' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
' See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Remote.Testing
Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.UnitTests.FindReferences
<Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.FindReferences)>
Partial Public Class FindReferencesTests
<WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_Indexer1(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class C
public int {|Definition:$$this|}[int y] { get { } }
class D
void Goo()
var q = new C();
var b = q[||][4];
Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
End Function
<WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
Public Async Function TestBasic_Indexer1(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
class C
public default readonly property {|Definition:$$Item|}(y as Integer) as Integer
return 0
end get
end property
end class
class D
sub Goo()
dim q = new C()
dim b = q[||](4)
end sub
end class
Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
End Function
<WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
Public Async Function TestBasic_Indexer2(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Class A
Default ReadOnly Property {|Definition:$$Goo|}(ByVal x As Integer) As Integer
End Get
End Property
Shared Sub Main()
Dim x As New A
Dim y = x[||](1)
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
End Function
<WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
Public Async Function TestBasic_Indexer3(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Public Class C
Default Public Property {|Definition:$$Item|}(index As Integer) As C
Return Nothing
End Get
Set(value As C)
End Set
End Property
Public Sub Goo(c As C)
c = c.[|Item|](2)
c[||](1) = c
c.[|Item|](1) = c
c[||](1).[|Item|](1) = c
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
End Function
<WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
Public Async Function TestBasic_Indexer4(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Class C
Default Public Property {|Definition:$$Hello|}(x As String) As String
Return Nothing
End Get
Set(value As String)
End Set
End Property
End Class
Module Program
Sub Main(args As String())
Dim x As New C
Dim y = x![||]HELLO
Dim z = x![||]HI
x[||]("HELLO") = ""
End Sub
End Module
Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
End Function
<WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_Indexer_Conditional(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class A
private string[] arr = new T[100];
public string {|Definition:$$this|}[int i]
get { return arr[i]; }
set { arr[i] = value; }
class B
private A a;
void M2()
var s = a?[||][0];
Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
End Function
<WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
Public Async Function TestBasic_Indexer_Conditional(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Public Class C
Default Public Property {|Definition:$$Item|}(index As Integer) As C
Return Nothing
End Get
Set(value As C)
End Set
End Property
Public Sub Goo(c As C)
c = c?.[|Item|](2)
c = c?[||](1)
c = c?.[|Item|](1)
c = c?[||](1)?.[|Item|](1)
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
End Function
<WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_Indexer_CRef(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class A
private string[] arr = new T[100];
/// <see cref="[||]this[int]"/>
public string {|Definition:$$this|}[int i]
get { return arr[i]; }
set { arr[i] = value; }
Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
End Function
<WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
Public Async Function TestBasic_Indexer_Cref(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
class C
''' <see cref="[|Item|]"/>
public default readonly property {|Definition:$$Item|}(y as Integer) as Integer
return 0
end get
end property
end class
Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
End Function
<WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
Public Async Function TestIndexerReferenceInGlobalSuppression(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
[assembly: System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Category", "RuleId", Scope = "member", Target = "~P:C.[|Item|](System.Int32)")]
class C
public int {|Definition:$$this|}[int y] { get { } }
Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
End Function
<WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
Public Async Function TestParameterizedPropertyReferenceInGlobalSuppression(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Class C
ReadOnly Property {|Definition:$$Goo|}(x As Integer) As Integer
Return 0
End Get
End Property
End Class
Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
End Function
<WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_IndexerInSourceGeneratedDocument(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class C
public int {|Definition:$$this|}[int y] { get { } }
class D
void Goo()
var q = new C();
var b = q[||][4];
Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
End Function
<WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
Public Async Function TestImplicitElementAccessExpression1(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
public class Test
int {|Definition:$$this|}[int index] { get => 0; set { } }
Test Create() { return new Test() { [||][0] = 0, [||][1] = 1 }; }
Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
End Function
<WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
Public Async Function TestCSharp_Indexer_AtReferenceLocation(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class C
public int {|Definition:this|}[int y] { get { } }
class D
void Goo()
var q = new C();
var b = q[||]$$[4];
Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
End Function
End Class
End Namespace