoNotRemove_NecessaryCastInDelegateCreationExpression6() As Task
' Note: Removing the cast changes the parameter type of lambda parameter "z"
' and changes the method symbol Goo invoked in the lambda body.
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
static class Program
static void Main()
new Action<object, string>({|Simplify:(Action<object, object>)((y, z) => { z.Goo(); })|})(null, null);
static void Goo(this object x) { Console.WriteLine(1); }
static void Goo(this string x) { Console.WriteLine(2); }
Dim expected =
using System;
static class Program
static void Main()
new Action<object, string>((Action<object, object>)((y, z) => { z.Goo(); }))(null, null);
static void Goo(this object x) { Console.WriteLine(1); }
static void Goo(this string x) { Console.WriteLine(2); }
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
Public Async Function TestCSharp_Remove_UnnecessaryCastInDelegateCreationExpression7() As Task
' Note: Removing the cast changes the parameter type of lambda parameter "z"
' but not that of parameter "y" and hence the semantics of the lambda body aren't changed.
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
static class Program
static void Main()
new Action<string, object>({|Simplify:(Action<object, object>)((y, z) => { object x = y; z.Goo(); })|})(null, null);
static void Goo(this object x) { Console.WriteLine(1); }
static void Goo(this string x) { Console.WriteLine(2); }
Dim expected =
using System;
static class Program
static void Main()
new Action<string, object>((y, z) => { object x = y; z.Goo(); })(null, null);
static void Goo(this object x) { Console.WriteLine(1); }
static void Goo(this string x) { Console.WriteLine(2); }
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529988")>
Public Async Function TestCsharp_DoNotRemove_NecessaryCastInDelegateCreationExpression8() As Task
' Note: Removing the cast changes the parameter type of lambda parameter "y"
' and changes the built in operator invoked for "y + z".
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
static class Program
static void Main()
new Action<string, string>({|Simplify:(Action<object, string>)((y, z) => { Console.WriteLine(y + z); })|})("Hi", "Hello");
Dim expected =
using System;
static class Program
static void Main()
new Action<string, string>((Action<object, string>)((y, z) => { Console.WriteLine(y + z); }))("Hi", "Hello");
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529988")>
Public Async Function TestCsharp_DoNotRemove_NecessaryCastInDelegateCreationExpression9() As Task
' Note: Removing the cast changes the parameter type of lambda parameter "y"
' and changes the semantics of nested lambda body.
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
static class Program
static void Main()
new Action<string, string>({|Simplify:(Action<object, string>)((y, z) =>
{ Action<string> a = (w) => { y.Goo(); }; }
)|})("Hi", "Hello");
static void Goo(this object x) { Console.WriteLine(1); }
static void Goo(this string x) { Console.WriteLine(2); }
Dim expected =
using System;
static class Program
static void Main()
new Action<string, string>((Action<object, string>)((y, z) =>
{ Action<string> a = (w) => { y.Goo(); }; }
))("Hi", "Hello");
static void Goo(this object x) { Console.WriteLine(1); }
static void Goo(this string x) { Console.WriteLine(2); }
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529982")>
Public Async Function TestCsharp_Remove_UnnecessaryExplicitCastForLambdaExpression() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Func<Exception> f = {|Simplify:(Func<Exception>)(() => new ArgumentException())|};
Dim expected =
using System;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Func<Exception> f = () => new ArgumentException();
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/835671")>
Public Async Function TestCsharp_DoNotRemove_NecessaryCastInUnaryExpression() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class C
void Method(double d)
Method({|Simplify:(int)d|}); // not flagged because the cast changes the semantics
Method(-{|Simplify:(int)d|}); // should not be flagged
Dim expected =
class C
void Method(double d)
Method((int)d); // not flagged because the cast changes the semantics
Method(-(int)d); // should not be flagged
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/838107")>
Public Async Function TestCsharp_DoNotRemove_NecessaryCastInPointerExpression() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
unsafe class C
internal static uint F(byte* ptr)
return *{|Simplify:(ushort*)ptr|};
Dim expected =
unsafe class C
internal static uint F(byte* ptr)
return *(ushort*)ptr;
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/835537")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_DoNotRemove_UnnecessaryExplicitCastInReferenceComparisonDueToWarning1() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class Program
void F()
object x = string.Intern("Hi!");
bool wasInterned = {|Simplify:(object)x|} == "Hi!";
Dim expected =
class Program
void F()
object x = string.Intern("Hi!");
bool wasInterned = (object)x == "Hi!";
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/835537")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_DoNotRemove_UnnecessaryExplicitCastInReferenceComparisonDueToWarning3() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class Program
void F()
object x = string.Intern("Hi!");
bool wasInterned = x == {|Simplify:(object)"Hi!"|};
Dim expected =
class Program
void F()
object x = string.Intern("Hi!");
bool wasInterned = x == (object)"Hi!";
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/835537")>
Public Async Function TestCsharp_Remove_UnnecessaryExplicitCastInReferenceComparison() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class Program
void F()
object x = string.Intern("Hi!");
bool wasInterned = {|Simplify:(object)x|} == (object)"Hi!";
Dim expected =
class Program
void F()
object x = string.Intern("Hi!");
bool wasInterned = x == (object)"Hi!";
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/835537"), WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/902508")>
Public Async Function TestCsharp_Remove_UnnecessaryExplicitCastInReferenceComparison2() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
public class Class1
void F(Class1 c)
if ({|Simplify:(Class1)c|} != null)
var x = {|Simplify:(Class1)c|};
Dim expected =
public class Class1
void F(Class1 c)
if (c != null)
var x = c;
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529858")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_Remove_UnnecessaryCastFromEnumTypeToUnderlyingType() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
class C
static void Main()
DayOfWeek x = DayOfWeek.Monday;
if ({|Simplify:(int)x|} == 0) { }
Dim expected =
using System;
class C
static void Main()
DayOfWeek x = DayOfWeek.Monday;
if (x == 0) { }
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529858")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_Remove_UnnecessaryCastFromEnumTypeToUnderlyingType_Flipped() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
class C
static void Main()
DayOfWeek x = DayOfWeek.Monday;
if (0 == {|Simplify:(int)x|}) { }
Dim expected =
using System;
class C
static void Main()
DayOfWeek x = DayOfWeek.Monday;
if (0 == x) { }
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529858")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_Remove_UnnecessaryCastFromEnumTypeToUnderlyingType2() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
class C
static void Main()
DayOfWeek x = DayOfWeek.Monday;
if ({|Simplify:(int)x|} != 0) { }
Dim expected =
using System;
class C
static void Main()
DayOfWeek x = DayOfWeek.Monday;
if (x != 0) { }
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529858")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_Remove_UnnecessaryCastFromEnumTypeToUnderlyingType2_Flipped() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
class C
static void Main()
DayOfWeek x = DayOfWeek.Monday;
if (0 != {|Simplify:(int)x|}) { }
Dim expected =
using System;
class C
static void Main()
DayOfWeek x = DayOfWeek.Monday;
if (0 != x) { }
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529858")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_Remove_UnnecessaryCastFromEnumTypeToUnderlyingType3() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
class C
static void Main()
DayOfWeek x = DayOfWeek.Monday;
if ({|Simplify:(int)x|} == 1) { }
Dim expected =
using System;
class C
static void Main()
DayOfWeek x = DayOfWeek.Monday;
if ((int)x == 1) { }
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529858")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_Remove_UnnecessaryCastFromEnumTypeToUnderlyingType4() As Task
' It would be fine for this behavior to change in the future.
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
class C
static void Main()
DayOfWeek x = DayOfWeek.Monday;
if (x == (DayOfWeek)0) { }
Dim expected =
using System;
class C
static void Main()
DayOfWeek x = DayOfWeek.Monday;
if (x == (DayOfWeek)0) { }
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529858")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_Remove_UnnecessaryCastFromEnumTypeToUnderlyingType5() As Task
' This behavior must not change in the future.
