// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Internal.Log;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text.Shared.Extensions;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text
public static partial class Extensions
/// <summary>
/// ITextSnapshot implementation of SourceText
/// </summary>
private class SnapshotSourceText : SourceText
/// <summary>
/// The <see cref="ITextImage"/> backing the SourceText instance
/// </summary>
public readonly ITextImage TextImage;
private readonly ITextBufferCloneService? _textBufferCloneService;
private readonly Encoding? _encoding;
private readonly TextBufferContainer? _container;
private SnapshotSourceText(ITextBufferCloneService? textBufferCloneService, ITextSnapshot editorSnapshot, Encoding? encoding, SourceHashAlgorithm checksumAlgorithm, TextBufferContainer container)
: base(checksumAlgorithm: checksumAlgorithm)
_textBufferCloneService = textBufferCloneService;
this.TextImage = RecordReverseMapAndGetImage(editorSnapshot);
_encoding = encoding ?? editorSnapshot.TextBuffer.GetEncodingOrUTF8();
_container = container;
public SnapshotSourceText(ITextBufferCloneService? textBufferCloneService, ITextImage textImage, Encoding? encoding, SourceHashAlgorithm checksumAlgorithm, TextBufferContainer? container)
: base(checksumAlgorithm: checksumAlgorithm)
_textBufferCloneService = textBufferCloneService;
this.TextImage = textImage;
_encoding = encoding;
_container = container;
/// <summary>
/// A weak map of all Editor ITextSnapshots and their associated SourceText
/// </summary>
private static readonly ConditionalWeakTable<ITextSnapshot, SnapshotSourceText> s_textSnapshotMap = new();
/// <summary>
/// Reverse map of roslyn text to editor snapshot. unlike forward map, this doesn't strongly hold onto editor snapshot so that
/// we don't leak editor snapshot which should go away once editor is closed. roslyn source's lifetime is not usually tied to view.
/// </summary>
private static readonly ConditionalWeakTable<ITextImage, WeakReference<ITextSnapshot>> s_textImageToEditorSnapshotMap = new();
public static SourceText From(ITextBufferCloneService? textBufferCloneService, ITextSnapshot editorSnapshot)
if (editorSnapshot == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(editorSnapshot));
if (!s_textSnapshotMap.TryGetValue(editorSnapshot, out var snapshot))
// Explicitly obtain the TextBufferContainer before calling GetValue to avoid reentrancy in
// ConditionalWeakTable. https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/28256
var container = TextBufferContainer.From(editorSnapshot.TextBuffer);
// Avoid capturing `textBufferCloneServiceOpt` on the fast path
var tempTextBufferCloneService = textBufferCloneService;
snapshot = s_textSnapshotMap.GetValue(editorSnapshot, s => new SnapshotSourceText(tempTextBufferCloneService, s, encoding: null, SourceHashAlgorithms.OpenDocumentChecksumAlgorithm, container));
return snapshot;
/// <summary>
/// This only exist to break circular dependency on creating buffer. nobody except extension itself should use it
/// </summary>
internal static SourceText From(ITextBufferCloneService? textBufferCloneService, ITextSnapshot editorSnapshot, TextBufferContainer container)
if (editorSnapshot == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(editorSnapshot));
Contract.ThrowIfFalse(editorSnapshot.TextBuffer == container.GetTextBuffer());
return s_textSnapshotMap.GetValue(editorSnapshot, s => new SnapshotSourceText(textBufferCloneService, s, encoding: null, SourceHashAlgorithms.OpenDocumentChecksumAlgorithm, container));
public override Encoding? Encoding
get { return _encoding; }
public ITextSnapshot? TryFindEditorSnapshot()
=> TryFindEditorSnapshot(this.TextImage);
public override SourceTextContainer Container
return _container ?? base.Container;
public override int Length
var res = this.TextImage.Length;
return res;
public override char this[int position]
get { return this.TextImage[position]; }
#region Lines
protected override TextLineCollection GetLinesCore()
=> new LineInfo(this);
private class LineInfo : TextLineCollection
private readonly SnapshotSourceText _text;
public LineInfo(SnapshotSourceText text)
=> _text = text;
public override int Count
get { return _text.TextImage.LineCount; }
public override TextLine this[int index]
var line = _text.TextImage.GetLineFromLineNumber(index);
return TextLine.FromSpan(_text, TextSpan.FromBounds(line.Start, line.End));
public override int IndexOf(int position)
=> _text.TextImage.GetLineNumberFromPosition(position);
public override TextLine GetLineFromPosition(int position)
=> this[this.IndexOf(position)];
public override LinePosition GetLinePosition(int position)
var textLine = _text.TextImage.GetLineFromPosition(position);
return new LinePosition(textLine.LineNumber, position - textLine.Start);
public override string ToString()
=> this.TextImage.GetText();
public override string ToString(TextSpan textSpan)
var editorSpan = new Span(textSpan.Start, textSpan.Length);
var res = this.TextImage.GetText(editorSpan);
return res;
public override SourceText WithChanges(IEnumerable<TextChange> changes)
if (changes == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(changes));
if (!changes.Any())
return this;
// check whether we can use text buffer factory
var factory = _textBufferCloneService;
if (factory == null)
// if we can't get the factory, use the default implementation
return base.WithChanges(changes);
// otherwise, create a new cloned snapshot
var buffer = factory.CloneWithUnknownContentType(TextImage);
var baseSnapshot = buffer.CurrentSnapshot;
// apply the change to the buffer
using (var edit = buffer.CreateEdit())
foreach (var change in changes)
edit.Replace(change.Span.ToSpan(), change.NewText);
return new ChangedSourceText(
textBufferCloneService: _textBufferCloneService,
baseText: this,
baseSnapshot: baseSnapshot,
currentSnapshot: buffer.CurrentSnapshot);
private static ITextImage RecordReverseMapAndGetImage(ITextSnapshot editorSnapshot)
var textImage = ((ITextSnapshot2)editorSnapshot).TextImage;
// If we're already in the map, there's nothing to update. Do a quick check
// to avoid two allocations per call to RecordTextSnapshotAndGetImage.
