File: Classification\Syntactic\SyntacticClassificationTaggerProvider.ClassifiedLineCache.cs
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Project: src\src\EditorFeatures\Core\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.EditorFeatures.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.EditorFeatures)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Collections;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Shared.Extensions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Shared.Utilities;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Classification;
internal partial class SyntacticClassificationTaggerProvider
    /// <summary>
    /// Cache for storing recent classification results. This type has thread affinity on the UI thread, so it doesn't
    /// need any additional synchronization.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Empirical testing shows that when paging through a file, 25% of syntactic classification requests can be
    /// returned from a simple LRU cache.  When arrowing up and down in a file, the cache hit rate is 85%.  This can
    /// substantially speed up these requests, especially in large files, as it means we can avoid walking syntax
    /// trees and reclassifying lines we just classified.
    /// </remarks>
    private sealed class ClassifiedLineCache(IThreadingContext threadingContext)
        private readonly record struct SpanAndClassifiedSpans(Span Span, SegmentedList<ClassifiedSpan> ClassifiedSpans);
        /// <summary>
        /// Ensure that we don't cache incredibly long lines (for example, a minified JavaScript file).  This also
        /// ensures if we were asked by some party to classify a large section of the file, that we don't attempt to
        /// store that.  The primary purpose of this cache is for the common case of returning cached lines when the
        /// editor calls into us to classify them.
        /// </summary>
        private const int MaxClassificationsCount = 1024;
        /// <summary>
        /// This number was picked as a reasonable number of lines to classify given regular screen sized.  This is
        /// about 6x larger than a normal number of lines in VS at standard resolutions, and handles the case of
        /// users with vertical monitors and small font/zoom settings..
        /// </summary>
        private const int CacheSize = 256;
        private static readonly ObjectPool<SegmentedList<ClassifiedSpan>> s_classifiedSpanListPool = new(() => new(), CacheSize);
        private readonly IThreadingContext _threadingContext = threadingContext;
        // Mutating state.  No need for locks as we only execute on the UI thread (and throw if we're not on that thread).
        /// <summary>
        /// The last document id we cached.  This can change when the user switches to another TFM (though the
        /// ITextSnapshot will stay the same).
        /// </summary>
        private DocumentId? _documentId;
        /// <summary>
        /// The last parse options we computed classifications for.  This can change when the user switches to another
        /// mode (like Debug/Release).  We want to dump classifications in that case even though the text snapshot is
        /// the same.
        /// </summary>
        private ParseOptions? _parseOptions;
        /// <summary>
        /// The last text snapshot we cached classifications for.  This can change when the user edits the file.  When
        /// that happens, we want to dump all previous classifications as they are no longer valid.
        /// </summary>
        private ITextSnapshot? _snapshot;
        /// <summary>
        /// LRU list of spans and the classifications for them.  More recent entries are placed at the end of the list.
        /// When we reach <see cref="CacheSize"/> we will start removing from the front.  Items in the middle that are
        /// used again are placed at the end of the list.
        /// </summary>
        private readonly LinkedList<SpanAndClassifiedSpans> _lruList = [];
        /// <summary>
        /// Mapping from span to the corresponding linked list node in <see cref="_lruList"/>.  Allows us to quickly
        /// lookup the cached classifications for a given span, as well as get directly to the linked list node, so we
        /// can manipulate it easily. For example, removing it from its current location (in O(1) time) and adding it to
        /// the end (also O(1)).
        /// </summary>
        private readonly Dictionary<Span, LinkedListNode<SpanAndClassifiedSpans>> _spanToLruNode = [];
        private void ClearOnMajorChange(
            DocumentId documentId,
            ParseOptions? parseOptions,
            ITextSnapshot snapshot)
            if (_documentId != documentId ||
                _parseOptions != parseOptions ||
                _snapshot != snapshot)
                // Return all the classified span lists we allocated back to the pool.
                foreach (var spanAndClassifiedSpans in _lruList)
                    s_classifiedSpanListPool.ClearAndFree(spanAndClassifiedSpans.ClassifiedSpans, trim: false);
                _documentId = documentId;
                _parseOptions = parseOptions;
                _snapshot = snapshot;
        public bool TryUseCache(
            DocumentId documentId,
            ParseOptions? parseOptions,
            SnapshotSpan snapshotSpan,
            SegmentedList<ClassifiedSpan> classifications)
            ClearOnMajorChange(documentId, parseOptions, snapshotSpan.Snapshot);
            if (!_spanToLruNode.TryGetValue(snapshotSpan.Span, out var node))
                return false;
            // Move this node to the end of the LRU list.
            // AddRange is optimized to take a SegmentedList and copy directly from it into the result list.
            return true;
        public void Update(SnapshotSpan snapshotSpan, SegmentedList<ClassifiedSpan> newClassifications)
            if (newClassifications.Count > MaxClassificationsCount)
            var span = snapshotSpan.Span;
            if (_spanToLruNode.ContainsKey(span))
                Debug.Fail("This should not be possible.  Caller would have seen this item when calling TryUseCache");
            var node = GetOrCreateLruNode(span);
            node.Value = node.Value with { Span = span };
            // AddRange is optimized to take a SegmentedList and copy directly from it into the result list.
            _spanToLruNode.Add(span, node);
            Contract.ThrowIfTrue(_lruList.Count > CacheSize);
            Contract.ThrowIfTrue(_lruList.Count != _spanToLruNode.Count);
        private LinkedListNode<SpanAndClassifiedSpans> GetOrCreateLruNode(Span span)
            if (_lruList.Count < CacheSize)
                // We're not at capacity.  Create a new node to go at the end of the LRU list.
                return new LinkedListNode<SpanAndClassifiedSpans>(new SpanAndClassifiedSpans(span, s_classifiedSpanListPool.Allocate()));
                // we're at capacity.  Remove the oldest entry from the linked list.  We'll use that as the node to add
                // to the end of the LRU (replacing its contents with the new span/classified spans in the caller).
                var firstNode = _lruList.First;
                // Now, remove the entry from the map as well.
                Debug.Assert(_spanToLruNode[firstNode.Value.Span] == firstNode);
                return firstNode;