File: FindReferences\FindReferencesTests.PropertySymbols.vb
Web Access
Project: src\src\EditorFeatures\Test2\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.EditorFeatures2.UnitTests.vbproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.EditorFeatures2.UnitTests)
' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
' See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Remote.Testing
Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.UnitTests.FindReferences
    <Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.FindReferences)>
    Partial Public Class FindReferencesTests
        <WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
        Public Async Function TestCSharp_Property1(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
            Dim input =
    <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
namespace ConsoleApplication22
    class Program
        static public int {|Definition:G$$oo|}
                return 1;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int temp = Program.[|Goo|];
            Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
        End Function
        <WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
        Public Async Function TestCSharp_Property2(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
            Dim input =
    <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
namespace ConsoleApplication22
    class Program
        static public int {|Definition:Goo|}
                return 1;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int temp = Program.[|Go$$o|];
            Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
        End Function
        <WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
        Public Async Function TestCSharp_PropertyCascadeThroughInterface1(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
            Dim input =
    <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
    interface I
        int {|Definition:$$P|} { get; }
    class C : I
        public int {|Definition:P|} { get; }
            Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
        End Function
        <WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
        Public Async Function TestCSharp_PropertyCascadeThroughInterface2(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
            Dim input =
    <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
    interface I
        int {|Definition:P|} { get; }
    class C : I
        public int {|Definition:$$P|} { get; }
            Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
        End Function
        <WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
        Public Async Function TestCSharp_PropertyThroughBase1(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
            Dim input =
    <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
interface I1
    int {|Definition:$$Area|} { get; }
class C1 : I1
    public int {|Definition:Area|} { get { return 1; } }
class C2 : C1
    public int Area
            return base.[|Area|];
            Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
        End Function
        <WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
        Public Async Function TestCSharp_PropertyThroughBase2(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
            Dim input =
    <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
interface I1
    int {|Definition:Area|} { get; }
class C1 : I1
    public int {|Definition:$$Area|} { get { return 1; } }
class C2 : C1
    public int Area
            return base.[|Area|];
            Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
        End Function
        <WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
        Public Async Function TestCSharp_PropertyThroughBase3(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
            Dim input =
    <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
interface I1
    int Definition:Area { get; }
class C1 : I1
    public int Definition:Area { get { return 1; } }
class C2 : C1
    public int {|Definition:$$Area|}
            return base.Area;
            Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
        End Function
        <WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
        Public Async Function TestCSharp_PropertyThroughBase4(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
            Dim input =
    <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
interface I1
    int {|Definition:Area|} { get; }
class C1 : I1
    public int {|Definition:Area|} { get { return 1; } }
class C2 : C1
    public int Area
            return base.[|$$Area|];
            Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
        End Function
        <WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
        Public Async Function TestCSharp_ExplicitProperty1(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
            Dim input =
    <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
public interface DD
    int {|Definition:$$Prop|} { get; set; }
public class A : DD
    int DD.{|Definition:Prop|}
        get { return 1; }
        set { }
            Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
        End Function
        <WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
        Public Async Function TestCSharp_ExplicitProperty2(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
            Dim input =
    <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
public interface DD
    int {|Definition:Prop|} { get; set; }
public class A : DD
    int DD.{|Definition:$$Prop|}
        get { return 1; }
        set { }
            Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
        End Function
        <WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
        Public Async Function TestCSharp_PropertyFromGenericInterface1_Api(host As TestHost) As Task
            Dim input =
    <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
interface I1<T>
    T {|Definition:$$Name|} { get; set; }
interface I2
