// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageService;
internal static class ISyntaxFactsExtensions
private static readonly ObjectPool<Stack<(SyntaxNodeOrToken nodeOrToken, bool leading, bool trailing)>> s_stackPool
= SharedPools.Default<Stack<(SyntaxNodeOrToken nodeOrToken, bool leading, bool trailing)>>();
public static bool IsMemberInitializerNamedAssignmentIdentifier(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> syntaxFacts.IsMemberInitializerNamedAssignmentIdentifier(node, out _);
public static bool IsOnSingleLine(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxNode node, bool fullSpan)
// The stack logic assumes the initial node is not null
// Use an actual Stack so we can write out deeply recursive structures without overflowing.
// Note: algorithm is taken from GreenNode.WriteTo.
// General approach is that we recurse down the nodes, using a real stack object to
// keep track of what node we're on. If full-span is true we'll examine all tokens
// and all the trivia on each token. If full-span is false we'll examine all tokens
// but we'll ignore the leading trivia on the very first trivia and the trailing trivia
// on the very last token.
using var _ = s_stackPool.GetPooledObject(out var stack);
stack.Push((node, leading: fullSpan, trailing: fullSpan));
var result = IsOnSingleLine(syntaxFacts, stack);
return result;
private static bool IsOnSingleLine(
ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, Stack<(SyntaxNodeOrToken nodeOrToken, bool leading, bool trailing)> stack)
while (stack.TryPop(out var tuple))
var (currentNodeOrToken, currentLeading, currentTrailing) = tuple;
if (currentNodeOrToken.IsToken)
// If this token isn't on a single line, then the original node definitely
// isn't on a single line.
if (!IsOnSingleLine(syntaxFacts, currentNodeOrToken.AsToken(), currentLeading, currentTrailing))
return false;
var currentNode = currentNodeOrToken.AsNode()!;
var childNodesAndTokens = currentNode.ChildNodesAndTokens();
var childCount = childNodesAndTokens.Count;
// Walk the children of this node in reverse, putting on the stack to process.
// This way we process the children in the actual child-order they are in for
// this node.
var index = 0;
foreach (var child in childNodesAndTokens.Reverse())
// Since we're walking the children in reverse, if we're on hte 0th item,
// that's the last child.
var last = index == 0;
// Once we get all the way to the end of the reversed list, we're actually
// on the first.
var first = index == childCount - 1;
// We want the leading trivia if we've asked for it, or if we're not the first
// token being processed. We want the trailing trivia if we've asked for it,
// or if we're not the last token being processed.
stack.Push((child, currentLeading | !first, currentTrailing | !last));
// All tokens were on a single line. This node is on a single line.
return true;
private static bool IsOnSingleLine(ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxToken token, bool leading, bool trailing)
// If any of our trivia is not on a single line, then we're not on a single line.
if (!IsOnSingleLine(syntaxFacts, token.LeadingTrivia, leading) ||
!IsOnSingleLine(syntaxFacts, token.TrailingTrivia, trailing))
return false;
// Only string literals can span multiple lines. Only need to check those.
if (syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.StringLiteralToken == token.RawKind ||
syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.InterpolatedStringTextToken == token.RawKind)
// This allocated. But we only do it in the string case. For all other tokens
// we don't need any allocations.
if (!IsOnSingleLine(token.ToString()))
return false;
// Any other type of token is on a single line.
return true;
private static bool IsOnSingleLine(ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxTriviaList triviaList, bool checkTrivia)
if (checkTrivia)
foreach (var trivia in triviaList)
if (trivia.HasStructure)
// For structured trivia, we recurse into the trivia to see if it
// is on a single line or not. If it isn't, then we're definitely
// not on a single line.
if (!IsOnSingleLine(syntaxFacts, trivia.GetStructure()!, fullSpan: true))
return false;
else if (syntaxFacts.IsEndOfLineTrivia(trivia))
// Contained an end-of-line trivia. Definitely not on a single line.
return false;
else if (!syntaxFacts.IsWhitespaceTrivia(trivia))
// Was some other form of trivia (like a comment). Easiest thing
// to do is just stringify this and count the number of newlines.
