// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#nullable disable
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text;
using Roslyn.Test.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Test.Utilities
public abstract class TestWorkspaceFixture : IDisposable
public int Position;
public string Code;
private EditorTestWorkspace _workspace;
private EditorTestHostDocument _currentDocument;
public EditorTestHostDocument CurrentDocument => _currentDocument ?? _workspace.Documents.Single();
public EditorTestWorkspace GetWorkspace(TestComposition composition = null)
_workspace ??= CreateWorkspace(composition);
return _workspace;
public EditorTestWorkspace GetWorkspace(string markup, TestComposition composition = null, string workspaceKind = null)
// If it looks like XML, we'll treat it as XML; any parse error would be rejected and will throw.
// We'll do a case insensitive search here so if somebody has a lowercase W it'll be tried (and
// rejected by the XML parser) rather than treated as regular text.
if (markup.TrimStart().StartsWith("<Workspace>", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
_workspace = EditorTestWorkspace.CreateWorkspace(XElement.Parse(markup), composition: composition, workspaceKind: workspaceKind);
_currentDocument = _workspace.Documents.First(d => d.CursorPosition.HasValue);
Position = _currentDocument.CursorPosition.Value;
Code = _currentDocument.GetTextBuffer().CurrentSnapshot.GetText();
return _workspace;
MarkupTestFile.GetPosition(markup.NormalizeLineEndings(), out Code, out Position);
var workspace = GetWorkspace(composition);
_currentDocument = workspace.Documents.Single();
return workspace;
protected abstract EditorTestWorkspace CreateWorkspace(TestComposition composition);
public void Dispose()
if (_workspace is null)
_currentDocument = null;
Code = null;
Position = 0;
_workspace = null;
public Document UpdateDocument(string text, SourceCodeKind sourceCodeKind, bool cleanBeforeUpdate = true)
var hostDocument = _currentDocument ?? (GetWorkspace()).Documents.Single();
// clear the document
if (cleanBeforeUpdate)
UpdateText(hostDocument.GetTextBuffer(), string.Empty);
// and set the content
UpdateText(hostDocument.GetTextBuffer(), text);
GetWorkspace().OnDocumentSourceCodeKindChanged(hostDocument.Id, sourceCodeKind);
return GetWorkspace().CurrentSolution.GetDocument(hostDocument.Id);
private static void UpdateText(ITextBuffer textBuffer, string text)
using var edit = textBuffer.CreateEdit();
edit.Replace(0, textBuffer.CurrentSnapshot.Length, text);
private void CloseTextView()
// The standard use for TestWorkspaceFixture is to call this method in the test's dispose to make sure it's ready to be used for
// the next test. But some tests in a test class won't use it, so _workspace might still be null.
if (_workspace?.Documents != null)
foreach (var document in _workspace?.Documents)
// The editor caches TextFormattingRunProperties instances for better perf, but since things like
// Brushes are DispatcherObjects, they are tied to the thread they are created on. Since we're going
// to be run on a different thread, clear out their collection.
var textFormattingRunPropertiesType = typeof(VisualStudio.Text.Formatting.TextFormattingRunProperties);
var existingPropertiesField = textFormattingRunPropertiesType.GetField("ExistingProperties", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static);
var existingProperties = (List<VisualStudio.Text.Formatting.TextFormattingRunProperties>)existingPropertiesField.GetValue(null);