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
class C
static void Main()
DayOfWeek x = DayOfWeek.Monday;
if (x == (DayOfWeek)1) { }
Dim expected =
using System;
class C
static void Main()
DayOfWeek x = DayOfWeek.Monday;
if (x == (DayOfWeek)1) { }
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/889341")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_DoNotRemove_CastInErroneousCode() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class C
void M()
object x = null;
Dim expected =
class C
void M()
object x = null;
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/870550")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_Remove_CastThatBreaksParentSyntaxUnlessParenthesized() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class Program
static void Main()
var x = 1;
object y = x;
int i = 1;
Goo(x < {|Simplify:(int)i|}, x > (int)y); // Remove Unnecessary Cast
static void Goo(bool a, bool b) { }
Dim expected =
class Program
static void Main()
var x = 1;
object y = x;
int i = 1;
Goo((x < i), x > (int)y); // Remove Unnecessary Cast
static void Goo(bool a, bool b) { }
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529787")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_DoNotRemove_RequiredCastInCollectionInitializer() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class X : List<int>
void Add(object x) { Console.WriteLine(1); }
void Add(string x) { Console.WriteLine(2); }
static void Main()
var z = new X { {|Simplify:(object)""|} };
Dim expected =
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class X : List<int>
void Add(object x) { Console.WriteLine(1); }
void Add(string x) { Console.WriteLine(2); }
static void Main()
var z = new X { (object)"" };
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/923296")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_DoNotRemove_RequiredCastInIfCondition() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class Program
public static int Main()
object a = false, b = false;
if ({|Simplify:(bool)a|})
return {|Simplify:(bool)b|} ? 0 : 1;
else if ({|Simplify:(bool)b|})
return 2;
return 3;
Dim expected =
class Program
public static int Main()
object a = false, b = false;
if ((bool)a)
return (bool)b ? 0 : 1;
else if ((bool)b)
return 2;
return 3;
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/995855")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_DoNotRemove_RequiredCastInConditionalExpression() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
class C
static void Main(string[] args)
byte s = 0;
int i = 0;
s += i == 0 ? {|Simplify:(byte)0|} : {|Simplify:(byte)0|};
Dim expected =
using System;
class C
static void Main(string[] args)
byte s = 0;
int i = 0;
s += i == 0 ? (byte)0 : (byte)0;
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/995855")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_DoNotRemove_RequiredCastInConversion() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
class C
static void Main(string[] args)
byte b = 254;
ushort u = (ushort){|Simplify:(sbyte)b|};
Dim expected =
using System;
class C
static void Main(string[] args)
byte b = 254;
ushort u = (ushort)(sbyte)b;
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/1007371")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_Remove_UnnecessaryCastAndParens() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class Program
bool F(string a, string b)
return {|Simplify:(object)a == (object)b ? true : false|};
Dim expected =
class Program
bool F(string a, string b)
return a == (object)b ? true : false;
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/1067214")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_Remove_UnnecessaryCastInExpressionBody_Property() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class Program
public int X => {|Simplify:(int)0|};
Dim expected =
class Program
public int X => 0;
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/1067214")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_Remove_UnnecessaryCastInExpressionBody_Method() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class Program
public int X() => {|Simplify:(int)0|};
Dim expected =
class Program
public int X() => 0;
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/253")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_DoNotRemove_NecessaryCastInConditionAccess() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
public class Class1
static void Test(object arg)
var identity = ({|Simplify:(B)arg|})?.A ?? (A)arg;
class A { }
class B
public A A { get { return null; } }
Dim expected =
public class Class1
static void Test(object arg)
var identity = ((B)arg)?.A ?? (A)arg;
class A { }
class B
public A A { get { return null; } }
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
Public Async Function TestCSharp_DoNotRemove_NecessaryCastInConditionalExpression_CSharp8() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" LanguageVersion="8">
public struct Subject<T>
private readonly T _value;
public Subject(T value)
: this()
_value = value;
public T Value
get { return _value; }
public Subject<TResult>? Is<TResult>() where TResult : T
return _value is TResult ? {|Simplify:(Subject<TResult>?)|}new Subject<TResult>((TResult)_value) : null;
Dim expected =
public struct Subject<T>
private readonly T _value;
public Subject(T value)
: this()
_value = value;
public T Value
get { return _value; }
public Subject<TResult>? Is<TResult>() where TResult : T
return _value is TResult ? (Subject<TResult>?)new Subject<TResult>((TResult)_value) : null;
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
Public Async Function TestCSharp_Remove_CastInConditionalExpression_CSharp9() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" LanguageVersion="9">
public struct Subject<T>
private readonly T _value;
public Subject(T value)
: this()
_value = value;
public T Value
get { return _value; }
public Subject<TResult>? Is<TResult>() where TResult : T
return _value is TResult ? {|Simplify:(Subject<TResult>?)|}new Subject<TResult>((TResult)_value) : null;
Dim expected =
public struct Subject<T>
private readonly T _value;
public Subject(T value)
: this()
_value = value;
public T Value
get { return _value; }
public Subject<TResult>? Is<TResult>() where TResult : T
return _value is TResult ? new Subject<TResult>((TResult)_value) : null;
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
Public Async Function TestCSharp_DoNotRemove_CastInConditionalExpressionWithDefault() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" LanguageVersion="9">
public struct S
void M()
int? x = DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Tuesday ? {|Simplify:(int?)|}42 : default;
Dim expected =
public struct S
void M()
int? x = DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Tuesday ? (int?)42 : default;
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/4531")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_DoNotRemove_NecessaryCastFromShortToUShort() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class C
int M(short x)
return {|Simplify:(ushort)x|};
Dim expected =
class C
int M(short x)
return (ushort)x;
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/4531")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_DoNotRemove_NecessaryCastFromSByteToByte() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class C
int M(sbyte x)
return {|Simplify:(byte)x|};
Dim expected =
class C
int M(sbyte x)
return (byte)x;
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/4531")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_DoNotRemove_NecessaryCastFromIntToUInt() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class C
long M(int x)
return {|Simplify:(uint)x|};
Dim expected =
class C
long M(int x)
return (uint)x;
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/4531")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_Remove_UnnecessaryCastFromSByteToShort() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class C
int M(sbyte x)
return {|Simplify:(short)x|};
Dim expected =
class C
int M(sbyte x)
return x;
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/4531")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_Remove_UnnecessaryCastFromByteToUShort() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class C
int M(byte x)
return {|Simplify:(ushort)x|};
Dim expected =
class C
int M(byte x)
return x;
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/4531")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_Remove_UnnecessaryCastFromUShortToUInt() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class C
long M(ushort x)
return {|Simplify:(uint)x|};
Dim expected =
class C
long M(ushort x)
return x;
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/4037")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_DoNotRemove_NecessaryCastOfEnumFromInInterpolation() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
class Sample
public enum State: ushort
None = 0x00,
State1 = 1 << 0,
public static void Main()
State alarmState = State.State1;
string str = $"State: {alarmState} [{{|Simplify:(ushort)alarmState|}:X4}]";
Dim expected =
using System;
class Sample
public enum State: ushort
None = 0x00,
State1 = 1 << 0,
public static void Main()
State alarmState = State.State1;
string str = $"State: {alarmState} [{(ushort)alarmState:X4}]";
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/4037")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_DoNotRemove_NecessaryCastOfEnumAndToString() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
class Sample
public enum State: ushort
None = 0x00,
State1 = 1 << 0,
public static void Main()
State alarmState = State.State1;
string str = ({|Simplify:(ushort)alarmState|}).ToString("X4");
Dim expected =
using System;
class Sample
public enum State: ushort
None = 0x00,
State1 = 1 << 0,
public static void Main()
State alarmState = State.State1;
string str = ((ushort)alarmState).ToString("X4");
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/4037")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_DoNotRemove_NecessaryCastOfEnum() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
class Sample
public enum State: ushort
None = 0x00,
State1 = 1 << 0,
public static void Main()
State alarmState = State.State1;
ushort val = {|Simplify:(ushort)alarmState|};
Dim expected =
using System;
class Sample
public enum State: ushort
None = 0x00,
State1 = 1 << 0,
public static void Main()
State alarmState = State.State1;
ushort val = (ushort)alarmState;
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/4037")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_Remove_UnnecessaryCastOfUShort() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class C
void M()
ushort x = 400;
var s = $"Hello {{|Simplify:(object)x|}:x4}";
Dim expected =
class C
void M()
ushort x = 400;
var s = $"Hello {x:x4}";
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/4037")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_Remove_UnnecessaryCastOfDateTime1() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class C
void M()
var d = new System.DateTime(2015, 9, 8);
var s = $"Hello {{|Simplify:(object)d|}:yyyy-MM-dd}";
Dim expected =
class C
void M()
var d = new System.DateTime(2015, 9, 8);
var s = $"Hello {d:yyyy-MM-dd}";
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/4037")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_Remove_UnnecessaryCastOfDateTime2() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class C
void M()
var d = new System.DateTime(2015, 9, 8);
var s = $"Hello {({|Simplify:(object)d|}):yyyy-MM-dd}";
Dim expected =
class C
void M()
var d = new System.DateTime(2015, 9, 8);
var s = $"Hello {(d):yyyy-MM-dd}";
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/5314")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_DoNotRemove_NecessaryCastToObjectInConditionalExpression() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class C
object M(bool cond, ulong value)
return cond ? {|Simplify:(object)(uint)value|} : value;
Dim expected =
class C
object M(bool cond, ulong value)
return cond ? (object)(uint)value : value;
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/6490")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_DoNotRemove_NecessaryCastOfLambdaToDelegateWithDynamic() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
using System.Dynamic;
class C
void M()
dynamic d = new ExpandoObject();
d.MyFunc = {|Simplify:(Func<int>)(() => 0)|};
Dim expected =
using System;
using System.Dynamic;
class C
void M()
dynamic d = new ExpandoObject();
d.MyFunc = (Func<int>)(() => 0);
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/6966")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_DoNotRemove_NecessaryCastToNullInImplicitlyTypedArray() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class C
object M()
return new
Something = new[] { {|Simplify:(object)null|}, null, null, null }
Dim expected =
class C
object M()
return new
Something = new[] { (object)null, null, null, null }
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/7861")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_DoNotRemove_NecessaryCastOnNullableAssignedToDynamic() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class Test
public int Value;
static void Main(string[] args)
dynamic test = new Test();
int? nullable = 4;
test.Value = {|Simplify:(int)nullable|};
Dim expected =
class Test
public int Value;
static void Main(string[] args)
dynamic test = new Test();
int? nullable = 4;
test.Value = (int)nullable;
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/10311")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_DoNotRemove_NecessaryUnboxingCastFromObjectToBoolean1() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class C
public bool GetBool(object value)
// "Cast is redundant".
