// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Completion;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Options;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text.Shared.Extensions;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Language.Intellisense.AsyncCompletion;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Language.Intellisense.AsyncCompletion.Data;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Threading;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
using RoslynCompletionItem = Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Completion.CompletionItem;
using VSCompletionItem = Microsoft.VisualStudio.Language.Intellisense.AsyncCompletion.Data.CompletionItem;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Implementation.IntelliSense.AsyncCompletion;
internal partial class ItemManager
/// <summary>
/// Handles the filtering, sorting and selection of the completion items based on user inputs
/// (e.g. typed characters, selected filters, etc.)
/// </summary>
private sealed class CompletionListUpdater
// Index used for selecting suggestion item when in suggestion mode.
private const int SuggestionItemIndex = -1;
private readonly CompletionSessionData _sessionData;
private readonly AsyncCompletionSessionDataSnapshot _snapshotData;
private readonly RecentItemsManager _recentItemsManager;
private readonly ITrackingSpan _applicableToSpan;
private readonly bool _hasSuggestedItemOptions;
private readonly string _filterText;
private readonly Document? _document;
private readonly CompletionService? _completionService;
private readonly CompletionRules _completionRules;
private readonly CompletionHelper _completionHelper;
private readonly bool _highlightMatchingPortions;
private readonly bool _showCompletionItemFilters;
// Used for building MatchResult list in parallel
private readonly object _gate = new();
private readonly Action<IReadOnlyList<MatchResult>, string, IList<MatchResult>> _filterMethod;
private bool ShouldSelectSuggestionItemWhenNoItemMatchesFilterText
=> _snapshotData.DisplaySuggestionItem && _filterText.Length > 0;
private CompletionTriggerReason InitialTriggerReason => _snapshotData.InitialTrigger.Reason;
private CompletionTriggerReason UpdateTriggerReason => _snapshotData.Trigger.Reason;
// We might need to handle large amount of items with import completion enabled, so use a dedicated pool to minimize/avoid array allocations
// (especially in LOH). In practice, the size of pool should be 1 because we don't expect UpdateCompletionListAsync to be called concurrently,
// which essentially makes the pooled list a singleton, but we still use ObjectPool for concurrency handling just to be robust.
private static readonly ObjectPool<List<MatchResult>> s_listOfMatchResultPool = new(factory: () => []);
public CompletionListUpdater(
ITrackingSpan applicableToSpan,
CompletionSessionData sessionData,
AsyncCompletionSessionDataSnapshot snapshotData,
RecentItemsManager recentItemsManager,
IGlobalOptionService globalOptions)
_sessionData = sessionData;
_snapshotData = snapshotData;
_recentItemsManager = recentItemsManager;
_applicableToSpan = applicableToSpan;
_filterText = applicableToSpan.GetText(_snapshotData.Snapshot);
_hasSuggestedItemOptions = _sessionData.HasSuggestionItemOptions || _snapshotData.DisplaySuggestionItem;
// We prefer using the original snapshot, which should always be available from items provided by Roslyn's CompletionSource.
// Only use data.Snapshot in the theoretically possible but rare case when all items we are handling are from some non-Roslyn CompletionSource.
var snapshotForDocument = TryGetInitialTriggerLocation(_snapshotData, out var initialTriggerLocation)
? initialTriggerLocation.Snapshot
: _snapshotData.Snapshot;
_document = snapshotForDocument?.TextBuffer.AsTextContainer().GetOpenDocumentInCurrentContext();
if (_document != null)
_completionService = _document.GetLanguageService<CompletionService>();
_completionRules = _completionService?.GetRules(globalOptions.GetCompletionOptions(_document.Project.Language)) ?? CompletionRules.Default;
// Let us make the completion Helper used for non-Roslyn items case-sensitive.
// We can change this if get requests from partner teams.
_completionHelper = CompletionHelper.GetHelper(_document);
_filterMethod = _completionService == null
? ((matchResults, text, filteredItemsBuilder) => CompletionService.FilterItems(_completionHelper, matchResults, text, filteredItemsBuilder))
: ((matchResults, text, filteredItemsBuilder) => _completionService.FilterItems(_document, matchResults, text, filteredItemsBuilder));
// Nothing to highlight if user hasn't typed anything yet.
_highlightMatchingPortions = _filterText.Length > 0
&& globalOptions.GetOption(CompletionViewOptionsStorage.HighlightMatchingPortionsOfCompletionListItems, _document.Project.Language);
_showCompletionItemFilters = globalOptions.GetOption(CompletionViewOptionsStorage.ShowCompletionItemFilters, _document.Project.Language);
_completionService = null;
_completionRules = CompletionRules.Default;
// Let us make the completion Helper used for non-Roslyn items case-sensitive.
// We can change this if get requests from partner teams.
