File: Structure\AbstractStructureTaggerProvider.cs
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Project: src\src\EditorFeatures\Core\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.EditorFeatures.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.EditorFeatures)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Shared.Extensions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Shared.Tagging;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Tagging;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.ErrorReporting;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.MetadataAsSource;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Options;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.TestHooks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Structure;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text.Shared.Extensions;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Editor;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Projection;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Tagging;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Implementation.Structure;
/// <summary>
/// Shared implementation of the outliner tagger provider.
/// Note: the outliner tagger is a normal buffer tagger provider and not a view tagger provider.
/// This is important for two reasons.  The first is that if it were view-based then we would lose
/// the state of the collapsed/open regions when they scrolled in and out of view.  Also, if the
/// editor doesn't know about all the regions in the file, then it wouldn't be able to
/// persist them to the SUO file to persist this data across sessions.
/// </summary>
#pragma warning disable CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete
internal abstract partial class AbstractStructureTaggerProvider(
    TaggerHost taggerHost,
    EditorOptionsService editorOptionsService,
    IProjectionBufferFactoryService projectionBufferFactoryService)
    : AsynchronousTaggerProvider<IContainerStructureTag>(taggerHost, FeatureAttribute.Outlining)
    private const string RegionDirective = "#region";
    private const string UsingDirective = "using";
    private const string ExternDeclaration = "extern";
    private const string ImportsStatement = "Imports";
    protected readonly EditorOptionsService EditorOptionsService = editorOptionsService;
    protected readonly IProjectionBufferFactoryService ProjectionBufferFactoryService = projectionBufferFactoryService;
    protected sealed override TaggerDelay EventChangeDelay => TaggerDelay.OnIdle;
    protected sealed override bool ComputeInitialTagsSynchronously(ITextBuffer subjectBuffer)
        // If we can't find this doc, or outlining is not enabled for it, no need to computed anything synchronously.
        var openDocument = subjectBuffer.AsTextContainer().GetRelatedDocuments().FirstOrDefault();
        if (openDocument == null)
            return false;
        // If the main Outlining option is turned off, we can just skip computing tags synchronously
        // so when the document first opens, there won't be any tags yet. When the tags do come in
        // the IsDefaultCollapsed property, which controls the initial collapsing, won't have any effect
        // because the document will already be open.
        if (!GlobalOptions.GetOption(OutliningOptionsStorage.Outlining, openDocument.Project.Language))
            return false;
        var options = BlockStructureOptionsStorage.GetBlockStructureOptions(GlobalOptions, openDocument.Project);
        // If we're a metadata-as-source doc, we need to compute the initial set of tags synchronously
        // so that we can collapse all the .IsImplementation tags to keep the UI clean and condensed.
        if (openDocument.Project.Solution.Workspace is MetadataAsSourceWorkspace masWorkspace &&
            masWorkspace.FileService.ShouldCollapseOnOpen(openDocument.FilePath, options))
            return true;
        // If the user wants to collapse imports or #regions then we need to compute
        // synchronously, but only if there are imports or #regions in the file. To
        // save some work, we'll look for both in a single pass.
        var collapseRegions = GlobalOptions.GetOption(BlockStructureOptionsStorage.CollapseRegionsWhenFirstOpened, openDocument.Project.Language);
        var collapseImports = GlobalOptions.GetOption(BlockStructureOptionsStorage.CollapseImportsWhenFirstOpened, openDocument.Project.Language);
        if (!collapseRegions && !collapseImports)
            return false;
        if (ContainsRegionOrImport(subjectBuffer.CurrentSnapshot, collapseRegions, collapseImports, openDocument.Project.Language))
            return true;
        return false;
    // Internal for testing
    internal static bool ContainsRegionOrImport(ITextSnapshot textSnapshot, bool collapseRegions, bool collapseImports, string language)
        foreach (var line in textSnapshot.Lines)
            if (collapseRegions && StartsWithRegionTag(line))
                return true;
            else if (collapseImports && IsImport(line, language))
                return true;
        return false;
        static bool StartsWithRegionTag(ITextSnapshotLine line)
            var start = line.GetFirstNonWhitespacePosition();
            return start != null && line.StartsWith(start.Value, RegionDirective, ignoreCase: true);
        static bool IsImport(ITextSnapshotLine line, string language)
            var start = line.GetFirstNonWhitespacePosition();
            if (start is null)
                return false;
            // For VB we only need to find "Imports" at the start of a line
            if (language == LanguageNames.VisualBasic)
                return line.StartsWith(start.Value, ImportsStatement, ignoreCase: true);
            // For the purposes of collapsing, extern aliases are grouped with usings
            if (line.StartsWith(start.Value, ExternDeclaration, ignoreCase: false))
                return true;
            return line.StartsWith(start.Value, UsingDirective, ignoreCase: false);
    protected sealed override ITaggerEventSource CreateEventSource(ITextView? textView, ITextBuffer subjectBuffer)
        // We listen to the following events:
        // 1) Text changes.  These can obviously affect outlining, so we need to recompute when
        //     we hear about them.
