// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#nullable disable
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Collections;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Shared.Tagging;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Test.Utilities;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text.Shared.Extensions;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Tagging;
using Roslyn.Test.EditorUtilities;
using Xunit;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.UnitTests.Tagging;
public class TagSpanIntervalTreeTests
private static (TagSpanIntervalTree<ITextMarkerTag>, ITextBuffer) CreateTree(string text, params Span[] spans)
var exportProvider = EditorTestCompositions.Editor.ExportProviderFactory.CreateExportProvider();
var buffer = EditorFactory.CreateBuffer(exportProvider, text);
var tags = new SegmentedList<TagSpan<ITextMarkerTag>>(
spans.Select(s => new TagSpan<ITextMarkerTag>(new SnapshotSpan(buffer.CurrentSnapshot, s), new TextMarkerTag(string.Empty))));
return (new TagSpanIntervalTree<ITextMarkerTag>(buffer.CurrentSnapshot, SpanTrackingMode.EdgeInclusive, tags), buffer);
private static IReadOnlyList<TagSpan<TTag>> GetIntersectingSpans<TTag>(
TagSpanIntervalTree<TTag> tree, SnapshotSpan snapshotSpan)
where TTag : ITag
var result = new SegmentedList<TagSpan<TTag>>();
tree.AddIntersectingTagSpans(snapshotSpan, result);
return result;
public void TestEmptyTree()
var (tree, buffer) = CreateTree(string.Empty);
Assert.Empty(GetIntersectingSpans(tree, buffer.CurrentSnapshot.GetFullSpan()));
public void TestSingleSpan()
var (tree, buffer) = CreateTree("Hello, World", new Span(0, 5));
Assert.Equal(new Span(0, 5), GetIntersectingSpans(tree, buffer.CurrentSnapshot.GetFullSpan()).Single().Span);
public void TestSingleIntersectingSpanAtStartWithEdit()
var (tree, buffer) = CreateTree("Hello, World", new Span(7, 5));
buffer.Insert(0, new string('c', 100));
// The span should start at 107
var spans = GetIntersectingSpans(tree, new SnapshotSpan(buffer.CurrentSnapshot, 107, 0));
Assert.Equal(new Span(107, 5), spans.Single().Span);
public void TestSingleIntersectingSpanAtEndWithEdit()
var (tree, buffer) = CreateTree("Hello, World", new Span(7, 5));
buffer.Insert(0, new string('c', 100));
// The span should end at 112
var spans = GetIntersectingSpans(tree, new SnapshotSpan(buffer.CurrentSnapshot, 112, 0));
Assert.Equal(new Span(107, 5), spans.Single().Span);
public void TestManySpansWithEdit()
// Create a buffer with the second half of the buffer covered with spans
var (tree, buffer) = CreateTree(new string('c', 100), [.. Enumerable.Range(50, count: 50).Select(s => new Span(s, 1))]);
buffer.Insert(0, new string('c', 100));
// We should have 50 spans if we start looking at just the end
Assert.Equal(50, GetIntersectingSpans(tree, new SnapshotSpan(buffer.CurrentSnapshot, 150, 50)).Count);
// And we should have 26 here. We directly cover 25 spans, and we touch one more
Assert.Equal(26, GetIntersectingSpans(tree, new SnapshotSpan(buffer.CurrentSnapshot, 175, 25)).Count);
public void TestManySpansWithEdit2()
// Cover the full buffer with spans
var (tree, buffer) = CreateTree(new string('c', 100), [.. Enumerable.Range(0, count: 100).Select(s => new Span(s, 1))]);
buffer.Insert(0, new string('c', 100));
// We should see one span anywhere in the beginning of the buffer, since this is edge inclusive
Assert.Equal(1, GetIntersectingSpans(tree, new SnapshotSpan(buffer.CurrentSnapshot, 0, 1)).Count);
Assert.Equal(1, GetIntersectingSpans(tree, new SnapshotSpan(buffer.CurrentSnapshot, 50, 1)).Count);
// We should see two at position 100 (the first span that is now expanded, and the second of width 1)
Assert.Equal(2, GetIntersectingSpans(tree, new SnapshotSpan(buffer.CurrentSnapshot, 100, 1)).Count);
public void TestManySpansWithDeleteAndEditAtStart()
// Cover the full buffer with spans
var (tree, buffer) = CreateTree(new string('c', 100), [.. Enumerable.Range(0, count: 100).Select(s => new Span(s, 1))]);
buffer.Delete(new Span(0, 50));
buffer.Insert(0, new string('c', 50));
// We should see 51 spans intersecting the start. When we did the delete, we contracted 50 spans to size
// zero, and then the insert will have expanded all of those, plus the span right next to it.
Assert.Equal(51, GetIntersectingSpans(tree, new SnapshotSpan(buffer.CurrentSnapshot, 0, 1)).Count);
public void TestManySpansWithDeleteAndEditAtEnd()
// Cover the full buffer with spans
var (tree, buffer) = CreateTree(new string('c', 100), [.. Enumerable.Range(0, count: 100).Select(s => new Span(s, 1))]);
buffer.Delete(new Span(50, 50));
buffer.Insert(50, new string('c', 50));
// We should see 51 spans intersecting the end. When we did the delete, we contracted 50 spans to size zero,
// and then the insert will have expanded all of those, plus the span right next to it.
Assert.Equal(51, GetIntersectingSpans(tree, new SnapshotSpan(buffer.CurrentSnapshot, 99, 1)).Count);
public void TestTagSpanOrdering()
// Cover the full buffer with spans
var (tree, buffer) = CreateTree(new string('c', 100), [.. Enumerable.Range(0, count: 100).Select(s => new Span(s, 1))]);
var lastStart = -1;
foreach (var tag in GetIntersectingSpans(tree, new SnapshotSpan(buffer.CurrentSnapshot, 0, buffer.CurrentSnapshot.Length)))
Assert.True(lastStart < tag.Span.Start.Position);
lastStart = tag.Span.Start.Position;
public void TestEmptySpanIntersects1()
var (tree, buffer) = CreateTree("goo", new Span(0, 0));
var spans = GetIntersectingSpans(tree, new SnapshotSpan(buffer.CurrentSnapshot, new Span(0, 0)));
public void TestEmptySpanIntersects2()
var (tree, buffer) = CreateTree("goo", new Span(0, 0));
var spans = GetIntersectingSpans(tree, new SnapshotSpan(buffer.CurrentSnapshot, new Span(0, "goo".Length)));
public void TestEmptySpanIntersects3()
var (tree, buffer) = CreateTree("goo", new Span(1, 0));
var spans = GetIntersectingSpans(tree, new SnapshotSpan(buffer.CurrentSnapshot, new Span(0, 1)));
public void TestEmptySpanIntersects4()
var (tree, buffer) = CreateTree("goo", new Span(1, 0));
var spans = GetIntersectingSpans(tree, new SnapshotSpan(buffer.CurrentSnapshot, new Span(1, 0)));
public void TestEmptySpanIntersects5()
var (tree, buffer) = CreateTree("goo", new Span(1, 0));
var spans = GetIntersectingSpans(tree, new SnapshotSpan(buffer.CurrentSnapshot, new Span(1, 1)));