// these should be rare. So the allocation here is ok.
if (!IsOnSingleLine(trivia.ToString()))
return false;
return true;
private static bool IsOnSingleLine(string value)
=> value.GetNumberOfLineBreaks() == 0;
public static bool ContainsInterleavedDirective(
this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, ImmutableArray<SyntaxNode> nodes, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
if (nodes.Length > 0)
var span = TextSpan.FromBounds(nodes.First().Span.Start, nodes.Last().Span.End);
foreach (var node in nodes)
if (ContainsInterleavedDirective(syntaxFacts, span, node, cancellationToken))
return true;
return false;
public static bool ContainsInterleavedDirective(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxNode node, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
=> ContainsInterleavedDirective(syntaxFacts, node.Span, node, cancellationToken);
public static bool ContainsInterleavedDirective(
this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, TextSpan span, SyntaxNode node, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
foreach (var token in node.DescendantTokens())
if (syntaxFacts.ContainsInterleavedDirective(span, token, cancellationToken))
return true;
return false;
public static bool SpansPreprocessorDirective(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, IEnumerable<SyntaxNode> nodes)
if (nodes == null || nodes.IsEmpty())
return false;
return SpansPreprocessorDirective(syntaxFacts, nodes.SelectMany(n => n.DescendantTokens()));
/// <summary>
/// Determines if there is preprocessor trivia *between* any of the <paramref name="tokens"/>
/// provided. The <paramref name="tokens"/> will be deduped and then ordered by position.
/// Specifically, the first token will not have it's leading trivia checked, and the last
/// token will not have it's trailing trivia checked. All other trivia will be checked to
/// see if it contains a preprocessor directive.
/// </summary>
public static bool SpansPreprocessorDirective(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, IEnumerable<SyntaxToken> tokens)
// we want to check all leading trivia of all tokens (except the
// first one), and all trailing trivia of all tokens (except the
// last one).
var first = true;
var previousToken = default(SyntaxToken);
// Allow duplicate nodes/tokens to be passed in. Also, allow the nodes/tokens
// to not be in any particular order when passed in.
var orderedTokens = tokens.Distinct().OrderBy(t => t.SpanStart);
foreach (var token in orderedTokens)
if (first)
first = false;
// check the leading trivia of this token, and the trailing trivia
// of the previous token.
if (SpansPreprocessorDirective(syntaxFacts, token.LeadingTrivia) ||
SpansPreprocessorDirective(syntaxFacts, previousToken.TrailingTrivia))
return true;
previousToken = token;
return false;
private static bool SpansPreprocessorDirective(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxTriviaList list)
=> list.Any(syntaxFacts.IsPreprocessorDirective);
public static bool IsLegalIdentifier(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, string name)
if (name.Length == 0)
return false;
if (!syntaxFacts.IsIdentifierStartCharacter(name[0]))
return false;
for (var i = 1; i < name.Length; i++)
if (!syntaxFacts.IsIdentifierPartCharacter(name[i]))
return false;
return true;
public static bool IsReservedOrContextualKeyword(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxToken token)
=> syntaxFacts.IsReservedKeyword(token) || syntaxFacts.IsContextualKeyword(token);
public static bool IsWord(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxToken token)
return syntaxFacts.IsIdentifier(token)
|| syntaxFacts.IsReservedOrContextualKeyword(token)
|| syntaxFacts.IsPreprocessorKeyword(token);
public static bool IsRegularOrDocumentationComment(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxTrivia trivia)
=> syntaxFacts.IsRegularComment(trivia) || syntaxFacts.IsDocumentationComment(trivia);
[return: NotNullIfNotNull(nameof(node))]
public static SyntaxNode? WalkDownParentheses(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxNode? node)
while (syntaxFacts.IsParenthesizedExpression(node))
syntaxFacts.GetPartsOfParenthesizedExpression(node, out _, out var child, out _);
node = child;
return node;
[return: NotNullIfNotNull(nameof(node))]
public static SyntaxNode? WalkUpParentheses(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxNode? node)
while (syntaxFacts.IsParenthesizedExpression(node?.Parent))
node = node.Parent;
return node;
public static void GetPartsOfAssignmentStatement(
this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxNode statement,
out SyntaxNode left, out SyntaxNode right)
syntaxFacts.GetPartsOfAssignmentStatement(statement, out left, out _, out right);
public static SyntaxNode GetExpressionOfInvocationExpression(
this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxNode node)
syntaxFacts.GetPartsOfInvocationExpression(node, out var expression, out _);
return expression;
public static SyntaxNode Unparenthesize(
this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxNode node)
SyntaxToken openParenToken;
SyntaxNode operand;
SyntaxToken closeParenToken;
if (syntaxFacts.IsParenthesizedPattern(node))
out openParenToken, out operand, out closeParenToken);
out openParenToken, out operand, out closeParenToken);
var leadingTrivia = openParenToken.LeadingTrivia
.Where(t => !syntaxFacts.IsElastic(t))
var trailingTrivia = operand.GetTrailingTrivia()
.Where(t => !syntaxFacts.IsElastic(t))
var resultNode = operand
// If there's no trivia between the original node and the tokens around it, then add
// elastic markers so the formatting engine will spaces if necessary to keep things
// parseable.
