File: Suggestions\SuggestedActionsSource_Async.cs
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Project: src\src\EditorFeatures\Core.Wpf\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.EditorFeatures.Wpf_giafd5gd_wpftmp.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.EditorFeatures.Wpf)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeActions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Shared;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Shared.Extensions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Shared.Options;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Host;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Internal.Log;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Remote;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Telemetry;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text.Shared.Extensions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.UnifiedSuggestions;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Language.Intellisense;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Implementation.Suggestions
    internal partial class SuggestedActionsSourceProvider
        private partial class SuggestedActionsSource : IAsyncSuggestedActionsSource
            public async Task GetSuggestedActionsAsync(
                ISuggestedActionCategorySet requestedActionCategories,
                SnapshotSpan range,
                ImmutableArray<ISuggestedActionSetCollector> collectors,
                CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                // We should only be called with the orderings we exported in order from highest pri to lowest pri.
                Contract.ThrowIfFalse(Orderings.SequenceEqual(collectors.SelectAsArray(c => c.Priority)));
                using var _ = ArrayBuilder<ISuggestedActionSetCollector>.GetInstance(out var completedCollectors);
                    await GetSuggestedActionsWorkerAsync(
                        requestedActionCategories, range, collectors, completedCollectors, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    // Always ensure that all the collectors are marked as complete so we don't hang the UI.
                    foreach (var collector in collectors)
                        if (!completedCollectors.Contains(collector))
            private async Task GetSuggestedActionsWorkerAsync(
                ISuggestedActionCategorySet requestedActionCategories,
                SnapshotSpan range,
                ImmutableArray<ISuggestedActionSetCollector> collectors,
                ArrayBuilder<ISuggestedActionSetCollector> completedCollectors,
                CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                using var state = _state.TryAddReference();
                if (state is null)
                var workspace = state.Target.Workspace;
                if (workspace is null)
                var selection = TryGetCodeRefactoringSelection(state, range);
                await workspace.Services.GetRequiredService<IWorkspaceStatusService>().WaitUntilFullyLoadedAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
                using (Logger.LogBlock(FunctionId.SuggestedActions_GetSuggestedActionsAsync, cancellationToken))
                    var document = range.Snapshot.GetOpenTextDocumentInCurrentContextWithChanges();
                    if (document is null)
                    // Create a single keep-alive session as we process each lightbulb priority group.  We want to
                    // ensure that all calls to OOP will reuse the same solution-snapshot on the oop side (including
                    // reusing all the same computed compilations that may have been computed on that side.  This is
                    // especially important as we are sending disparate requests for diagnostics, and we do not want the
                    // individual diagnostic requests to redo all the work to run source generators, create skeletons,
                    // etc.
                    using var _1 = await RemoteKeepAliveSession.CreateAsync(document.Project.Solution, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    // Keep track of how many actions we've put in the lightbulb at each priority level.  We do
                    // this as each priority level will both sort and inline actions.  However, we don't want to
                    // inline actions at each priority if it's going to make the total number of actions too high.
                    // This does mean we might inline actions from a higher priority group, and then disable 
                    // inlining for lower pri groups.  However, intuitively, that is what we want.  More important
                    // items should be pushed higher up, and less important items shouldn't take up that much space.
                    var currentActionCount = 0;
                    using var _ = PooledDictionary<CodeActionRequestPriority, ArrayBuilder<SuggestedActionSet>>.GetInstance(out var pendingActionSets);
                        // Keep track of the diagnostic analyzers that have been deprioritized across calls to the
                        // diagnostic engine.  We'll run them once we get around to the low-priority bucket.  We want to
                        // keep track of this *across* calls to each priority. So we create this set outside of the loop and
                        // then pass it continuously from one priority group to the next.
                        var lowPriorityAnalyzerData = new SuggestedActionPriorityProvider.LowPriorityAnalyzersAndDiagnosticIds();
                        using var _2 = TelemetryLogging.LogBlockTimeAggregatedHistogram(FunctionId.SuggestedAction_Summary, $"Total");
                        // Collectors are in priority order.  So just walk them from highest to lowest.
                        foreach (var collector in collectors)
                            if (TryGetPriority(collector.Priority) is CodeActionRequestPriority priority)
                                using var _3 = TelemetryLogging.LogBlockTimeAggregatedHistogram(FunctionId.SuggestedAction_Summary, $"Total.Pri{(int)priority}");
                                var allSets = GetCodeFixesAndRefactoringsAsync(
                                    state, requestedActionCategories, document,
                                    range, selection,
                                    new SuggestedActionPriorityProvider(priority, lowPriorityAnalyzerData),
                                    currentActionCount, cancellationToken).WithCancellation(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
                                await foreach (var set in allSets)
                                    // Determine the corresponding lightbulb priority class corresponding to the priority
                                    // group the set says it wants to be in.
