// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#nullable disable
using System;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Shared.Extensions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.SignatureHelp;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Commanding;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Editor.Commanding.Commands;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Implementation.IntelliSense.SignatureHelp
internal partial class Controller
CommandState IChainedCommandHandler<TypeCharCommandArgs>.GetCommandState(TypeCharCommandArgs args, Func<CommandState> nextHandler)
// We just defer to the editor here. We do not interfere with typing normal characters.
return nextHandler();
void IChainedCommandHandler<TypeCharCommandArgs>.ExecuteCommand(TypeCharCommandArgs args, Action nextHandler, CommandExecutionContext context)
var allProviders = GetProviders();
if (allProviders == null)
// Note: while we're doing this, we don't want to hear about buffer changes (since we
// know they're going to happen). So we disconnect and reconnect to the event
// afterwards. That way we can hear about changes to the buffer that don't happen
// through us.
this.TextView.TextBuffer.PostChanged -= OnTextViewBufferPostChanged;
this.TextView.TextBuffer.PostChanged += OnTextViewBufferPostChanged;
// We only want to process typechar if it is a normal typechar and no one else is
// involved. i.e. if there was a typechar, but someone processed it and moved the caret
// somewhere else then we don't want signature help. Also, if a character was typed but
// something intercepted and placed different text into the editor, then we don't want
// to proceed.
// Note: we do not want to pass along a text version here. It is expected that multiple
// version changes may happen when we call 'nextHandler' and we will still want to
// proceed. For example, if the user types "WriteL(", then that will involve two text
// changes as completion commits that out to "WriteLine(". But we still want to provide
// sig help in this case.
if (this.TextView.TypeCharWasHandledStrangely(this.SubjectBuffer, args.TypedChar))
// If we were computing anything, we stop. We only want to process a typechar
// if it was a normal character.
// Separate the sig help providers into two buckets; one bucket for those that were triggered
// by the typed character, and those that weren't. To keep our queries to a minimum, we first
// check with the textually triggered providers. If none of those produced any sig help items
// then we query the other providers to see if they can produce anything viable. This takes
// care of cases where the filtered set of providers didn't provide anything but one of the
// other providers could still be valid, but doesn't explicitly treat the typed character as
// a trigger character.
var (textuallyTriggeredProviders, untriggeredProviders) = FilterProviders(allProviders, args.TypedChar);
var triggerInfo = new SignatureHelpTriggerInfo(SignatureHelpTriggerReason.TypeCharCommand, args.TypedChar);
if (!IsSessionActive)
// No computation at all. If this is not a trigger character, we just ignore it and
// stay in this state. Otherwise, if it's a trigger character, start up a new
// computation and start computing the model in the background.
if (textuallyTriggeredProviders.Any())
// First create the session that represents that we now have a potential
// signature help list. Then tell it to start computing.
StartSession(textuallyTriggeredProviders, triggerInfo);
// No need to do anything. Just stay in the state where we have no session.
var computed = false;
if (allProviders.Any(static (p, args) => p.IsRetriggerCharacter(args.TypedChar), args))
// The user typed a character that might close the scope of the current model.
// In this case, we should requery all providers.
// e.g. Math.Max(Math.Min(1,2)$$
sessionOpt.ComputeModel(allProviders, new SignatureHelpTriggerInfo(SignatureHelpTriggerReason.RetriggerCommand, triggerInfo.TriggerCharacter));
computed = true;
if (textuallyTriggeredProviders.Any())
// The character typed was something like "(". It can both filter a list if
// it was in a string like: Goo(bar, "(
// Or it can trigger a new list. Ask the computation to compute again.
textuallyTriggeredProviders.Concat(untriggeredProviders), triggerInfo);
computed = true;
if (!computed)
// A character was typed and we haven't updated our model; do so now.
sessionOpt.ComputeModel(allProviders, new SignatureHelpTriggerInfo(SignatureHelpTriggerReason.RetriggerCommand));
private (ImmutableArray<ISignatureHelpProvider> matched, ImmutableArray<ISignatureHelpProvider> unmatched) FilterProviders(
ImmutableArray<ISignatureHelpProvider> providers, char ch)
using var matchedProvidersDisposer = ArrayBuilder<ISignatureHelpProvider>.GetInstance(out var matchedProviders);
using var unmatchedProvidersDisposer = ArrayBuilder<ISignatureHelpProvider>.GetInstance(out var unmatchedProviders);
foreach (var provider in providers)
if (provider.IsTriggerCharacter(ch))
return (matchedProviders.ToImmutable(), unmatchedProviders.ToImmutable());