    int Name { get; set; }
interface I3<T> : I2
    new T {|Definition:Name|} { get; set; }
public class M<T> : I1<T>, I3<T>
    public T {|Definition:Name|} { get; set; }
    int I2.Name { get; set; }
            Await TestAPI(input, host)
        End Function
        <WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
        Public Async Function TestCSharp_PropertyFromGenericInterface1_Feature(host As TestHost) As Task
            Dim input =
    <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
interface I1<T>
    T {|Definition:$$Name|} { get; set; }
interface I2
    int Name { get; set; }
interface I3<T> : I2
    new T Name { get; set; }
public class M<T> : I1<T>, I3<T>
    public T {|Definition:Name|} { get; set; }
    int I2.Name { get; set; }
            Await TestStreamingFeature(input, host)
        End Function
        <WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
        Public Async Function TestCSharp_PropertyFromGenericInterface2(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
            Dim input =
    <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
interface I1<T>
    T Name { get; set; }
interface I2
    int {|Definition:$$Name|} { get; set; }
interface I3<T> : I2
    new T Name { get; set; }
public class M<T> : I1<T>, I3<T>
    public T Name { get; set; }
    int I2.{|Definition:Name|} { get; set; }
            Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
        End Function
        <WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
        Public Async Function TestCSharp_PropertyFromGenericInterface3_Api(host As TestHost) As Task
            Dim input =
    <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
interface I1<T>
    T {|Definition:Name|} { get; set; }
interface I2
    int Name { get; set; }
interface I3<T> : I2
    new T {|Definition:$$Name|} { get; set; }
public class M<T> : I1<T>, I3<T>
    public T {|Definition:Name|} { get; set; }
    int I2.Name { get; set; }
            Await TestAPI(input, host)
        End Function
        <WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
        Public Async Function TestCSharp_PropertyFromGenericInterface3_FEature(host As TestHost) As Task
            Dim input =
    <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
interface I1<T>
    T Name { get; set; }
interface I2
    int Name { get; set; }
interface I3<T> : I2
    new T {|Definition:$$Name|} { get; set; }
public class M<T> : I1<T>, I3<T>
    public T {|Definition:Name|} { get; set; }
    int I2.Name { get; set; }
            Await TestStreamingFeature(input, host)
        End Function
        <WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
        Public Async Function TestCSharp_PropertyFromGenericInterface4(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
            Dim input =
    <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
interface I1<T>
    T Name { get; set; }
interface I2
    int {|Definition:Name|} { get; set; }
interface I3<T> : I2
    new T Name { get; set; }
public class M<T> : I1<T>, I3<T>
    public T Name { get; set; }
    int I2.{|Definition:$$Name|} { get; set; }
            Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
        End Function
        <WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
        Public Async Function TestCSharp_PropertyFromGenericInterface5(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
            Dim input =
    <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
interface I1<T>
    T {|Definition:Name|} { get; set; }
interface I2
    int Name { get; set; }
interface I3<T> : I2
    new T {|Definition:Name|} { get; set; }
public class M<T> : I1<T>, I3<T>
    public T {|Definition:$$Name|} { get; set; }
    int I2.Name { get; set; }
            Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
        End Function
        <WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
        Public Async Function TestBasic_PropertyFunctionValue1(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
            Dim input =
    <Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Module Program
    ReadOnly Property {|Definition:$$X|} As Integer ' Rename X to Y
            [|X|] = 1
        End Get
    End Property
End Module]]>
            Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
        End Function
        <WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
        Public Async Function TestBasic_PropertyFunctionValue2(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
            Dim input =
    <Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Module Program
    ReadOnly Property {|Definition:X|} As Integer ' Rename X to Y
            [|$$X|] = 1
        End Get
    End Property
End Module]]>
            Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
        End Function
        <WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
        Public Async Function TestCSharp_AnonymousTypeProperties1(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
            Dim input =
    <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class C
    void M()
        var a = new { $$[|{|Definition:P|}|] = 4 };
        var b = new { P = "asdf" };
        var c = new { [|P|] = 4 };
        var d = new { P = "asdf" };
            Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
        End Function
        <WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
        Public Async Function TestCSharp_AnonymousTypeProperties2(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
            Dim input =
    <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class C
    void M()
        var a = new { [|P|] = 4 };
        var b = new { P = "asdf" };
        var c = new { $$[|{|Definition:P|}|] = 4 };
        var d = new { P = "asdf" };
            Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
        End Function
        <WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
        Public Async Function TestCSharp_AnonymousTypeProperties3(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
            Dim input =
