' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
' See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Remote.Testing
Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.UnitTests.FindReferences
<Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.FindReferences)>
Partial Public Class FindReferencesTests
#Region "FAR on generic methods"
<WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
Public Async Function TestMethodType_Parameter1(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class C
void Goo<{|Definition:$$T|}>([|T|] x1, t x2)
Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
End Function
<WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
Public Async Function TestMethodType_Parameter3(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
partial class C
void Goo<{|Definition:$$T|}>(X<[|T|]> t)
void Bar<T>(T t)
Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
End Function
<WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
Public Async Function TestMethodType_ParameterCaseSensitivity(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
partial class C
sub Goo(of {|Definition:$$T|})(x as [|T|], x1 as [|t|])
end sub
end class</Document>
Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
End Function
<WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
Public Async Function TestMethodType_MethodCall(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
interface GenericInterface<T>
void {|Definition:IntMethod|}<T>(T t);
class GenericClass<T> : GenericInterface<T>
public void {|Definition:IntMethod|}<T>(T t) { }
class M
public M()
GenericClass<string> GCObj = new GenericClass<string>();
Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
End Function
<WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
Public Async Function TestMethodTypeParameter_NewConstraint_CSharp(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class C
void Goo<{|Definition:$$T|}>() where [|T|] : new()
new [|T|]();
Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
End Function
<WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
Public Async Function TestMethodTypeParameter_NewConstraint_VisualBasic(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
class C
sub Goo(Of {|Definition:$$T|} As New)()
dim x = new [|T|]()
end sub
end class]]></Document>
Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
End Function
<WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
Public Async Function TestMethodTypeParameter_TopLevelLocalFunction(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
[|T|] TopLevelLocalFunction<{|Definition:$$T|}>() where [|T|] : new()
return new [|T|]();
Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
End Function
<WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
Public Async Function TestMethodTypeParameter_MethodLevelLocalFunction(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class C
void Goo()
[|T|] LocalFunction<{|Definition:$$T|}>() where [|T|] : new()
return new [|T|]();
Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
End Function
<WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
Public Async Function TestMethodTypeParameter_NormalMethod(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class C
[|T|] TopLevelMethod<{|Definition:$$T|}>() where [|T|] : new()
return new [|T|]();
Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
End Function
#End Region
#Region "FAR on generic partial methods"
<WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
Public Async Function TestMethodType_GenericPartialParameter_CSharp1(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
partial class C
partial void Goo<{|Definition:$$T|}>([|T|] t)
partial class C
partial void Goo<{|Definition:T|}>([|T|] t);
Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
End Function
<WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/544436"), WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/544475")>
<WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
Public Async Function TestMethodType_GenericPartialParameter_CSharp2(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
partial class C
partial void Goo<{|Definition:T|}>([|T|] t)
partial class C
partial void Goo<{|Definition:$$T|}>([|T|] t);
Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
End Function
<WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
Public Async Function TestMethodType_GenericPartialParameter_VB1(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
partial class C
sub Goo(Of {|Definition:$$T|})(t as [|T|])
end sub
end class]]>
partial class C
partial sub Goo(Of {|Definition:T|})(t as [|T|])
end sub
end class]]>
Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
End Function
<WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
Public Async Function TestMethodType_GenericPartialParameter_VB2(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
partial class C
sub Goo(Of {|Definition:T|})(t as [|T|])
end sub
end class]]>
partial class C
partial sub Goo(Of {|Definition:$$T|})(t as [|T|])
end sub
end class]]>
Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
End Function
#End Region
End Class
End Namespace