_completionHelper = new CompletionHelper(isCaseSensitive: true);
_filterMethod = (matchResults, text, filteredMatchResultsBuilder) => CompletionService.FilterItems(_completionHelper, matchResults, text, filteredMatchResultsBuilder);
_highlightMatchingPortions = false;
_showCompletionItemFilters = true;
public async Task<FilteredCompletionModel?> UpdateCompletionListAsync(IAsyncCompletionSession session, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
if (ShouldDismissCompletionListImmediately())
return null;
// Use a dedicated pool to minimize potentially repeated large allocations,
// since the completion list could be long with import completion enabled.
var itemsToBeIncluded = s_listOfMatchResultPool.Allocate();
var cancellationTokenSource = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(cancellationToken);
var threadLocalPatternMatchHelper = new ThreadLocal<PatternMatchHelper>(() => new PatternMatchHelper(_filterText), trackAllValues: true);
// Determine the list of items to be included in the completion list.
// This is computed based on the filter text as well as the current
// selection of filters and expander.
await AddCompletionItemsAsync(itemsToBeIncluded, threadLocalPatternMatchHelper, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
// Decide if we want to dismiss an empty completion list based on CompletionRules and filter usage.
if (itemsToBeIncluded.Count == 0)
return HandleAllItemsFilteredOut();
// Sort items based on pattern matching result
var highlightAndFilterTask = Task.Run(
() => GetHighlightedListAndUpdatedFilters(session, itemsToBeIncluded, threadLocalPatternMatchHelper, cancellationTokenSource.Token),
// Decide the item to be selected for this completion session.
// The selection is mostly based on how well the item matches with the filter text, but we also need to
// take into consideration for things like CompletionTrigger, MatchPriority, MRU, etc.
var initialSelection = InitialTriggerReason == CompletionTriggerReason.Backspace || InitialTriggerReason == CompletionTriggerReason.Deletion
? HandleDeletionTrigger(itemsToBeIncluded, cancellationToken)
: HandleNormalFiltering(itemsToBeIncluded, cancellationToken);
if (!initialSelection.HasValue)
return null;
// Editor might provide a list of items to us as a suggestion to what to select for this session
// (via IAsyncCompletionDefaultsSource), where the "default" means the "default selection".
// The main scenario for this is to keep the selected item in completion list in sync with the
// suggestion of "Whole-Line Completion" feature, where the default is usually set to the first token
// of the WLC suggestion.
var finalSelection = UpdateSelectionBasedOnSuggestedDefaults(itemsToBeIncluded, initialSelection.Value, cancellationToken);
var (highlightedList, updatedFilters) = await highlightAndFilterTask.ConfigureAwait(false);
return new FilteredCompletionModel(
items: highlightedList,
filters: updatedFilters,
centerSelection: true,
// Don't call ClearAndFree, which resets the capacity to a default value.
// Dispose PatternMatchers
foreach (var helper in threadLocalPatternMatchHelper.Values)
(CompletionList<CompletionItemWithHighlight>, ImmutableArray<CompletionFilterWithState>) GetHighlightedListAndUpdatedFilters(
IAsyncCompletionSession session, IReadOnlyList<MatchResult> itemsToBeIncluded, ThreadLocal<PatternMatchHelper> patternMatcherHelper, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var highLightedList = GetHighlightedList(session, patternMatcherHelper.Value!, itemsToBeIncluded, cancellationToken);
var updatedFilters = GetUpdatedFilters(itemsToBeIncluded, cancellationToken);
return (highLightedList, updatedFilters);
private bool ShouldDismissCompletionListImmediately()
// Check if the user is typing a number. If so, only proceed if it's a number
// directly after a <dot>. That's because it is actually reasonable for completion
// to be brought up after a <dot> and for the user to want to filter completion
// items based on a number that exists in the name of the item. However, when
// we are not after a dot (i.e. we're being brought up after <space> is typed)
// then we don't want to filter things. Consider the user writing:
// dim i =<space>
// We'll bring up the completion list here (as VB has completion on <space>).
// If the user then types '3', we don't want to match against Int32.
if (_filterText.Length > 0 && char.IsNumber(_filterText[0]) && !IsAfterDot(_snapshotData.Snapshot, _applicableToSpan))
// Dismiss the session.
return true;
// DismissIfLastCharacterDeleted should be applied only when started with Insertion, and then Deleted all characters typed.