return {|Simplify:(bool)value|};
Dim expected =
class C
public bool GetBool(object value)
// "Cast is redundant".
return (bool)value;
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/10311")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_DoNotRemove_NecessaryUnboxingCastFromObjectToBoolean2() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class C
public bool NegateBool(object value)
// "Cast is redundant".
return !{|Simplify:(bool)value|};
Dim expected =
class C
public bool NegateBool(object value)
// "Cast is redundant".
return !(bool)value;
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/10311")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_DoNotRemove_NecessaryUnboxingCastFromObjectToBoolean1_ExpressionBody() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class C
public bool GetBool(object value) => {|Simplify:(bool)value|};
Dim expected =
class C
public bool GetBool(object value) => (bool)value;
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/10311")>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_DoNotRemove_NecessaryUnboxingCastFromObjectToBoolean2_ExpressionBody() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class C
public bool NegateBool(object value) => !{|Simplify:(bool)value|};
Dim expected =
class C
public bool NegateBool(object value) => !(bool)value;
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
Public Async Function TestCSharp_DoNotSimplifyNullableGeneric() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
#nullable enable
using System.Threading.Tasks;
class Program
Task<string?> M()
string s1 = "test";
return {|Simplify:Task.FromResult<string?>|}(s1);
Dim expected =
#nullable enable
using System.Threading.Tasks;
class Program
Task<string?> M()
string s1 = "test";
return Task.FromResult<string?>(s1);
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
Public Async Function TestCSharp_SimplifyNullableWithNullableSuppressionOperator() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
#nullable enable
class Program
void M()
string? s1 = null;
string s2 = {|Simplify:M1<string>|}(s1!, "hello");
static T M1<T>(T t1, T t2) where T : class? =>
t1 ?? t2;
Dim expected =
#nullable enable
class Program
void M()
string? s1 = null;
string s2 = M1(s1!, "hello");
static T M1<T>(T t1, T t2) where T : class? =>
t1 ?? t2;
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
Public Async Function TestCSharp_SimplifyNullableMethodTypeArgument() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
#nullable enable
class Program
void M()
string? s1 = null;
string? s2 = {|Simplify:M1<string?>|}(s1);
static T M1<T>(T t) where T : class? => t;
Dim expected =
#nullable enable
class Program
void M()
string? s1 = null;
string? s2 = M1(s1);
static T M1<T>(T t) where T : class? => t;
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
#End Region
#Region "Visual Basic tests"
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_DoNotRemove_IntToObj_Overloads1() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Class C
Sub Goo(o As Object)
End Sub
Sub Goo(i As Integer)
End Sub
Sub Test()
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Class C
Sub Goo(o As Object)
End Sub
Sub Goo(i As Integer)
End Sub
Sub Test()
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_DoNotRemove_IntToLng_Overloads2() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Class C
Sub Goo(l As Long)
End Sub
Sub Goo(i As Integer)
End Sub
Sub Test()
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Class C
Sub Goo(l As Long)
End Sub
Sub Goo(i As Integer)
End Sub
Sub Test()
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_Remove_IntToByte() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Class C
Sub M()
Dim b As Integer = {|Simplify:CByte(0)|}
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Class C
Sub M()
Dim b As Integer = 0
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_Remove_IntToByteToInferred() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Class C
Sub M()
Dim b = {|Simplify:CByte(0)|}
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Class C
Sub M()
Dim b = CByte(0)
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/530080")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_DoNotRemove_ForEachExpression() As Task
' Cast removal will change the GetEnumerator method being invoked.
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Imports System
Class Program
Shared Sub Main()
Dim o As Object = {"1"}
For Each i In {|Simplify:CType(o, Array)|}
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Imports System
Class Program
Shared Sub Main()
Dim o As Object = {"1"}
For Each i In CType(o, Array)
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529954")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_Remove_InsideCollectionInitializer() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Class Program
Shared Sub Main()
Dim col = New List(Of Double) From {{|Simplify:CType(1, Double)|}}
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Class Program
Shared Sub Main()
Dim col = New List(Of Double) From {1}
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/530083")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_DoNotRemove_InsideThrowStatement() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Imports System
Class C
Shared Sub Main()
Dim ex As Object = New Exception()
Throw {|Simplify:DirectCast(ex, Exception)|}
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Imports System
Class C
Shared Sub Main()
Dim ex As Object = New Exception()
Throw DirectCast(ex, Exception)
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/530083")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_Remove_InsideThrowStatement() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Imports System
Class C
Shared Sub Main()
Dim ex = New ArgumentException()
Throw {|Simplify:DirectCast(ex, Exception)|}
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Imports System
Class C
Shared Sub Main()
Dim ex = New ArgumentException()
Throw ex
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/530083")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_DoNotRemove_InsideThrowStatement2() As Task
' We can't remove cast from base to derived, as we cannot be sure that the cast will succeed at runtime.
