File: Rename\RenameEngineResult.vb
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Project: src\src\EditorFeatures\Test2\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.EditorFeatures2.UnitTests.vbproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.EditorFeatures2.UnitTests)
' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
' See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
Imports System.Collections.Immutable
Imports System.Threading
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeActions
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.UnitTests.Workspaces
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Host
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Remote.Testing
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Rename
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Rename.ConflictEngine
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text
Imports Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text
Imports Xunit.Abstractions
Imports Xunit.Sdk
Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.UnitTests.Rename
    ''' <summary>
    ''' A class that holds the result of a rename engine call, and asserts
    ''' various things about it. This is used in the tests for the rename engine
    ''' to make asserting that certain spans were converted to what they should be.
    ''' </summary>
    Friend Class RenameEngineResult
        Implements IDisposable
        Private ReadOnly _workspace As TestWorkspace
        Private ReadOnly _resolution As ConflictResolution
        ''' <summary>
        ''' The list of related locations that haven't been asserted about yet. Items are
        ''' removed from here when they are asserted on, so the set should be empty once we're
        ''' done.
        ''' </summary>
        Private ReadOnly _unassertedRelatedLocations As HashSet(Of RelatedLocation)
        Private ReadOnly _renameTo As String
        Private _failedAssert As Boolean
        Private Sub New(workspace As TestWorkspace, resolution As ConflictResolution, renameTo As String)
            _workspace = workspace
            _resolution = resolution
            _unassertedRelatedLocations = New HashSet(Of RelatedLocation)(resolution.RelatedLocations)
            _renameTo = renameTo
        End Sub
        Public Shared Function Create(
                helper As ITestOutputHelper,
                workspaceXml As XElement,
                renameTo As String,
                host As RenameTestHost,
                Optional renameOptions As SymbolRenameOptions = Nothing,
                Optional expectFailure As Boolean = False,
                Optional sourceGenerator As ISourceGenerator = Nothing,
                Optional executionPreference As SourceGeneratorExecutionPreference = SourceGeneratorExecutionPreference.Automatic) As RenameEngineResult
            Dim composition = EditorTestCompositions.EditorFeatures.AddParts(
            If host = RenameTestHost.OutOfProcess_SingleCall OrElse host = RenameTestHost.OutOfProcess_SplitCall Then
                composition = composition.WithTestHostParts(TestHost.OutOfProcess)
            End If
            Dim workspace = TestWorkspace.CreateWorkspace(workspaceXml, composition:=composition)
            Dim configService = workspace.ExportProvider.GetExportedValue(Of TestWorkspaceConfigurationService)
            configService.Options = New WorkspaceConfigurationOptions(SourceGeneratorExecution:=executionPreference)
            If sourceGenerator IsNot Nothing Then
                workspace.OnAnalyzerReferenceAdded(workspace.CurrentSolution.ProjectIds.Single(), New TestGeneratorReference(sourceGenerator))
            End If
            Dim success = False
            Dim engineResult As RenameEngineResult = Nothing
                If workspace.Documents.Where(Function(d) d.CursorPosition.HasValue).Count <> 1 Then
                    AssertEx.Fail("The test must have a single $$ marking the symbol being renamed.")
                End If
                Dim cursorDocument = workspace.Documents.Single(Function(d) d.CursorPosition.HasValue)
                Dim cursorPosition = cursorDocument.CursorPosition.Value
                Dim document = workspace.CurrentSolution.GetDocument(cursorDocument.Id)
                Dim symbol = RenameUtilities.TryGetRenamableSymbolAsync(document, cursorPosition, CancellationToken.None).Result
                If symbol Is Nothing Then
                    AssertEx.Fail("The symbol touching the $$ could not be found.")
                End If
                Dim result = GetConflictResolution(renameTo, workspace.CurrentSolution, symbol, renameOptions, host)
                If expectFailure Then
                    Return engineResult
                End If
                engineResult = New RenameEngineResult(workspace, result, renameTo)
                success = True
                If Not success Then
                    ' Something blew up, so we still own the test workspace
                    If engineResult IsNot Nothing Then
                    End If
                End If
            End Try
            Return engineResult
        End Function
        Private Shared Function GetConflictResolution(
                renameTo As String,
                solution As Solution,
                symbol As ISymbol,
                renameOptions As SymbolRenameOptions,
                host As RenameTestHost) As ConflictResolution
            If host = RenameTestHost.OutOfProcess_SplitCall Then
                ' This tests that each portion of rename can properly marshal to/from the OOP process. It validates
                ' features that need to call each part independently and operate on the intermediary values.
                Dim locations = Renamer.FindRenameLocationsAsync(
                    solution, symbol, renameOptions, CancellationToken.None).GetAwaiter().GetResult()
                Return locations.ResolveConflictsAsync(symbol, renameTo, nonConflictSymbolKeys:=Nothing, CancellationToken.None).GetAwaiter().GetResult()
                ' This tests that rename properly works when the entire call is remoted to OOP and the final result is
                ' marshaled back.
