' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
' See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Remote.Testing
Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.UnitTests.FindReferences
<Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.FindReferences)>
Partial Public Class FindReferencesTests
<WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
Public Async Function TestCSAsyncMethodsName1(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class Test
void TestFunction()
async void TestFunctionAsync()
await [|OneAsync|]();
async Task {|Definition:$$OneAsync|}()
Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
End Function
<WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
Public Async Function TestVBAsyncMethodsName1(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Class Test
Sub TestSub()
End Sub
Async Sub TestSubAsync()
Await [|OneAsync|]()
End Sub
Async Function {|Definition:$$OneAsync|}() As Task
End Function
End Class
Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
End Function
<WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
Public Async Function TestCSAsyncMethodsName2(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class Test
void TestFunction()
async void TestFunctionAsync()
await [|TwoAsync|]();
async Task<int> {|Definition:$$TwoAsync|}()
return 1;
Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
End Function
<WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
Public Async Function TestVBAsyncMethodsName2(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Class Test
Sub TestSub()
End Sub
Async Sub TestSubAsync()
Await [|OneAsync|]()
End Sub
Async Function {|Definition:$$OneAsync|}() As Task(Of Integer)
Return 1
End Function
End Class
Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
End Function
<WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
Public Async Function TestCSAsyncMethodsName3(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class Test
void TestFunction()
async void TestFunctionAsync()
async void {|Definition:$$ThreeAsync|}()
Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
End Function
<WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
Public Async Function TestVBAsyncMethodsName3(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Class Test
Sub TestSub()
End Sub
Async Sub TestSubAsync()
Await [|OneAsync|]()
End Sub
Async Sub {|Definition:$$OneAsync|}()
'do nothing
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
End Function
<WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
Public Async Function TestCSAsyncDelegatesName1(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class Test
Func<Task> {|Definition:$$a1|} = async delegate { return; };
void TestFunction()
async Task TestFunctionAsync()
await [|a1|]();
} ]]>
Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
End Function
<WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
Public Async Function TestVBAsyncDelegatesName1(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Class Test
Dim {|Definition:$$a1|} As Func(Of Task) = Async Function()
End Function
Sub TestFunction()
End Sub
Async Function TestFunctionAsync() As Task
Await [|a1|]()
End Function
End Class
Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
End Function
<WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
Public Async Function TestCSAsyncDelegatesName2(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
async Task TestFunctionAsync()
Task t;
} ]]>
Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
End Function
<WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
Public Async Function TestVBAsyncDelegatesName2(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Class Test
Dim {|Definition:$$a1|} As Action(Of Task) = Async Sub(ByVal t As Task)
Await t
End Sub
Sub TestFunction()
Dim t As Task
End Sub
Async Function TestFunctionAsync() As Task
Dim t As Task
End Function
End Class
Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
End Function
<WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
Public Async Function TestCSAsyncLambdaName1(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
async void TestFunctionAsync()
Task t;
} ]]>
Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
End Function
<WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
Public Async Function TestVBAsyncLambdaName1(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Class Test
Dim {|Definition:$$a1|} As Action(Of Task) = Async Sub(t)
Await t
End Sub
Sub TestFunction()
Dim t As Task
End Sub
Async Function TestFunctionAsync() As Task
Dim t As Task
End Function
End Class
Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
End Function
<WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
Public Async Function TestAsyncWithinDelegate(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class Test
Action<Task> a1 = async delegate (Task t) { await [|$$Function|](); };
public static async Task {|Definition:Function|}() { }
class Program
delegate Task mydel();
async Task FunctionAsync()
mydel d = new mydel(Test.[|Function|]);
} ]]>
Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
End Function
<WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
Public Async Function TestAsyncVBWithinAnonFunctions(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Class Test
Dim a1 As Action(Of Task) = Async Sub(t)
Await [|$$TestFunctionAsync|]()
End Sub
Delegate Function mydel() As Task(Of Integer)
Async Function {|Definition:TestFunctionAsync|}() As Task(Of Integer)
Return 1
End Function
Async Sub SubAsync()
Dim d As mydel = New mydel(AddressOf [|TestFunctionAsync|])
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
End Function
<WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
Public Async Function TestAsyncWithinLambda(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class Test
Action<Task> a1 = async (Task t) => { await [|$$Function|](); };
public static async Task {|Definition:Function|}() { }
class Program
delegate Task mydel();
async Task FunctionAsync()
mydel d = new mydel(Test.[|Function|]);
} ]]>
Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
End Function
<WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
Public Async Function TestAsyncFunctionWithAsyncParameters1(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