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Imports System
Class C
Shared Sub Main()
Dim ex As Exception = New ArgumentException()
Throw {|Simplify:DirectCast(ex, ArgumentException)|}
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Imports System
Class C
Shared Sub Main()
Dim ex As Exception = New ArgumentException()
Throw DirectCast(ex, ArgumentException)
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/530931")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_DoNotRemove_InsideLateBoundInvocation() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Option Strict Off
Option Infer On
Imports System
Module M
Sub Main()
Dim x = 1
End Try
End Sub
Sub Goo(Of T, S)(x As Func(Of T))
End Sub
End Module
Dim expected =
Option Strict Off
Option Infer On
Imports System
Module M
Sub Main()
Dim x = 1
End Try
End Sub
Sub Goo(Of T, S)(x As Func(Of T))
End Sub
End Module
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/604316")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_DoNotRemove_RequiredDefaultValueConversionToDate() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Imports System
Class X
Sub Goo(Optional x As Object = {|Simplify:CDate(Nothing)|})
End Sub
Public Shared Sub Main()
Dim y = New X()
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Imports System
Class X
Sub Goo(Optional x As Object = CDate(Nothing))
End Sub
Public Shared Sub Main()
Dim y = New X()
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/604316")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_DoNotRemove_RequiredDefaultValueConversionToNumericType() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Imports System
Class X
Sub Goo(Optional x As Object = {|Simplify:CInt(Nothing)|})
End Sub
Public Shared Sub Main()
Dim y = New X()
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Imports System
Class X
Sub Goo(Optional x As Object = CInt(Nothing))
End Sub
Public Shared Sub Main()
Dim y = New X()
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/604316")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_DoNotRemove_RequiredDefaultValueConversionToBooleanType() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Imports System
Class X
Sub Goo()
Dim x As Object = {|Simplify:DirectCast(Nothing, Boolean)|}
End Sub
Public Shared Sub Main()
Dim y = New X()
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Imports System
Class X
Sub Goo()
Dim x As Object = DirectCast(Nothing, Boolean)
End Sub
Public Shared Sub Main()
Dim y = New X()
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/604316")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_Remove_UnnecessaryDefaultValueConversionToDate() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Imports System
Class X
Sub Goo(Optional x As DateTime = {|Simplify:CDate(Nothing)|})
End Sub
Public Shared Sub Main()
Dim y = New X()
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Imports System
Class X
Sub Goo(Optional x As DateTime = Nothing)
End Sub
Public Shared Sub Main()
Dim y = New X()
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/604316")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_Remove_UnnecessaryDefaultValueConversionToNumericType() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Imports System
Class X
Sub Goo(Optional x As Double = {|Simplify:CInt(Nothing)|})
End Sub
Public Shared Sub Main()
Dim y = New X()
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Imports System
Class X
Sub Goo(Optional x As Double = Nothing)
End Sub
Public Shared Sub Main()
Dim y = New X()
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/604316")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_Remove_UnnecessaryDefaultValueConversionToBooleanType() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Imports System
Class X
Sub Goo()
Dim x As Integer = {|Simplify:DirectCast(Nothing, Boolean)|}
End Sub
Public Shared Sub Main()
Dim y = New X()
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Imports System
Class X
Sub Goo()
Dim x As Integer = Nothing
End Sub
Public Shared Sub Main()
Dim y = New X()
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529956")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_DoNotRemove_NecessaryCastInForEachExpression() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Imports System.Collections
Class C
Private Shared Sub Main()
For Each x As C In {|Simplify:DirectCast(New String() {Nothing}, IEnumerable)|}
Console.WriteLine(x Is Nothing)
End Sub
Public Shared Widening Operator CType(s As String) As C
Return New C()
End Operator
End Class
Dim expected =
Imports System.Collections
Class C
Private Shared Sub Main()
For Each x As C In DirectCast(New String() {Nothing}, IEnumerable)
Console.WriteLine(x Is Nothing)
End Sub
Public Shared Widening Operator CType(s As String) As C
Return New C()
End Operator
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529968")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_DoNotRemove_NecessaryCastForParamsArgument() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Imports System
Class A
Public Shared Sub Main()
Goo({|Simplify:DirectCast(New A(), Object)|})
End Sub
Private Shared Sub Goo(ParamArray x As Object())
Console.WriteLine(x Is Nothing)
End Sub
Public Shared Widening Operator CType(a As A) As Object()
Return Nothing
End Operator
End Class
Dim expected =
Imports System
Class A
Public Shared Sub Main()
Goo(DirectCast(New A(), Object))
End Sub
Private Shared Sub Goo(ParamArray x As Object())
Console.WriteLine(x Is Nothing)
End Sub
Public Shared Widening Operator CType(a As A) As Object()
Return Nothing
End Operator
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529968")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_Remove_UnnecessaryCastsForParamsArguments() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Imports System
Class A
Public Shared Sub Main()
Goo({|Simplify:DirectCast(New A(), Object)|}, {|Simplify:DirectCast(New A(), Object)|})
End Sub
Private Shared Sub Goo(ParamArray x As Object())
Console.WriteLine(x Is Nothing)
End Sub
Public Shared Widening Operator CType(a As A) As Object()
Return Nothing
End Operator
End Class
Dim expected =
Imports System
Class A
Public Shared Sub Main()
Goo(New A(), New A())
End Sub
Private Shared Sub Goo(ParamArray x As Object())
Console.WriteLine(x Is Nothing)
End Sub
Public Shared Widening Operator CType(a As A) As Object()
Return Nothing
End Operator
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529985")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_DoNotRemove_NecessaryCastInMemberAccessExpression() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Imports System
Class C
Private Shared Sub Main()
Dim c As C = Nothing
Console.WriteLine({|Simplify:CType(c, Attribute)|}.GetType())
End Sub
Public Shared Widening Operator CType(x As C) As Attribute
Return New ObsoleteAttribute()
End Operator
End Class
Dim expected =
Imports System
Class C
Private Shared Sub Main()
Dim c As C = Nothing
Console.WriteLine(CType(c, Attribute).GetType())
End Sub
Public Shared Widening Operator CType(x As C) As Attribute
Return New ObsoleteAttribute()
End Operator
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529844")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_DoNotRemove_NecessaryCastInNumericConversion() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Imports System
Class Program
Private Shared Sub Main()
Dim x As Integer = Integer.MaxValue
Dim y As Double = x
Dim z As Double = {|Simplify:CSng(x)|}
Console.WriteLine(y = z)
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Imports System
Class Program
Private Shared Sub Main()
Dim x As Integer = Integer.MaxValue
Dim y As Double = x
Dim z As Double = CSng(x)
Console.WriteLine(y = z)
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529851")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_Remove_TryCast() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Imports System
Interface I1
Sub goo()
End Interface
Module Program
Sub Main(args As String())
End Sub
Sub goo(o As I1)
Dim i As I1 = {|Simplify:TryCast(o, I1)|}
End Sub
End Module
Dim expected =
Imports System
Interface I1
Sub goo()
End Interface
Module Program
Sub Main(args As String())
End Sub
Sub goo(o As I1)
Dim i As I1 = o
End Sub
End Module
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529919")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_Remove_DelegateVarianceConversions() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Imports System
Class Program
Private Shared Sub Main()
Dim a As Action(Of Object) = AddressOf Console.WriteLine
Dim b As Action(Of String) = {|Simplify:DirectCast(a, Action (Of String))|}
Call {|Simplify:DirectCast(a, Action(Of String))|}("A")
Call {|Simplify:DirectCast(a, Action(Of String))|}.Invoke("A")
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Imports System
Class Program
Private Shared Sub Main()
Dim a As Action(Of Object) = AddressOf Console.WriteLine
Dim b As Action(Of String) = a
Call a("A")
Call a.Invoke("A")
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529884")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_DoNotRemove_ParamDefaultValueNegativeZero() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Imports System
