// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Editor;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Formatting;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.StringIndentation
internal partial class StringIndentationAdornmentManager
/// <summary>
/// Represents the X position of the vertical line we're drawing, and the chunks of that vertical line if we
/// need to break it up (for example if we need to jump past interpolation holes).
/// Forked from https://devdiv.visualstudio.com/DevDiv/_git/VS-Platform?path=/src/Editor/Text/Impl/Structure/VisibleBlock.cs
/// </summary>
private readonly struct VisibleBlock
public readonly double X;
public readonly ImmutableArray<(double start, double end)> YSegments;
private VisibleBlock(double x, ImmutableArray<(double start, double end)> ySegments)
X = x;
YSegments = ySegments;
public static VisibleBlock? CreateVisibleBlock(
SnapshotSpan span, ImmutableArray<SnapshotSpan> orderedHoleSpans, IWpfTextView view)
// This method assumes that we've already been mapped to the view's snapshot.
Debug.Assert(span.Snapshot == view.TextSnapshot);
// While editing (for example, deleting all the whitespace before the final quotes) the indentation line
// may move to the 0 column (temporarily until we compute the updated tags and realize this tag needs to
// go). Don't try to draw the line here as moving the line back by one will place it at the end of the
// previous line (which will cause a very distracting visual glitch).
if (span.End.GetContainingLine().Start == span.End)
return null;
// This position could actually be 0 if the entire doc is deleted
// and we haven't recomputed the updated tags yet. So be resilient
// for the position being out of bounds.
if (span.End == 0)
return null;
// We want to draw the line right before the quote character. So -1 to get that character's position.
// If we position the adornment right at the end of that character it will visually merge with the
// text, so we want to back it off a little bit to the left. Half of a virtual space is gonna do the trick.
// It is important to keep this value independent of what space character is used to avoid visual bugs
// like https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/64230
var bufferPosition = span.End - 1;
var anchorPointLine = view.GetTextViewLineContainingBufferPosition(bufferPosition);
var bounds = anchorPointLine.GetCharacterBounds(bufferPosition);
var x = Math.Floor(bounds.Right - (anchorPointLine.VirtualSpaceWidth / 2));
var firstLine = view.TextViewLines.FirstVisibleLine;
var lastLine = view.TextViewLines.LastVisibleLine;
// Bug #557472: When performing a layout while scrolling downwards, the editor can occasionally
// invalidate spans that are not visible. When we ask for the start and end point for adornments,
// if the TextViewLinesCollection doesn't contain the start or end point of the GuideLineSpan, we
// usually assume that it's the top of the first visible line, or the bottom of the last visible
// line, respectively. If the editor invalidates an invisible span, this can result in an erroneous
// top to bottom adornment.
var guideLineSpanStart = span.Start;
var guideLineSpanEnd = span.End;
if ((guideLineSpanStart > lastLine.End) ||
(guideLineSpanEnd < firstLine.Start))
return null;
var guideLineTopLine = view.TextViewLines.GetTextViewLineContainingBufferPosition(guideLineSpanStart);
var guideLineBottomLine = view.TextViewLines.GetTextViewLineContainingBufferPosition(guideLineSpanEnd);
// This is slightly subtle. First, the line might start on a line that is above/below what the actual
// view is displaying. In that case we want to draw up to the boundary of the view to make it look like
// the line is correctly going past that to wherever it starts/ends at.
// Second, the span we are working with actually includes the lines containing the delimiters of the
// string literal (since those are the only lines we're certain we have content we can snap the line
// to). But we don't want the vertical line to actually be drawn into those lines. So if those lines
// are visible, we draw at the interior border of them so that the vertical-line does not intrude into
// them.
var yTop = guideLineTopLine == null ? firstLine.Top : guideLineTopLine.Bottom;
var yBottom = guideLineBottomLine == null ? lastLine.Bottom : guideLineBottomLine.Top;
// Now that we have the 'x' coordinate of hte vertical line, and the top/bottom points we want to draw
// it through, actually create line segments to draw. We have segments in case there are gaps in the
// line we don't want to draw (for example, for a hole).
return new VisibleBlock(x, CreateVisibleSegments(view.TextViewLines, span, orderedHoleSpans, x, yTop, yBottom));
/// <summary>
/// Given the horizontal position <paramref name="x"/> and the <paramref name="extent"/> to draw the
/// vertical line through, create a set of vertical chunks to actually draw. Multiple chunks happen when we
/// have interpolation holes we have to skip over.
/// </summary>
private static ImmutableArray<(double start, double end)> CreateVisibleSegments(
ITextViewLineCollection linesCollection,
SnapshotSpan extent,
ImmutableArray<SnapshotSpan> orderedHoleSpans,
double x,
double yTop,
double yBottom)
using var _ = ArrayBuilder<(double start, double end)>.GetInstance(out var segments);
// MinLineHeight must always be larger than ContinuationPadding so that no segments
// are created for vertical spans between lines.
const double MinLineHeight = 2.1;
const double ContinuationPadding = 2.0;
// Find the lines in Block's extent that are currently visible.
// TODO: can we eliminate or reuse the allocation for this list?
var visibleSpanTextViewLinesCollection = linesCollection.GetTextViewLinesIntersectingSpan(extent);
var currentSegmentTop = yTop;
var currentSegmentBottom = 0.0;
// Iterate the visible lines of the Block's extent.
for (var i = 0; i < visibleSpanTextViewLinesCollection.Count; i++)
var line = visibleSpanTextViewLinesCollection[i];
var intersectingCharSnapshotPoint = line.GetBufferPositionFromXCoordinate(x);
// Three main cases for IntersectsNonWhitespaceChar:
// A) SV intersects a non-whitespace character. In this case we terminate
// the current segment and start the next segment at the top of the following
// line so that the segment does not intersect with text.
// B) Current line is the last visible line and is not a non-whitespace character
// so we terminate the current segment at the bottom of the last visible line
// to ensure that lines with an end-point that is not visible are still drawn.
// C) Line is not last line and does not have non-whitespace intersecting the SV
// so we continue the current segment.
// Also, if the line would go through an interpolation hole we want to skip it as well.
if (IntersectsNonWhitespaceChar(intersectingCharSnapshotPoint) || IsInHole(orderedHoleSpans, line))
currentSegmentBottom = line.Top;
// Only add the structure visualizer adornment line segment if it spans at least
// a few pixels in height so we don't have artifacts between lines of intersecting
// text.
if ((currentSegmentBottom - currentSegmentTop) >= MinLineHeight)
segments.Add((currentSegmentTop, currentSegmentBottom));
currentSegmentTop = line.Bottom + ContinuationPadding;
// Due to mapping between versions of the Snapshots, visibleSpanTextViewLinesCollection
// may include more lines than are actually in the block, so end at yBottom.
currentSegmentBottom = yBottom;
// Only add the structure visualizer adornment line segment if it spans at least
// an entire line in height so we don't have 1 to 3 pixel artifacts between lines
// of intersecting text.
if ((currentSegmentBottom - currentSegmentTop) >= MinLineHeight)
segments.Add((currentSegmentTop, currentSegmentBottom));
return segments.ToImmutableAndClear();
private static bool IsInHole(ImmutableArray<SnapshotSpan> orderedHoleSpans, ITextViewLine line)
=> orderedHoleSpans.BinarySearch(
(ss, pos) => pos < ss.Start ? 1 : ss.Span.Contains(pos) ? 0 : -1) >= 0;
private static bool IntersectsNonWhitespaceChar(SnapshotPoint? intersectingCharSnapshotPoint)
=> intersectingCharSnapshotPoint != null &&