// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.DecompiledSource;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Shared.Extensions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Shared.Utilities;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.UnitTests;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Formatting;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Host;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageServer;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text.Shared.Extensions;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Composition;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Editor;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Projection;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Utilities;
using Roslyn.Test.EditorUtilities;
using Roslyn.Test.Utilities;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Test.Utilities;
public partial class EditorTestWorkspace : TestWorkspace<EditorTestHostDocument, EditorTestHostProject, EditorTestHostSolution>
private const string ReferencesOnDiskAttributeName = "ReferencesOnDisk";
private readonly Dictionary<string, ITextBuffer2> _createdTextBuffers = [];
internal EditorTestWorkspace(
TestComposition? composition = null,
string? workspaceKind = WorkspaceKind.Host,
Guid solutionTelemetryId = default,
bool disablePartialSolutions = true,
bool ignoreUnchangeableDocumentsWhenApplyingChanges = true,
WorkspaceConfigurationOptions? configurationOptions = null)
: base(composition ?? EditorTestCompositions.EditorFeatures,
private protected override EditorTestHostDocument CreateDocument(
string text = "",
string displayName = "",
SourceCodeKind sourceCodeKind = SourceCodeKind.Regular,
DocumentId? id = null,
string? filePath = null,
IReadOnlyList<string>? folders = null,
ExportProvider? exportProvider = null,
IDocumentServiceProvider? documentServiceProvider = null)
=> new(text, displayName, sourceCodeKind, id, filePath, folders, exportProvider, documentServiceProvider);
private protected override EditorTestHostDocument CreateDocument(
ExportProvider exportProvider,
HostLanguageServices? languageServiceProvider,
string code,
string name,
string filePath,
int? cursorPosition,
IDictionary<string, ImmutableArray<TextSpan>> spans,
SourceCodeKind sourceCodeKind = SourceCodeKind.Regular,
IReadOnlyList<string>? folders = null,
bool isLinkFile = false,
IDocumentServiceProvider? documentServiceProvider = null,
ISourceGenerator? generator = null)
=> new(exportProvider, languageServiceProvider, code, name, filePath, cursorPosition, spans,
sourceCodeKind, folders, isLinkFile, documentServiceProvider, roles: default, textBuffer: null, generator);
private protected override EditorTestHostProject CreateProject(
HostLanguageServices languageServices,
CompilationOptions? compilationOptions,
ParseOptions? parseOptions,
string assemblyName,
string projectName,
IList<MetadataReference>? references,
IList<EditorTestHostDocument> documents,
IList<EditorTestHostDocument>? additionalDocuments = null,
IList<EditorTestHostDocument>? analyzerConfigDocuments = null,
Type? hostObjectType = null,
bool isSubmission = false,
string? filePath = null,
IList<AnalyzerReference>? analyzerReferences = null,
string? defaultNamespace = null)
=> new(
private protected override EditorTestHostSolution CreateSolution(EditorTestHostProject[] projects)
=> new(projects);
protected override void Dispose(bool finalize)
foreach (var document in Documents)
foreach (var document in AdditionalDocuments)
foreach (var document in AnalyzerConfigDocuments)
foreach (var document in ProjectionDocuments)
protected override void ApplyDocumentTextChanged(DocumentId document, SourceText newText)
var testDocument = GetTestDocument(document);
protected override void ApplyAdditionalDocumentTextChanged(DocumentId document, SourceText newText)
var testDocument = GetTestAdditionalDocument(document);
protected override void ApplyAnalyzerConfigDocumentTextChanged(DocumentId document, SourceText newText)
var testDocument = this.GetTestAnalyzerConfigDocument(document);
public override void OpenDocument(DocumentId documentId, bool activate = true)
// Fetching the open SourceTextContainer implicitly opens the document.
var testDocument = GetTestDocument(documentId);
public override void OpenAdditionalDocument(DocumentId documentId, bool activate = true)
// Fetching the open SourceTextContainer implicitly opens the document.
var testDocument = GetTestAdditionalDocument(documentId);
public override void OpenAnalyzerConfigDocument(DocumentId documentId, bool activate = true)
// Fetching the open SourceTextContainer implicitly opens the document.
var testDocument = GetTestAnalyzerConfigDocument(documentId);
public void OpenSourceGeneratedDocument(DocumentId documentId)
// Fetching the open SourceTextContainer implicitly opens the document.