Interface I
Sub Goo(Optional x As Double = +0.0)
End Interface
NotInheritable Class C
Implements I
Public Sub Goo(Optional x As Double = -0.0) Implements I.Goo
Console.WriteLine(1 / x > 0)
End Sub
Private Shared Sub Main()
{|Simplify:DirectCast(New C(), I)|}.Goo()
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Imports System
Interface I
Sub Goo(Optional x As Double = +0.0)
End Interface
NotInheritable Class C
Implements I
Public Sub Goo(Optional x As Double = -0.0) Implements I.Goo
Console.WriteLine(1 / x > 0)
End Sub
Private Shared Sub Main()
DirectCast(New C(), I).Goo()
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529884")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_DoNotRemove_ParamDefaultValueNegativeZero2() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Imports System
Interface I
Sub Goo(Optional x As Double = -(-0.0))
End Interface
NotInheritable Class C
Implements I
Public Sub Goo(Optional x As Double = -0.0) Implements I.Goo
Console.WriteLine(1 / x > 0)
End Sub
Private Shared Sub Main()
{|Simplify:DirectCast(New C(), I)|}.Goo()
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Imports System
Interface I
Sub Goo(Optional x As Double = -(-0.0))
End Interface
NotInheritable Class C
Implements I
Public Sub Goo(Optional x As Double = -0.0) Implements I.Goo
Console.WriteLine(1 / x > 0)
End Sub
Private Shared Sub Main()
DirectCast(New C(), I).Goo()
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529884"), WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529927")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_Remove_ParamDefaultValueZero() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Imports System
Interface I
Sub Goo(Optional x As Double = +0.0)
End Interface
NotInheritable Class C
Implements I
Public Sub Goo(Optional x As Double = -(-0.0)) Implements I.Goo
Console.WriteLine(1 / x > 0)
End Sub
Private Shared Sub Main()
Call {|Simplify:DirectCast(New C(), I)|}.Goo()
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Imports System
Interface I
Sub Goo(Optional x As Double = +0.0)
End Interface
NotInheritable Class C
Implements I
Public Sub Goo(Optional x As Double = -(-0.0)) Implements I.Goo
Console.WriteLine(1 / x > 0)
End Sub
Private Shared Sub Main()
Call DirectCast(New C(), I).Goo()
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529791")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_Remove_UnnecessaryImplicitNullableCast() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Class X
Private Shared Sub Goo()
Dim x As Object = {|Simplify:DirectCast(Nothing, String)|}
Dim y As Object = {|Simplify:CType(Nothing, System.Nullable(Of Integer))|}
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Class X
Private Shared Sub Goo()
Dim x As Object = Nothing
Dim y As Object = Nothing
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529963")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_DoNotRemove_NecessaryCastInQueryForCollectionRangeVariable() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Option Strict On
Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim q1 As IEnumerable(Of Object) = From i In {1} Select o = {|Simplify:CObj(i)|}
End Try
End Sub
End Module
Dim expected =
Option Strict On
Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim q1 As IEnumerable(Of Object) = From i In {1} Select o = CObj(i)
End Try
End Sub
End Module
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/530072")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_DoNotRemove_NecessaryCastInQueryForSelectMethod() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
<Document><) As String
Return "Long"
End Function
Function [Select](x As Func(Of Integer, Integer)) As String
Return "Integer"
End Function
Shared Sub Main()
Dim query = From i In New C() Select {|Simplify:CType(i, Long)|}
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
<code><) As String
Return "Long"
End Function
Function [Select](x As Func(Of Integer, Integer)) As String
Return "Integer"
End Function
Shared Sub Main()
Dim query = From i In New C() Select CType(i, Long)
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529831")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_Remove_UnnecessaryInterfaceCast() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Imports System
Interface IIncrementable
ReadOnly Property Value() As Integer
Sub Increment()
End Interface
Structure S
Implements IIncrementable
Public Property Value() As Integer Implements IIncrementable.Value
Return m_Value
End Get
Private Set
m_Value = Value
End Set
End Property
Private m_Value As Integer
Public Sub Increment() Implements IIncrementable.Increment
Value += 1
End Sub
End Structure
Class C
Implements IIncrementable
Public Property Value() As Integer Implements IIncrementable.Value
Return m_Value
End Get
Private Set
m_Value = Value
End Set
End Property
Private m_Value As Integer
Public Sub Increment() Implements IIncrementable.Increment
Value += 1
End Sub
End Class
NotInheritable Class Program
Private Sub New()
End Sub
Private Shared Sub Main()
Goo(New S(), New C(), New C(), New C())
End Sub
Private Shared Sub Goo(Of TAny As IIncrementable, TClass As {Class, IIncrementable, New}, TClass2 As IIncrementable, TClass3 As {TClass, TClass2})(x As TAny, y As TClass, z As TClass2, t As TClass3)
Call {|Simplify:DirectCast(x, IIncrementable)|}.Increment() ' Necessary cast
Call {|Simplify:DirectCast(y, IIncrementable)|}.Increment() ' Unnecessary Cast - OK
Call {|Simplify:DirectCast(z, IIncrementable)|}.Increment() ' Necessary cast
Call {|Simplify:DirectCast(t, IIncrementable)|}.Increment() ' Necessary cast
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Imports System
Interface IIncrementable
ReadOnly Property Value() As Integer
Sub Increment()
End Interface
Structure S
Implements IIncrementable
Public Property Value() As Integer Implements IIncrementable.Value
Return m_Value
End Get
Private Set
m_Value = Value
End Set
End Property
Private m_Value As Integer
Public Sub Increment() Implements IIncrementable.Increment
Value += 1
End Sub
End Structure
Class C
Implements IIncrementable
Public Property Value() As Integer Implements IIncrementable.Value
Return m_Value
End Get
Private Set
m_Value = Value
End Set
End Property
Private m_Value As Integer
Public Sub Increment() Implements IIncrementable.Increment
Value += 1
End Sub
End Class
NotInheritable Class Program
Private Sub New()
End Sub
Private Shared Sub Main()
Goo(New S(), New C(), New C(), New C())
End Sub
Private Shared Sub Goo(Of TAny As IIncrementable, TClass As {Class, IIncrementable, New}, TClass2 As IIncrementable, TClass3 As {TClass, TClass2})(x As TAny, y As TClass, z As TClass2, t As TClass3)
Call DirectCast(x, IIncrementable).Increment() ' Necessary cast
Call y.Increment() ' Unnecessary Cast - OK
Call DirectCast(z, IIncrementable).Increment() ' Necessary cast
Call DirectCast(t, IIncrementable).Increment() ' Necessary cast
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529877")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_Remove_UnnecessarySealedClassToInterfaceCast() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Imports System
Class C
Implements IDisposable
Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
End Sub
End Class
NotInheritable Class D
Inherits C
Private Shared Sub Main()
Dim s As New D()
Call {|Simplify:DirectCast(s, IDisposable)|}.Dispose()
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Imports System
Class C
Implements IDisposable
Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
End Sub
End Class
NotInheritable Class D
Inherits C
Private Shared Sub Main()
Dim s As New D()
Call DirectCast(s, IDisposable).Dispose()
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529887")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_Remove_UnnecessaryReadOnlyValueTypeToInterfaceCast() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Imports System
Interface IIncrementable
ReadOnly Property Value() As Integer
Sub Increment()
End Interface
Structure S
Implements IIncrementable
Public Property Value() As Integer Implements IIncrementable.Value
Return m_Value
End Get
Private Set
m_Value = Value
End Set
End Property
Private m_Value As Integer
Public Sub Increment() Implements IIncrementable.Increment
Value += 1
End Sub
Shared ReadOnly s As New S()
Private Shared Sub Main()
' Note: readonly modifier guarantees that a copy of a value type is always made before modification, so a boxing is not observable.
Call {|Simplify:DirectCast(s, IIncrementable)|}.Increment()
End Sub
End Structure
Dim expected =
Imports System
Interface IIncrementable
ReadOnly Property Value() As Integer
Sub Increment()
End Interface
Structure S
Implements IIncrementable
Public Property Value() As Integer Implements IIncrementable.Value
Return m_Value
End Get
Private Set
m_Value = Value
End Set
End Property
Private m_Value As Integer
Public Sub Increment() Implements IIncrementable.Increment
Value += 1
End Sub
Shared ReadOnly s As New S()
Private Shared Sub Main()
' Note: readonly modifier guarantees that a copy of a value type is always made before modification, so a boxing is not observable.