// This conforms with the original VS 2010 behavior.
if (InitialTriggerReason == CompletionTriggerReason.Insertion &&
UpdateTriggerReason == CompletionTriggerReason.Backspace &&
_completionRules.DismissIfLastCharacterDeleted &&
_filterText.Length == 0)
// Dismiss the session
return true;
return false;
private async Task AddCompletionItemsAsync(List<MatchResult> list, ThreadLocal<PatternMatchHelper> threadLocalPatternMatchHelper, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// Convert initial and update trigger reasons to corresponding Roslyn type so
// we can interact with Roslyn's completion system
var roslynInitialTriggerKind = Helpers.GetRoslynTriggerKind(InitialTriggerReason);
var roslynFilterReason = Helpers.GetFilterReason(UpdateTriggerReason);
// FilterStateHelper is used to decide whether a given item should be included in the list based on the state of filter/expander buttons.
var filterHelper = new FilterStateHelper(_snapshotData.SelectedFilters);
var includedPreferredItems = new ConcurrentSet<string>();
var includedDefaults = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, MatchResult>();
// Make sure we are on threadpool thread before running PLinq query to avoid sync waiting on the special high-pri thread of async-completion.
await TaskScheduler.Default;
Enumerable.Range(0, _snapshotData.InitialSortedItemList.Count)
void CreateMatchResultAndProcessMatchingDefaults(int index)
var item = _snapshotData.InitialSortedItemList[index];
// All items passed in should contain a CompletionItemData object in the property bag,
// which is guaranteed in `ItemManager.SortCompletionListAsync`.
if (!CompletionItemData.TryGetData(item, out var itemData))
throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable();
if (filterHelper.ShouldBeFilteredOut(item))
// currentIndex is used to track the index of the VS CompletionItem in the initial sorted list to maintain a map from Roslyn item to VS item.
// It's also used to sort the items by pattern matching results while preserving the original alphabetical order for items with
// same pattern match score since `List<T>.Sort` isn't stable.
if (threadLocalPatternMatchHelper.Value!.TryCreateMatchResult(itemData.RoslynItem, roslynInitialTriggerKind, roslynFilterReason,
_recentItemsManager.GetRecentItemIndex(itemData.RoslynItem), _highlightMatchingPortions, index, out var matchResult))
lock (_gate)
if (!_snapshotData.Defaults.IsEmpty)
// Collect all the preferred items from Pythia and regular items matched defaults provided by WLC.
// We will use this info next to "promote" regular default items to "preferred" state on behalf of
// WLC to provide a coherent IntelliCode completion experience.
if (matchResult.CompletionItem.IsPreferredItem())
if (_snapshotData.Defaults.IndexOf(matchResult.CompletionItem.FilterText) >= 0)
includedDefaults.TryAdd(matchResult.CompletionItem.FilterText, matchResult);
// Go through items matched with defaults. If it doesn't have
// a corresponding preferred items, we will add one that mimic
// the "starred" item from Pythia.
void PromoteDefaultItemsToPreferredState()
foreach (var includedDefault in includedDefaults.Values)
var completionItem = includedDefault.CompletionItem;
// There a preferred item matches the same default, so no need to promote this.
if (includedPreferredItems.Contains(completionItem.FilterText))
var defaultIndex = _snapshotData.Defaults.IndexOf(completionItem.FilterText);
var fabricatedIndex = DefaultIndexToFabricatedOriginalSortedIndex(defaultIndex);
var promotedDefaultItemMatchResult = new MatchResult(
Helpers.PromoteItem(completionItem, includedDefault.IndexInOriginalSortedOrder),
matchedAdditionalFilterText: includedDefault.MatchedAdditionalFilterText,
// This ensures promoted items are sorted in the same relative order as in defaults list, as well as before all
// items from initial sorted list (by giving them negative value as index).
// e.g. if Defaults.Length = 3, we set index of Defaults[0] to -3, Defaults[1] to -2, etc. where the last one is -1.
// All other items have original index >= 0.
int DefaultIndexToFabricatedOriginalSortedIndex(int i)
=> i - _snapshotData.Defaults.Length;
private ItemSelection? HandleNormalFiltering(IReadOnlyList<MatchResult> matchResults, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
Debug.Assert(matchResults.Count > 0);
var filteredMatchResultsBuilder = s_listOfMatchResultPool.Allocate();
// Not deletion. Defer to the language to decide which item it thinks best
// matches the text typed so far.
_filterMethod(matchResults, _filterText, filteredMatchResultsBuilder);
// Ask the language to determine which of the *matched* items it wants to select.
int selectedItemIndex;
VSCompletionItem? uniqueItem = null;
MatchResult bestOrFirstMatchResult;
if (filteredMatchResultsBuilder.Count == 0)
// When we are in suggestion mode and there's nothing in the list matches what user has typed in any ways,
// we should select the SuggestionItem instead.
if (ShouldSelectSuggestionItemWhenNoItemMatchesFilterText)
return new ItemSelection(SelectedItemIndex: SuggestionItemIndex, SelectionHint: UpdateSelectionHint.SoftSelected, UniqueItem: null);
// We do not have matches: pick the one with longest common prefix.