var testDocument = GetTestDocument(documentId);
public TServiceInterface GetService<TServiceInterface>(string contentType)
var values = ExportProvider.GetExports<TServiceInterface, ContentTypeMetadata>();
return values.Single(value => value.Metadata.ContentTypes.Contains(contentType)).Value;
public TServiceInterface GetService<TServiceInterface>(string contentType, string name)
var values = ExportProvider.GetExports<TServiceInterface, OrderableContentTypeMetadata>();
return values.Single(value => value.Metadata.Name == name && value.Metadata.ContentTypes.Contains(contentType)).Value;
internal override bool CanAddProjectReference(ProjectId referencingProject, ProjectId referencedProject)
// VisualStudioWorkspace asserts the main thread for this call, so do the same thing here to catch tests
// that fail to account for this possibility.
var threadingContext = ExportProvider.GetExportedValue<IThreadingContext>();
Contract.ThrowIfFalse(threadingContext.HasMainThread && threadingContext.JoinableTaskContext.IsOnMainThread);
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a TestHostDocument backed by a projection buffer. The surface buffer is
/// described by a markup string with {|name:|} style pointers to annotated spans that can
/// be found in one of a set of provided documents. Unnamed spans in the documents (which
/// must have both endpoints inside an annotated spans) and in the surface buffer markup are
/// mapped and included in the resulting document.
/// If the markup string has the caret indicator "$$", then the caret will be placed at the
/// corresponding position. If it does not, then the first span mapped into the projection
/// buffer that contains the caret from its document is used.
/// The result is a new TestHostDocument backed by a projection buffer including tracking
/// spans from any number of documents and inert text from the markup itself.
/// As an example, consider surface buffer markup
/// ABC [|DEF|] [|GHI[|JKL|]|]{|S1:|} [|MNO{|S2:|}PQR S$$TU|] {|S4:|}{|S5:|}{|S3:|}
/// This contains 4 unnamed spans and references to 5 spans that should be found and
/// included. Consider an included base document created from the following markup:
/// public class C
/// {
/// public void M1()
/// {
/// {|S1:int [|abc[|d$$ef|]|] = goo;|}
/// int y = goo;
/// {|S2:int [|def|] = goo;|}
/// int z = {|S3:123|} + {|S4:456|} + {|S5:789|};
/// }
/// }
/// The resulting projection buffer (with unnamed span markup preserved) would look like:
/// ABC [|DEF|] [|GHI[|JKL|]|]int [|abc[|d$$ef|]|] = goo; [|MNOint [|def|] = goo;PQR S$$TU|] 456789123
/// The union of unnamed spans from the surface buffer markup and each of the projected
/// spans is sorted as it would have been sorted by MarkupTestFile had it parsed the entire
/// projection buffer as one file, which it would do in a stack-based manner. In our example,
/// the order of the unnamed spans would be as follows:
/// ABC [|DEF|] [|GHI[|JKL|]|]int [|abc[|d$$ef|]|] = goo; [|MNOint [|def|] = goo;PQR S$$TU|] 456789123
/// -----1 -----2 -------4 -----6
/// ------------3 --------------5 --------------------------------7
/// </summary>
/// <param name="markup">Describes the surface buffer, and contains a mix of inert text,
/// named spans and unnamed spans. Any named spans must contain only the name portion
/// (e.g. {|Span1:|} which must match the name of a span in one of the baseDocuments.
/// Annotated spans cannot be nested but they can be adjacent, in which case order will be
/// preserved. The markup may also contain the caret indicator.</param>
/// <param name="baseDocuments">The set of documents from which the projection buffer
/// document will be composed.</param>
public EditorTestHostDocument CreateProjectionBufferDocument(
string markup,
IList<EditorTestHostDocument> baseDocuments,
string path = "projectionbufferdocumentpath",
ProjectionBufferOptions options = ProjectionBufferOptions.None,
IProjectionEditResolver? editResolver = null)
GetSpansAndCaretFromSurfaceBufferMarkup(markup, baseDocuments,
out var projectionBufferSpans, out var mappedSpans, out var mappedCaretLocation);
var projectionBufferFactory = this.GetService<IProjectionBufferFactoryService>();
var projectionBuffer = projectionBufferFactory.CreateProjectionBuffer(editResolver, projectionBufferSpans, options);
// Add in mapped spans from each of the base documents
foreach (var document in baseDocuments)
mappedSpans[string.Empty] = mappedSpans.TryGetValue(string.Empty, out var emptyTextSpans)
? emptyTextSpans
: [];
foreach (var span in document.SelectedSpans)
var snapshotSpan = span.ToSnapshotSpan(document.GetTextBuffer().CurrentSnapshot);
var mappedSpan = projectionBuffer.CurrentSnapshot.MapFromSourceSnapshot(snapshotSpan).Single();
mappedSpans[string.Empty] = mappedSpans[string.Empty].Add(mappedSpan.ToTextSpan());
// Order unnamed spans as they would be ordered by the normal span finding
// algorithm in MarkupTestFile
mappedSpans[string.Empty] = [.. mappedSpans[string.Empty].OrderBy(s => s.End).ThenBy(s => -s.Start)];
foreach (var (key, spans) in document.AnnotatedSpans)
mappedSpans[key] = mappedSpans.TryGetValue(key, out var textSpans) ? textSpans : [];
foreach (var span in spans)
var snapshotSpan = span.ToSnapshotSpan(document.GetTextBuffer().CurrentSnapshot);
var mappedSpan = projectionBuffer.CurrentSnapshot.MapFromSourceSnapshot(snapshotSpan).Cast<Span?>().SingleOrDefault();
if (mappedSpan == null)
// not all span on subject buffer needs to exist on surface buffer
// but if they do, it must be only 1
mappedSpans[key] = mappedSpans[key].Add(mappedSpan.Value.ToTextSpan());
var projectionDocument = new EditorTestHostDocument(
languageServiceProvider: null,
textBuffer: (ITextBuffer2)projectionBuffer);
return projectionDocument;
private static void GetSpansAndCaretFromSurfaceBufferMarkup(
string markup, IList<EditorTestHostDocument> baseDocuments,
out IList<object> projectionBufferSpans,
out Dictionary<string, ImmutableArray<TextSpan>> mappedMarkupSpans, out int? mappedCaretLocation)
projectionBufferSpans = new List<object>();
var projectionBufferSpanStartingPositions = new List<int>();
mappedCaretLocation = null;
out var inertText, out int? markupCaretLocation, out var markupSpans);
var namedSpans = markupSpans.Where(kvp => kvp.Key != string.Empty);
var sortedAndNamedSpans = namedSpans.OrderBy(kvp => kvp.Value.Single().Start)
.ThenBy(kvp => markup.IndexOf("{|" + kvp.Key + ":", StringComparison.Ordinal));
var currentPositionInInertText = 0;
var currentPositionInProjectionBuffer = 0;
// If the markup points to k spans, these k spans divide the inert text into k + 1
// possibly empty substrings. When handling each span, also handle the inert text that
// immediately precedes it. At the end, handle the trailing inert text
foreach (var spanNameToListMap in sortedAndNamedSpans)
var spanName = spanNameToListMap.Key;
var spanLocation = spanNameToListMap.Value.Single().Start;
// Get any inert text between this and the previous span
if (currentPositionInInertText < spanLocation)
var textToAdd = inertText[currentPositionInInertText..spanLocation];
// If the caret is in the markup and in this substring, calculate the final
// caret location
if (mappedCaretLocation == null &&
markupCaretLocation != null &&
currentPositionInInertText + textToAdd.Length >= markupCaretLocation)
var caretOffsetInCurrentText = markupCaretLocation.Value - currentPositionInInertText;
mappedCaretLocation = currentPositionInProjectionBuffer + caretOffsetInCurrentText;
currentPositionInInertText += textToAdd.Length;
currentPositionInProjectionBuffer += textToAdd.Length;
// Find and insert the span from the corresponding document
var documentWithSpan = baseDocuments.FirstOrDefault(d => d.AnnotatedSpans.ContainsKey(spanName));
if (documentWithSpan == null)
var matchingSpan = documentWithSpan.AnnotatedSpans[spanName].Single();
var span = new Span(matchingSpan.Start, matchingSpan.Length);
var trackingSpan = documentWithSpan.GetTextBuffer().CurrentSnapshot.CreateTrackingSpan(span, SpanTrackingMode.EdgeExclusive);
// If the caret is not in markup but is in this span, then calculate the final
// caret location. Note - if we find the caret marker in this document, then
// we DO want to map it up, even if it's at the end of the span for this document.
// This is not ambiguous for us, since we have explicit delimiters between the buffer
// so it's clear which document the caret is in.
if (mappedCaretLocation == null &&
markupCaretLocation == null &&
documentWithSpan.CursorPosition.HasValue &&
(matchingSpan.Contains(documentWithSpan.CursorPosition.Value) || matchingSpan.End == documentWithSpan.CursorPosition.Value))
var caretOffsetInSpan = documentWithSpan.CursorPosition.Value - matchingSpan.Start;
mappedCaretLocation = currentPositionInProjectionBuffer + caretOffsetInSpan;
currentPositionInProjectionBuffer += matchingSpan.Length;
// Handle any inert text after the final projected span
if (currentPositionInInertText < inertText.Length - 1)
if (mappedCaretLocation == null && markupCaretLocation != null && markupCaretLocation >= currentPositionInInertText)
var caretOffsetInCurrentText = markupCaretLocation.Value - currentPositionInInertText;
mappedCaretLocation = currentPositionInProjectionBuffer + caretOffsetInCurrentText;
MapMarkupSpans(markupSpans, out mappedMarkupSpans, projectionBufferSpans, projectionBufferSpanStartingPositions);
private static void MapMarkupSpans(
IDictionary<string, ImmutableArray<TextSpan>> markupSpans,
out Dictionary<string, ImmutableArray<TextSpan>> mappedMarkupSpans,
IList<object> projectionBufferSpans, IList<int> projectionBufferSpanStartingPositions)
var tempMappedMarkupSpans = new Dictionary<string, PooledObjects.ArrayBuilder<TextSpan>>();
foreach (var key in markupSpans.Keys)
tempMappedMarkupSpans[key] = PooledObjects.ArrayBuilder<TextSpan>.GetInstance();
foreach (var markupSpan in markupSpans[key])
var positionInMarkup = 0;
var spanIndex = 0;
var markupSpanStart = markupSpan.Start;
var markupSpanEndExclusive = markupSpan.Start + markupSpan.Length;
int? spanStartLocation = null;
int? spanEndLocationExclusive = null;
foreach (var projectionSpan in projectionBufferSpans)
if (projectionSpan is string text)
// this currently has a bug where it can't distinguish a markup of {|ProjectionMarkup:|}{|Markup1:|} and {|Markup1:{|ProjectionMarkup:|}|}
// it always map markup1 span as the later one.
// tracking issue - {|ProjectionMarkup:|}{|Markup1:|} and {|Markup1:{|ProjectionMarkup:|}|}
if (spanStartLocation == null && positionInMarkup <= markupSpanStart && markupSpanStart <= positionInMarkup + text.Length)
var offsetInText = markupSpanStart - positionInMarkup;
spanStartLocation = projectionBufferSpanStartingPositions[spanIndex] + offsetInText;
if (spanEndLocationExclusive == null && positionInMarkup <= markupSpanEndExclusive && markupSpanEndExclusive <= positionInMarkup + text.Length)
var offsetInText = markupSpanEndExclusive - positionInMarkup;
spanEndLocationExclusive = projectionBufferSpanStartingPositions[spanIndex] + offsetInText;
positionInMarkup += text.Length;
tempMappedMarkupSpans[key].Add(new TextSpan(spanStartLocation!.Value, spanEndLocationExclusive!.Value - spanStartLocation.Value));
mappedMarkupSpans = tempMappedMarkupSpans.ToDictionary(
kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value.ToImmutableAndFree());
internal ITextBuffer2 GetOrCreateBufferForPath(string? filePath, IContentType contentType, string languageName, string initialText)
// If we don't have a file path we'll just make something up for the purpose of this dictionary so all
// buffers are still held onto. This isn't a file name used in the workspace itself so it's unobservable.
if (RoslynString.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath))
filePath = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
return _createdTextBuffers.GetOrAdd(filePath, _ =>
var textBuffer = EditorFactory.CreateBuffer(ExportProvider, contentType, initialText);
// Ensure that the editor options on the text buffer matches that of the options that can be directly set in the workspace
var editorOptions = ExportProvider.GetExportedValue<IEditorOptionsFactoryService>().GetOptions(textBuffer);
var globalOptions = GlobalOptions;
editorOptions.SetOptionValue(DefaultOptions.ConvertTabsToSpacesOptionId, !globalOptions.GetOption(FormattingOptions2.UseTabs, languageName));
editorOptions.SetOptionValue(DefaultOptions.TabSizeOptionId, globalOptions.GetOption(FormattingOptions2.TabSize, languageName));
editorOptions.SetOptionValue(DefaultOptions.IndentSizeOptionId, globalOptions.GetOption(FormattingOptions2.IndentationSize, languageName));
return textBuffer;
protected override (MetadataReference reference, ImmutableArray<byte> peImage) CreateMetadataReferenceFromSource(XElement projectElement, XElement referencedSource)
var (reference, image) = base.CreateMetadataReferenceFromSource(projectElement, referencedSource);
var referencesOnDisk = projectElement.Attribute(ReferencesOnDiskAttributeName) is { } onDiskAttribute
&& ((bool?)onDiskAttribute).GetValueOrDefault();
if (referencesOnDisk)
AssemblyResolver.TestAccessor.AddInMemoryImage(reference, "unknown", image);
return (reference, image);