Call DirectCast(s, IIncrementable).Increment()
End Sub
End Structure
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529888")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_Remove_UnnecessaryObjectCreationToInterfaceCast() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Imports System
Structure Y
Implements IDisposable
Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
End Sub
End Structure
Class X
Implements IDisposable
Private Shared Sub Main()
Call {|Simplify:DirectCast(New X(), IDisposable)|}.Dispose()
Call {|Simplify:DirectCast(New Y(), IDisposable)|}.Dispose()
End Sub
Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
End Sub
End Class]]>
Dim expected =
Imports System
Structure Y
Implements IDisposable
Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
End Sub
End Structure
Class X
Implements IDisposable
Private Shared Sub Main()
Call DirectCast(New X(), IDisposable).Dispose()
Call New Y().Dispose()
End Sub
Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529912")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_Remove_UnnecessaryEffectivelySealedClassToInterfaceCast() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Imports System
Class C
Implements IDisposable
Private Sub New()
End Sub
Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
End Sub
Private Shared Sub Main()
Dim x = New C()
Call {|Simplify:DirectCast(x, IDisposable)|}.Dispose()
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Imports System
Class C
Implements IDisposable
Private Sub New()
End Sub
Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
End Sub
Private Shared Sub Main()
Dim x = New C()
Call DirectCast(x, IDisposable).Dispose()
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529912")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_Remove_UnnecessaryEffectivelySealedClassToInterfaceCast2() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Imports System
Class C
Implements IDisposable
Private Sub New()
End Sub
Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
End Sub
Private Shared Sub Main()
Dim x = New C()
Call {|Simplify:DirectCast(x, IDisposable)|}.Dispose()
End Sub
End Class
Structure D
Implements IDisposable
Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
End Sub
End Structure
Class E
Inherits C
Implements IDisposable
Public Overloads Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Imports System
Class C
Implements IDisposable
Private Sub New()
End Sub
Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
End Sub
Private Shared Sub Main()
Dim x = New C()
Call DirectCast(x, IDisposable).Dispose()
End Sub
End Class
Structure D
Implements IDisposable
Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
End Sub
End Structure
Class E
Inherits C
Implements IDisposable
Public Overloads Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529912")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_Remove_UnnecessaryEffectivelySealedClassToInterfaceCast3() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Imports System
Class C
Implements IDisposable
Private Sub New()
End Sub
Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
End Sub
Private Shared Sub Main()
Dim x = New C()
Call {|Simplify:DirectCast(x, IDisposable)|}.Dispose()
End Sub
Private Interface I
End Interface
End Class
Structure D
Implements IDisposable
Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
End Sub
End Structure
Class E
Inherits C
Implements IDisposable
Public Overloads Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Imports System
Class C
Implements IDisposable
Private Sub New()
End Sub
Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
End Sub
Private Shared Sub Main()
Dim x = New C()
Call DirectCast(x, IDisposable).Dispose()
End Sub
Private Interface I
End Interface
End Class
Structure D
Implements IDisposable
Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
End Sub
End Structure
Class E
Inherits C
Implements IDisposable
Public Overloads Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529913")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_Remove_UnnecessaryEffectivelySealedClassToInterface4() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Imports System
Class A
Private Class C
Implements IDisposable
Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
End Sub
Private Shared Sub Main()
Dim x = New C()
Call {|Simplify:DirectCast(x, IDisposable)|}.Dispose()
End Sub
End Class
End Class
Dim expected =
Imports System
Class A
Private Class C
Implements IDisposable
Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
End Sub
Private Shared Sub Main()
Dim x = New C()
Call DirectCast(x, IDisposable).Dispose()
End Sub
End Class
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529913")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_Remove_UnnecessaryEffectivelySealedClassToInterfaceCast5() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Imports System
Class A
Private Class C
Implements IDisposable
Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
End Sub
Private Shared Sub Main()
Dim x = New C()
Call {|Simplify:DirectCast(x, IDisposable)|}.Dispose()
End Sub
End Class
End Class
Structure D
Implements IDisposable
Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
End Sub
End Structure
Class E
Inherits C
Implements IDisposable
Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Imports System
Class A
Private Class C
Implements IDisposable
Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
End Sub
Private Shared Sub Main()
Dim x = New C()
Call DirectCast(x, IDisposable).Dispose()
End Sub
End Class
End Class
Structure D
Implements IDisposable
Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
End Sub
End Structure
Class E
Inherits C
Implements IDisposable
Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529912")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_DoNotRemove_NecessaryClassToInterfaceCast() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Imports System
Class C
Implements IDisposable
Private Sub New()
End Sub
Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
End Sub
Private Shared Sub Main()
Dim x = New C()
Call {|Simplify:DirectCast(x, IDisposable)|}.Dispose()
End Sub
Private Class E
Inherits C
Implements IDisposable
Public Overloads Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
End Sub
End Class
End Class
Structure D
Implements IDisposable
Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
End Sub
End Structure
Dim expected =
Imports System
Class C
Implements IDisposable
Private Sub New()
End Sub
Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
End Sub
Private Shared Sub Main()
Dim x = New C()
Call DirectCast(x, IDisposable).Dispose()
End Sub
Private Class E
Inherits C
Implements IDisposable
Public Overloads Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
End Sub
End Class
End Class
Structure D
Implements IDisposable
Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
End Sub
End Structure
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529913")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_DoNotRemove_NecessaryClassToInterfaceCast2() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Class A
Private Class C
Implements IDisposable
Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
End Sub
Private Shared Sub Main()
Dim x = New C()
Call {|Simplify:DirectCast(x, IDisposable)|}.Dispose()
End Sub
Private Class E
Inherits C
Implements IDisposable
Public Overloads Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
End Sub
End Class
End Class
End Class
Structure D
Implements IDisposable
Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
End Sub
End Structure
Dim expected =
Class A
Private Class C
Implements IDisposable
Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
End Sub
Private Shared Sub Main()
Dim x = New C()
Call DirectCast(x, IDisposable).Dispose()
End Sub
Private Class E
Inherits C
Implements IDisposable
Public Overloads Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
End Sub
End Class
End Class
End Class
Structure D
Implements IDisposable
Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
End Sub
End Structure
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529889")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_Remove_UnnecessaryCastFromImmutableValueTypeToInterface() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Imports System
Class Program
Private Shared Sub Main()
Dim x As Integer = 1
Dim y = {|Simplify:DirectCast(x, IComparable(Of Integer))|}.CompareTo(0)
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Imports System
Class Program
Private Shared Sub Main()
Dim x As Integer = 1
Dim y = x.CompareTo(0)
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529927")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_Remove_UnnecessaryCastFromImplementingClassToInterface() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Interface I1
Sub Goo()
End Interface
Class M
Implements I1
Shared Sub Main()
Call {|Simplify:CType(New M(), I1)|}.Goo()
End Sub
Public Sub Goo() Implements I1.Goo
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Interface I1
Sub Goo()
End Interface
Class M
Implements I1
Shared Sub Main()
Call CType(New M(), I1).Goo()
End Sub
Public Sub Goo() Implements I1.Goo
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529988")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_DoNotRemove_NecessaryCastInDelegateCreationExpression() As Task
' Note: Removing the cast changes the lambda parameter type and invocation method symbol.
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Imports System
Module Program
Public Sub Main()
Call DirectCast({|Simplify:DirectCast((Sub(y) Call New X().Goo(y)), Action(Of Object))|}, Action(Of String))("HI")
End Sub
End Module
Public Class X
Public Sub Goo(x As Object)
End Sub
Public Sub Goo(x As String)
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Imports System
Module Program
Public Sub Main()
Call DirectCast(DirectCast((Sub(y) Call New X().Goo(y)), Action(Of Object)), Action(Of String))("HI")
End Sub
End Module
Public Class X
Public Sub Goo(x As Object)
End Sub
Public Sub Goo(x As String)
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529988")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_DoNotRemove_NecessaryCastInDelegateCreationExpression2() As Task
' Note: Removing the cast changes the lambda parameter type and invocation method symbol.
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Imports System
Module Program
Public Sub Main()
Call DirectCast({|Simplify:DirectCast((Sub(y)
Call New X().Goo(y)
End Sub), Action(Of Object))|}, Action(Of String))("HI")
End Sub
End Module
Public Class X
Public Sub Goo(x As Object)
End Sub
Public Sub Goo(x As String)
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Imports System
Module Program
Public Sub Main()
Call DirectCast(DirectCast((Sub(y)
Call New X().Goo(y)
End Sub), Action(Of Object)), Action(Of String))("HI")
End Sub
End Module
Public Class X
Public Sub Goo(x As Object)
End Sub
Public Sub Goo(x As String)
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529988")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_Remove_UnnecessaryCastInDelegateCreationExpression3() As Task
' Note: Removing the cast changes the lambda parameter type, but doesn't change the semantics of the lambda body.
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Imports System
Module Program
Public Sub Main()
Call DirectCast({|Simplify:DirectCast((Sub(y) Call New X().Goo(1)), Action(Of Object))|}, Action(Of String))("HI")
End Sub
End Module
Public Class X
Public Sub Goo(x As Object)
End Sub
Public Sub Goo(x As String)
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Imports System
Module Program
Public Sub Main()
Call DirectCast((Sub(y) Call New X().Goo(1)), Action(Of String))("HI")
End Sub
End Module
Public Class X
Public Sub Goo(x As Object)
End Sub
Public Sub Goo(x As String)
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529988")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_Remove_UnnecessaryCastInDelegateCreationExpression4() As Task
' Note: Removing the cast changes the lambda parameter type, but doesn't change the semantics of the lambda body.