if (resultNode.GetLeadingTrivia().Count == 0)
var previousToken = node.GetFirstToken().GetPreviousToken();
if (previousToken.TrailingTrivia.Count == 0 &&
syntaxFacts.IsWordOrNumber(previousToken) &&
resultNode = resultNode.WithPrependedLeadingTrivia(syntaxFacts.ElasticMarker);
if (resultNode.GetTrailingTrivia().Count == 0)
var nextToken = node.GetLastToken().GetNextToken();
if (nextToken.LeadingTrivia.Count == 0 &&
syntaxFacts.IsWordOrNumber(nextToken) &&
resultNode = resultNode.WithAppendedTrailingTrivia(syntaxFacts.ElasticMarker);
return resultNode;
private static bool IsWordOrNumber(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxToken token)
=> syntaxFacts.IsWord(token) || syntaxFacts.IsNumericLiteral(token);
public static bool SpansPreprocessorDirective(this ISyntaxFacts service, SyntaxNode node)
=> service.SpansPreprocessorDirective([node]);
public static bool SpansPreprocessorDirective(this ISyntaxFacts service, params SyntaxNode[] nodes)
=> service.SpansPreprocessorDirective((IEnumerable<SyntaxNode>)nodes);
public static bool IsWhitespaceOrEndOfLineTrivia(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxTrivia trivia)
=> syntaxFacts.IsWhitespaceTrivia(trivia) || syntaxFacts.IsEndOfLineTrivia(trivia);
public static void GetPartsOfBinaryExpression(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxNode node, out SyntaxNode left, out SyntaxNode right)
=> syntaxFacts.GetPartsOfBinaryExpression(node, out left, out _, out right);
public static SyntaxNode GetPatternOfParenthesizedPattern(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxNode node)
syntaxFacts.GetPartsOfParenthesizedPattern(node, out _, out var pattern, out _);
return pattern;
public static SyntaxToken GetOperatorTokenOfBinaryExpression(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxNode node)
syntaxFacts.GetPartsOfBinaryExpression(node, out _, out var token, out _);
return token;
public static bool IsAnonymousOrLocalFunction(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxNode node)
=> syntaxFacts.IsAnonymousFunctionExpression(node) ||
public static SyntaxNode? GetExpressionOfElementAccessExpression(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxNode node)
syntaxFacts.GetPartsOfElementAccessExpression(node, out var expression, out _);
return expression;
public static SyntaxNode? GetArgumentListOfElementAccessExpression(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxNode node)
syntaxFacts.GetPartsOfElementAccessExpression(node, out _, out var argumentList);
return argumentList;
public static SyntaxNode GetExpressionOfConditionalAccessExpression(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxNode node)
syntaxFacts.GetPartsOfConditionalAccessExpression(node, out var expression, out _);
return expression;
public static SyntaxToken GetOperatorTokenOfMemberAccessExpression(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxNode node)
syntaxFacts.GetPartsOfMemberAccessExpression(node, out _, out var operatorToken, out _);
return operatorToken;
public static void GetPartsOfMemberAccessExpression(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxNode node, out SyntaxNode expression, out SyntaxNode name)
=> syntaxFacts.GetPartsOfMemberAccessExpression(node, out expression, out _, out name);
public static void GetPartsOfConditionalAccessExpression(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxNode node, out SyntaxNode expression, out SyntaxNode whenNotNull)
=> syntaxFacts.GetPartsOfConditionalAccessExpression(node, out expression, out _, out whenNotNull);
public static TextSpan GetSpanWithoutAttributes(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxNode root, SyntaxNode node)
// Span without AttributeLists
// - No AttributeLists -> original .Span
// - Some AttributeLists -> (first non-trivia/comment Token.Span.Begin, original.Span.End)
// - We need to be mindful about comments due to:
// // [Test1]
// //Comment1
// [||]object Property1 { get; set; }
// the comment node being part of the next token's (`object`) leading trivia and not the AttributeList's node.
