File: Extensions\ISymbolExtensionsTests.vb
Web Access
Project: src\src\EditorFeatures\Test2\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.EditorFeatures2.UnitTests.vbproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.EditorFeatures2.UnitTests)
' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
' See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.FindSymbols
Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.UnitTests.Workspaces
    Public Class ISymbolExtensionsTests
        Inherits TestBase
        Private Shared Async Function TestIsAccessibleWithinAsync(workspaceDefinition As XElement, expectedVisible As Boolean) As Tasks.Task
            Using workspace = EditorTestWorkspace.Create(workspaceDefinition)
                Dim cursorDocument = workspace.Documents.First(Function(d) d.CursorPosition.HasValue)
                Dim cursorPosition = cursorDocument.CursorPosition.Value
                Dim document = workspace.CurrentSolution.GetDocument(cursorDocument.Id)
                Dim semanticModel = Await document.GetSemanticModelAsync()
                Dim symbol = Await SymbolFinder.FindSymbolAtPositionAsync(document, cursorPosition)
                Dim namedTypeSymbol = semanticModel.GetEnclosingNamedType(cursorPosition, CancellationToken.None)
                Dim actualVisible = symbol.IsAccessibleWithin(namedTypeSymbol)
                Assert.Equal(expectedVisible, actualVisible)
            End Using
        End Function
        Public Async Function TestIsAccessibleWithin_ProtectedInternal() As Task
            Dim workspace =
    <Project Language="C#" AssemblyName="CSharpAssembly" CommonReferences="true">
            public class Program { protected internal void M() { } }
    <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
            class C { void M() { Program.$$M(); } }
            Await TestIsAccessibleWithinAsync(workspace, False)
        End Function
        Public Async Function TestIsAccessibleWithin_ProtectedInternal_InternalsVisibleTo() As Task
            Dim workspace =
    <Project Language="C#" AssemblyName="CSharpAssembly" CommonReferences="true">
            using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("CSharpAssembly2")]
public class Program { protected internal static int F; }
    <Project Language="C#" AssemblyName="CSharpAssembly2" CommonReferences="true">
            class C { void M() { var f = Program.$$F; } }
            Await TestIsAccessibleWithinAsync(workspace, True)
        End Function
        Public Async Function TestIsAccessibleWithin_ProtectedInternal_WrongInternalsVisibleTo() As Task
            Dim workspace =
    <Project Language="C#" AssemblyName="CSharpAssembly" CommonReferences="true">
            using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("NonExisting")]
public class Program { protected internal static int F; }
    <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
            class C { void M() { var f = Program.$$F; } }
            Await TestIsAccessibleWithinAsync(workspace, False)
        End Function
        Public Async Function TestIsAccessibleWithin_PrivateInsideNestedType() As Task
            Dim workspace =
    <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class Outer
    private static int field;
    class Inner
        private int consumer = $$field;
}        </Document>
            Await TestIsAccessibleWithinAsync(workspace, True)
        End Function
        Public Async Function TestIsAccessibleWithin_ProtectedInsideNestedType() As Task
            Dim workspace =
    <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
class Outer
    protected static int field;
    class Inner
        private int consumer = $$field;
}        </Document>
            Await TestIsAccessibleWithinAsync(workspace, True)
        End Function
    End Class
End Namespace