// If we can't find such an item, just return the first item from the list.
selectedItemIndex = 0;
bestOrFirstMatchResult = matchResults[0];
var longestCommonPrefixLength = bestOrFirstMatchResult.FilterTextUsed.GetCaseInsensitivePrefixLength(_filterText);
for (var i = 1; i < matchResults.Count; ++i)
var matchResult = matchResults[i];
var commonPrefixLength = matchResult.FilterTextUsed.GetCaseInsensitivePrefixLength(_filterText);
if (commonPrefixLength > longestCommonPrefixLength)
selectedItemIndex = i;
bestOrFirstMatchResult = matchResult;
longestCommonPrefixLength = commonPrefixLength;
// Of the items the service returned, pick the one most recently committed
var bestResult = GetBestCompletionItemSelectionFromFilteredResults(filteredMatchResultsBuilder);
// Determine if we should consider this item 'unique' or not. A unique item
// will be automatically committed if the user hits the 'invoke completion'
// without bringing up the completion list. An item is unique if it was the
// only item to match the text typed so far, and there was at least some text
// typed. i.e. if we have "Console.$$" we don't want to commit something
// like "WriteLine" since no filter text has actually been provided. However,
// if "Console.WriteL$$" is typed, then we do want "WriteLine" to be committed.
for (selectedItemIndex = 0; selectedItemIndex < matchResults.Count; ++selectedItemIndex)
if (Equals(matchResults[selectedItemIndex].CompletionItem, bestResult.CompletionItem))
Debug.Assert(selectedItemIndex < matchResults.Count);
bestOrFirstMatchResult = matchResults[selectedItemIndex];
if (_filterText.Length > 0)
// PreferredItems from IntelliCode are duplicate of normal items, so we ignore them
// when deciding if we have an unique item.
if (matchResults.Count(matchResult => matchResult.ShouldBeConsideredMatchingFilterText && !matchResult.CompletionItem.IsPreferredItem()) == 1)
uniqueItem = GetCorrespondingVsCompletionItem(matchResults[selectedItemIndex], cancellationToken);
var typedChar = _snapshotData.Trigger.Character;
// Check that it is a filter symbol. We can be called for a non-filter symbol.
// If inserting a non-filter character (neither IsPotentialFilterCharacter, nor Helpers.IsFilterCharacter),
// we should dismiss completion except cases where this is the first symbol typed for the completion session
// (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filterText) or string.Equals(filterText, typeChar.ToString(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).
// In the latter case, we should keep the completion because it was confirmed just before in InitializeCompletion.
if (UpdateTriggerReason == CompletionTriggerReason.Insertion &&
!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_filterText) &&
!string.Equals(_filterText, typedChar.ToString(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
!IsPotentialFilterCharacter(typedChar) &&
!Helpers.IsFilterCharacter(bestOrFirstMatchResult.CompletionItem, typedChar, _filterText))
return null;
var isHardSelection = IsHardSelection(bestOrFirstMatchResult.CompletionItem, bestOrFirstMatchResult.ShouldBeConsideredMatchingFilterText);
var updateSelectionHint = isHardSelection ? UpdateSelectionHint.Selected : UpdateSelectionHint.SoftSelected;
return new(selectedItemIndex, updateSelectionHint, uniqueItem);
// Don't call ClearAndFree, which resets the capacity to a default value.
private VSCompletionItem GetCorrespondingVsCompletionItem(MatchResult matchResult, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
if (matchResult.IndexInOriginalSortedOrder >= 0)
return _snapshotData.InitialSortedItemList[matchResult.IndexInOriginalSortedOrder];
// This is a "promoted" item added by us, so there's no corresponding VS item from initial sorted list.
// We need to craft one based on the data of the original item.
var item = matchResult.CompletionItem;
if (Helpers.TryGetOriginalIndexOfPromotedItem(item, out var unpromotedIndex))
var unpromotedVsItem = _snapshotData.InitialSortedItemList[unpromotedIndex];
var promotedVsItem = new VSCompletionItem(
displayText: item.GetEntireDisplayText(),
// This is guaranteed to return true here
CompletionItemData.TryGetData(unpromotedVsItem, out var data);
CompletionItemData.AddData(promotedVsItem, item, data.TriggerLocation);
return promotedVsItem;
throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable();
private ItemSelection? HandleDeletionTrigger(IReadOnlyList<MatchResult> items, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// Go through the entire item list to find the best match(es).
// If we had matching items, then pick the best of the matching items and
// choose that one to be hard selected. If we had no actual matching items
// (which can happen if the user deletes down to a single character and we
// include everything), then we just soft select the first item.
var indexToSelect = 0;
var hardSelect = false;
MatchResult? bestMatchResult = null;
var moreThanOneMatch = false;
for (var i = 0; i < items.Count; ++i)
var currentMatchResult = items[i];
if (!currentMatchResult.ShouldBeConsideredMatchingFilterText)
if (bestMatchResult == null)
// We had no best result yet, so this is now our best result.
bestMatchResult = currentMatchResult;
indexToSelect = i;
var match = CompareForDeletion(currentMatchResult, bestMatchResult.Value, _filterText);
if (match > 0)
moreThanOneMatch = false;
bestMatchResult = currentMatchResult;
indexToSelect = i;
else if (match == 0)
moreThanOneMatch = true;
if (bestMatchResult is null)
// The user has typed something, but nothing in the actual list matched what
// they were typing. In this case, we want to dismiss completion entirely.
// The thought process is as follows: we aggressively brought up completion
// to help them when they typed delete (in case they wanted to pick another
// item). However, they're typing something that doesn't seem to match at all
// The completion list is just distracting at this point.
if (UpdateTriggerReason == CompletionTriggerReason.Insertion)
return null;
// If we are in suggestion mode and nothing matches filter text, we should soft select SuggestionItem.
if (ShouldSelectSuggestionItemWhenNoItemMatchesFilterText)
indexToSelect = SuggestionItemIndex;
// Only hard select this result if it's a prefix match
// We need to do this so that
// * deleting and retyping a dot in a member access does not change the
// text that originally appeared before the dot
// * deleting through a word from the end keeps that word selected
// This also preserves the behavior the VB had through Dev12.
hardSelect = !_hasSuggestedItemOptions && bestMatchResult.Value.FilterTextUsed.StartsWith(_filterText, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);
// The best match we have selected is unique if `moreThanOneMatch` is false.
return new(SelectedItemIndex: indexToSelect,
SelectionHint: hardSelect ? UpdateSelectionHint.Selected : UpdateSelectionHint.SoftSelected,
UniqueItem: moreThanOneMatch || !bestMatchResult.HasValue ? null : GetCorrespondingVsCompletionItem(bestMatchResult.Value, cancellationToken));
static int CompareForDeletion(MatchResult x, MatchResult y, string pattern)
// Prefer the item that matches a longer prefix of the filter text.
var comparison = x.FilterTextUsed.GetCaseInsensitivePrefixLength(pattern).CompareTo(y.FilterTextUsed.GetCaseInsensitivePrefixLength(pattern));
if (comparison != 0)
return comparison;
// If there are "Abc" vs "abc", we should prefer the case typed by user.
comparison = x.FilterTextUsed.GetCaseSensitivePrefixLength(pattern).CompareTo(y.FilterTextUsed.GetCaseSensitivePrefixLength(pattern));
if (comparison != 0)
return comparison;
var xItem = x.CompletionItem;
var yItem = y.CompletionItem;
// If the lengths are the same, prefer the one with the higher match priority.
// But only if it's an item that would have been hard selected. We don't want
// to aggressively select an item that was only going to be softly offered.
comparison = GetPriority(xItem).CompareTo(GetPriority(yItem));
if (comparison != 0)
return comparison;
// Prefer Intellicode items.
return xItem.IsPreferredItem().CompareTo(yItem.IsPreferredItem());
static int GetPriority(RoslynCompletionItem item)
=> item.Rules.SelectionBehavior == CompletionItemSelectionBehavior.HardSelection ? item.Rules.MatchPriority : MatchPriority.Default;
private CompletionList<CompletionItemWithHighlight> GetHighlightedList(
IAsyncCompletionSession session,
PatternMatchHelper patternMatchers,
IReadOnlyList<MatchResult> matchResults,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
return session.CreateCompletionList(matchResults.Select(matchResult =>
var vsItem = GetCorrespondingVsCompletionItem(matchResult, cancellationToken);
var highlightedSpans = _highlightMatchingPortions
? GetHighlightedSpans(matchResult, patternMatchers)
: [];
return new CompletionItemWithHighlight(vsItem, highlightedSpans);
static ImmutableArray<Span> GetHighlightedSpans(MatchResult matchResult, PatternMatchHelper patternMatchers)
if (matchResult.CompletionItem.HasDifferentFilterText || matchResult.CompletionItem.HasAdditionalFilterTexts)
// The PatternMatch in MatchResult is calculated based on Roslyn item's FilterText, which can be used to calculate
// highlighted span for VSCompletion item's DisplayText w/o doing the matching again.
