// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Collections;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Formatting;
/// <summary>
/// a tweaked version of our interval tree to meet the formatting engine's need
/// it now has an ability to return a smallest span that contains a position rather than
/// all Intersecting or overlapping spans
/// </summary>
internal sealed class ContextMutableIntervalTree<T, TIntrospector> : SimpleMutableIntervalTree<T, TIntrospector>
where TIntrospector : struct, IIntervalIntrospector<T>
private readonly Func<T, int, int, bool> _edgeExclusivePredicate;
private readonly Func<T, int, int, bool> _edgeInclusivePredicate;
private readonly Func<T, int, int, bool> _containPredicate;
public ContextMutableIntervalTree(in TIntrospector introspector)
: base(introspector, values: null)
_edgeExclusivePredicate = ContainsEdgeExclusive;
_edgeInclusivePredicate = ContainsEdgeInclusive;
_containPredicate = (value, start, end) => IntervalTreeAlgorithms<T, ContextMutableIntervalTree<T, TIntrospector>>.Contains(value, start, end, in Introspector);
public T? GetSmallestEdgeExclusivelyContainingInterval(int start, int length)
=> GetSmallestContainingIntervalWorker(start, length, _edgeExclusivePredicate);
public T? GetSmallestEdgeInclusivelyContainingInterval(int start, int length)
=> GetSmallestContainingIntervalWorker(start, length, _edgeInclusivePredicate);
public T? GetSmallestContainingInterval(int start, int length)
=> GetSmallestContainingIntervalWorker(start, length, _containPredicate);
private bool ContainsEdgeExclusive(T value, int start, int length)
var otherStart = start;
var otherEnd = start + length;
var thisSpan = Introspector.GetSpan(value);
var thisStart = thisSpan.Start;
var thisEnd = thisSpan.End;
return thisStart < otherStart && otherEnd < thisEnd;
private bool ContainsEdgeInclusive(T value, int start, int length)
var otherStart = start;
var otherEnd = start + length;
var thisSpan = Introspector.GetSpan(value);
var thisStart = thisSpan.Start;
var thisEnd = thisSpan.End;
return thisStart <= otherStart && otherEnd <= thisEnd;
private T? GetSmallestContainingIntervalWorker(int start, int length, Func<T, int, int, bool> predicate)
var result = default(T);
if (root == null || MaxEndValue(root) < start)
return result;
var end = start + length;
// * our interval tree is a binary tree that is ordered by a start position.
// this method works by
// 1. find a sub tree that has biggest "start" position that is smaller than given "start" by going down right side of a tree
// 2. once it encounters a right sub tree that it can't go down anymore, move down to left sub tree once and try #1 again
// 3. once it gets to the position where it can't find any smaller span (both left and
// right sub tree doesn't contain given span) start to check whether current node
// contains the given "span"
// 4. move up the spin until it finds one that contains the "span" which should be smallest span that contains the given "span"
// 5. if it is going up from right side, it make sure to check left side of tree first.
using var pooledObject = SharedPools.Default<Stack<Node>>().GetPooledObject();
var spineNodes = pooledObject.Object;
while (spineNodes.Count > 0)
var currentNode = spineNodes.Peek();
// only goes to right if right tree contains given span
if (Introspector.GetSpan(currentNode.Value).Start <= start)
var right = currentNode.Right;
if (right != null && end < MaxEndValue(right))
// right side, sub tree doesn't contain the given span, put current node on
// stack, and move down to left sub tree
var left = currentNode.Left;
if (left != null && end <= MaxEndValue(left))
// we reached the point, where we can't go down anymore.
// now, go back up to find best answer
while (spineNodes.TryPop(out currentNode))
// check whether current node meets condition
if (predicate(currentNode.Value, start, length))
// hold onto best answer
if (EqualityComparer<T?>.Default.Equals(result, default))
result = currentNode.Value;
var resultSpan = Introspector.GetSpan(result!);
var currentNodeSpan = Introspector.GetSpan(currentNode.Value);
if (resultSpan.Start <= currentNodeSpan.Start &&
currentNodeSpan.Length < resultSpan.Length)
result = currentNode.Value;
// there is no parent, result we currently have is the best answer
if (spineNodes.Count == 0)
return result;
var parentNode = spineNodes.Peek();
// if we are under left side of parent node
if (parentNode.Left == currentNode)
// go one level up again
// okay, we are under right side of parent node
if (parentNode.Right == currentNode)
// try left side of parent node if it can have better answer
if (parentNode.Left != null && end <= MaxEndValue(parentNode.Left))
// right side tree doesn't have any answer or if the right side has
// an answer but left side can have better answer then try left side
if (EqualityComparer<T?>.Default.Equals(result, default) ||
Introspector.GetSpan(parentNode.Value).Start == Introspector.GetSpan(currentNode.Value).Start)
// put left as new root, and break out inner loop
// no left side, go one more level up
return result;
public override string ToString()
=> $"Interval tree with '{System.Linq.Enumerable.Count(this)}' entries. Use '.ToList()' to visualize contents.";