                Return Renamer.RenameSymbolAsync(
                    solution, symbol, renameTo, renameOptions,
                    nonConflictSymbolKeys:=Nothing, CancellationToken.None).GetAwaiter().GetResult()
            End If
        End Function
        Friend ReadOnly Property ConflictResolution As ConflictResolution
                Return _resolution
            End Get
        End Property
        Private Sub AssertUnlabeledSpansRenamedAndHaveNoConflicts()
            For Each documentWithSpans In _workspace.Documents.Where(Function(d) Not d.IsSourceGenerated)
                Dim oldSyntaxTree = _workspace.CurrentSolution.GetDocument(documentWithSpans.Id).GetSyntaxTreeAsync().Result
                For Each span In documentWithSpans.SelectedSpans
                    Dim location = oldSyntaxTree.GetLocation(span)
                    AssertLocationReferencedAs(location, RelatedLocationType.NoConflict)
                    AssertLocationReplacedWith(location, _renameTo)
        End Sub
        Public Sub AssertLabeledSpansInStringsAndCommentsAre(label As String, replacement As String)
            AssertLabeledSpansAre(label, replacement, RelatedLocationType.NoConflict, isRenameWithinStringOrComment:=True)
        End Sub
        Public Sub AssertLabeledSpansAre(label As String, Optional replacement As String = Nothing, Optional type As RelatedLocationType? = Nothing, Optional isRenameWithinStringOrComment As Boolean = False)
            For Each location In GetLabeledLocations(label)
                If replacement IsNot Nothing Then
                    If type.HasValue Then
                        AssertLocationReplacedWith(location, replacement, isRenameWithinStringOrComment)
                    End If
                End If
                If type.HasValue AndAlso Not isRenameWithinStringOrComment Then
                    AssertLocationReferencedAs(location, type.Value)
                End If
        End Sub
        Public Sub AssertLabeledSpecialSpansAre(label As String, replacement As String, type As RelatedLocationType?)
            For Each location In GetLabeledLocations(label)
                If replacement IsNot Nothing Then
                    If type.HasValue Then
                        AssertLocationReplacedWith(location, replacement)
                        AssertLocationReferencedAs(location, type.Value)
                    End If
                End If
        End Sub
        Private Function GetLabeledLocations(label As String) As IEnumerable(Of Location)
            Dim locations As New List(Of Location)
            For Each document In _workspace.Documents
                Dim annotatedSpans = document.AnnotatedSpans
                Dim spans As ImmutableArray(Of TextSpan) = Nothing
                If annotatedSpans.TryGetValue(label, spans) Then
                    Dim syntaxTree = _workspace.CurrentSolution.GetDocument(document.Id).GetSyntaxTreeAsync().Result
                    For Each span In spans
                End If
            If locations.Count = 0 Then
                _failedAssert = True
                AssertEx.Fail(String.Format("The label '{0}' was not mentioned in the test.", label))
            End If
            Return locations
        End Function
        Private Sub AssertLocationReplacedWith(location As Location, replacementText As String, Optional isRenameWithinStringOrComment As Boolean = False)
                Dim documentId = ConflictResolution.OldSolution.GetDocumentId(location.SourceTree)
                Dim newLocation = ConflictResolution.GetResolutionTextSpan(location.SourceSpan, documentId)
                Dim newTree = ConflictResolution.NewSolution.GetDocument(documentId).GetSyntaxTreeAsync().Result
                Dim newToken = newTree.GetRoot.FindToken(newLocation.Start, findInsideTrivia:=True)
                Dim newText As String
                If newToken.Span = newLocation Then
                    newText = newToken.ToString()
                ElseIf isRenameWithinStringOrComment AndAlso newToken.FullSpan.Contains(newLocation) Then
                    newText = newToken.ToFullString().Substring(newLocation.Start - newToken.FullSpan.Start, newLocation.Length)
                    newText = newTree.GetText().ToString(newLocation)
                End If
                Assert.Equal(replacementText, newText)
            Catch ex As XunitException
                _failedAssert = True
            End Try
        End Sub
        Private Sub AssertLocationReferencedAs(location As Location, type As RelatedLocationType)
                Dim documentId = ConflictResolution.OldSolution.GetDocumentId(location.SourceTree)
                Dim reference = _unassertedRelatedLocations.SingleOrDefault(
                    Function(r) r.ConflictCheckSpan = location.SourceSpan AndAlso r.DocumentId = documentId)
            Catch ex As XunitException
                _failedAssert = True
            End Try
        End Sub
        Private Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
            ' Make sure we're cleaned up. Don't want the test harness crashing...
            ' If we failed some other assert, we know we're going to have things left
            ' over. So let's just suppress these so we don't lose the root cause
            If Not _failedAssert Then
                If _unassertedRelatedLocations.Count > 0 Then
                        "There were additional related locations that were unasserted:" + Environment.NewLine _
                        + String.Join(Environment.NewLine,
                            From location In _unassertedRelatedLocations
                            Let document = _workspace.CurrentSolution.GetDocument(location.DocumentId)
                            Let spanText = document.GetTextSynchronously(CancellationToken.None).ToString(location.ConflictCheckSpan)
                            Select $"{spanText} @{document.Name}[{location.ConflictCheckSpan.Start}..{location.ConflictCheckSpan.End})"))
                End If
            End If
        End Sub
        Protected Overrides Sub Finalize()
            If Not Environment.HasShutdownStarted Then
                Throw New Exception("Dispose was not called in a Rename test.")
            End If
        End Sub
        Public Sub AssertReplacementTextInvalid()
            Catch ex As XunitException
                _failedAssert = True
            End Try
        End Sub
        Public Sub AssertIsInvalidResolution()
        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace