// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Completion;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Completion.Providers;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Completion.Providers.Snippets;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Shared.Extensions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Shared.Utilities;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.ErrorReporting;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Formatting;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Options;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text.Shared.Extensions;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Language.Intellisense.AsyncCompletion;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Editor;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Threading;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
using AsyncCompletionData = Microsoft.VisualStudio.Language.Intellisense.AsyncCompletion.Data;
using RoslynCompletionItem = Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Completion.CompletionItem;
using VSCompletionItem = Microsoft.VisualStudio.Language.Intellisense.AsyncCompletion.Data.CompletionItem;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Implementation.IntelliSense.AsyncCompletion;
internal sealed class CommitManager : IAsyncCompletionCommitManager
private static readonly AsyncCompletionData.CommitResult CommitResultUnhandled =
new(isHandled: false, AsyncCompletionData.CommitBehavior.None);
private readonly RecentItemsManager _recentItemsManager;
private readonly ITextView _textView;
private readonly IGlobalOptionService _globalOptions;
private readonly IThreadingContext _threadingContext;
private readonly ILanguageServerSnippetExpander? _languageServerSnippetExpander;
public IEnumerable<char> PotentialCommitCharacters
if (_textView.Properties.TryGetProperty(CompletionSource.PotentialCommitCharacters, out ImmutableArray<char> potentialCommitCharacters))
return potentialCommitCharacters;
// If we were not initialized with a CompletionService or are called for a wrong textView, we should not make a commit.
return [];
internal CommitManager(
ITextView textView,
RecentItemsManager recentItemsManager,
IGlobalOptionService globalOptions,
IThreadingContext threadingContext,
ILanguageServerSnippetExpander? languageServerSnippetExpander)
_globalOptions = globalOptions;
_threadingContext = threadingContext;
_recentItemsManager = recentItemsManager;
_textView = textView;
_languageServerSnippetExpander = languageServerSnippetExpander;
/// <summary>
/// The method performs a preliminarily filtering of commit availability.
/// In case of a doubt, it should respond with true.
/// We will be able to cancel later in
/// <see cref="TryCommit(IAsyncCompletionSession, ITextBuffer, VSCompletionItem, char, CancellationToken)"/>
/// based on <see cref="VSCompletionItem"/> item, e.g. based on <see cref="CompletionItemRules"/>.
/// </summary>
public bool ShouldCommitCompletion(
IAsyncCompletionSession session,
SnapshotPoint location,
char typedChar,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// this is called only when the typedChar is in the list returned by PotentialCommitCharacters.
// It's possible typedChar is intended to be a filter char for some items (either currently considered for commit of not)
// we let this case to be handled in `TryCommit` instead, where we will have all the information needed to decide.
return true;
public AsyncCompletionData.CommitResult TryCommit(
IAsyncCompletionSession session,
ITextBuffer subjectBuffer,
VSCompletionItem item,
char typedChar,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// We can make changes to buffers. We would like to be sure nobody can change them at the same time.
var document = subjectBuffer.CurrentSnapshot.GetOpenDocumentInCurrentContextWithChanges();
if (document == null)
return CommitResultUnhandled;
var completionService = document.GetLanguageService<CompletionService>();
if (completionService == null)
return CommitResultUnhandled;
if (!CompletionItemData.TryGetData(item, out var itemData))
// Roslyn should not be called if the item committing was not provided by Roslyn.
return CommitResultUnhandled;
var roslynItem = itemData.RoslynItem;
var filterText = session.ApplicableToSpan.GetText(session.ApplicableToSpan.TextBuffer.CurrentSnapshot) + typedChar;
if (Helpers.IsFilterCharacter(roslynItem, typedChar, filterText))
// Returning Cancel means we keep the current session and consider the character for further filtering.
return new AsyncCompletionData.CommitResult(isHandled: true, AsyncCompletionData.CommitBehavior.CancelCommit);
// typedChar could be a filter character for another item. If we find such an item that the current filter
// text matches its start, then we should cancel commit and give ItemManager a chance to handle it.
// This is done here instead of in `ShouldCommitCompletion` because `ShouldCommitCompletion` might be called before
// CompletionSource add the `excludedCommitCharactersMap` to the session property bag.
if (session.Properties.TryGetProperty(CompletionSource.ExcludedCommitCharactersMap, out MultiDictionary<char, RoslynCompletionItem> excludedCommitCharactersMap))
foreach (var potentialItemForSelection in excludedCommitCharactersMap[typedChar])
if (potentialItemForSelection != roslynItem && Helpers.TextTypedSoFarMatchesItem(potentialItemForSelection, filterText))
return new AsyncCompletionData.CommitResult(isHandled: true, AsyncCompletionData.CommitBehavior.CancelCommit);
var options = _globalOptions.GetCompletionOptions(document.Project.Language);
var serviceRules = completionService.GetRules(options);
// We can be called before for ShouldCommitCompletion. However, that call does not provide rules applied for the completion item.
// Now we check for the commit character in the context of Rules that could change the list of commit characters.
if (!Helpers.IsStandardCommitCharacter(typedChar) && !IsCommitCharacter(serviceRules, roslynItem, typedChar))
// Returning None means we complete the current session with a void commit.
// The Editor then will try to trigger a new completion session for the character.
return new AsyncCompletionData.CommitResult(isHandled: true, AsyncCompletionData.CommitBehavior.None);
if (!itemData.TriggerLocation.HasValue)
// Need the trigger snapshot to calculate the span when the commit changes to be applied.
// They should always be available from items provided by Roslyn CompletionSource.
// Just to be defensive, if it's not found here, Roslyn should not make a commit.
return CommitResultUnhandled;
var triggerDocument = itemData.TriggerLocation.Value.Snapshot.GetOpenDocumentInCurrentContextWithChanges();
if (triggerDocument == null)
return CommitResultUnhandled;
var sessionData = CompletionSessionData.GetOrCreateSessionData(session);
if (!sessionData.CompletionListSpan.HasValue)
return CommitResultUnhandled;
// Commit with completion service assumes that null is provided is case of invoke. VS provides '\0' in the case.
var commitChar = typedChar == '\0' ? null : (char?)typedChar;
return Commit(
session, triggerDocument, completionService, subjectBuffer,
roslynItem, sessionData.CompletionListSpan.Value, commitChar, itemData.TriggerLocation.Value.Snapshot, serviceRules,
filterText, cancellationToken);
private AsyncCompletionData.CommitResult Commit(
IAsyncCompletionSession session,
Document document,
CompletionService completionService,
ITextBuffer subjectBuffer,
RoslynCompletionItem roslynItem,
TextSpan completionListSpan,
char? commitCharacter,
ITextSnapshot triggerSnapshot,
CompletionRules rules,
string filterText,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
bool includesCommitCharacter;
if (!subjectBuffer.CheckEditAccess())
// We are on the wrong thread.
FatalError.ReportAndCatch(new InvalidOperationException("Subject buffer did not provide Edit Access"), ErrorSeverity.Critical);
return new AsyncCompletionData.CommitResult(isHandled: true, AsyncCompletionData.CommitBehavior.None);
if (subjectBuffer.EditInProgress)
FatalError.ReportAndCatch(new InvalidOperationException("Subject buffer is editing by someone else."), ErrorSeverity.Critical);
return new AsyncCompletionData.CommitResult(isHandled: true, AsyncCompletionData.CommitBehavior.None);
// This might be an item promoted by us, make sure we restore it to the original state first.
roslynItem = Helpers.DemoteItem(roslynItem);
CompletionChange change;
// We met an issue when external code threw an OperationCanceledException and the cancellationToken is not canceled.
// Catching this scenario for further investigations.
// See https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/38455.
// Cached items have a span computed at the point they were created. This span may no
// longer be valid when used again. In that case, override the span with the latest span
// for the completion list itself.
if (roslynItem.Flags.IsCached())
roslynItem.Span = completionListSpan;
// Adding import is not allowed in debugger view
if (_textView is IDebuggerTextView)
roslynItem = ImportCompletionItem.MarkItemToAlwaysFullyQualify(roslynItem);
change = completionService.GetChangeAsync(document, roslynItem, commitCharacter, cancellationToken).WaitAndGetResult(cancellationToken);
catch (OperationCanceledException e) when (e.CancellationToken != cancellationToken && FatalError.ReportAndCatch(e))
return CommitResultUnhandled;
var view = session.TextView;
var provider = completionService.GetProvider(roslynItem, document.Project);
if (provider is ICustomCommitCompletionProvider customCommitProvider)
customCommitProvider.Commit(roslynItem, document, view, subjectBuffer, triggerSnapshot, commitCharacter);
return new AsyncCompletionData.CommitResult(isHandled: true, AsyncCompletionData.CommitBehavior.None);
var textChange = change.TextChange;
var triggerSnapshotSpan = new SnapshotSpan(triggerSnapshot, textChange.Span.ToSpan());
var mappedSpan = triggerSnapshotSpan.TranslateTo(subjectBuffer.CurrentSnapshot, SpanTrackingMode.EdgeInclusive);
// Specifically for snippets, we check to see if the associated completion item is a snippet,
// and if so, we call upon the LanguageServerSnippetExpander's TryExpand to insert the snippet.
if (SnippetCompletionItem.IsSnippet(roslynItem))
var lspSnippetText = change.Properties[SnippetCompletionItem.LSPSnippetKey];
if (!_languageServerSnippetExpander.TryExpand(lspSnippetText, mappedSpan, _textView))
FatalError.ReportAndCatch(new InvalidOperationException("The invoked LSP snippet expander came back as false."), ErrorSeverity.Critical);
return new AsyncCompletionData.CommitResult(isHandled: true, AsyncCompletionData.CommitBehavior.None);
ITextSnapshot updatedCurrentSnapshot;
using (var edit = subjectBuffer.CreateEdit(EditOptions.DefaultMinimalChange, reiteratedVersionNumber: null, editTag: null))
edit.Replace(mappedSpan.Span, change.TextChange.NewText);
// edit.Apply() may trigger changes made by extensions.