    <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class C
    void M()
        var a = new { P = 4 };
        var b = new { $$[|{|Definition:P|}|] = "asdf" };
        var c = new { P = 4 };
        var d = new { [|P|] = "asdf" };
            Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
        End Function
        <WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
        Public Async Function TestCSharp_AnonymousTypeProperties4(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
            Dim input =
    <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class C
    void M()
        var a = new { P = 4 };
        var b = new { [|P|] = "asdf" };
        var c = new { P = 4 };
        var d = new { $$[|{|Definition:P|}|] = "asdf" };
            Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
        End Function
        <WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
        Public Async Function TestBasic_AnonymousTypeProperties1(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
            Dim input =
    <Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Imports System
Imports System.Linq
Module Program
    Sub Main(args As String())
        Dim a1 = New With { = New With {.s = "hello"}}
        Dim query = From at In (From s In "1" Select s)
                    Select New With {Key {|Definition:a1|}}
        Dim hello = query.First()
    End Sub
End Module
            Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
        End Function
        <WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
        Public Async Function TestBasic_AnonymousTypeProperties2(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
            Dim input =
    <Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Imports System
Imports System.Linq
Module Program
    Sub Main(args As String())
        Dim a1 = New With {Key.[|{|Definition:at|}|] = New With {.s = "hello"}}
        Dim query = From at In (From s In "1" Select s)
                    Select New With {Key a1}
        Dim hello = query.First()
    End Sub
End Module
            Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
        End Function
        <WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
        Public Async Function TestBasic_AnonymousTypeProperties3(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
            Dim input =
    <Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Imports System
Imports System.Linq
Module Program
    Sub Main(args As String())
        Dim a1 = New With { = New With {.[|{|Definition:s|}|] = "hello"}}
        Dim query = From at In (From s In "1" Select s)
                    Select New With {Key a1}
        Dim hello = query.First()
    End Sub
End Module
            Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
        End Function
        <WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
        Public Async Function TestBasic_CascadeBetweenPropertyAndField1(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
            Dim input =
    <Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Class C
    Property {|Definition:$$X|}()
    Sub Goo()
    End Sub
End Class
            Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
        End Function
        <WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
        Public Async Function TestBasic_CascadeBetweenPropertyAndField2(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
            Dim input =
    <Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Class C
    Property {|Definition:X|}()
    Sub Goo()
    End Sub
End Class
            Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
        End Function
        <WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
        Public Async Function TestBasic_CascadeBetweenParameterizedVBPropertyAndCSharpMethod1(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
            Dim input =
    <Project Language="Visual Basic" AssemblyName="VBAssembly" CommonReferences="true">
Public Class A
    Public Overridable ReadOnly Property {|Definition:$$X|}(y As Integer) As Integer
            Return 0
        End Get
    End Property
End Class
    <Project Language="C#" AssemblyName="CSharpAssembly" CommonReferences="true">
class B : A
    public override int {|Definition:get_X|}(int y)
        return base.[|get_X|](y);
            Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
        End Function
        <WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
        Public Async Function TestBasic_CascadeBetweenParameterizedVBPropertyAndCSharpMethod2(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
            Dim input =
    <Project Language="Visual Basic" AssemblyName="VBAssembly" CommonReferences="true">
Public Class A
    Public Overridable ReadOnly Property {|Definition:X|}(y As Integer) As Integer
            Return 0
        End Get
    End Property
End Class
    <Project Language="C#" AssemblyName="CSharpAssembly" CommonReferences="true">
class B : A
    public override int {|Definition:$$get_X|}(int y)
        return base.[|get_X|](y);
            Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
        End Function
        <WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
        Public Async Function TestBasic_CascadeBetweenParameterizedVBPropertyAndCSharpMethod3(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
            Dim input =
    <Project Language="Visual Basic" AssemblyName="VBAssembly" CommonReferences="true">
Public Class A
    Public Overridable ReadOnly Property {|Definition:X|}(y As Integer) As Integer
            Return 0
        End Get
    End Property
End Class
    <Project Language="C#" AssemblyName="CSharpAssembly" CommonReferences="true">
class B : A
    public override int {|Definition:get_X|}(int y)
        return base.[|$$get_X|](y);
            Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
        End Function
        <WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
        Public Async Function TestBasic_DefaultProperties(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