        // 2) Parse option changes.  These can affect outlining when, for example, we change from
        //    DEBUG to RELEASE (affecting the inactive/active regions).
        // 3) When we hear about a workspace being registered.  Outlining may run before a
        //    we even know about a workspace.  This can happen, for example, in the TypeScript
        //    case.  With TypeScript a file is opened, but the workspace is not generated until
        //    some time later when they have examined the file system.  As such, initially,
        //    the file will not have outline spans.  When the workspace is created, we want to
        //    then produce the right outlining spans.
        return TaggerEventSources.Compose(
            TaggerEventSources.OnGlobalOptionChanged(GlobalOptions, static option =>
                option.Equals(BlockStructureOptionsStorage.ShowBlockStructureGuidesForCodeLevelConstructs) ||
                option.Equals(BlockStructureOptionsStorage.ShowBlockStructureGuidesForDeclarationLevelConstructs) ||
                option.Equals(BlockStructureOptionsStorage.ShowBlockStructureGuidesForCommentsAndPreprocessorRegions) ||
                option.Equals(BlockStructureOptionsStorage.ShowOutliningForCodeLevelConstructs) ||
                option.Equals(BlockStructureOptionsStorage.ShowOutliningForDeclarationLevelConstructs) ||
                option.Equals(BlockStructureOptionsStorage.ShowOutliningForCommentsAndPreprocessorRegions) ||
                option.Equals(BlockStructureOptionsStorage.CollapseRegionsWhenCollapsingToDefinitions) ||
    protected sealed override async Task ProduceTagsAsync(
        TaggerContext<IContainerStructureTag> context, DocumentSnapshotSpan documentSnapshotSpan, int? caretPosition, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var document = documentSnapshotSpan.Document;
            if (document == null)
            // Let LSP handle producing tags in the cloud scenario
            if (documentSnapshotSpan.SnapshotSpan.Snapshot.TextBuffer.IsInLspEditorContext())
            var outliningService = BlockStructureService.GetService(document);
            if (outliningService == null)
            var options = GlobalOptions.GetBlockStructureOptions(document.Project);
            var blockStructure = await outliningService.GetBlockStructureAsync(
                documentSnapshotSpan.Document, options, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
                context, documentSnapshotSpan.SnapshotSpan, outliningService,
        catch (Exception e) when (FatalError.ReportAndPropagateUnlessCanceled(e, cancellationToken))
            throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable();
    private void ProcessSpans(
        TaggerContext<IContainerStructureTag> context,
        SnapshotSpan snapshotSpan,
        BlockStructureService outliningService,
        ImmutableArray<BlockSpan> spans)
        var snapshot = snapshotSpan.Snapshot;
        // Use the returned enumerable directly instead of allocating into an array. The returned
        // enumeration can contain a fairly large number of items for large files, so even
        // using an ArrayBuilder could result in allocation issues without using a custom pool.
        var multiLineSpans = GetMultiLineRegions(outliningService, spans, snapshot);
        foreach (var span in multiLineSpans)
            var tag = new StructureTag(this, span, snapshot);
            context.AddTag(new TagSpan<IContainerStructureTag>(span.TextSpan.ToSnapshotSpan(snapshot), tag));
    protected sealed override bool TagEquals(IContainerStructureTag latestTag, IContainerStructureTag previousTag)
        if (latestTag is not StructureTag latestStructureTag || previousTag is not StructureTag previousStructureTag)
            Contract.Fail("Tags were the wrong type");
            return latestTag == previousTag;
        var latestSnapshot = latestStructureTag.Snapshot;
        var previousSnapshot = previousStructureTag.Snapshot;
        var previousStructureStart = new SnapshotPoint(previousSnapshot, previousStructureTag.HeaderSpan.Start);
        if (previousStructureStart.TranslateTo(latestSnapshot, PointTrackingMode.Negative) !=
            previousStructureStart.TranslateTo(latestSnapshot, PointTrackingMode.Positive))
            // We can't know that how we think this block moved is actually how the editor actually moved it.
