// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Options;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Indentation;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeStyle;
using WorkspacesResources = Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeStyleResources;
using PublicIndentStyle = Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Formatting.FormattingOptions2.IndentStyle;
using PublicIndentStyle = Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Formatting.FormattingOptions.IndentStyle;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Formatting;
/// <summary>
/// Formatting options stored in editorconfig.
/// </summary>
internal sealed partial class FormattingOptions2
private const string PublicFeatureName = "FormattingOptions";
public static PerLanguageOption2<bool> UseTabs = new PerLanguageOption2<bool>(
"indent_style", LineFormattingOptions.Default.UseTabs, FormattingOptionGroups.IndentationAndSpacing, isEditorConfigOption: true,
serializer: new EditorConfigValueSerializer<bool>(str => str == "tab", value => value ? "tab" : "space"))
.WithPublicOption(PublicFeatureName, "UseTabs");
public static PerLanguageOption2<int> TabSize = new PerLanguageOption2<int>(
"tab_width", LineFormattingOptions.Default.TabSize, FormattingOptionGroups.IndentationAndSpacing, isEditorConfigOption: true)
.WithPublicOption(PublicFeatureName, "TabSize");
public static PerLanguageOption2<int> IndentationSize = new PerLanguageOption2<int>(
"indent_size", LineFormattingOptions.Default.IndentationSize, FormattingOptionGroups.IndentationAndSpacing, isEditorConfigOption: true)
.WithPublicOption(PublicFeatureName, "IndentationSize");
public static PerLanguageOption2<string> NewLine = new PerLanguageOption2<string>(
"end_of_line", LineFormattingOptions.Default.NewLine, FormattingOptionGroups.NewLine, isEditorConfigOption: true,
serializer: new EditorConfigValueSerializer<string>(
parseValue: value => value.Trim() switch
"lf" => "\n",
"cr" => "\r",
"crlf" => "\r\n",
_ => Environment.NewLine
serializeValue: value => value switch
"\n" => "lf",
"\r" => "cr",
"\r\n" => "crlf",
_ => "unset"
.WithPublicOption(PublicFeatureName, "NewLine");
internal static Option2<bool> InsertFinalNewLine = new(
"insert_final_newline", DocumentFormattingOptions.Default.InsertFinalNewLine, FormattingOptionGroups.NewLine, isEditorConfigOption: true);
public static PerLanguageOption2<IndentStyle> SmartIndent = new PerLanguageOption2<IndentStyle>(
defaultValue: IndentationOptions.DefaultIndentStyle,
group: FormattingOptionGroups.IndentationAndSpacing,
serializer: EditorConfigValueSerializer.CreateSerializerForEnum<IndentStyle>())
.WithPublicOption(PublicFeatureName, "SmartIndent", static value => (PublicIndentStyle)value, static value => (IndentStyle)value);
/// <summary>
/// Default value of 120 was picked based on the amount of code in a github.com diff at 1080p.
/// That resolution is the most common value as per the last DevDiv survey as well as the latest
/// Steam hardware survey. This also seems to a reasonable length default in that shorter
/// lengths can often feel too cramped for .NET languages, which are often starting with a
/// default indentation of at least 16 (for namespace, class, member, plus the final construct
/// indentation).
/// TODO: Currently the option has no storage and always has its default value. See https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/pull/30422#issuecomment-436118696.
/// Internal option -- not exposed to tooling.
/// </summary>
public static readonly PerLanguageOption2<int> WrappingColumn = new(
defaultValue: SyntaxFormattingOptions.CommonDefaults.WrappingColumn,
isEditorConfigOption: true);
/// <summary>
/// Internal option -- not exposed to editorconfig tooling.
/// </summary>
public static readonly PerLanguageOption2<int> ConditionalExpressionWrappingLength = new(
defaultValue: SyntaxFormattingOptions.CommonDefaults.ConditionalExpressionWrappingLength,
isEditorConfigOption: true);
/// <summary>
/// Options that we expect the user to set in editorconfig.
/// </summary>
internal static readonly ImmutableArray<IOption2> EditorConfigOptions = [UseTabs, TabSize, IndentationSize, NewLine, InsertFinalNewLine];
/// <summary>
/// Options that can be set via editorconfig but we do not provide tooling support.
/// </summary>
internal static readonly ImmutableArray<IOption2> UndocumentedOptions = [WrappingColumn, ConditionalExpressionWrappingLength];
internal static class FormattingOptionGroups
public static readonly OptionGroup FormattingOptionGroup = new(name: "formatting", description: "", parent: CodeStyleOptionGroups.CodeStyle);
public static readonly OptionGroup IndentationAndSpacing = new(name: "indentation_and_spacing", description: CompilerExtensionsResources.Indentation_and_spacing, priority: 1, parent: FormattingOptionGroup);
public static readonly OptionGroup NewLine = new(name: "new_line", description: CompilerExtensionsResources.New_line_preferences, priority: 2, parent: FormattingOptionGroup);