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Imports System
Module Program
Public Sub Main()
Call DirectCast({|Simplify:DirectCast((Sub(y)
Call New X().Goo(1)
End Sub), Action(Of Object))|}, Action(Of String))("HI")
End Sub
End Module
Public Class X
Public Sub Goo(x As Object)
End Sub
Public Sub Goo(x As String)
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Imports System
Module Program
Public Sub Main()
Call DirectCast((Sub(y)
Call New X().Goo(1)
End Sub), Action(Of String))("HI")
End Sub
End Module
Public Class X
Public Sub Goo(x As Object)
End Sub
Public Sub Goo(x As String)
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529988")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_DoNotRemove_NecessaryCastInDelegateCreationExpression5() As Task
' Note: Removing the cast changes the lambda parameter type and hence changes the inferred type of lambda local "x".
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Imports System
Module Program
Public Sub Main()
Call DirectCast({|Simplify:DirectCast((Sub(y)
Dim x = y
Call New X().Goo(x)
End Sub), Action(Of Object))|}, Action(Of String))("HI")
End Sub
End Module
Public Class X
Public Sub Goo(x As Object)
End Sub
Public Sub Goo(x As String)
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Imports System
Module Program
Public Sub Main()
Call DirectCast(DirectCast((Sub(y)
Dim x = y
Call New X().Goo(x)
End Sub), Action(Of Object)), Action(Of String))("HI")
End Sub
End Module
Public Class X
Public Sub Goo(x As Object)
End Sub
Public Sub Goo(x As String)
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529988")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_DoNotRemove_NecessaryCastInDelegateCreationExpression6() As Task
' Note: Removing the cast changes the parameter type of lambda parameter "z"
' and changes the method symbol Goo invoked in the lambda body.
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Imports System
Module Program
Public Sub Main()
Call DirectCast({|Simplify:DirectCast((Sub(y, z)
Call New X().Goo(z)
End Sub), Action(Of Object, Object))|}, Action(Of String, String))("HI", "HELLO")
End Sub
End Module
Public Class X
Public Sub Goo(x As Object)
End Sub
Public Sub Goo(x As String)
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Imports System
Module Program
Public Sub Main()
Call DirectCast(DirectCast((Sub(y, z)
Call New X().Goo(z)
End Sub), Action(Of Object, Object)), Action(Of String, String))("HI", "HELLO")
End Sub
End Module
Public Class X
Public Sub Goo(x As Object)
End Sub
Public Sub Goo(x As String)
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529988")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_Remove_UnnecessaryCastInDelegateCreationExpression7() As Task
' Note: Removing the cast changes the parameter type of lambda parameter "z"
' but not that of parameter "y" and hence the semantics of the lambda body aren't changed.
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Imports System
Module Program
Public Sub Main()
Call DirectCast({|Simplify:DirectCast((Sub(y, z)
Dim x as Object = y
Call New X().Goo(z)
End Sub), Action(Of Object, Object))|}, Action(Of String, Object))("HI", "HELLO")
End Sub
End Module
Public Class X
Public Sub Goo(x As Object)
End Sub
Public Sub Goo(x As String)
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Imports System
Module Program
Public Sub Main()
Call DirectCast((Sub(y, z)
Dim x as Object = y
Call New X().Goo(z)
End Sub), Action(Of String, Object))("HI", "HELLO")
End Sub
End Module
Public Class X
Public Sub Goo(x As Object)
End Sub
Public Sub Goo(x As String)
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529988")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_Remove_UnnecessaryCastInDelegateCreationExpression8() As Task
' Note: Removing the cast changes the parameter type of lambda parameter "y"
' but doesn't change the built in operator invoked for "y + z".
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Imports System
Module Program
Public Sub Main()
Call DirectCast({|Simplify:DirectCast((Sub(y, z)
Console.WriteLine(y + z)
End Sub), Action(Of Object, Object))|}, Action(Of Object, String))("HI", "HELLO")
End Sub
End Module
Dim expected =
Imports System
Module Program
Public Sub Main()
Call DirectCast((Sub(y, z)
Console.WriteLine(y + z)
End Sub), Action(Of Object, String))("HI", "HELLO")
End Sub
End Module
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529988")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_DoNotRemove_NecessaryCastInDelegateCreationExpression9() As Task
' Note: Removing the cast changes the parameter type of lambda parameter "y"
' and changes the semantics of nested lambda body.
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Imports System
Module Program
Public Sub Main()
Call DirectCast({|Simplify:DirectCast((Function(y, z)
Dim a = (Sub(w)
Call New X().Goo(y)
End Sub)
Return a
End Function), Action(Of Object, Object))|}, Action(Of String, Object))("HI", "HELLO")
End Sub
End Module
Public Class X
Public Sub Goo(x As Object)
End Sub
Public Sub Goo(x As String)
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Imports System
Module Program
Public Sub Main()
Call DirectCast(DirectCast((Function(y, z)
Dim a = (Sub(w)
Call New X().Goo(y)
End Sub)
Return a
End Function), Action(Of Object, Object)), Action(Of String, Object))("HI", "HELLO")
End Sub
End Module
Public Class X
Public Sub Goo(x As Object)
End Sub
Public Sub Goo(x As String)
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529982")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_Remove_UnnecessaryExplicitCastForLambdaExpression_DirectCast() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Option Strict On
Imports System
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim l As Func(Of Exception) = {|Simplify:DirectCast(Function()
Return New ArgumentException
End Function, Func(Of ArgumentException))|}
End Sub
End Module
Dim expected =
Option Strict On
Imports System
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim l As Func(Of Exception) = Function()
Return New ArgumentException
End Function
End Sub
End Module
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529982")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_Remove_UnnecessaryExplicitCastForLambdaExpression_TryCast() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Option Strict On
Imports System
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim l As Func(Of Exception) = {|Simplify:TryCast(Function()
Return New ArgumentException
End Function, Func(Of ArgumentException))|}
End Sub
End Module
Dim expected =
Option Strict On
Imports System
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim l As Func(Of Exception) = Function()
Return New ArgumentException
End Function
End Sub
End Module
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/680657")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_Remove_UnnecessaryCastWithinAsNewExpression() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Imports System
Public Class X
Dim field As New X({|Simplify:DirectCast(0, Integer)|})
Property prop As New X({|Simplify:DirectCast(0, Integer)|})
Public Sub New(i As Integer)
Dim local As New X({|Simplify:DirectCast(0, Integer)|})
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Imports System
Public Class X
Dim field As New X(0)
Property prop As New X(0)
Public Sub New(i As Integer)
Dim local As New X(0)
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/835671")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_DoNotRemove_NecessaryCastInUnaryExpression() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Class C
Private Sub Method(d As Double)
Method({|Simplify:CInt(d)|}) ' not flagged because the cast changes the semantics
Method(-{|Simplify:CInt(d)|}) ' should not be flagged
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Class C
Private Sub Method(d As Double)
Method(CInt(d)) ' not flagged because the cast changes the semantics
Method(-CInt(d)) ' should not be flagged
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/889341")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_DoNotRemove_CastInErroneousCode() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Class C
Private Sub M()
Dim x As Object = Nothing
M({|Simplify:DirectCast(x, String)|})
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Class C
Private Sub M()
Dim x As Object = Nothing
M(DirectCast(x, String))
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529787")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_DoNotRemove_RequiredCastInCollectionInitializer() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Class X
Inherits List(Of Integer)
Private Overloads Sub Add(x As Object)
End Sub
Private Overloads Sub Add(x As String)
End Sub
Private Shared Sub Main()
Dim z = New X() From { {|Simplify:DirectCast("", Object)|} }
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Class X
Inherits List(Of Integer)
Private Overloads Sub Add(x As Object)
End Sub
Private Overloads Sub Add(x As String)
End Sub
Private Shared Sub Main()
Dim z = New X() From { DirectCast("", Object) }
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/995855")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_DoNotRemove_NecessaryCastInTernaryExpression1() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Class C
Private Shared Sub Main(args As String())
Dim s As Byte = 0
Dim i As Integer = 0
s += If(i = 0, CByte(0), {|Simplify:CByte(0)|})
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Class C
Private Shared Sub Main(args As String())
Dim s As Byte = 0
Dim i As Integer = 0
s += If(i = 0, CByte(0), CByte(0))
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/995855")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_DoNotRemove_NecessaryCastInTernaryExpression2() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Class C
