File: InlineRename\UI\Adornment\RenameFlyout.xaml.cs
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Project: src\src\EditorFeatures\Core.Wpf\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.EditorFeatures.Wpf_hvdhhxf2_wpftmp.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.EditorFeatures.Wpf)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Input;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Shared.Extensions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Shared.Utilities;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.InlineRename.UI.SmartRename;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.TestHooks;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Language.Intellisense;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Classification;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Editor;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Implementation.InlineRename
    /// <summary>
    /// Interaction logic for InlineRenameAdornment.xaml
    /// </summary>
    internal partial class RenameFlyout : InlineRenameAdornment
        private readonly RenameFlyoutViewModel _viewModel;
        private readonly IEditorFormatMap _editorFormatMap;
        private readonly IWpfTextView _textView;
        private readonly IWpfThemeService? _wpfThemeService;
        private readonly IAsyncQuickInfoBroker _asyncQuickInfoBroker;
        private readonly IAsynchronousOperationListener _listener;
        private readonly IThreadingContext _threadingContext;
        public RenameFlyout(
            RenameFlyoutViewModel viewModel,
            IWpfTextView textView,
            IWpfThemeService? themeService,
            IAsyncQuickInfoBroker asyncQuickInfoBroker,
            IEditorFormatMapService editorFormatMapService,
            IThreadingContext threadingContext,
            IAsynchronousOperationListenerProvider listenerProvider)
            DataContext = _viewModel = viewModel;
            _textView = textView;
            _asyncQuickInfoBroker = asyncQuickInfoBroker;
            _textView.LayoutChanged += TextView_LayoutChanged;
            _textView.ViewportHeightChanged += TextView_ViewPortChanged;
            _textView.ViewportWidthChanged += TextView_ViewPortChanged;
            _listener = listenerProvider.GetListener(FeatureAttribute.InlineRenameFlyout);
            _threadingContext = threadingContext;
            _wpfThemeService = themeService;
            RenameUserInput = _viewModel.SmartRenameViewModel is null ? new RenameUserInputTextBox(_viewModel) : new SmartRenameUserInputComboBox(_viewModel);
            // On load focus the first tab target
            Loaded += (s, e) =>
                // Wait until load to position adornment for space negotiation
                RenameUserInput.SelectText(_viewModel.StartingSelection.Start, _viewModel.StartingSelection.Length);
                RenameUserInput.TextSelectionChanged += RenameUserInput_TextSelectionChanged;
                RenameUserInput.GotFocus += RenameUserInput_GotFocus;
            RenameUserInputPresenter.Content = RenameUserInput;
            RenameUserInput.PreviewKeyDown += RenameUserInput_PreviewKeyDown;
            // If smart rename is available, insert the control after the identifier text box.
            if (viewModel.SmartRenameViewModel is not null)
                var smartRenameControl = new SmartRenameStatusControl(viewModel.SmartRenameViewModel);
                var index = MainPanel.Children.IndexOf(IdentifierAndExpandButtonGrid);
                MainPanel.Children.Insert(index + 1, smartRenameControl);
            _editorFormatMap = editorFormatMapService.GetEditorFormatMap("text");
            // Dismiss any current tooltips. Note that this does not disable tooltips
            // from showing up again, so if a user has the mouse unmoved another
            // tooltip will pop up.