                                    var actualSetPriority = set.Priority switch
                                        SuggestedActionSetPriority.None => CodeActionRequestPriority.Lowest,
                                        SuggestedActionSetPriority.Low => CodeActionRequestPriority.Low,
                                        SuggestedActionSetPriority.Medium => CodeActionRequestPriority.Default,
                                        SuggestedActionSetPriority.High => CodeActionRequestPriority.High,
                                        _ => throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(set.Priority),
                                    // if the actual priority class is lower than the one we're currently in, then hold onto
                                    // this set for later, and place it in that priority group once we get there.
                                    if (actualSetPriority < priority)
                                        var builder = pendingActionSets.GetOrAdd(actualSetPriority, _ => ArrayBuilder<SuggestedActionSet>.GetInstance());
                                        currentActionCount += set.Actions.Count();
                                // We're finishing up with a particular priority group, and we're about to go to a priority
                                // group one lower than what we have (hence `priority - 1`).  Take any pending items in the
                                // group we're *about* to go into and add them at the end of this group.
                                // For example, if we're in the high group, and we have an pending items in the normal
                                // bucket, then add them at the end of the high group.  The reason for this is that we
                                // already have computed the items and we don't want to force them to have to wait for all
                                // the processing in their own group to show up.  i.e. imagine if we added at the start of
                                // the next group.  They'd be in the same location in the lightbulb as when we add at the
                                // end of the current group, but they'd show up only when that group totally finished,
                                // instead of right now.
                                // This is critical given that the lower pri groups are often much lower (which is why they
                                // they choose to be in that class).  We don't want a fast item computed by a higher pri
                                // provider to still have to wait on those slow items.
                                if (pendingActionSets.TryGetValue(priority - 1, out var setBuilder))
                                    foreach (var set in setBuilder)
                                        currentActionCount += set.Actions.Count();
                            // Ensure we always complete the collector even if we didn't add any items to it.
                            // This ensures that we unblock the UI from displaying all the results for that
                            // priority class.
                        foreach (var (_, builder) in pendingActionSets)
            private async IAsyncEnumerable<SuggestedActionSet> GetCodeFixesAndRefactoringsAsync(
                ReferenceCountedDisposable<State> state,
                ISuggestedActionCategorySet requestedActionCategories,
                TextDocument document,
                SnapshotSpan range,
                TextSpan? selection,
                ICodeActionRequestPriorityProvider priorityProvider,
                int currentActionCount,
                [EnumeratorCancellation] CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                var target = state.Target;
                var owner = target.Owner;
                var subjectBuffer = target.SubjectBuffer;
                var workspace = document.Project.Solution.Workspace;
                var supportsFeatureService = workspace.Services.GetRequiredService<ITextBufferSupportsFeatureService>();
                var fixesTask = GetCodeFixesAsync();
                var refactoringsTask = GetRefactoringsAsync();
                await Task.WhenAll(fixesTask, refactoringsTask).ConfigureAwait(false);
                var fixes = await fixesTask.ConfigureAwait(false);
                var refactorings = await refactoringsTask.ConfigureAwait(false);
                var filteredSets = UnifiedSuggestedActionsSource.FilterAndOrderActionSets(fixes, refactorings, selection, currentActionCount);
                var convertedSets = filteredSets.Select(s => ConvertToSuggestedActionSet(s, document)).WhereNotNull().ToImmutableArray();
                foreach (var set in convertedSets)
                    yield return set;
                yield break;
                async Task<ImmutableArray<UnifiedSuggestedActionSet>> GetCodeFixesAsync()
                    using var _ = TelemetryLogging.LogBlockTimeAggregatedHistogram(FunctionId.SuggestedAction_Summary, $"Total.Pri{priorityProvider.Priority.GetPriorityInt()}.{nameof(GetCodeFixesAsync)}");
                    if (owner._codeFixService == null ||
                        !supportsFeatureService.SupportsCodeFixes(target.SubjectBuffer) ||
                        return [];
                    return await UnifiedSuggestedActionsSource.GetFilterAndOrderCodeFixesAsync(
                        workspace, owner._codeFixService, document, range.Span.ToTextSpan(),
                        priorityProvider, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
                async Task<ImmutableArray<UnifiedSuggestedActionSet>> GetRefactoringsAsync()
                    using var _ = TelemetryLogging.LogBlockTimeAggregatedHistogram(FunctionId.SuggestedAction_Summary, $"Total.Pri{priorityProvider.Priority.GetPriorityInt()}.{nameof(GetRefactoringsAsync)}");
                    if (!selection.HasValue)
                        // this is here to fail test and see why it is failed.
                        Trace.WriteLine("given range is not current");
                        return [];
                    if (!this.GlobalOptions.GetOption(EditorComponentOnOffOptions.CodeRefactorings) ||
                        owner._codeRefactoringService == null ||
                        return [];
                    // 'CodeActionRequestPriority.Lowest' is reserved for suppression/configuration code fixes.
                    // No code refactoring should have this request priority.
                    if (priorityProvider.Priority == CodeActionRequestPriority.Lowest)
                        return [];
                    // If we are computing refactorings outside the 'Refactoring' context, i.e. for example, from the lightbulb under a squiggle or selection,
                    // then we want to filter out refactorings outside the selection span.
                    var filterOutsideSelection = !requestedActionCategories.Contains(PredefinedSuggestedActionCategoryNames.Refactoring);
                    return await UnifiedSuggestedActionsSource.GetFilterAndOrderCodeRefactoringsAsync(
                        workspace, owner._codeRefactoringService, document, selection.Value, priorityProvider.Priority,
                        filterOutsideSelection, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
                [return: NotNullIfNotNull(nameof(unifiedSuggestedActionSet))]
                SuggestedActionSet? ConvertToSuggestedActionSet(UnifiedSuggestedActionSet? unifiedSuggestedActionSet, TextDocument originalDocument)
                    // May be null in cases involving CodeFixSuggestedActions since FixAllFlavors may be null.
                    if (unifiedSuggestedActionSet == null)
                        return null;
                    var originalSolution = unifiedSuggestedActionSet.OriginalSolution;
                    return new SuggestedActionSet(
                        unifiedSuggestedActionSet.Actions.SelectAsArray(set => ConvertToSuggestedAction(set)),
                    ISuggestedAction ConvertToSuggestedAction(IUnifiedSuggestedAction unifiedSuggestedAction)
                        => unifiedSuggestedAction switch
                            UnifiedCodeFixSuggestedAction codeFixAction => new CodeFixSuggestedAction(
                                _threadingContext, owner, codeFixAction.Workspace, originalDocument, subjectBuffer,
                                codeFixAction.CodeFix, codeFixAction.Provider, codeFixAction.OriginalCodeAction,
                                ConvertToSuggestedActionSet(codeFixAction.FixAllFlavors, originalDocument)),
                            UnifiedCodeRefactoringSuggestedAction codeRefactoringAction => new CodeRefactoringSuggestedAction(
                                _threadingContext, owner, codeRefactoringAction.Workspace, originalDocument, subjectBuffer,
                                codeRefactoringAction.CodeRefactoringProvider, codeRefactoringAction.OriginalCodeAction,
                                ConvertToSuggestedActionSet(codeRefactoringAction.FixAllFlavors, originalDocument)),
                            UnifiedFixAllCodeFixSuggestedAction fixAllAction => new FixAllCodeFixSuggestedAction(
                                _threadingContext, owner, fixAllAction.Workspace, originalSolution, subjectBuffer,
                                fixAllAction.FixAllState, fixAllAction.Diagnostic, fixAllAction.OriginalCodeAction),
                            UnifiedFixAllCodeRefactoringSuggestedAction fixAllCodeRefactoringAction => new FixAllCodeRefactoringSuggestedAction(
                                _threadingContext, owner, fixAllCodeRefactoringAction.Workspace, originalSolution, subjectBuffer,
                                fixAllCodeRefactoringAction.FixAllState, fixAllCodeRefactoringAction.OriginalCodeAction),
                            UnifiedSuggestedActionWithNestedActions nestedAction => new SuggestedActionWithNestedActions(
                                _threadingContext, owner, nestedAction.Workspace, originalSolution, subjectBuffer,
                                nestedAction.Provider ?? this, nestedAction.OriginalCodeAction,
                                nestedAction.NestedActionSets.SelectAsArray(s => ConvertToSuggestedActionSet(s, originalDocument))),
                            _ => throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable()
                static SuggestedActionSetPriority ConvertToSuggestedActionSetPriority(CodeActionPriority priority)
                    => priority switch
                        CodeActionPriority.Lowest => SuggestedActionSetPriority.None,
                        CodeActionPriority.Low => SuggestedActionSetPriority.Low,
                        CodeActionPriority.Default => SuggestedActionSetPriority.Medium,
                        CodeActionPriority.High => SuggestedActionSetPriority.High,
                        _ => throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable(),