// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#nullable disable
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.DocumentationComments;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Test.Utilities;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.DocumentationComments;
using Roslyn.Test.Utilities;
using Xunit;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.UnitTests.DocCommentFormatting;
[Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.DocCommentFormatting)]
public class DocCommentFormattingTests
private readonly CSharpDocumentationCommentFormattingService _csharpService = new CSharpDocumentationCommentFormattingService();
private readonly VisualBasicDocumentationCommentFormattingService _vbService = new VisualBasicDocumentationCommentFormattingService();
private void TestFormat(string xmlFragment, string expectedCSharp, string expectedVB)
var csharpFormattedText = _csharpService.Format(xmlFragment);
var vbFormattedText = _vbService.Format(xmlFragment);
Assert.Equal(expectedCSharp, csharpFormattedText);
Assert.Equal(expectedVB, vbFormattedText);
private void TestFormat(string xmlFragment, string expected)
=> TestFormat(xmlFragment, expected, expected);
public void CTag()
var comment = "Class <c>Point</c> models a point in a two-dimensional plane.";
var expected = "Class Point models a point in a two-dimensional plane.";
TestFormat(comment, expected);
public void ExampleAndCodeTags()
var comment = @"This method changes the point's location by the given x- and y-offsets.
<example>For example:
Point p = new Point(3,5);
results in <c>p</c>'s having the value (2,8).
var expected = "This method changes the point's location by the given x- and y-offsets. For example:\r\n\r\n Point p = new Point(3,5);\r\n p.Translate(-1,3);\r\n \r\n\r\nresults in p's having the value (2,8).";
TestFormat(comment, expected);
public void ListTag()
var comment = @"Here is an example of a bulleted list:
<list type=""bullet"">
<description>Item 1.</description>
<description>Item 2.</description>
var expected = "Here is an example of a bulleted list:\r\n\r\n• Item 1.\r\n• Item 2.";
TestFormat(comment, expected);
public void ParaTag()
var comment = @"This is the entry point of the Point class testing program.
<para>This program tests each method and operator, and
is intended to be run after any non-trivial maintenance has
been performed on the Point class.</para>";
var expected =
@"This is the entry point of the Point class testing program.
This program tests each method and operator, and is intended to be run after any non-trivial maintenance has been performed on the Point class.";
TestFormat(comment, expected);
public void TestPermissionTag()
var comment = @"<permission cref=""System.Security.PermissionSet"">Everyone can access this method.</permission>";
var expected = @"Everyone can access this method.";
TestFormat(comment, expected);
public void SeeTag()
var comment = @"<see cref=""AnotherFunction""/>";
var expected = @"AnotherFunction";
TestFormat(comment, expected);
public void SeeAlsoTag()
var comment = @"<seealso cref=""AnotherFunction""/>";
var expected = @"AnotherFunction";
TestFormat(comment, expected);
public void ValueTag()
var comment = @"<value>Property <c>X</c> represents the point's x-coordinate.</value>";
var expected = @"Property X represents the point's x-coordinate.";
TestFormat(comment, expected);
public void TestParamRefTag()
var comment =
@"This constructor initializes the new Point to
(<paramref name=""xor""/>,<paramref name=""yor""/>).";
var expected = "This constructor initializes the new Point to (xor,yor).";
TestFormat(comment, expected);
public void TestTypeParamRefTag()
var comment = @"This method fetches data and returns a list of <typeparamref name=""Z""/>.";
var expected = @"This method fetches data and returns a list of Z.";
TestFormat(comment, expected);
public void Whitespace1()
var comment = " This has extra whitespace. ";
var expected = "This has extra whitespace.";
TestFormat(comment, expected);
public void Whitespace2()
var comment =
This has extra
var expected = "This has extra whitespace.";
TestFormat(comment, expected);
public void Whitespace3()
var comment = "This has extra whitespace.";
var expected = "This has extra whitespace.";
TestFormat(comment, expected);
public void Paragraphs1()
var comment =
<para>This is part of a paragraph.</para>
var expected = "This is part of a paragraph.";
TestFormat(comment, expected);
public void Paragraphs2()
var comment =
<para>This is part of a paragraph.</para>
<para>This is also part of a paragraph.</para>
var expected =
@"This is part of a paragraph.
This is also part of a paragraph.";
TestFormat(comment, expected);
public void Paragraphs3()
var comment =
This is a summary.
<para>This is part of a paragraph.</para>
var expected =
@"This is a summary.
This is part of a paragraph.";
TestFormat(comment, expected);
public void Paragraphs4()
var comment =
<para>This is part of a paragraph.</para> This is part of the summary, too.
var expected =
@"This is part of a paragraph.
This is part of the summary, too.";
TestFormat(comment, expected);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/32838")]
public void Paragraphs5()
var comment =
<para>This is part of a<br/>paragraph.</para>
<para>This is also part of a paragraph.</para>
var expected =
@"This is part of a
This is also part of a paragraph.";
TestFormat(comment, expected);
public void Paragraphs6(string lineBreak)
var comment =
<para>This is part of a{lineBreak}paragraph.</para>
<para>This is also part of a paragraph.</para>
var expected =
@"This is part of a
This is also part of a paragraph.";
TestFormat(comment, expected);
public void See1()
var comment = @"See <see cref=""T:System.Object"" />";
var expected = "See System.Object";
TestFormat(comment, expected);
public void See2()
var comment = @"See <see />";
var expected = @"See";
TestFormat(comment, expected);
public void See3()
var comment = @"See <see langword=""true"" />";
var expected = "See true";
TestFormat(comment, expected);
public void See4()
var comment = @"See <see href=""https://github.com"" />";
var expected = "See https://github.com";
TestFormat(comment, expected);
public void See5()
var comment = @"See <see href=""https://github.com"">GitHub</see>";
var expected = "See GitHub";
TestFormat(comment, expected);
public void See6()
var comment = @"See <see href=""https://github.com""></see>";
var expected = "See https://github.com";
TestFormat(comment, expected);
public void SeeAlso1()
var comment = @"See also <seealso cref=""T:System.Object"" />";
var expected = @"See also System.Object";
TestFormat(comment, expected);
public void SeeAlso2()
var comment = @"See also <seealso />";
var expected = @"See also";
TestFormat(comment, expected);
public void SeeAlso3()
var comment = @"See also <seealso langword=""true"" />";
var expected = "See also true";
TestFormat(comment, expected);
public void SeeAlso4()
var comment = @"See also <seealso href=""https://github.com"" />";
var expected = "See also https://github.com";
TestFormat(comment, expected);
public void SeeAlso5()
var comment = @"See also <seealso href=""https://github.com"">GitHub</seealso>";
var expected = "See also GitHub";
TestFormat(comment, expected);
public void SeeAlso6()
var comment = @"See also <seealso href=""https://github.com""></seealso>";
var expected = "See also https://github.com";
TestFormat(comment, expected);