Private Shared Sub Main(args As String())
Dim s As Byte = 0
Dim i As Integer = 0
s += If(i = 0, {|Simplify:CByte(0)|}, CByte(0))
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Class C
Private Shared Sub Main(args As String())
Dim s As Byte = 0
Dim i As Integer = 0
s += If(i = 0, CByte(0), CByte(0))
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/995855")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_Remove_UnnecessaryCastInTernaryExpression1() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Class C
Private Shared Sub Main(args As String())
Dim s As Byte = 0
Dim i As Integer = 0
s += If(i = 0, 0, {|Simplify:CByte(0)|})
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Class C
Private Shared Sub Main(args As String())
Dim s As Byte = 0
Dim i As Integer = 0
s += If(i = 0, 0, 0)
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/995855")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_Remove_UnnecessaryCastInTernaryExpression2() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Class C
Private Shared Sub Main(args As String())
Dim s As Byte = 0
Dim i As Integer = 0
s += If(i = 0, {|Simplify:CByte(0)|}, 0)
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Class C
Private Shared Sub Main(args As String())
Dim s As Byte = 0
Dim i As Integer = 0
s += If(i = 0, 0, 0)
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/1031406")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_DoNotRemove_NecessaryTryCast() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Class Program
Sub Main(args As String())
Dim p As Object = 0
Console.Write({|Simplify:TryCast(p, String)|} IsNot Nothing)
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Class Program
Sub Main(args As String())
Dim p As Object = 0
Console.Write(TryCast(p, String) IsNot Nothing)
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/253")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_DoNotRemove_NecessaryCastInConditionAccess() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Option Strict On
Public Class Class1
Friend Shared Sub Test(arg As Object)
Dim identity = If({|Simplify:TryCast(arg, B)|}?.A, TryCast(arg, A))
End Sub
Class A
End Class
Class B
Public ReadOnly Property A As A
End Class
End Class
Dim expected =
Option Strict On
Public Class Class1
Friend Shared Sub Test(arg As Object)
Dim identity = If(TryCast(arg, B)?.A, TryCast(arg, A))
End Sub
Class A
End Class
Class B
Public ReadOnly Property A As A
End Class
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/4037")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_DoNotRemove_NecessaryCastOfEnumFromInInterpolation() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Module Module1
Enum State As UShort
None = 0
State1 = 1 << 0
End Enum
Sub Main()
Dim alarmState = State.State1
Dim str = $"State: {alarmState} [{{|Simplify:CUShort(alarmState)|}:x4}]"
End Sub
End Module
Dim expected =
Module Module1
Enum State As UShort
None = 0
State1 = 1 << 0
End Enum
Sub Main()
Dim alarmState = State.State1
Dim str = $"State: {alarmState} [{CUShort(alarmState):x4}]"
End Sub
End Module
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/4037")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_DoNotRemove_NecessaryCastOfEnumAndToString() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Module Module1
Enum State As UShort
None = 0
State1 = 1 << 0
End Enum
Sub Main()
Dim alarmState = State.State1
Dim str = {|Simplify:CUShort(alarmState)|}.ToString("X4")
End Sub
End Module
Dim expected =
Module Module1
Enum State As UShort
None = 0
State1 = 1 << 0
End Enum
Sub Main()
Dim alarmState = State.State1
Dim str = CUShort(alarmState).ToString("X4")
End Sub
End Module
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/4037")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_Remove_UnnecessaryCastOfEnum() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Option Strict On
Module Module1
Enum State As UShort
None = 0
State1 = 1 << 0
End Enum
Sub Main()
Dim alarmState = State.State1
Dim val As UShort = {|Simplify:CUShort(alarmState)|}
End Sub
End Module
Dim expected =
Option Strict On
Module Module1
Enum State As UShort
None = 0
State1 = 1 << 0
End Enum
Sub Main()
Dim alarmState = State.State1
Dim val As UShort = alarmState
End Sub
End Module
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/4037")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_Remove_UnnecessaryCastOfUShort() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Class C
Sub M()
Dim x As UShort = 400
Dim s = $"Hello {{|Simplify:CObj(x)|}:x4}"
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Class C
Sub M()
Dim x As UShort = 400
Dim s = $"Hello {x:x4}"
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/4037")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_Remove_UnnecessaryCastOfDateTime1() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Class C
Sub M()
Dim d As DateTime = #2015-09-08#
Dim s = $"Hello {{|Simplify:CObj(d)|}:yyyy-MM-dd}"
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Class C
Sub M()
Dim d As DateTime = #2015-09-08#
Dim s = $"Hello {d:yyyy-MM-dd}"
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/4037")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_Remove_UnnecessaryCastOfDateTime2() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Class C
Sub M()
Dim d As DateTime = #2015-09-08#
Dim s = $"Hello {({|Simplify:CObj(d)|}):yyyy-MM-dd}"
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Class C
Sub M()
Dim d As DateTime = #2015-09-08#
Dim s = $"Hello {(d):yyyy-MM-dd}"
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/5314")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_DoNotRemove_NecessaryCastToObjectInConditionalExpression() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Class C
Function Convert(cond As Boolean, value As ULong) As Object
Return If(cond, {|Simplify:CObj(CUInt(value))|}, value)
End Function
End Class
Dim expected =
Class C
Function Convert(cond As Boolean, value As ULong) As Object
Return If(cond, CObj(CUInt(value)), value)
End Function
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/5685")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_DoNotRemove_NecessaryCastToNullable1() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Class C
Sub M()
Dim d As Date? = If(True, {|Simplify:DirectCast(Nothing, Date?)|}, CDate(""))
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Class C
Sub M()
Dim d As Date? = If(True, DirectCast(Nothing, Date?), CDate(""))
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/5685")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_Remove_UnnecessaryCastToNullable1() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Class C
Sub M()
Dim d As Date? = If(True, {|Simplify:DirectCast(Nothing, Date?)|}, CType(#10/6/2015#, Date?))
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Class C
Sub M()
Dim d As Date? = If(True, Nothing, CType(#10/6/2015#, Date?))
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/5685")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_Remove_UnnecessaryCastToNullable2() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Class C
Sub M()
Dim d As Date? = If(True, DirectCast(Nothing, Date?), {|Simplify:CType(#10/6/2015#, Date?)|})
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Class C
Sub M()
Dim d As Date? = If(True, DirectCast(Nothing, Date?), #10/6/2015#)
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/5685")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_Remove_UnnecessaryCastToNullable3() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Class C
Sub M()
Dim d As Date? = {|Simplify:DirectCast(Nothing, Date?)|}
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Class C
Sub M()
Dim d As Date? = Nothing
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/2560")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_Remove_IntegerToByte_OptionStrictOff() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Option Strict Off
Class C
Sub M()
Dim b As Byte
b += {|Simplify:CByte(1)|}
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Option Strict Off
Class C
Sub M()
Dim b As Byte
b += 1
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/2560")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_DoNotRemove_IntegerToByte_OptionStrictOn1() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Option Strict On
Class C
Sub M()
Dim b As Byte
b += {|Simplify:CByte(1)|}
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Option Strict On
Class C
Sub M()
Dim b As Byte
b += CByte(1)
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/2560")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_DoNotRemove_IntegerToByte_OptionStrictOn2() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Option Strict On
Class C
Sub M()
Dim b As Byte
Const x = 1
b += {|Simplify:CByte(x)|}
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Option Strict On
Class C
Sub M()
Dim b As Byte
Const x = 1
b += CByte(x)
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/2560")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_DoNotRemove_IntegerToByte_OptionStrictOn3() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Option Strict On
Class C
Sub M()
Dim b As Byte
Dim x As Integer = 1
b += {|Simplify:CByte(x)|}
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Option Strict On
Class C
Sub M()
Dim b As Byte
Dim x As Integer = 1
b += CByte(x)
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/2560")>
Public Async Function TestVisualBasic_DoNotRemove_IntegerToByte_OptionStrictOn4() As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Option Strict On
Class C
Sub M()
Dim b As Byte
b = b + {|Simplify:CByte(1)|}
End Sub
End Class
Dim expected =
Option Strict On
Class C
Sub M()
Dim b As Byte
b = b + CByte(1)
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAsync(input, expected)
End Function
#End Region
End Class
End Namespace