// However, if the Roslyn item's FilterText is different from its DisplayText, we need to do the match against the
// display text of the VS item directly to get the highlighted spans. This is done in a best effort fashion and there
// is no guarantee a proper match would be found for highlighting.
return patternMatchers.GetHighlightedSpans(matchResult.CompletionItem.GetEntireDisplayText(), CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)
.SelectAsArray(s => s.ToSpan());
var patternMatch = matchResult.PatternMatch;
if (patternMatch.HasValue)
// Since VS item's display text is created as Prefix + DisplayText + Suffix,
// we can calculate the highlighted span by adding an offset that is the length of the Prefix.
return patternMatch.Value.MatchedSpans.SelectAsArray(GetOffsetSpan, matchResult.CompletionItem);
// If there's no match for Roslyn item's filter text which is identical to its display text,
// then we can safely assume there'd be no matching to VS item's display text.
return [];
// PERF: static local function to avoid lambda allocation on hot path
static Span GetOffsetSpan(TextSpan span, RoslynCompletionItem item)
=> span.MoveTo(item.DisplayTextPrefix?.Length ?? 0).ToSpan();
private FilteredCompletionModel? HandleAllItemsFilteredOut()
if (UpdateTriggerReason == CompletionTriggerReason.Insertion)
// If the user was just typing, and the list went to empty *and* this is a
// language that wants to dismiss on empty, then just return a null model
// to stop the completion session.
if (_completionRules.DismissIfEmpty)
return null;
// If we are in suggestion mode then we should select the SuggestionItem instead.
var selectedItemIndex = ShouldSelectSuggestionItemWhenNoItemMatchesFilterText ? SuggestionItemIndex : 0;
// If the user has turned on some filtering states, and we filtered down to
// nothing, then we do want the UI to show that to them. That way the user
// can turn off filters they don't want and get the right set of items.
// If we are going to filter everything out, then just preserve the existing
// model (and all the previously filtered items), but switch over to soft
// selection.
return new FilteredCompletionModel(
items: [], selectedItemIndex,
filters: _snapshotData.SelectedFilters, selectionHint: UpdateSelectionHint.SoftSelected, centerSelection: true, uniqueItem: null);
private ImmutableArray<CompletionFilterWithState> GetUpdatedFilters(IReadOnlyList<MatchResult> matchResults, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
if (!_showCompletionItemFilters)
return [];
// See which filters might be enabled based on the typed code
using var _ = PooledHashSet<CompletionFilter>.GetInstance(out var filters);
foreach (var item in matchResults)
filters.AddRange(GetCorrespondingVsCompletionItem(item, cancellationToken).Filters);
// When no items are available for a given filter, it becomes unavailable.
// Expanders always appear available as long as it's presented.
return _snapshotData.SelectedFilters.SelectAsArray(n => n.WithAvailability(n.Filter is CompletionExpander || filters.Contains(n.Filter)));
/// <summary>
/// Given multiple possible chosen completion items, pick the one using the following preferences (in order):
/// 1. Most recently used item is our top preference
/// 2. IntelliCode item over non-IntelliCode item
/// 3. Higher MatchPriority
/// 4. Match to FilterText over AdditionalFilterTexts
/// </summary>
private static MatchResult GetBestCompletionItemSelectionFromFilteredResults(IReadOnlyList<MatchResult> filteredMatchResults)
Debug.Assert(filteredMatchResults.Count > 0);
var bestResult = filteredMatchResults[0];
var bestResultMruIndex = bestResult.RecentItemIndex;
for (int i = 1, n = filteredMatchResults.Count; i < n; i++)
var currentResult = filteredMatchResults[i];
var currentResultMruIndex = currentResult.RecentItemIndex;
// Most recently used item is our top preference.
if (currentResultMruIndex != bestResultMruIndex)
if (currentResultMruIndex > bestResultMruIndex)
bestResult = currentResult;
bestResultMruIndex = currentResultMruIndex;
// 2nd preference is IntelliCode item
var currentIsPreferred = currentResult.CompletionItem.IsPreferredItem();
var bestIsPreferred = bestResult.CompletionItem.IsPreferredItem();
if (currentIsPreferred != bestIsPreferred)
if (currentIsPreferred && !bestIsPreferred)
bestResult = currentResult;
// 3rd preference is higher MatchPriority
var currentMatchPriority = currentResult.CompletionItem.Rules.MatchPriority;
var bestMatchPriority = bestResult.CompletionItem.Rules.MatchPriority;
if (currentMatchPriority != bestMatchPriority)
if (currentMatchPriority > bestMatchPriority)
bestResult = currentResult;
// final preference is match to FilterText over AdditionalFilterTexts
if (bestResult.MatchedWithAdditionalFilterTexts && !currentResult.MatchedWithAdditionalFilterTexts)
bestResult = currentResult;
return bestResult;
private static bool TryGetInitialTriggerLocation(AsyncCompletionSessionDataSnapshot data, out SnapshotPoint initialTriggerLocation)
foreach (var item in data.InitialSortedItemList)
if (CompletionItemData.TryGetData(item, out var itemData) && itemData.TriggerLocation.HasValue)
initialTriggerLocation = itemData.TriggerLocation.Value;
return true;
initialTriggerLocation = default;
return false;
private bool IsHardSelection(RoslynCompletionItem item, bool matchedFilterText)
if (_hasSuggestedItemOptions)
return false;
// We don't have a builder and we have a best match. Normally this will be hard
// selected, except for a few cases. Specifically, if no filter text has been
// provided, and this is not a preselect match then we will soft select it. This
// happens when the completion list comes up implicitly and there is something in
// the MRU list. In this case we do want to select it, but not with a hard
// selection. Otherwise you can end up with the following problem:
// dim i as integer =<space>
// Completion will comes up after = with 'integer' selected (Because of MRU). We do
// not want 'space' to commit this.