async Task {|Definition:$$OuterFunctionAsync|}(int x)
async Task<int> InnerFunctionAsync()
return 1;
Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
End Function
<WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
Public Async Function TestAsyncVBFunctionWithAsyncParameters1(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Class Test
Async Sub CallSubAsync()
Await OuterFunctionAsync(Await [|$$InnerFunctionAsync|]())
End Sub
Async Function OuterFunctionAsync(ByVal x As Integer) As Task
End Function
Async Function {|Definition:InnerFunctionAsync|}() As Task(Of Integer)
Return 1
End Function
End Class
Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
End Function
<WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
Public Async Function TestAsyncVBFunctionWithAsyncParameters2(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Class Test
Async Sub CallSubAsync()
Await [|OuterFunctionAsync|](Await InnerFunctionAsync())
End Sub
Async Function {|Definition:$$OuterFunctionAsync|}(ByVal x As Integer) As Task
End Function
Async Function InnerFunctionAsync() As Task(Of Integer)
Return 1
End Function
End Class
Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
End Function
<WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
Public Async Function TestAsyncFunctionWithAsyncParameters2(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class Test
async Task CallFunctionAsync()
await OuterFunctionAsync(await [|$$InnerFunctionAsync|]());
async Task OuterFunctionAsync(int x)
async Task<int> {|Definition:InnerFunctionAsync|}()
return 1;
Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
End Function
<WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
Public Async Function TestAsyncFunctionWithAsyncParameters3(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class Test
Func<Task<int>> {|Definition:$$f1|} = async delegate {return 1; };
async void CallFunctionAsync()
await OuterFunctionAsync(await [|f1|]());
async Task OuterFunctionAsync(int x)
Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
End Function
<WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
Public Async Function TestAsyncFunctionWithAsyncParameters4(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
async Task OuterFunctionAsync(int x)
Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
End Function
<WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
Public Async Function TestAsyncCSFunctionWithRecursion(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
public void Function(int x)
Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
End Function
<WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
Public Async Function TestAsyncCSFunctionWithOverloading1(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
await FunctionAsync<float>(3f);
await [|$$FunctionAsync|](await FunctionAsync<int>(3));
async Task<T> FunctionAsync<T>(T x)
return x;
Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
End Function
<WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
Public Async Function TestAsyncVBFunctionWithOverloading1(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Class Test
Async Function {|Definition:FunctionAsync|}(ByVal x As Integer) As Task
Await FunctionAsync(Await FunctionAsync(Of String)("hello"))
End Function
Async Function FunctionAsync(ByVal x As String) As Task
Await FunctionAsync(Of Single)(3.5F)
Await [|$$FunctionAsync|](Await FunctionAsync(Of Integer)(3))
End Function
Async Function FunctionAsync(Of T)(ByVal x As T) As Task(Of T)
Return x
End Function
End Class
Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
End Function
<WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
Public Async Function TestAsyncVBFunctionWithOverloading2(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Class Test
Async Function FunctionAsync(ByVal x As Integer) As Task
Await FunctionAsync(Await [|FunctionAsync|](Of String)("hello"))
End Function
Async Function FunctionAsync(ByVal x As String) As Task
Await [|FunctionAsync|](Of Single)(3.5F)
Await FunctionAsync(Await [|FunctionAsync|](Of Integer)(3))
End Function
Async Function {|Definition:$$FunctionAsync|}(Of T)(ByVal x As T) As Task(Of T)
Return x
End Function
End Class
Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
End Function
<WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
Public Async Function TestAsyncCSFunctionWithOverloading2(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
class Test
async Task FunctionAsync(int x)
await FunctionAsync(await [|FunctionAsync|]<string>("hello"));
async Task FunctionAsync(string x)
await [|FunctionAsync|]<float>(3f);
await FunctionAsync(await [|$$FunctionAsync|]<int>(3));
async Task<T> {|Definition:FunctionAsync|}<T>(T x)
return x;
Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
End Function
<WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
Public Async Function TestAsyncCSAsIdentifier(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class Test
async Task {|Definition:$$async|}() { }
async void TestFunction() { await [|async|](); }
Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
End Function
<WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
Public Async Function TestAsyncVBAsIdentifier(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Class Test
Async Function {|Definition:$$Async|}() As Task
'do nothing
End Function
Async Sub TestSub()
Await [|Async|]()
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
End Function
<WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
Public Async Function TestAwaitCSAsIdentifier(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class Test
async Task {|Definition:await|}(){}
async void TestAsync(){ await [|$$@await|]();}
Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
End Function
<WpfTheory, CombinatorialData>
Public Async Function TestAwaitVBAsIdentifier(kind As TestKind, host As TestHost) As Task
Dim input =
<Project Language="Visual Basic" CommonReferences="true">
Class Test
Function {|Definition:Await|}() As Integer
Return 1
End Function
Async Function [Await](ByVal x As Integer) As Task
End Function
Async Sub TestAsync()
Await [Await](1)
End Sub
End Class
Await TestAPIAndFeature(input, kind, host)
End Function
End Class
End Namespace