// - In case only attribute is written we need to be careful to not to use next (unrelated) token as beginning current the node.
var attributeList = syntaxFacts.GetAttributeLists(node);
if (attributeList.Any())
var endOfAttributeLists = attributeList.Last().Span.End;
var afterAttributesToken = root.FindTokenOnRightOfPosition(endOfAttributeLists);
var endOfNode = node.Span.End;
var startOfNodeWithoutAttributes = Math.Min(afterAttributesToken.Span.Start, endOfNode);
return TextSpan.FromBounds(startOfNodeWithoutAttributes, endOfNode);
return node.Span;
/// <summary>
/// Similar to <see cref="ISyntaxFacts.GetStandaloneExpression(SyntaxNode)"/>, this gets the containing
/// expression that is actually a language expression and not just typed as an ExpressionSyntax for convenience.
/// However, this goes beyond that that method in that if this expression is the RHS of a conditional access
/// (i.e. <c>a?.b()</c>) it will also return the root of the conditional access expression tree.
/// <para/> The intuition here is that this will give the topmost expression node that could realistically be
/// replaced with any other expression. For example, with <c>a?.b()</c> technically <c>.b()</c> is an
/// expression. But that cannot be replaced with something like <c>(1 + 1)</c> (as <c>a?.(1 + 1)</c> is not
/// legal). However, in <c>a?.b()</c>, then <c>a</c> itself could be replaced with <c>(1 + 1)?.b()</c> to form
/// a legal expression.
/// </summary>
public static SyntaxNode GetRootStandaloneExpression(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxNode node)
// First, make sure we're on a construct the language things is a standalone expression.
var standalone = syntaxFacts.GetStandaloneExpression(node);
// Then, if this is the RHS of a `?`, walk up to the top of that tree to get the final standalone expression.
return syntaxFacts.GetRootConditionalAccessExpression(standalone) ?? standalone;
#region GetXXXOfYYY Members
public static SyntaxNode? GetArgumentListOfInvocationExpression(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxNode node)
syntaxFacts.GetPartsOfInvocationExpression(node, out _, out var argumentList);
return argumentList;
public static SeparatedSyntaxList<SyntaxNode> GetArgumentsOfInvocationExpression(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxNode node)
var argumentList = syntaxFacts.GetArgumentListOfInvocationExpression(node);
return argumentList is null ? default : syntaxFacts.GetArgumentsOfArgumentList(argumentList);
public static SyntaxNode? GetArgumentListOfBaseObjectCreationExpression(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxNode node)
syntaxFacts.GetPartsOfBaseObjectCreationExpression(node, out var argumentList, out _);
return argumentList;
public static SyntaxNode? GetDefaultOfParameter(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxNode node)
syntaxFacts.GetPartsOfParameter(node, out _, out var @default);
return @default;
public static SyntaxNode GetExpressionOfParenthesizedExpression(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxNode node)
syntaxFacts.GetPartsOfParenthesizedExpression(node, out _, out var expression, out _);
return expression;
public static SyntaxToken GetIdentifierOfGenericName(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxNode node)
syntaxFacts.GetPartsOfGenericName(node, out var identifier, out _);
return identifier;
public static SyntaxToken GetIdentifierOfIdentifierName(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxNode node)
=> syntaxFacts.GetIdentifierOfSimpleName(node);
public static SyntaxToken GetIdentifierOfParameter(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxNode node)
syntaxFacts.GetPartsOfParameter(node, out var identifier, out _);
return identifier;
public static SyntaxList<SyntaxNode> GetImportsOfBaseNamespaceDeclaration(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxNode node)
syntaxFacts.GetPartsOfBaseNamespaceDeclaration(node, out _, out var imports, out _);
return imports;
public static SyntaxList<SyntaxNode> GetImportsOfCompilationUnit(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxNode node)
syntaxFacts.GetPartsOfCompilationUnit(node, out var imports, out _, out _);
return imports;
public static SyntaxNode? GetInitializerOfBaseObjectCreationExpression(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxNode node)
syntaxFacts.GetPartsOfBaseObjectCreationExpression(node, out _, out var initializer);
return initializer;
public static SyntaxList<SyntaxNode> GetMembersOfBaseNamespaceDeclaration(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxNode node)
syntaxFacts.GetPartsOfBaseNamespaceDeclaration(node, out _, out _, out var members);
return members;
public static SyntaxList<SyntaxNode> GetMembersOfCompilationUnit(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxNode node)
syntaxFacts.GetPartsOfCompilationUnit(node, out _, out _, out var members);
return members;
public static SyntaxNode GetNameOfAttribute(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxNode node)
syntaxFacts.GetPartsOfAttribute(node, out var name, out _);
return name;
public static SyntaxNode GetNameOfBaseNamespaceDeclaration(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxNode node)
syntaxFacts.GetPartsOfBaseNamespaceDeclaration(node, out var name, out _, out _);
return name;