if (!s_textImageToEditorSnapshotMap.TryGetValue(textImage, out var weakReference))
// put reverse entry that won't hold onto anything
weakReference = s_textImageToEditorSnapshotMap.GetValue(
textImage, _ => new WeakReference<ITextSnapshot>(editorSnapshot));
// forward and reversed map is 1:1 map. snapshot can't be different
var snapshot = weakReference.GetTarget();
Contract.ThrowIfFalse(snapshot == editorSnapshot);
return textImage;
private static ITextSnapshot? TryFindEditorSnapshot(ITextImage textImage)
if (!s_textImageToEditorSnapshotMap.TryGetValue(textImage, out var weakReference) ||
!weakReference.TryGetTarget(out var editorSnapshot))
return null;
return editorSnapshot;
/// <summary>
/// Use a separate class for closed files to simplify memory leak investigations
/// </summary>
internal sealed class ClosedSnapshotSourceText : SnapshotSourceText
public ClosedSnapshotSourceText(ITextBufferCloneService? textBufferCloneService, ITextImage textImage, Encoding? encoding, SourceHashAlgorithm checksumAlgorithm)
: base(textBufferCloneService, textImage, encoding, checksumAlgorithm, container: null)
/// <summary>
/// Perf: Optimize calls to GetChangeRanges after WithChanges by using editor snapshots
/// </summary>
private class ChangedSourceText : SnapshotSourceText
private readonly SnapshotSourceText _baseText;
private readonly ITextImage _baseTextImage;
public ChangedSourceText(ITextBufferCloneService? textBufferCloneService, SnapshotSourceText baseText, ITextSnapshot baseSnapshot, ITextSnapshot currentSnapshot)
: base(textBufferCloneService, currentSnapshot, baseText.Encoding, baseText.ChecksumAlgorithm, container: TextBufferContainer.From(currentSnapshot.TextBuffer))
_baseText = baseText;
_baseTextImage = ((ITextSnapshot2)baseSnapshot).TextImage;
public override IReadOnlyList<TextChangeRange> GetChangeRanges(SourceText oldText)
if (oldText == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(oldText));
// if they are the same text there is no change.
if (oldText == this)
return TextChangeRange.NoChanges;
if (oldText != _baseText)
return [new TextChangeRange(new TextSpan(0, oldText.Length), this.Length)];
return GetChangeRanges(_baseTextImage, _baseTextImage.Length, this.TextImage);
public override void CopyTo(int sourceIndex, char[] destination, int destinationIndex, int count)
=> this.TextImage.CopyTo(sourceIndex, destination, destinationIndex, count);
public override void Write(TextWriter textWriter, TextSpan span, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
=> this.TextImage.Write(textWriter, span.ToSpan());
#region GetChangeRangesImplementation
public override IReadOnlyList<TextChangeRange> GetChangeRanges(SourceText oldText)
if (oldText == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(oldText));
// if they are the same text there is no change.
if (oldText == this)
return TextChangeRange.NoChanges;
// first, check whether the text buffer is still alive.
if (this.Container is TextBufferContainer container)
var lastEventArgs = container.LastEventArgs;
if (lastEventArgs != null && lastEventArgs.OldText == oldText && lastEventArgs.NewText == this)
return lastEventArgs.Changes;
var oldSnapshot = oldText.TryFindCorrespondingEditorTextImage();
var newSnapshot = this.TryFindCorrespondingEditorTextImage();
return GetChangeRanges(oldSnapshot, oldText.Length, newSnapshot);
private IReadOnlyList<TextChangeRange> GetChangeRanges(ITextImage? oldImage, int oldTextLength, ITextImage? newImage)
if (oldImage == null ||
newImage == null ||
oldImage.Version.Identifier != newImage.Version.Identifier)
// Claim its all changed
Logger.Log(FunctionId.Workspace_SourceText_GetChangeRanges, "Invalid Snapshots");
return [new TextChangeRange(new TextSpan(0, oldTextLength), this.Length)];
else if (AreSameReiteratedVersion(oldImage, newImage))
// content of two snapshot must be same even if versions are different
return TextChangeRange.NoChanges;
return ITextImageHelpers.GetChangeRanges(oldImage, newImage);
private static bool AreSameReiteratedVersion(ITextImage oldImage, ITextImage newImage)
var oldSnapshot = TryFindEditorSnapshot(oldImage);
var newSnapshot = TryFindEditorSnapshot(newImage);
return oldSnapshot != null && newSnapshot != null && oldSnapshot.Version.ReiteratedVersionNumber == newSnapshot.Version.ReiteratedVersionNumber;