// updatedCurrentSnapshot will contain changes made by Roslyn but not by other extensions.
updatedCurrentSnapshot = edit.Apply();
if (change.NewSelection.HasValue)
// Roslyn knows how to set the selection in the snapshot we just created.
// If there were more edits made by extensions, TrySetSelectionAndEnsureVisible maps the snapshot point to the most recent one.
view.TrySetSelectionAndEnsureVisible(new SnapshotSpan(updatedCurrentSnapshot, change.NewSelection.Value.ToSpan()));
// Or, If we're doing a minimal change, then the edit that we make to the
// buffer may not make the total text change that places the caret where we
// would expect it to go based on the requested change. In this case,
// determine where the item should go and set the care manually.
// Note: we only want to move the caret if the caret would have been moved
// by the edit. i.e. if the caret was actually in the mapped span that
// we're replacing.
var caretPositionInBuffer = view.GetCaretPoint(subjectBuffer);
if (caretPositionInBuffer.HasValue && mappedSpan.IntersectsWith(caretPositionInBuffer.Value))
view.TryMoveCaretToAndEnsureVisible(new SnapshotPoint(subjectBuffer.CurrentSnapshot, mappedSpan.Start.Position + textChange.NewText?.Length ?? 0));
includesCommitCharacter = change.IncludesCommitCharacter;
if (roslynItem.Rules.FormatOnCommit)
// The edit updates the snapshot however other extensions may make changes there.
// Therefore, it is required to use subjectBuffer.CurrentSnapshot for further calculations rather than the updated current snapshot defined above.
var currentDocument = subjectBuffer.CurrentSnapshot.GetOpenDocumentInCurrentContextWithChanges();
var formattingService = currentDocument?.GetRequiredLanguageService<IFormattingInteractionService>();
if (currentDocument != null && formattingService != null)
var spanToFormat = triggerSnapshotSpan.TranslateTo(subjectBuffer.CurrentSnapshot, SpanTrackingMode.EdgeInclusive);
// Note: C# always completes synchronously, TypeScript is async
var changes = formattingService.GetFormattingChangesAsync(currentDocument, subjectBuffer, spanToFormat.Span.ToTextSpan(), cancellationToken).WaitAndGetResult(cancellationToken);
if (provider is INotifyCommittingItemCompletionProvider notifyProvider)
_ = _threadingContext.JoinableTaskFactory.RunAsync(async () =>
// Make sure the notification isn't sent on UI thread.
await TaskScheduler.Default;
_ = notifyProvider.NotifyCommittingItemAsync(document, roslynItem, commitCharacter, cancellationToken).ReportNonFatalErrorAsync();
if (includesCommitCharacter)
return new AsyncCompletionData.CommitResult(isHandled: true, AsyncCompletionData.CommitBehavior.SuppressFurtherTypeCharCommandHandlers);
if (commitCharacter == '\n' && SendEnterThroughToEditor(rules, roslynItem, filterText))
return new AsyncCompletionData.CommitResult(isHandled: true, AsyncCompletionData.CommitBehavior.RaiseFurtherReturnKeyAndTabKeyCommandHandlers);
return new AsyncCompletionData.CommitResult(isHandled: true, AsyncCompletionData.CommitBehavior.None);
internal static bool IsCommitCharacter(CompletionRules completionRules, CompletionItem item, char ch)
// First see if the item has any specific commit rules it wants followed.
foreach (var rule in item.Rules.CommitCharacterRules)
switch (rule.Kind)
case CharacterSetModificationKind.Add:
if (rule.Characters.Contains(ch))
return true;
case CharacterSetModificationKind.Remove:
if (rule.Characters.Contains(ch))
return false;
case CharacterSetModificationKind.Replace:
return rule.Characters.Contains(ch);
// Fall back to the default rules for this language's completion service.
return completionRules.DefaultCommitCharacters.IndexOf(ch) >= 0;
internal static bool SendEnterThroughToEditor(CompletionRules rules, RoslynCompletionItem item, string textTypedSoFar)
var rule = item.Rules.EnterKeyRule;
if (rule == EnterKeyRule.Default)
rule = rules.DefaultEnterKeyRule;
switch (rule)
case EnterKeyRule.Default:
case EnterKeyRule.Never:
return false;
case EnterKeyRule.Always:
return true;
case EnterKeyRule.AfterFullyTypedWord:
// textTypedSoFar is concatenated from individual chars typed.
// '\n' is the enter char.
// That is why, there is no need to check for '\r\n'.
if (textTypedSoFar.LastOrDefault() == '\n')
textTypedSoFar = textTypedSoFar[..^1];
return item.GetEntireDisplayText() == textTypedSoFar;