public static SyntaxNode GetNameOfMemberAccessExpression(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxNode node)
syntaxFacts.GetPartsOfMemberAccessExpression(node, out _, out var name);
return name;
public static SyntaxNode GetOperandOfPrefixUnaryExpression(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxNode node)
syntaxFacts.GetPartsOfPrefixUnaryExpression(node, out _, out var operand);
return operand;
public static SyntaxToken GetOperatorTokenOfPrefixUnaryExpression(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxNode node)
syntaxFacts.GetPartsOfPrefixUnaryExpression(node, out var operatorToken, out _);
return operatorToken;
public static SeparatedSyntaxList<SyntaxNode> GetTypeArgumentsOfGenericName(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxNode node)
syntaxFacts.GetPartsOfGenericName(node, out _, out var typeArguments);
return typeArguments;
public static SyntaxNode GetTypeOfObjectCreationExpression(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxNode node)
syntaxFacts.GetPartsOfObjectCreationExpression(node, out _, out var type, out _, out _);
return type;
#region IsXXXOfYYY members
public static bool IsExpressionOfAwaitExpression(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
var parent = node?.Parent;
if (!syntaxFacts.IsAwaitExpression(parent))
return false;
return node == syntaxFacts.GetExpressionOfAwaitExpression(parent);
public static bool IsExpressionOfInvocationExpression(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
var parent = node?.Parent;
if (!syntaxFacts.IsInvocationExpression(parent))
return false;
syntaxFacts.GetPartsOfInvocationExpression(parent, out var expression, out _);
return node == expression;
public static bool IsExpressionOfMemberAccessExpression(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
var parent = node?.Parent;
if (!syntaxFacts.IsMemberAccessExpression(parent))
return false;
syntaxFacts.GetPartsOfMemberAccessExpression(parent, out var expression, out _);
return node == expression;
public static bool IsNameOfAttribute(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
if (!syntaxFacts.IsAttribute(node?.Parent))
return false;
syntaxFacts.GetPartsOfAttribute(node.Parent, out var name, out _);
return name == node;
public static bool IsRightOfQualifiedName(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
var parent = node?.Parent;
if (!syntaxFacts.IsQualifiedName(parent))
return false;
syntaxFacts.GetPartsOfQualifiedName(parent, out _, out _, out var right);
return node == right;
public static bool IsRightOfAliasQualifiedName(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
var parent = node?.Parent;
if (!syntaxFacts.IsAliasQualifiedName(parent))
return false;
syntaxFacts.GetPartsOfAliasQualifiedName(parent, out _, out _, out var right);
return node == right;
public static bool IsTypeOfObjectCreationExpression(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
var parent = node?.Parent;
if (!syntaxFacts.IsObjectCreationExpression(parent))
return false;
syntaxFacts.GetPartsOfObjectCreationExpression(parent, out _, out var type, out _, out _);
return type == node;
#region ISyntaxKinds forwarding methods
#region trivia
public static bool IsEndOfLineTrivia(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxTrivia trivia)
=> trivia.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.EndOfLineTrivia;
public static bool IsMultiLineCommentTrivia(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxTrivia trivia)
=> trivia.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.MultiLineCommentTrivia;
public static bool IsMultiLineDocCommentTrivia(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxTrivia trivia)
=> trivia.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.MultiLineDocCommentTrivia;
public static bool IsShebangDirectiveTrivia(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxTrivia trivia)
=> trivia.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.ShebangDirectiveTrivia;
public static bool IsSingleLineCommentTrivia(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxTrivia trivia)
=> trivia.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.SingleLineCommentTrivia;
public static bool IsSingleLineDocCommentTrivia(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxTrivia trivia)
=> trivia.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.SingleLineDocCommentTrivia;
public static bool IsWhitespaceTrivia(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxTrivia trivia)
=> trivia.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.WhitespaceTrivia;
public static bool IsSkippedTokensTrivia(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.SkippedTokensTrivia;
#region keywords
public static bool IsAwaitKeyword(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxToken token)
=> token.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.AwaitKeyword;
public static bool IsGlobalNamespaceKeyword(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxToken token)
=> token.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.GlobalKeyword;
#region literal tokens
public static bool IsCharacterLiteral(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxToken token)
=> token.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.CharacterLiteralToken;
public static bool IsStringLiteral(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxToken token)