            // Specifically, the tracking mode is an implementation detail.  As such, we don't want to reuse this tag as
            // its stale data (as mapped by the editor) may not be where we'd expect the new block's data to be.  This
            // can happen when the user types right at the start of a structure tag, causing it to move inwards
            // undesirably.
            // Only consider these tags the same if they are the same object in memory.  Otherwise, consider them
            // different so that we remove the old one and add the new one.
            return latestTag == previousTag;
        return latestTag.Equals(previousTag);
    internal abstract object? GetCollapsedHintForm(StructureTag structureTag);
    private static bool s_exceptionReported = false;
    private static IEnumerable<BlockSpan> GetMultiLineRegions(
        BlockStructureService service,
        ImmutableArray<BlockSpan> regions, ITextSnapshot snapshot)
        // Remove any spans that aren't multiline.
        foreach (var region in regions)
            if (region.TextSpan.Length > 0)
                // Check if any clients produced an invalid OutliningSpan.  If so, filter them
                // out and report a non-fatal watson so we can attempt to determine the source
                // of the issue.
                var snapshotSpan = snapshot.GetFullSpan().Span;
                var regionSpan = region.TextSpan.ToSpan();
                if (!snapshotSpan.Contains(regionSpan))
                    if (!s_exceptionReported)
                        s_exceptionReported = true;
                            throw new InvalidOutliningRegionException(service, snapshot, snapshotSpan, regionSpan);
                        catch (InvalidOutliningRegionException e) when (FatalError.ReportAndCatch(e))
                var startLine = snapshot.GetLineNumberFromPosition(region.TextSpan.Start);
                var endLine = snapshot.GetLineNumberFromPosition(region.TextSpan.End);
                if (startLine != endLine)
                    yield return region;
    #region Creating Preview Buffers
    private const int MaxPreviewText = 1000;
    /// <summary>
    /// Given a <see cref="StructureTag"/>, creates an ITextBuffer with the content to display 
    /// in the tooltip.
    /// </summary>
    protected ITextBuffer CreateElisionBufferForTagTooltip(StructureTag tag)
        // Remove any starting whitespace.
        var span = TrimLeadingWhitespace(new SnapshotSpan(tag.Snapshot, tag.CollapsedHintFormSpan));
        // Trim the length if it's too long.
        var shortSpan = span;
        if (span.Length > MaxPreviewText)
            shortSpan = ComputeShortSpan(span);
        // Create an elision buffer for that span, also trimming the
        // leading whitespace.
        var elisionBuffer = CreateElisionBufferWithoutIndentation(shortSpan);
        var finalBuffer = elisionBuffer;
        // If we trimmed the length, then make a projection buffer that 
        // has the above elision buffer and follows it with "..."
        if (span.Length != shortSpan.Length)
            finalBuffer = CreateTrimmedProjectionBuffer(elisionBuffer);
        return finalBuffer;
    private ITextBuffer CreateTrimmedProjectionBuffer(ITextBuffer elisionBuffer)
        // The elision buffer is too long.  We've already trimmed it, but now we want to add
        // a "..." to it.  We do that by creating a projection of both the elision buffer and
        // a new text buffer wrapping the ellipsis.
        var elisionSpan = elisionBuffer.CurrentSnapshot.GetFullSpan();
        var sourceSpans = new List<object>()
                elisionSpan.Snapshot.CreateTrackingSpan(elisionSpan, SpanTrackingMode.EdgeExclusive),
        var projectionBuffer = ProjectionBufferFactoryService.CreateProjectionBuffer(
            projectionEditResolver: null,
            sourceSpans: sourceSpans,
            options: ProjectionBufferOptions.None);
        return projectionBuffer;
    private static SnapshotSpan ComputeShortSpan(SnapshotSpan span)
        var endIndex = span.Start + MaxPreviewText;
        var line = span.Snapshot.GetLineFromPosition(endIndex);
        return new SnapshotSpan(span.Snapshot, Span.FromBounds(span.Start, line.EndIncludingLineBreak));
    internal static SnapshotSpan TrimLeadingWhitespace(SnapshotSpan span)
        int start = span.Start;
        while (start < span.End && char.IsWhiteSpace(span.Snapshot[start]))
        return new SnapshotSpan(span.Snapshot, Span.FromBounds(start, span.End));
    private ITextBuffer CreateElisionBufferWithoutIndentation(
        SnapshotSpan shortHintSpan)
        return ProjectionBufferFactoryService.CreateProjectionBufferWithoutIndentation(
            contentType: null,
            exposedSpans: shortHintSpan);
#pragma warning restore CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete