File: src\Workspaces\SharedUtilitiesAndExtensions\Compiler\Core\Utilities\BKTree.cs
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Project: src\src\CodeStyle\Core\Analyzers\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeStyle.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeStyle)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Collections;
namespace Roslyn.Utilities;
/// <summary>
/// NOTE: Only use if you truly need a BK-tree.  If you just want to compare words, use the 'SpellChecker' type
/// instead.
/// <para/>
/// An implementation of a Burkhard-Keller tree.  Introduced in:
/// <para/>
/// 'Some approaches to best-match file searching.' Communications of the ACM CACM Volume 16 Issue 4, April 1973
/// Pages 230-236
/// </summary>
internal readonly partial struct BKTree
    public static readonly BKTree Empty = new([], [], []);
    /// <summary>
    /// We have three completely flat arrays of structs.  These arrays fully represent the BK tree.  The structure
    /// is as follows:
    /// <para/>
    /// The root node is in _nodes[0].
    /// <para/>
    /// It lists the count of edges it has.  These edges are in _edges in the range [0*, childCount).  Each edge has
    /// the index of the child node it points to, and the edit distance between the parent and the child.
    /// <para/>
    /// * of course '0' is only for the root case.
    /// <para/>
    /// All nodes state where in _edges their child edges range starts, so the children for any node are in the
    /// range[node.FirstEdgeIndex, node.FirstEdgeIndex + node.EdgeCount).
    /// <para/>
    /// Each node also has an associated string.  These strings are concatenated and stored in
    /// _concatenatedLowerCaseWords.  Each node has a TextSpan that indicates which portion of the character array
    /// is their string.  Note: i'd like to use an immutable array for the characters as well.  However, we need to
    /// create slices, and they need to work on top of an ArraySlice (which needs a char[]).  The edit distance code
    /// also wants to work on top of raw char[]s (both for speed, and so it can pool arrays to prevent lots of
    /// garbage).  Because of that we just keep this as a char[].
    /// </summary> 
    private readonly char[] _concatenatedLowerCaseWords;
    private readonly ImmutableArray<Node> _nodes;
    private readonly ImmutableArray<Edge> _edges;
    private BKTree(char[] concatenatedLowerCaseWords, ImmutableArray<Node> nodes, ImmutableArray<Edge> edges)
        Contract.ThrowIfNull(concatenatedLowerCaseWords, nameof(_concatenatedLowerCaseWords));
        Contract.ThrowIfTrue(nodes.IsDefault, $"{nameof(nodes)}.{nameof(nodes.IsDefault)}");
        Contract.ThrowIfTrue(edges.IsDefault, $"{nameof(edges)}.{nameof(edges.IsDefault)}");
        _concatenatedLowerCaseWords = concatenatedLowerCaseWords;
        _nodes = nodes;
        _edges = edges;
    public static BKTree Create(IEnumerable<string> values)
        => new Builder(values).Create();
    public void Find(ref TemporaryArray<string> result, string value, int? threshold = null)
        Contract.ThrowIfNull(value, nameof(value));
        Contract.ThrowIfNull(_concatenatedLowerCaseWords, nameof(_concatenatedLowerCaseWords));
        Contract.ThrowIfTrue(_nodes.IsDefault, $"{nameof(_nodes)}.{nameof(_nodes.IsDefault)}");
        Contract.ThrowIfTrue(_edges.IsDefault, $"{nameof(_edges)}.{nameof(_edges.IsDefault)}");
        if (_nodes.Length == 0)
        Span<char> lowerCaseCharacters = value.Length < 512
            ? stackalloc char[value.Length]
            : new char[value.Length];
        for (var i = 0; i < value.Length; i++)
            lowerCaseCharacters[i] = CaseInsensitiveComparison.ToLower(value[i]);
        threshold ??= WordSimilarityChecker.GetThreshold(value);
        Lookup(_nodes[0], lowerCaseCharacters, threshold.Value, ref result, recursionCount: 0);
    private void Lookup(
        Node currentNode,
        Span<char> queryCharacters,
        int threshold,
        ref TemporaryArray<string> result,
        int recursionCount)
        // Don't bother recursing too deeply in the case of pathological trees.
        // This really only happens when the actual code is strange (like
        // 10,000 symbols all a single letter long).  In htat case, searching
        // down this path will be fairly fruitless anyways.
        // Note: this won't affect good searches against good data even if this
        // pathological chain exists.  That's because the good items will still
        // cluster near the root node in the tree, and won't be off the end of
        // this long chain.
        if (recursionCount > 256)
        // We may need to compute the real edit distance (ignoring any thresholds) in the case
        // where edges exist as we need that edit distance to appropriately determine which edges to walk 
        // in the tree.
        var characterSpan = currentNode.WordSpan;
        // The GetEditDistance call below serves two purposes:
        // 1) To determine whether currentNode should be added to the result
        // 2) To determine whether children need to be searched
        // If there are no edges, we don't need the information to determine case 2. So, as a
        // performance optimization, in that case we send in a threshold to GetEditDistance
        // that indicates only the work necessary to determine case 1 need be performed.
        var edgesExist = currentNode.EdgeCount > 0;
        var editDistance = EditDistance.GetEditDistance(
            _concatenatedLowerCaseWords.AsSpan(characterSpan.Start, characterSpan.Length),
            edgesExist ? int.MaxValue : threshold);
        // Case 1
        if (editDistance <= threshold)
            // Found a match.
            result.Add(new string(_concatenatedLowerCaseWords, characterSpan.Start, characterSpan.Length));
        // Case 2
        if (edgesExist)
            var min = editDistance - threshold;
            var max = editDistance + threshold;
            var startInclusive = currentNode.FirstEdgeIndex;
            var endExclusive = startInclusive + currentNode.EdgeCount;
            for (var i = startInclusive; i < endExclusive; i++)
                var childEditDistance = _edges[i].EditDistance;
                if (min <= childEditDistance && childEditDistance <= max)
                        queryCharacters, threshold, ref result,
                        recursionCount + 1);
#if false
    // Used for diagnostic purposes.
    internal void DumpStats()
        var sb = new StringBuilder();
        sb.AppendLine("Nodes length: " + _nodes.Length);
        var childCountHistogram = new Dictionary<int, int>();
        foreach (var node in _nodes)
            var childCount = node.EdgeCount;
            int existing;
            childCountHistogram.TryGetValue(childCount, out existing);
            childCountHistogram[childCount] = existing + 1;
        sb.AppendLine("Child counts:");
        foreach (var kvp in childCountHistogram.OrderBy(kvp => kvp.Key))
            sb.AppendLine(kvp.Key + "\t" + kvp.Value);
        // An item is dense if, starting from 1, at least 80% of it's array would be full.
        var densities = new int[11];
        var empyCount = 0;
        foreach (var node in _nodes)
            if (node.EdgeCount == 0)
            var maxEditDistance = -1;
            var startInclusive = node.FirstEdgeIndex;
            var endExclusive = startInclusive + node.EdgeCount;
            for (var i = startInclusive; i < endExclusive; i++)
                maxEditDistance = Max(maxEditDistance, _edges[i].EditDistance);
            var editDistanceCount = node.EdgeCount;
            var bucket = 10 * editDistanceCount / maxEditDistance;
        var nonEmptyCount = _nodes.Length - empyCount;
        sb.AppendLine("NoChildren: " + empyCount);
        sb.AppendLine("AnyChildren: " + nonEmptyCount);
        for (var i = 0; i < densities.Length; i++)
            sb.AppendLine("<=" + i + "0% = " + densities[i] + ", " + ((float)densities[i] / nonEmptyCount));
        var result = sb.ToString();