=> token.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.StringLiteralToken;
#region tokens
public static bool IsIdentifier(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxToken token)
=> token.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.IdentifierToken;
public static bool IsHashToken(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxToken token)
=> token.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.HashToken;
public static bool IsInterpolatedStringTextToken(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxToken token)
=> token.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.InterpolatedStringTextToken;
#region names
public static bool IsAliasQualifiedName(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.AliasQualifiedName;
public static bool IsGenericName(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.GenericName;
public static bool IsIdentifierName(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.IdentifierName;
public static bool IsQualifiedName(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.QualifiedName;
#region types
public static bool IsTupleType(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.TupleType;
#region literal expressions
public static bool IsCharacterLiteralExpression(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.CharacterLiteralExpression;
public static bool IsDefaultLiteralExpression(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.DefaultLiteralExpression;
public static bool IsFalseLiteralExpression(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.FalseLiteralExpression;
public static bool IsNumericLiteralExpression(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.NumericLiteralExpression;
public static bool IsNullLiteralExpression(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.NullLiteralExpression;
public static bool IsStringLiteralExpression(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.StringLiteralExpression;
public static bool IsTrueLiteralExpression(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.TrueLiteralExpression;
#region expressions
public static bool IsArrayCreationExpression(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.ArrayCreationExpression;
public static bool IsAwaitExpression(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.AwaitExpression;
public static bool IsBaseExpression(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.BaseExpression;
public static bool IsConditionalExpression(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.ConditionalExpression;
public static bool IsConditionalAccessExpression(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.ConditionalAccessExpression;
public static bool IsFieldExpression(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.FieldExpression;
public static bool IsImplicitArrayCreationExpression(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.ImplicitArrayCreationExpression;
public static bool IsImplicitObjectCreationExpression(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node != null && node.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.ImplicitObjectCreationExpression;
public static bool IsIndexExpression(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.IndexExpression;
public static bool IsInterpolatedStringExpression(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.InterpolatedStringExpression;
public static bool IsInterpolation(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.Interpolation;
public static bool IsInterpolatedStringText(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.InterpolatedStringText;
public static bool IsInvocationExpression(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.InvocationExpression;
public static bool IsIsTypeExpression(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.IsTypeExpression;
public static bool IsIsNotTypeExpression(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.IsNotTypeExpression;
public static bool IsIsPatternExpression(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.IsPatternExpression;
public static bool IsLogicalAndExpression(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.LogicalAndExpression;
public static bool IsLogicalOrExpression(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.LogicalOrExpression;
public static bool IsLogicalNotExpression(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.LogicalNotExpression;
public static bool IsObjectCreationExpression(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.ObjectCreationExpression;
public static bool IsParenthesizedExpression(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.ParenthesizedExpression;
public static bool IsQueryExpression(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.QueryExpression;
public static bool IsRangeExpression(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.RangeExpression;
public static bool IsRefExpression(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.RefExpression;
public static bool IsSimpleMemberAccessExpression(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.SimpleMemberAccessExpression;
public static bool IsThisExpression(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.ThisExpression;
