File: InlineDiagnostics\InlineDiagnosticsAdornmentManager.cs
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Project: src\src\EditorFeatures\Core.Wpf\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.EditorFeatures.Wpf_hvdhhxf2_wpftmp.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.EditorFeatures.Wpf)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Implementation.Adornments;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Shared.Utilities;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Options;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.TestHooks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Adornments;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Classification;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Editor;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Formatting;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Tagging;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.InlineDiagnostics
    internal class InlineDiagnosticsAdornmentManager : AbstractAdornmentManager<InlineDiagnosticsTag>
        private readonly IClassificationTypeRegistryService _classificationRegistryService;
        private readonly IClassificationFormatMap _formatMap;
        private readonly IGlobalOptionService _globalOptions;
        public InlineDiagnosticsAdornmentManager(
            IThreadingContext threadingContext,
            IWpfTextView textView,
            IViewTagAggregatorFactoryService tagAggregatorFactoryService,
            IAsynchronousOperationListener asyncListener,
            string adornmentLayerName,
            IClassificationFormatMapService classificationFormatMapService,
            IClassificationTypeRegistryService classificationTypeRegistryService,
            IGlobalOptionService globalOptions)
            : base(threadingContext, textView, tagAggregatorFactoryService, asyncListener, adornmentLayerName)
            _classificationRegistryService = classificationTypeRegistryService;
            _formatMap = classificationFormatMapService.GetClassificationFormatMap(textView);
            _formatMap.ClassificationFormatMappingChanged += OnClassificationFormatMappingChanged;
            _globalOptions = globalOptions;
            TextView.ViewportWidthChanged += TextView_ViewportWidthChanged;
        /// <summary>
        /// Need to remove the tags if they intersect with the editor view, but only if the option
        /// to place the tags at the end of the editor is selected.
        /// </summary>
        private void TextView_ViewportWidthChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // this method should only run on UI thread as we do WPF here.
            if (AdornmentLayer is null)
            var document = TextView.TextBuffer.AsTextContainer()?.GetOpenDocumentInCurrentContext();
            if (document is null)
            var option = _globalOptions.GetOption(InlineDiagnosticsOptionsStorage.Location, document.Project.Language);
            if (option == InlineDiagnosticsLocations.PlacedAtEndOfEditor)
                var normalizedCollectionSpan = new NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection(TextView.TextViewLines.FormattedSpan);
                UpdateSpans_CallOnlyOnUIThread(normalizedCollectionSpan, removeOldTags: true);
        private void OnClassificationFormatMappingChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // this method should only run on UI thread as we do WPF here.
            if (AdornmentLayer is not null)
                foreach (var element in AdornmentLayer.Elements)
                    var tag = (InlineDiagnosticsTag)element.Tag;
                    var classificationType = _classificationRegistryService.GetClassificationType(InlineDiagnosticsTag.GetClassificationId(tag.ErrorType));
                    var format = GetFormat(classificationType);
                    InlineDiagnosticsTag.UpdateColor(format, element.Adornment);
        private TextFormattingRunProperties GetFormat(IClassificationType classificationType)
            return _formatMap.GetTextProperties(classificationType);
        /// <summary>
        /// Iterates through the mapping of line number to span and draws the diagnostic in the appropriate position on the screen,
        /// as well as adding the tag to the adornment layer.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void AddAdornmentsToAdornmentLayer_CallOnlyOnUIThread(NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection changedSpanCollection)
            // this method should only run on UI thread as we do WPF here.
            if (changedSpanCollection.IsEmpty())
            var viewLines = TextView.TextViewLines;
            using var _ = PooledDictionary<IWpfTextViewLine, IMappingTagSpan<InlineDiagnosticsTag>>.GetInstance(out var map);
            // First loop iterates through the snap collection and determines if an inline diagnostic can be drawn.
            // Creates a mapping of the view line to the IMappingTagSpan with getting the first error that appears
            // on the line if there are multiple.
            foreach (var changedSpan in changedSpanCollection)
                if (!viewLines.IntersectsBufferSpan(changedSpan))
                var tagSpans = TagAggregator.GetTags(changedSpan);
                foreach (var tagMappingSpan in tagSpans)
                    if (!TryGetMappedPoint(changedSpan, tagMappingSpan, out var mappedPoint))
                    if (!TryGetViewLine(mappedPoint, out var viewLine))
                    if (!ShouldDrawTag(tagMappingSpan))
                    // If the line does not have an associated tagMappingSpan and changedSpan, then add the first one.
                    if (!map.TryGetValue(viewLine, out var value))
                        map.Add(viewLine, tagMappingSpan);
                    else if (value.Tag.ErrorType is not PredefinedErrorTypeNames.SyntaxError && tagMappingSpan.Tag.ErrorType is PredefinedErrorTypeNames.SyntaxError)
                        // Draw the first instance of an error, if what is stored in the map at a specific line is
                        // not an error, then replace it. Otherwise, just get the first warning on the line.
                        map[viewLine] = tagMappingSpan;
            // Second loop iterates through the map to go through and create the graphics that is being drawn
            // on the canvas as well adding the tag to the Inline Diagnostics adornment layer.
            foreach (var (lineView, tagMappingSpan) in map)
                var tag = tagMappingSpan.Tag;
                var classificationType = _classificationRegistryService.GetClassificationType(InlineDiagnosticsTag.GetClassificationId(tag.ErrorType));
                // Pass in null! because the geometry is unused for drawing anything for Inline Diagnostics
                var graphicsResult = tag.GetGraphics(TextView, unused: null!, GetFormat(classificationType));
                var visualElement = graphicsResult.VisualElement;
                // Only place the diagnostics if the diagnostic would not intersect with the editor window
                if (lineView.Right >= TextView.ViewportWidth - visualElement.DesiredSize.Width)
                // This is what places the diagnostic UI at the end of the line of code or at the end of the TextView window.
                    tag.Location == InlineDiagnosticsLocations.PlacedAtEndOfCode
                        ? Math.Max(lineView.Right, lineView.LineTransform.Right)
                        : tag.Location == InlineDiagnosticsLocations.PlacedAtEndOfEditor ? TextView.ViewportRight - visualElement.DesiredSize.Width
                        : throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(tag.Location));
                // This is what places the diagnostic UI at the correct line in the window.
                Canvas.SetTop(visualElement, lineView.Bottom - visualElement.DesiredSize.Height);
                // Need to add the lineView.Extent since the editor expects full lines when removing adornments.
                    behavior: AdornmentPositioningBehavior.TextRelative,
                    visualSpan: lineView.Extent,
                    tag: tag,
                    adornment: visualElement,
                    removedCallback: delegate { graphicsResult.Dispose(); });
        protected override void RemoveAdornmentFromAdornmentLayer_CallOnlyOnUIThread(SnapshotSpan span)
            var lineSpan = new SnapshotSpan(span.Start.GetContainingLine().Start, span.End.GetContainingLine().End);
            // No longer call RemoveAdornmentsByVisualSpan since it has its own intersection logic that interferes
            // with multiple blank lines.
            AdornmentLayer.RemoveMatchingAdornments(e =>
                if (!e.VisualSpan.HasValue)
                    return false;
                return e.VisualSpan.Value.IntersectsWith(lineSpan);