            Dim input =
    <Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Option Strict On
Public Interface IA
    Default Property Goo(ByVal x As Integer) As Integer
End Interface
Public Interface IC
    Inherits IA
    Default Overloads Property {|Definition:$$Goo|}(ByVal x As Long) As String ' Rename Goo to Bar
End Interface
Class M
    Sub F(x As IC)
        Dim y = x[||](1L)
        Dim y2 = x(1)
    End Sub
End Class
Class M2
    Sub F(x As IC)
        Dim y = x[||](1L)
        Dim y2 = x(1)
    End Sub
End Class
            Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
        End Function
        <WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
        Public Async Function TestBasic_DefaultProperties2(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
            Dim input =
    <Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Option Strict On
Public Interface IA
    Default Property {|Definition:$$Goo|}(ByVal x As Integer) As Integer
End Interface
Public Interface IC
    Inherits IA
    Default Overloads Property Goo(ByVal x As Long) As String ' Rename Goo to Bar
End Interface
Class M
    Sub F(x As IC)
        Dim y = x(1L)
        Dim y2 = x[||](1)
    End Sub
End Class
Class M2
    Sub F(x As IC)
        Dim y = x(1L)
        Dim y2 = x[||](1)
    End Sub
End Class
            Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
        End Function
        <WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
        Public Async Function TestCSharpProperty_Cref(host As TestHost) As Task
            Dim input =
    <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
interface IC
    /// &lt;see cref="[|Prop|]"/&gt;
    int {|Definition:$$Prop|} { get; set; }
            Await TestStreamingFeature(input, host)
        End Function
        <WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
        Public Async Function TestProperty_ValueUsageInfo(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
            Dim input =
    <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
namespace ConsoleApplication22
    class Program
        static public int {|Definition:G$$oo|}
                return 1;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Program.{|ValueUsageInfo.Write:[|Goo|]|} = 0;
            Program.{|ValueUsageInfo.ReadWrite:[|Goo|]|} += 1;
            Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
        End Function
        <WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
        Public Async Function TestPropertyReferenceInGlobalSuppression(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
            Dim input =
    <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
[assembly: System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Category", "RuleId", Scope = "member", Target = "~P:N.C.[|P|]")]
namespace N
    class C
        public int {|Definition:$$P|} { get; set; }
            Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
        End Function
        <WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
        Public Async Function TestCSharp_PropertyUseInSourceGeneratedDocument(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
            Dim input =
    <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
namespace ConsoleApplication22
    class C
        static public int {|Definition:G$$oo|}
                return 1;
using System;
namespace ConsoleApplication22
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int temp = C.[|Goo|];
            Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
        End Function
        <WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
        Public Async Function TestCSharp_PropertyDefinedInSourceGeneratedDocument1(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
            Dim input =
    <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
namespace ConsoleApplication22
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int temp = C.[|Goo|];
using System;
namespace ConsoleApplication22
    class C
        static public int {|Definition:G$$oo|}
                return 1;
            Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
        End Function
        <WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
        Public Async Function TestCSharp_PropertyDefinedInSourceGeneratedDocument2(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
            Dim input =
    <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
namespace ConsoleApplication22
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int temp = C.[|Goo|];
using System;
namespace ConsoleApplication22
    class C
        static public int {|Definition:G$$oo|}
                return 1;
        void M()
            int temp = C.[|Goo|];
            Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
        End Function
        <WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
        Public Async Function TestCSharp_PropertyDefinedInSourceGeneratedDocument3(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
            Dim input =
    <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
namespace ConsoleApplication22
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int temp = C.[|Goo|];
using System;
namespace ConsoleApplication22
    class C
        static public int {|Definition:G$$oo|}
                return 1;
        void M()
            int temp = C.[|Goo|];
using System;
namespace ConsoleApplication22
    class D
        void M()
            int temp = C.[|Goo|];
            Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
        End Function
        <WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
        Public Async Function TestCSharp_AbstractStaticPropertyInInterface(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
            Dim input =
    <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
interface I2
    abstract static int {|Definition:P$$2|} { get; set; }
class C2_1 : I2
    public static int {|Definition:P2|} { get; set; }
class C2_2 : I2
    static int I2.{|Definition:P2|} { get; set; }
            Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
        End Function
        <WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
        Public Async Function TestCSharp_AbstractStaticPropertyViaFeature1(host As TestHost) As Task
            Dim input =
    <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
interface I2
    abstract static int {|Definition:P2|} { get; set; }
class C2_1 : I2
    public static int {|Definition:P$$2|} { get; set; }
class C2_2 : I2
    static int I2.P2 { get; set; }
            Await TestStreamingFeature(input, host)
        End Function
        <WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
        Public Async Function TestCSharp_AbstractStaticPropertyViaFeature2(host As TestHost) As Task
            Dim input =
    <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
interface I2
    abstract static int {|Definition:P2|} { get; set; }
class C2_1 : I2
    public static int P2 { get; set; }
class C2_2 : I2
    static int I2.{|Definition:P$$2|} { get; set; }
            Await TestStreamingFeature(input, host)
        End Function
        <WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
        Public Async Function TestCSharp_AbstractStaticPropertyViaAPI1(host As TestHost) As Task
            Dim input =
    <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
interface I2
    abstract static int {|Definition:P2|} { get; set; }
class C2_1 : I2
    public static int {|Definition:P2|} { get; set; }
class C2_2 : I2
    static int I2.{|Definition:P$$2|} { get; set; }
            Await TestAPI(input, host)
        End Function
        <WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
        Public Async Function TestCSharp_AbstractStaticPropertyViaAPI2(host As TestHost) As Task
            Dim input =
    <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
interface I2
    abstract static int {|Definition:P2|} { get; set; }
class C2_1 : I2
    public static int {|Definition:P$$2|} { get; set; }
class C2_2 : I2
    static int I2.{|Definition:P2|} { get; set; }
            Await TestAPI(input, host)
        End Function
        <WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
        Public Async Function TestRecordProperty1(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
            Dim input =
    <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
record Goo(int x, int {|Definition:$$y|})
class P
    static void Main()
        var f = new Goo(0, [|y|]: 1);
            Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
        End Function
        <WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
        Public Async Function TestRecordProperty2(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
            Dim input =
    <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
record Goo(int x, int {|Definition:y|})
class P
    static void Main()
        var f = new Goo(0, [|$$y|]: 1);
            Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
        End Function
        <WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
        Public Async Function TestRecordProperty3(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
            Dim input =
    <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
record Goo(int x, int {|Definition:y|})
class P
    static void Main()
        var f = new Goo(0, [|y|]: 1);
            Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
        End Function
        <WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
        Public Async Function TestRecordPropertyWithExplicitProperty1(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
            Dim input =
    <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
record Goo(int x, int y)
    public int {|Definition:$$y|} { get; } = y;
class P
    static void Main()
        var f = new Goo(0, y: 1);
            Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
        End Function
        <WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
        Public Async Function TestRecordPropertyWithExplicitProperty2(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
            Dim input =
    <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
record Goo(int x, int y)
    public int {|Definition:y|} { get; } = y;
class P
    static void Main()
        var f = new Goo(0, y: 1);
            Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
        End Function
        <WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
        Public Async Function TestRecordPropertyWithNotPrimaryConstructor1(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
            Dim input =
    <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
record Goo(int x, int y)
    public Goo(int {|Definition:$$y|})
        this.y = [|y|];
class P
    static void Main()
        var f = new Goo([|y|]: 1);
            Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
        End Function
        <WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
        Public Async Function TestRecordPropertyWithNotPrimaryConstructor2(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
            Dim input =
    <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
record Goo(int x, int {|Definition:$$y|})
    public Goo(int y)
        this.[|y|] = y;
class P
    static void Main()
        var f = new Goo(y: 1);
            Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
        End Function
        <WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
        Public Async Function TestCSharp_PartialProperty1(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
            Dim input =
    <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
namespace ConsoleApplication22
    class Program
        public static partial int {|Definition:Prop|} { get; }
        public static partial int {|Definition:P$$rop|} => 1;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int temp = Program.[|Prop|];
            Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
        End Function
    End Class
End Namespace