public static bool IsThrowExpression(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node != null && node.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.ThrowExpression;
public static bool IsTupleExpression(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.TupleExpression;
public static bool ContainsGlobalStatement(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxNode node)
=> node.ChildNodes().Any(c => c.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.GlobalStatement);
#region pattern
public static bool IsAndPattern(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.AndPattern;
public static bool IsConstantPattern(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.ConstantPattern;
public static bool IsDeclarationPattern(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.DeclarationPattern;
public static bool IsListPattern(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.ListPattern;
public static bool IsNotPattern(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.NotPattern;
public static bool IsOrPattern(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.OrPattern;
public static bool IsParenthesizedPattern(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.ParenthesizedPattern;
public static bool IsRecursivePattern(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.RecursivePattern;
public static bool IsRelationalPattern(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.RelationalPattern;
public static bool IsTypePattern(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.TypePattern;
public static bool IsVarPattern(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.VarPattern;
#region statements
public static bool IsExpressionStatement(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.ExpressionStatement;
public static bool IsForEachStatement(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.ForEachStatement;
public static bool IsForStatement(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.ForStatement;
public static bool IsIfStatement(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.IfStatement;
public static bool IsLocalDeclarationStatement(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.LocalDeclarationStatement;
public static bool IsLocalFunctionStatement(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node != null && node.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.LocalFunctionStatement;
public static bool IsLockStatement(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.LockStatement;
public static bool IsReturnStatement(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.ReturnStatement;
public static bool IsThrowStatement(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.ThrowStatement;
public static bool IsUsingStatement(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.UsingStatement;
public static bool IsWhileStatement(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.WhileStatement;
public static bool IsYieldReturnStatement(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.YieldReturnStatement;
#region members/declarations
public static bool IsAttribute(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.Attribute;
public static bool IsClassDeclaration(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.ClassDeclaration;
public static bool IsConstructorDeclaration(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.ConstructorDeclaration;
public static bool IsEnumDeclaration(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.EnumDeclaration;
public static bool IsGlobalAttribute(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> syntaxFacts.IsGlobalAssemblyAttribute(node) || syntaxFacts.IsGlobalModuleAttribute(node);
public static bool IsInterfaceDeclaration(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.InterfaceDeclaration;
public static bool IsParameter(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.Parameter;
public static bool IsTypeConstraint(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.TypeConstraint;
public static bool IsVariableDeclarator(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.VariableDeclarator;
public static bool IsFieldDeclaration(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.FieldDeclaration;
public static bool IsPropertyDeclaration(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.PropertyDeclaration;
public static bool IsStructDeclaration(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.StructDeclaration;
public static bool IsTypeArgumentList(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.TypeArgumentList;
#region clauses
public static bool IsElseClause(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.ElseClause;
public static bool IsEqualsValueClause(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.EqualsValueClause;
#region other
public static bool IsImplicitElementAccess(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.ImplicitElementAccess;
public static bool IsIndexerMemberCref(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.IndexerMemberCref;
public static bool IsPrimaryConstructorBaseType(this ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, [NotNullWhen(true)] SyntaxNode? node)
=> node?.RawKind == syntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds.PrimaryConstructorBaseType;