// If all that has been typed is punctuation, then don't hard select anything.
// It's possible the user is just typing language punctuation and selecting
// anything in the list will interfere. We only allow this if the filter text
// exactly matches something in the list already.
if (_filterText.Length > 0 && CompletionService.IsAllPunctuation(_filterText) && _filterText != item.DisplayText)
return false;
// If the user hasn't actually typed anything, then don't hard select any item.
// The only exception to this is if the completion provider has requested the
// item be preselected.
if (_filterText.Length == 0)
// Item didn't want to be hard selected with no filter text.
// So definitely soft select it.
if (item.Rules.SelectionBehavior != CompletionItemSelectionBehavior.HardSelection)
return false;
// Item did not ask to be preselected. So definitely soft select it.
if (item.Rules.MatchPriority == MatchPriority.Default)
return false;
// The user typed something, or the item asked to be preselected. In
// either case, don't soft select this.
Debug.Assert(_filterText.Length > 0 || item.Rules.MatchPriority != MatchPriority.Default);
// If the user moved the caret left after they started typing, the 'best' match may not match at all
// against the full text span that this item would be replacing.
if (!matchedFilterText)
return false;
// There was either filter text, or this was a preselect match. In either case, we
// can hard select this.
return true;
/// <summary>
/// A potential filter character is something that can filter a completion lists and is
/// *guaranteed* to not be a commit character.
/// </summary>
private static bool IsPotentialFilterCharacter(char c)
// TODO(cyrusn): Actually use the right Unicode categories here.
return char.IsLetter(c)
|| char.IsNumber(c)
|| c == '_';
private ItemSelection UpdateSelectionBasedOnSuggestedDefaults(IReadOnlyList<MatchResult> items, ItemSelection itemSelection, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// Editor doesn't provide us a list of "default" items, or we select SuggestionItem (because we are in suggestion mode and have no match in the list)
if (_snapshotData.Defaults.IsDefaultOrEmpty || itemSelection.SelectedItemIndex == SuggestionItemIndex)
return itemSelection;
// "Preselect" is only used when we have high confidence with the selection, so don't override it;
// unless it's a real Pythia item (i.e. not fake one from us,) in which case the default item wins.
var selectedItem = items[itemSelection.SelectedItemIndex].CompletionItem;
if (selectedItem.Rules.MatchPriority >= MatchPriority.Preselect)
// This is a high priority item provided by Roslyn, either a regular or preferred one promoted by us
// (because it matches one of the defaults even though it might not be the best default) so we want to stick with this selection.
if (!selectedItem.IsPreferredItem() || Helpers.TryGetOriginalIndexOfPromotedItem(selectedItem, out _))
return itemSelection;
return GetDefaultsMatch(items, itemSelection, cancellationToken);
/// <summary>
/// Compare the pattern matching result of the current selection with the pattern matching result of the suggested defaults (both w.r.t. the filter text.)
/// If the suggested default is no worse than current selected item (in a case-sensitive manner,) use the suggested default. Otherwise use the original selection.
/// For example, if user typed "C", roslyn might select "CancellationToken", but with suggested default "Console" we will end up selecting "Console" instead.
/// </summary>
private ItemSelection GetDefaultsMatch(IReadOnlyList<MatchResult> matches, ItemSelection initialSelection, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// Because the items are already sorted based on pattern-matching score, try to limit the range for the items we search
// by stopping as soon as we encountered the top item from original default list, or at the first match that is inferior than current selection.
int inferiorItemIndex;
if (_filterText.Length == 0)
// Without filterText, all items are equally good match (w.r.t to the empty filterText), so we have to consider all of them.
inferiorItemIndex = matches.Count;
var selectedItemMatch = matches[initialSelection.SelectedItemIndex].PatternMatch;
// It's possible that an item doesn't match filter text but still ended up being selected, this is because we just always keep all the
// items in the list in some cases. For example, user brought up completion with ctrl-j or through deletion.
// Don't bother changing the selection in such cases (since there's no match to the filter text in the list)
if (!selectedItemMatch.HasValue)
return initialSelection;
// Because the items are sorted based on pattern-matching score, the selectedIndex is in the middle of a range of
// -- as far as the pattern matcher is concerned -- equivalent items (items with identical PatternMatch.Kind and IsCaseSensitive).
