File: SignatureHelp\Presentation\SignatureHelpPresenter.SignatureHelpPresenterSession.cs
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Project: src\src\EditorFeatures\Core.Wpf\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.EditorFeatures.Wpf_rpaqa5uw_wpftmp.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.EditorFeatures.Wpf)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#nullable disable
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Shared.Extensions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Shared.Utilities;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.SignatureHelp;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Language.Intellisense;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Editor;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Implementation.IntelliSense.SignatureHelp.Presentation
    internal partial class SignatureHelpPresenter
        private sealed class SignatureHelpPresenterSession(
            IThreadingContext threadingContext,
            ISignatureHelpBroker sigHelpBroker,
            ITextView textView) : ISignatureHelpPresenterSession
            private readonly IThreadingContext _threadingContext = threadingContext;
            private readonly ISignatureHelpBroker _sigHelpBroker = sigHelpBroker;
            private readonly ITextView _textView = textView;
            public event EventHandler<EventArgs> Dismissed;
            public event EventHandler<SignatureHelpItemEventArgs> ItemSelected;
            private IBidirectionalMap<SignatureHelpItem, Signature> _signatureMap;
            private IList<SignatureHelpItem> _signatureHelpItems;
            private SignatureHelpItem _selectedItem;
            private ISignatureHelpSession _editorSessionOpt;
            private bool _ignoreSelectionStatusChangedEvent;
            public bool EditorSessionIsActive => _editorSessionOpt?.IsDismissed == false;
            public void PresentItems(
                ITrackingSpan triggerSpan,
                IList<SignatureHelpItem> signatureHelpItems,
                SignatureHelpItem selectedItem,
                int? selectedParameter)
                _signatureHelpItems = signatureHelpItems;
                _selectedItem = selectedItem;
                // Create all the editor signatures for the sig help items we have.
                this.CreateSignatures(triggerSpan, selectedParameter);
                // It's a new list of items.  Either create the editor session if this is the
                // first time, or ask the editor session that we already have to recalculate.
                if (_editorSessionOpt == null)
                    // We're tracking the caret.  Don't have the editor do it. 
                    _editorSessionOpt = _sigHelpBroker.CreateSignatureHelpSession(
                        trackCaret: false);
                    if (_textView is IDebuggerTextView2 debugTextView && !debugTextView.IsImmediateWindow)
                    _editorSessionOpt.Dismissed += (s, e) => OnEditorSessionDismissed();
                    _editorSessionOpt.SelectedSignatureChanged += OnSelectedSignatureChanged;
                // So here's the deal.  We cannot create the editor session and give it the right
                // signatures (even though we know what they are).  Instead, the session with
                // call back into the ISignatureHelpSourceProvider (which is us) to get those
                // values. It will pass itself along with the calls back into
                // ISignatureHelpSourceProvider. So, in order to make that connection work, we
                // add properties to the session so that we can call back into ourselves, get
                // the signatures and add it to the session.
                if (!_editorSessionOpt.Properties.ContainsProperty(s_augmentSessionKey))
                    _editorSessionOpt.Properties.AddProperty(s_augmentSessionKey, this);
                    // Don't want to get any callbacks while we do this.
                    _ignoreSelectionStatusChangedEvent = true;
                    // Now let the editor know what the currently selected item is.
                    var defaultValue = _signatureMap.GetValueOrDefault(_selectedItem);
                    if (_editorSessionOpt != null)
                        _editorSessionOpt.SelectedSignature = defaultValue;
                    _ignoreSelectionStatusChangedEvent = false;
            private void CreateSignatures(
                ITrackingSpan triggerSpan,
                int? selectedParameter)
                _signatureMap = BidirectionalMap<SignatureHelpItem, Signature>.Empty;
                foreach (var item in _signatureHelpItems)
                    _signatureMap = _signatureMap.Add(item, new Signature(triggerSpan, item, GetParameterIndexForItem(item, selectedParameter)));
            private static int GetParameterIndexForItem(SignatureHelpItem item, int? selectedParameter)
                if (selectedParameter.HasValue)
                    if (selectedParameter.Value < item.Parameters.Length)
                        // If the selected parameter is within the range of parameters of this item then set
                        // that as the current parameter.
                        return selectedParameter.Value;
                    else if (item.IsVariadic)
                        // It wasn't in range, but the item takes an unlimited number of parameters.  So
                        // just set current parameter to the last parameter (the variadic one).
                        return item.Parameters.Length - 1;
                // It was out of bounds, there is no current parameter now.
                return -1;
            private void OnEditorSessionDismissed()
                this.Dismissed?.Invoke(this, new EventArgs());
            private void OnSelectedSignatureChanged(object sender, SelectedSignatureChangedEventArgs eventArgs)
                if (_ignoreSelectionStatusChangedEvent)
                Contract.ThrowIfFalse(_signatureMap.TryGetKey((Signature)eventArgs.NewSelectedSignature, out var helpItem));
                var helpItemSelected = this.ItemSelected;
                if (helpItemSelected != null && helpItem != null)
                    helpItemSelected(this, new SignatureHelpItemEventArgs(helpItem));
            public void Dismiss()
                if (_editorSessionOpt == null)
                    // No editor session, nothing to do here.
                _editorSessionOpt = null;
            private bool ExecuteKeyboardCommand(IntellisenseKeyboardCommand command)
                var target = _editorSessionOpt != null
                    ? _editorSessionOpt.Presenter as IIntellisenseCommandTarget
                    : null;
                return target != null && target.ExecuteKeyboardCommand(command);
            public void SelectPreviousItem()
                => ExecuteKeyboardCommand(IntellisenseKeyboardCommand.Up);
            public void SelectNextItem()
                => ExecuteKeyboardCommand(IntellisenseKeyboardCommand.Down);
            // Call backs from our ISignatureHelpSourceProvider.  Used to actually populate the vs
            // session.
            internal void AugmentSignatureHelpSession(IList<ISignature> signatures)