            // tracks when we can handle this with IFeaturesService in VS
            var token = _listener.BeginAsyncOperation(nameof(DismissToolTipsAsync));
            _ = DismissToolTipsAsync().CompletesAsyncOperation(token);
        internal IRenameUserInput RenameUserInput { get; }
        private async Task DismissToolTipsAsync()
            var infoSession = _asyncQuickInfoBroker.GetSession(_textView);
            if (infoSession is null)
            await infoSession.DismissAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
#pragma warning disable CA1822 // Mark members as static - used in xaml
        public string RenameOverloads => EditorFeaturesResources.Include_overload_s;
        public string SearchInComments => EditorFeaturesResources.Include_comments;
        public string SearchInStrings => EditorFeaturesResources.Include_strings;
        public string ApplyRename => EditorFeaturesResources.Apply1;
        public string CancelRename => EditorFeaturesResources.Cancel;
        public string PreviewChanges => EditorFeaturesResources.Preview_changes1;
        public string SubmitText
            => _viewModel.SmartRenameViewModel is not null
            ? _viewModel.SmartRenameViewModel.SubmitTextOverride
            : EditorFeaturesWpfResources.Enter_to_rename_shift_enter_to_preview;
#pragma warning restore CA1822 // Mark members as static
        private void TextView_ViewPortChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            => PositionAdornment();
        private void TextView_LayoutChanged(object sender, TextViewLayoutChangedEventArgs e)
            // Since the textview will update for the buffer being updated, we only want to reposition
            // in cases where there was an actual view translation instead of EVERY time it updates. Otherwise
            // the user will see the flyout jumping as they type
            if (e.VerticalTranslation || e.HorizontalTranslation)
        private void PositionAdornment()
            var span = _viewModel.InitialTrackingSpan.GetSpan(_textView.TextSnapshot);
            var line = _textView.GetTextViewLineContainingBufferPosition(span.Start);
            var charBounds = line.GetCharacterBounds(span.Start);
            var height = DesiredSize.Height;
            var width = DesiredSize.Width;
            var desiredTop = charBounds.TextBottom + 5;
            var desiredLeft = charBounds.Left;
            var top = (desiredTop + height) > _textView.ViewportBottom
                ? _textView.ViewportBottom - height
                : desiredTop;
            var left = (desiredLeft + width) > _textView.ViewportRight
                ? _textView.ViewportRight - width
                : desiredLeft;
            Canvas.SetTop(this, top);
            Canvas.SetLeft(this, left);
        public override void Dispose()
            _textView.LayoutChanged -= TextView_LayoutChanged;
            _textView.ViewportHeightChanged -= TextView_ViewPortChanged;
            _textView.ViewportWidthChanged -= TextView_ViewPortChanged;
            // Restore focus back to the textview
        private void Submit_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        private void Adornment_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
            switch (e.Key)
                case Key.Enter:
                    e.Handled = true;
                    _viewModel.PreviewChangesFlag = Keyboard.Modifiers.HasFlag(ModifierKeys.Shift);
                case Key.Escape:
                    e.Handled = true;
                case Key.Tab:
                    // We don't want tab to lose focus for the adornment, so manually
                    // loop focus back to the first item that is focusable.
                    var lastItem = _viewModel.IsExpanded
                        ? FileRenameCheckbox
                        : (FrameworkElement)RenameUserInput;
                    if (lastItem.IsFocused)
                        e.Handled = true;
                        MoveFocus(new TraversalRequest(FocusNavigationDirection.First));
                case Key.Space:
                    if (Keyboard.Modifiers == ModifierKeys.Control)
                        // If smart rename is available, trigger or toggle it.
                        if (_viewModel.SmartRenameViewModel is not null)
                            e.Handled = true;
        private void Adornment_ConsumeMouseEvent(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            e.Handled = true;
        private void Adornment_GotKeyboardFocus(object sender, KeyboardFocusChangedEventArgs e)
            if (e.NewFocus != RenameUserInput)
                e.Handled = true;
        private void ToggleExpand(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            _viewModel.IsExpanded = !_viewModel.IsExpanded;
        private void RenameUserInput_GotFocus(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        /// <summary>
        /// Respond to selection/cursor changes in the textbox the user is editing by
        /// applying the same selection to the textview that initiated the command
        /// </summary>
        private void RenameUserInput_TextSelectionChanged(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // When user is editing the text or make selection change in the text box, sync the selection with text view
            if (!this.RenameUserInput.IsFocused)
            var start = RenameUserInput.TextSelectionStart;
            var length = RenameUserInput.TextSelectionLength;
            var buffer = _viewModel.InitialTrackingSpan.TextBuffer;
            var startPoint = _viewModel.InitialTrackingSpan.GetStartPoint(buffer.CurrentSnapshot);
            _textView.SetSelection(new SnapshotSpan(startPoint + start, length));
        private void RenameUserInput_PreviewKeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
            // When smart rename is available, allow the user choose the suggestions using the up/down keys.
            var smartRenameViewModel = _viewModel.SmartRenameViewModel;
            if (smartRenameViewModel is not null)
                var currentIdentifier = RenameUserInput.Text;
                if (e.Key is Key.Down or Key.Up)
                    var newIdentifier = smartRenameViewModel.ScrollSuggestions(currentIdentifier, down: e.Key == Key.Down);
                    if (newIdentifier is not null)
                        _viewModel.IdentifierText = newIdentifier;
                        // Place the cursor at the end of the input text box.
                        RenameUserInput.SelectText(newIdentifier.Length, 0);
                        e.Handled = true;