// Find the last items in the range and use that to limit the items searched for from the defaults list.
inferiorItemIndex = initialSelection.SelectedItemIndex;
while (++inferiorItemIndex < matches.Count)
var itemMatch = matches[inferiorItemIndex].PatternMatch;
if (!itemMatch.HasValue
|| itemMatch.Value.Kind != selectedItemMatch.Value.Kind
|| itemMatch.Value.IsCaseSensitive != selectedItemMatch.Value.IsCaseSensitive)
// The range includes all items that are as good of a match as what we initially selected (and in descending order of matching score)
// so we just need to search for a preferred item with best default match.
var bestPromotedItemSoFar = -1;
var bestDefaultIndex = -1;
for (var i = 0; i < inferiorItemIndex; ++i)
var item = matches[i].CompletionItem;
if (item.IsPreferredItem())
var defaultIndex = _snapshotData.Defaults.IndexOf(matches[i].CompletionItem.FilterText);
// This is not a starred item that matches default
if (defaultIndex < 0)
if (bestPromotedItemSoFar < 0 || defaultIndex <= bestDefaultIndex)
bestPromotedItemSoFar = i;
bestDefaultIndex = defaultIndex;
// We have found the top default item, no need to proceed.
if (bestDefaultIndex == 0)
// Don't change the original selection since there's no match to the defaults provided.
if (bestPromotedItemSoFar < 0)
return initialSelection;
// If user hasn't typed anything, we'd like to soft select the default item.
// This way, the selection won't get in the way of typing.
var selectionHint = _filterText.Length == 0 ? UpdateSelectionHint.SoftSelected : initialSelection.SelectionHint;
return initialSelection with { SelectedItemIndex = bestPromotedItemSoFar, SelectionHint = selectionHint };
private sealed class FilterStateHelper
private readonly ImmutableArray<CompletionFilterWithState> _nonExpanderFilterStates;
private readonly ImmutableArray<CompletionFilter> _selectedNonExpanderFilters;
private readonly ImmutableArray<CompletionFilter> _unselectedExpanders;
private readonly bool _needToFilter;
private readonly bool _needToFilterExpanded;
public FilterStateHelper(ImmutableArray<CompletionFilterWithState> filtersWithState)
// The filter state list contains two kinds of "filters": regular filter and expander.
// The difference between them is they have different semantics.
// - When all filters or no filter is selected, everything should be included.
// But when a strict subset of filters is selected, only items corresponding to the selected filters should be included.
// - When expander is selected, all expanded items should be included, otherwise, expanded items should be excluded.
// expander state has no affect on non-expanded items.
// For example, right now we only have one expander for items from unimported namespaces, selecting/unselecting expander would
// include/exclude those items from completion list, but in-scope items would be shown regardless.
// Therefore, we need to filter if
// 1. a non-empty strict subset of filters are selected
// 2. a non-empty set of expanders are unselected
_nonExpanderFilterStates = filtersWithState.WhereAsArray(f => f.Filter is not CompletionExpander);
_selectedNonExpanderFilters = _nonExpanderFilterStates.SelectAsArray(f => f.IsSelected, f => f.Filter);
_needToFilter = _selectedNonExpanderFilters.Length > 0 && _selectedNonExpanderFilters.Length < _nonExpanderFilterStates.Length;
_unselectedExpanders = filtersWithState.SelectAsArray(f => !f.IsSelected && f.Filter is CompletionExpander, f => f.Filter);
_needToFilterExpanded = _unselectedExpanders.Length > 0;
public bool ShouldBeFilteredOut(VSCompletionItem item)
=> ShouldBeFilteredOutOfCompletionList(item) || ShouldBeFilteredOutOfExpandedCompletionList(item);
private bool ShouldBeFilteredOutOfCompletionList(VSCompletionItem item)
=> _needToFilter && !item.Filters.Any(static (filter, self) => self._selectedNonExpanderFilters.Contains(filter), this);
private bool ShouldBeFilteredOutOfExpandedCompletionList(VSCompletionItem item)
if (!_needToFilterExpanded)
return false;
var associatedWithUnselectedExpander = false;
foreach (var itemFilter in item.Filters)
if (itemFilter is CompletionExpander)
if (!_unselectedExpanders.Contains(itemFilter))
// If any of the associated expander is selected, the item should be included in the expanded list.
return false;
associatedWithUnselectedExpander = true;
// at this point, the item either:
// 1. has no expander filter, therefore should be included
// 2. or, all associated expanders are unselected, therefore should be excluded
return associatedWithUnselectedExpander;
private readonly record struct ItemSelection(int SelectedItemIndex, UpdateSelectionHint SelectionHint, VSCompletionItem? UniqueItem);